03-320Council File # �3 � 3 �O Green Sheet # O$ 3- L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLVED, that the Sa3nt Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Workforce Investment Board. Name Kathleen Engesser Kathy Larkin APPOINTMENTS Representin� Business Business Eg�iration Date July 31, 2005 July 31, 2005 Mayor's Office VTACT PFRSOIJ & PFIONE Kurt Schultz 6-6590 DATE INffNTED 3-26-03 GREEN SHEET o[..ar�rowECra� � 2, 2003 NUMBERFOR ROVfING 63 -3 �o No 205376 � wrv�nowar ❑ a�racxrt ❑ AIa�,CInLSEM1VICF9oR ❑ ni�HC1�LaEAV/ACCTG ❑ WYOR(ORAfA4fMR) ❑_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Approving the appointment of Rathleen Engesser and Kathy Larkin to the :�_; Ramsey County Workforce Investment Baard. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION RSONAL SERVSCE CONTRAGfS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTiONS: Hd5 th13 PQI50I1/�fRl 2VEf WJlkEE Ilfld2! 8 COIIh3C1 fOf �Ill6 dEp2f�111011�� VES NO Has Mis ce��rtn ever been e dty emPbYee? YES NO Does this peisoNfirtn possess a sltili not namallyposseSSeU by arry curteM city employee7 YES NO �s mis pe�sonrcrm a rarpeted veMon YES NO � �C� �� ��� o��� NOT COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� SOURCE ACTNIN NUMBER VES NO INFORMAiION (IXPWN) O�i ��^ CI'TY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor r_� 390 Ciry Ha1t IS West Kellogg BouZevard Saint Paul. MN 55102 Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Date: .� March 26, 2003 Workforce Investrnent Board Telephone: 651-266-85I0 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Kathleen Engesser and Kathy Larkin to the Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board. Both their terms sha11 expire on July 31, 2005. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for their appointment. Piease remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any question regarding the appointments Attachments ca Shelley Rose - StaffPerson, Workforce Investment Board � 03 -3ao i / Private Information: (The data in this box is private.) w,� Kafhy Larkin .wnrue VP Human Resources p�ea�+po�en� Mertill Corporation ca,�ry Ramsey w«kn�w� One Merrill Circle ary St. Paul sT MN z,55108 651 632-1254 w�F� 651-632- 651-407 °�`"� —"�Fa� x c�i 1308 612-799-6966 e���naa� Kathy.Larkin@merrillcorp.com Personal References r�me John Castro am��s 898 Glouchester ary Boca Raton sr FL zro 33487 (1) WakPlwneCmdWearea HomePhonepMUdemeawee) 5s1- �) 651-632-'1211 gg5.9186 w�„e Pat Manalo aae�� 2200 Weils Fargo Center Gry Minneapolis sT MN zo 55402 � 90 So. 7"' Street Work Phane (ridutle area Hwrie Phone (iMJWe area mCe) coee) 612-766-8915 What aze your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? As a lazge employer in the azea, I see this as an opportunity for my organization to serve in addressing workforce issues facing our community. In what cities or communities do your provide services? What services aze provided? N/A noq,v�wi�w�az-i Page 1 of 3 az-oz.o�.m �\ � - .` Public Information: (The data in this box is public and, therefore, available to the public. ) Ran�SeY County �s recruiting individuals to represent various categories. Appliqtions will continue to be accepted for future vacancies as well. Please indicate below the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Please note: Business, Education or Labor positions reqnire a nominaHon letter as described below: -------------------------------- ---------------------�------------ ----------°------------°--°- ° BusiIIess, defined as fOr-pro£t (Nomip¢ted by local business organizations and/or business trade associations— attach your nomination letter.) XO Business owner, chief execufive or operating offices, XD Represen[ business wit}� �p�oyment oppor[unities and other execvfive or eanployer with optimum that reflect the local azea policymaking or hiring avthority. ❑ Represent a chamber of commerce ❑ Represent the health care industry � Also, please indicate if you represent a lazge or small ( fewer than 500 employces) business: X_ Large _ Small ---------°--------------•----------------- ---- - - - ---------'-°-------------'----'----------- Community-Based Organization, de£med as nonprofit organizations ❑ Represrntative of communities or significant ❑ Organization secving non-reservation Indian and segmenis of communities providing job training tribal govemment ❑ Agency serving youth ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities ❑ Union-retated orgaaization � ���. ���. � ❑ Employa-retated nonprofit organization (eaccludes � chaznber of commerce) ------------------------------------------------° °-------'-----------------------------------' Economic Development Agency '--- ❑ Privatesector ---------------'-'°-----------------------'--'---'------� Publicsector ------'------------------'-----'-------- - ----------- Education (Nominated by regiomal or local education agenciu, institutionr, or arganizations representing such local educaHonal entittes —¢ttack your nomination leaer.) ❑ Local eduptional entities (including K-12) ❑ postsecondazy educazional institutions ❑ Local school boazd � �� ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy aaivities --------'-"'--'-------'--'-'--' •--'-°--'--"- -'-----------------°---' —°-°'---'------" Labor (Nominated by recognized state and/orloca/laborfederations — a#ach your nomination IeKer.) ❑ Labor ---' -------- ° ---------------- ----'----°-------'---'-------'------'---'-----°-"--'- -------------- Onc Stop Workforce Center Partners, defined as the pazmers that caay out rhe foliowing activifies / programs: ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Nafive ❑ postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocationat American and Veteran's Workforce (WIA Title n and Applied TecMology Education Act) ❑ WagnerPeyser Act ❑ Aduit Education and Literacy (WIA Title In ❑ Trade Adjus�nent Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA ❑ Local Veterans' Employment Representarives and TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title II) Disabled Veterans Ouheach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Vocationat Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Tide n ❑ Communiry Services Biock Grant ❑ Weifaro-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Depar(ment of Housing and Urban Development ❑ Senior Community Service Emptoyment (Tide V of ❑ State Unemploymrn[ Compensation Laws (in the Older Americans Act) accordance with applicable Federal iaws) ° ' °° "�" ° " w ' a "`' Page 2 of 3 R 2-�¢.o].kf i' , �;�� f� ,.__ 03 -3�0 Public Information: (The data in this box is public and, therefore, available to the public.) � Kathy Larkin c�,,. Ramsey rw�aamgs 6524 White Oak Road c�ry Lino Lakes ST zP 5503 MN What skills, training and elcperience do your possess for WIB membership? Please attach a 1- to 2-page resume. Twenty years experience in Human Resources, nine years in role as Vice President for Memll Cotporation. During my tenure with Merrill, the company has experienced significant growth and change, as a result among the competencies I would bring to this boazd include change management and team buflding. With respect to education, I possess a BS in Business from the University of Minnesota and an MBA from the Univecsity of St Thomas. Are you a veteran? Mail or €stte � . -=- __G�9° ��� - �`211 ❑ Yes XO No �lppuea8on [a ' ° - Fas b5I:22� ��7? -_ �nt&aard Phene �SI.222-6SOG 'I'enns aze normally two years, commencing on the date of appointment and ending July 31. The Worl�'orce Investment Boazd's regulazly-scheduled meetings are held the &�t Thursday, every other month from 230 to 4:30 p.m, Members aze expected to also serve on at least one s4wding committee. Standing committee meeting schedules vary. The informalion on this application will be used to evaluate and select members of the Workforce Investment Board (WiB), Applicants may refuse to supply the requested information. Aowever, eacept for optional voluntary information, the failure to complete the application may result in it being discarded. This data may be revierved and used by Ramsey County and Saint Paul city staff. Thank you for your interest! Commissioner District aoW�mmviez-, For O�ce Use Only Planning District P=�e 3 of ? City Council Wazd R2-03.0].IX4 O � .3 �o i / Private Information: (The data in this box is private.) Name Job Title Kathieen P. Engesser Vice President — Marketing & Communications Place of Empioymmt County U.S. Bank Ramsey wcnc nae�ess ary sr LP U.S. Bank Trust Center, 180 East Fifth Street St. Paul MN 55101 Wak Phone Work Fax Home Phane Otl�er Phone: Home Faz X Cell (651)244-8440 (651)244-5983 (651)686-2852 (952)210-1459 EmailAdtlress kathleen.egesser@usbank.com Personal References �� Diane Thormodsdgard ACtlress Gry 5T Zip � U.S. Bank Place, 800 Nicoliet Mall Minneapolis MN 55402 Work Phme (ndude area code) Home Phone (ndude area coCe) (612) 303-7936 (612) 202-4536 (ceil) Name LaChel Hird aaaress ary sr Zv � 12905 Hamlet Ave. Apple Valley MN 55124 Work Phme (intlutle area cotle) Hortre Phona (ir�duCe area code) (612)376-4512 (952)686-2832 What aze your reasons for vranting to serve on the WtB? I believe that everyone can and should contribute to their communities. My experience in the workforce, plus my pazticular skills as a mazketing and communications professional will enable me to make a valuable, usefui conhibution. Ensuring that people have the opportunity to be self-sufficient and build self-esteem through productive work efforts by bringing together the business community with those wiih special workforce needs is a worthwlule goal that will bring positive results to the azea now and long into the future. In what ciries or communities do your provide services? What services aze provided? U.S. Baok provides complete banking and financial services throughout the country, particulazly in the St. PaullMinneapolis azea, where out corporate headquarters aze located. With more than 1Q000 employees in the azea, U.S. Bank provides jobs at ail skill levels to people in the community. � ,_ _ Page'lof3 az-azmm �\ �'. Public Information: (The data in this box is pubZic and, therefore, available to the public.) Ramsey Commty is recruiting individuals to represent various categories. Applications will continue to be accepted for future vacancies as well. Please indicate below the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Please note: Business, Educarion or Labor positions require a nominarion letter as described below: Business, deFmed as for-profit (Nominated by [ocal business orgarsizations and/or business trade associations — attach your nomination letter.) ❑ Business ovmer, chief executive or operating officer, []✓ Represent business with employment opportunities and other execu[ive or employer with op[imum that retlect the local area policymaking or hiring authority. ❑ Represent a chamber of commerce ❑ Represent the heatth care industry � Also, please indicate if you represent a lazge or small (fewer than 500 employees) business: _X_ Large Small -------'-------'------"'---°------°°-'-'-'---------'------------°--'---------'-------------'--°— ----'--' Community-Based Organization, defined as nonprofit organizations ❑ Representative of communiries or significant segments of communities providingjob training ❑ Agency serving youth ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization ❑ Employervrelated nonprofit organization (�clndes chamber of commerce) ------°------' _"-'---------°°-° °-'---------'-- Economic Development Agency ❑ Organization serving non-reservation Indian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabitities ❑ Other. ❑ Private sector ❑ Public sector "--' -' ----------' ------' -'-----""--------------' -----' -------' —' ----' ------------' -'---' ------"' -------' Education (Nominated by regional or local education agencies, institutions, or organizations repruenting such local educational entities— attach your nomination letter.) ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Pos[secondary educational institutions ❑ I.oca] school boazd ❑ Other. ❑ Entities providing adult education and ]iteracy activities Labor (Nominated by recognized state and/or [oca( laborfederations — attach your nomination !¢tter.) ❑ Iabor One-Stop Workforce Center Partners, defined as the partners that cazry out the fol�owing acdvities / programs: ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, NaGve American and Vetecan's Workforce (WIA Title I) ❑ Wagner-PeyserAa ❑ Trede Adjushnent Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title II) ❑ Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) ❑ Welfaze-to-WorkProgams(SocialSecurityAct) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Cazl D. Perkins Vocarional and Applied Technology Education Act) ❑ Adult Educafion and Literacy (WIA Title II) ❑ Local Ve[erans' Employment Representafives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Gren[ ❑ Deparhnent of Housing and Urban Development ❑ State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with app]icable Federal laws) 03 -3?� co,,,p«eawiennw��o� Page 2 of 3 Rz-reozru Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board Membership Application / % i � / ' Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board Membership Application Public Information: (The data in this box is public and, therefore, available to the public.) �me Kathleen P. Engesser co„m,. Ramsey FbmeAtltlrPSS 4141 Country View Drive I Gry Eagan I sr MN I z 55123 What skills, training and experience do your possess for WIB memberslup? Piease attach a i- to 2-page resume. More than 15 years in mazketing and communications in a variety of industries within the Twin Cities azea. I possess managerial skills including people and budget management. Responsibilities have inciuded promoting organizarions, products and services available to both intemal and extemal customers. In addition, much of my efforts require promoting team work between business divisions to ensure a posidve outcome for all groups involved. Are you a veteran? ❑ Yes H No . Mailorfi ` Shelley F , Itamsey i � '�, `c/o LogIi 3b0 RobF ;.'-Saint'Paa �ur WIB Membetslup t1 dy World'orce Tnvestme� reef I3a�th� 3axfe 50Q N 551Q1 l�cafion to . _ ,..' ` = ='Fax #5�222-557? °' Baar� - Phone 651-222 65Q6 . _ � . Terms aze normally two yeazs, commencing on the date of appointment and ending July 31. The Workforce Investment Boazd's regulazly-scheduled meetings are held the first Thursday, every other month from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Members aze expected to also serve on at least one standing committee. Standing committee meeting schedules vary. The information on this application will be used to evaluate and select members of the Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Applicants may refuse to supply the requested information. However, escept for optional voluntary information, the failure to complete the application may result in it being discarded. This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Paul city staff. Thank you for your interest! Commissioner District ComqNeC WiBPypGatian For Oflice Use Only Planning District _ Page 3 of 3 City Council Wazd _ R2-0201¢t 03 w3�0