03-322RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Council File # C� 3- 3 �. S, Green Sheet # 1 v► D�� � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 15.51 et. se�c . provides for the interchange of employees between a 2 governmental entity and a private employer; and 3 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 471.59 et. se�c ., requires the consent of the governing body of any 4 political subdivision to enter into agreement for such matters as employee interchanges; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Public Library must maintain and amact new funding from grants and 6 sponsorships and promote library needs and services in the community; and 7 WHEREAS, due to recent budget cuts it has been necessary to eliminate the position that provided 8 many of these functions; and 9 WHEREAS, The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library plays a major role in obtaining special 10 funding for the Saint Paul Public Libraries and is willing to provide one of their employees to provide 11 support services for these funding initiatives; and 12 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library desire to enter 13 into an agreement for the transfer of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library employee, Steve Nelson, to 14 perform these duties; and 15 WHEREAS, all salary, fringe benefits, pension costs and reasonable expenses of Steve Nelson shall 16 be paid for by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library; now therefore be it 03 •�1't 1 RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized to enter into a written agreement consistent 2 with the above recitals and applicable laws. � ��������� �� •3l�— Director of Libraries 3-20-03 GREEN SHEET N �10 � 0"94 Gina Lak'orce 266-7070 3T BE ON COIMCILAGH�&.W BY (pA7E1 � TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES aneanra � ' J�1�C.� m..,,� �' 3� �� _ ❑..�.�.��.�.. �..�.�� � WVORI�YOifMR� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A,oproval of Agreement with The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library for the services of Steve Nelson. Steve Nelson previously heid a position with Libraries but his position was eliminated in the recent budget cuts. � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �n� a� �rwor�rea wwa a a�maa r« m�s aeuammemz VES NO Fias VAS pe�saNfem e.er been e alY empbyee7 � rES r+o Oces Mie pe�e«uL�m D� a sldll not riam�lYD� M anv artent plY emabf'ee? YES NO Is Mis peisaJfilm a terpetetl verdMt VES NO ,.. � �. ,a.,.'T"["^`.7 � �iT7'i'.aP.�-_-'i fIATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (Who. What. When. WMre, WhY) This resolution authorizes City Officials to enter into an agreement, consistent with Minnesota Statutes Section 15.51 - 25.59, whicn provides an exchange of personnel at no cost to the City. An employee of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library will provide outreach support, fulfill qrant and sponsorship requirements and pzrform community�liaison activities. , ADVANTAGE6IFAPPROVED The City will receive the services of 5teve Nelson �t no cost to the City. 5���;"r_i�lF't �'�1.�A� 2 �' �lfU� None. There will be an adverse affect on the Library's aaility to support outreach, fulfill grant and sponsorship requirements and oerform communitv liaison activities. SOURCE INFORMATON (IXPLPJN) COET/REVDlUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNrtY NUI�ER 03 -3�z AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE FRIENDS OF THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC LIBRARY, A NIINNESOTA NON PROFIT CORPORATION This agreement is entered into the a�� day of March, 2003, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "Cit}�') and The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library, a Minnesota non profit corporation (hereinafter "Friends"). WHEREAS, Steve Nelson is an employee of Friends with certain rights and benefits as a Friends employee; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that Steve Nelson be the subject of a mobility agreement from Friends to the City to assume the duties described herein; and WHEREAS, this ag�eement is authorized by and subject to Minnesota Statutes 15.51- 15.59, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Effective upon approval by the Saint Paul City Councii, Steve Nelson will be the subject of this mobility agreement from Friends to the City for up to �[ months, commencing Apri17, 2003, subject to an extension, if any. 2. Under the direction of the Director o£ Libraries, Steve Nelson will perform duties including community relations and grant fulfillxnent. 3. This mobility agreement may be terminated at any time, with a minimum of 15 calendaz days notice by either of the parties. 4. For the duration of this mobility agreement, Steve Nelson will be an employee of Friends and will accnxe and retain any benefits, seniority, compensation with and only from Friends. Friends shall maintain the necessary workers' compensation and unemployment insurance as required by law as it affects Steve Neison. 5. Although the supervision of Steve Nelson's duties wili rest exclusively with the City, he is not a City employee and is not entitled to any City benefits including but not limited to, unemployment benefits, pension, sick and vacation leave, death and medical benefits. �3 -��1— 6. Nothing in this mobility agreement, explicitly or implicitly, shali be construed to be an offer or promise of permanent employment to Steve Nelson with the City. THE FRIENDS OF THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC LTBRARY, a Minnesota non profit corporation �.� � o�� Peter D. Pearson � � •' Approved as to Form: ���`� City Attorney Date: 3 � ZS � 03