255658 Orlafnsl to City Clerk - ORDINANCE 25�f58 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO ����� AN ORDINANCE SETTtING TH� CLAIM 4F ROBERT�I SWANSQH AGAINST THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUt Tk{E COUNCI,L OF THE CI,TY OF SAIPIT' PAU4 DQES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby au�hortzed to pay out of the Tort Liabiltty Fund 0035-42t, to Roberta Swanson. the sum of $271.69, in fu11 settlement of her clatm for damages and in3uries sustained on June 18, 1971, as a result of an acc�dent tnvo'�ving a C9ty vehtcie drtven by Thontas E. C^coran at or near the intersection of White Bear Avenue and Maryland Aaenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. 5ectton 2. That said sum shalt be patd to the satd claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Caunse't, for all damages and in3uries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance s1�a11 take effect and be in force tfifirty da�ys afiter 't�s pa�sage, a�proval and pubi tcatton, F VED Asst. C ration Counsel Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii SEP a 8197� Butler � �rr �'� COtlw�ty In Favor Levine �—' � � A gainat Sprafka T�a�� �� 197� Mr. President c rty) Approv • �EP ' A Cle �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By : QuB�isHEO T � 2 1�71 __ _ ; DyLaab ts PrLbr � O^R D I N A N C �E 24i5fki8 COUNCfI,FILE NO PRESC�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE SETTLING TNE CLAiM OF ROBEftTA S4�At�ISON A6AINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TNE CA1�ICIL OF TFtE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES 4RDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby aut�orized to pay out of tf�e Tort Liability Fund OQ35-421, to Roberta Srrun�on, the s�en of �271.69, in fytl settlement of her claim for da�sges aad in�uries sustained on June 18, 1971, as a result of an accid�t involving a City veh9cTe driven by Thomas E. Co^coran at or near the intersection of Mlhite Bear llvenue and Marytand Avenue, Saint Pa�], Minnesotd. � Section 2. That said sesa sha11 be paid to the satd ciaima�t upon his exec�tion ar�! delivery of a release in full to the City, in a for� to be approved by the Corporation Counzel, for all da�ages and in�uries sustai�ed 1n the manner afo�eaatd. Section 3. That this ordinance shail take effect aad be tn farce thirty days after its passaqe, approval and publicatio�. � s EP a 8�� Yeas Councilmen Nays P�seed by the Council Butler / �� Conw�tY �O Tn Favar Levine sp��` n A as�jngt Teaesco SEP �' 8 1 a�. ��a�t c��c�t�> �i��onea: 9�� Attest: City Clerk �syor �� ; : Forna approv� Corporation �ounael By . . .. � .__ ,. I st , � . 2nd � Laid over to % � 3rd and app. —Adopted ��_ Yeas Nays as Nays Butler Butler � Carlson �arkea � Levine �`'����� \� Levine � , Meredith �J Mewdi�, Sprafka ' 'sprafka �-/ Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President McCarty �Mn President McCarty O