255654 Oriatnsl to City Clerk . �ORDINANCE ��� COUNCIL FILE NO �- PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO�L < <� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING TNE CLAIM OF ST. CLAIR INVESTMENT C0. AGAINST TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF 7HE CITY QF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper C1ty officers are hereby authorized and dtrected to pay out of the Tort L�tabil4ty Fund 0035-421, to the St. Clair Investment Company. the sum of $131.61, tn full settlement of their clatm of damages sustained to their property on or about the month of October as more particularly set out in a communication to �he City Council on October 29, 1970. Section 2. 7hat said sum shall be pafid to the satd claimant upan the execution and delivery of a re'�ease 1n full to the City in a form to be approved by t�e Corparatton Counsel, for alt damages sustained in the manner aforesatd. Section 3. That thls ordtnance shall take effect and be tn force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. F APPR V D � orporation C � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cofincil S E P 2 819.7�1 Butler (,.� Le���CO��,� � `�=' In Favor `� A�eredit�k- � ^ Sprafka . « Against Tedeaco SEp 2 S 191a esident (M Cart ) Appro A t: C' C erk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . . �UBUSHED �j 2 �97� ne�n�as.a r� � �QRDIN' ANCE _ , COUNCIL F(LE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � AN ORDI�AntCE SETTLING THE CLAIh1 0� ST. CLAIR INYESTr�iENT C0. � AGAIN�T THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI THE COUNCIL OF TME CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorfzed and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, ta the St. Clatr Investm�nit Canpaqy. the sum of �131.61. in fu11 settleaent of their ciat� of damages sastained to their property on or about the month of Ocfiober as nare partfcularly set out 1n a comnunicatf� to the City Council on October 29, 1970. Section 2. That said sum shall be pnid to the said clai�ant upon the execntfon and delivery of a release in fu11 to the City tn a form to be approv�d by the Corporation Counsel, for all d�a�ges sustained in the manner aforesaid. Sectlon 3, That this ordinanca sha11 take effect and be in force thirt�r days a�fiter its passage, approval and publicntion. s�Pas �a7� Ye�s Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Counei� Bu6�r�s�t Cor+W�at Levine 1` ° Fa�or S� � ro°'►�nst �. ��t t��c�t,v) SF P 2 8 197� Att�t: AAproved: City Clerk Ma�or �� � Forxn approved Corporatioa �ouneel By � _ I st ` b _ 2nd ` I � Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted— � ! Yeas Nays �(eas Nays. Butler �Bu+ler Carlson �� �.�.aFtcoa Levine 25�f,54 \Levine Meredith (��� ,adere-''�«;r- � Sprafka 't 'sprafka \��� J Tedesco . Tedesco \\ Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O .