255647 ORIi1MAL'TO O4'¢Y CL�K ' 255�4'� •- CITY OF ST. PAUL f,OE NCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WI�REAS, P suant to Section 203.3 of the City Charter, the �omptroller did report to the City Council on March 9th that funds were available in the General Revenue Fund Balance - Dedicated - Debt, and WHEREAS, There presently exists in the Dedicated Fund Balance Debt a sum in excess of $223,009.51, and WHEREAS, The City Council by its resolution (C.F. 225329) did authorize the proper city officals to borrow a sum not to exceed $244,044.00 to finance the City's 27'�% share of the 1970 Welfare Deficit, and WHEREAS, The proper�city officers did request and receive bids for a loan to finance the 1970 Welfare Deficit in the amount of $220,797.00 for a period not to exceed one year at an interest rate of 2.75% from the North- western National Bank; and WHEREAS, Said loan included the option to redeem said noteat any time from and after 30 days of the date of said note; and Wf�REAS, It is the desire of this Council to exercise such privilege; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the appropriation in the 1971 Budget for Deht in Charter Fund 28, Bond and Note Interest and Charter Fund 30, Bond and Note Redemptions be increased as follows: Charter Fund 28 - Bond and Note Interest Activity 0938 - Note Interest $2,212.51 Charter Fund 30 - Bond and Note Redemptions Activity 0943 - Note Maturities $220,797.00 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the 1971 Revenue Summary be revised in the item General City Debt, General Revenue Fund Balance - Dedicated by increasing said item in the amount of $223,009.51, and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler � CONWAY Approve� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst ) Mr. President, McCarty ' � ' c �.? �� ORIGINAL��TY CLBRK 2��U� / �• � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt �ATF FINALLY RESOLVED, That this resolution shall not be adopted by the City Council until after a public hearing has been held, for which five (5) days public notice shall be given once in the official newspaper of the City, and the approval of the City Comptroller is endorsed on this resolution. APPROVED: APPROVED: v... r , �o. S ,-, Corporation Counsel Clemens J � chleck � City Comptroller By . SEP 9197f� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays 9 �j' Butler - �� � ve 19� Levine � _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty SEP l l 1971 PUBLISHED � " s� ��� � s � � T1G QP' P' Dr$I'�T `�� ` t �O(#�T 'r ,��+: � �. '!�� ,�� � ''I ��i th! �E 0 g ::: B to "W � isid a]pa�tec�t' � � I , , i�. ,�ri� _ , , . • , � . ��,i('� CJ�/ NOTICE OF PUBLIC �G ON IlVCREASING APPROPRIATICfl�TS IlV THE SAINT PAUL CITY BUDGET FOR 1971. PUBLIC N4TICE is hereby given that puxsuant to Saint Paul City Charter, Section 203.3, the Saint Pau1 City Council will hold a public heari.ng on the 8th. day of September, 1971, at 10:00 A. M., in the Counci:l Chambers in the City Hall and Court House Buildi.ng, Saint Pa�1., Minnesota, for the purpose of considerin.� adjustments to the adorpted budget for 1g71, to 3ncrease certain apprs�riationa in said adapted budget. Dated August 2�+, 1971. HAR1�Y E. MARSHALL, City Clerk ( August 28, 1971. ) ' DUTL�CATB TO lRIN7�R '� r-� . . . CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�UNCIL NO����+ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRFSEM'ED tY COMMISSIONER oATE i�RSA3, Pursuant to Section 203.3 of the City t�utrter, t$t�r:Comptroller did report to the City Council oa March 9th that funds �ere availabls in the General R�vsnue Fund Balance - Dedicated - Debt, aad WH88SA5, There preaentlq exiats in the Dedicated Fund Balance Debt a �um in excesa of $223,009.51, and �EAB, The City Couacil by ite resolation (C.F. 225329) did autboriae the propar citq officals to borroi► a aum aot to exceed $244,044.00 to finanee the Citq'a 27�'X shars of the 1970 Welfare Deficit� and W�RBAS, The proper city officers did reque�t snd receive bida for a loan to fiaance tha 1970 Welfare Deficit in tha anouat of $220.797.00 for a period aoC to exceed one ysar at an interest rate of 2.75X fram the IQorth- we�tern Natioaal Bank; and ' WI�RBA3, 3sid loan included the optioa to redeea �aid aote at any time from aad after 30 daqs of the date of aaid note; and �FtBAS, It ia the desire of thia Couacil to exercise ,such privilege; � therefore, be it RESa.VBD, That the appropriation in the 1971 Budget for Dabt ia Charter Fund 28. Bond aad Note Interest aad Charter Fund 30, Boad and 14ote R�ed�mptioas be iacr�ssed a• followas Chartar Fuad 28 - Bond and Note Iaterest Activity 0938 - �1ote Intere�t $2,212.51 Charter Fuad 30 - Boad and Hote Redemptions Activity 0943 - Note Maturities $220,797.00. snd be it FORTHBR RSSOLVED, That the 1971 Reveaue 3wm�wrq be revised in th� item Geaeral City Debt, General Revenue Fuad Bslaace - Dedicst�d by tncreas#c►g 1�l�d item in the amount of $223,009.51, and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> 19_.. Yeas Nays Butler � Q(�1WAY APProo� 19� Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka ��� A�inwt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� : 'OU�LCATt TO MlIN'RR � .. �/�;�n(j� �'' . < , . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa "' "z • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRgB�lTED BY COMMISSIONER ^ATG FINAI.LY RSSOLV�D, That thi� resolution shall not be adopted by the City Cauacil uatil after a public heariag has been held, for which five (5) day� publie notice ahall be givea oace ia the official neatpaper of th� City� and the approval of th� City Comptroller is endorsad on tbis resolutioa. APPROVBDi APPROVBDs }�+�i�+— �i s Corporation Counasl Clemeas J. Schlecl� 8�� .�� City Comptroller SEP 9 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Y� But�� Nayg SEp 919�i � � Approv� 19`. Levine �C, Tn Favor Meredith �� Sprafka � A�.ingt Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���