255645 OR161MA�-TO CITY CL6RK 6
• CITY OF ST. PAUL cour,c�� �5�s45
COMk115510NE ATE
RESOLVED� Tha. the Ma.yor, Director of Model Cities Department,
City Clerk and City Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed
to execute on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul Ag,reement between
. the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Model Cities Department,
and the St. Paul Association for Retarded Children, Inc. , a copy
nf said Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein
by reference.
�oR vE�:
t ratio Counse!
SEP 919�1
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nay�
Butler 919T1
��;g• rove SEp 19`
Levine Favor
Sprafka , yor
A gainst
Mr. Preaident, McCarty SEP 1 Y 1971
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, ot: t.,�i.e i�1od��J_ C:i�..:,_c_s Dep��i�.rnez�t, p�r�oi°n� 1�11{�s� �.ctitia_r_:� <<,s s��t: �_ai�i.��
!_i1 L�.lt' ���.�t�.C11�C� I�c';2�: .l._[ c:i1lG Srl�.�_ I_ l7i'1':1�0T'TT? �.��.E'_ a r L:i��i_��±.c�s L:':'L L�"l:t'13.
t;.�'t.�^ �:1_ii7..�'.�Cc1.0 1_c' S r=t f O l't]"1 1T1. ��c'z i� �.�. «
I3o 1?ur�;i°�;i�� (1) The .!��;�n.cy shal?_ cc�irnenc� ��C-'.I":EOYP.I`d1�C�: O�
i?zis .cc�nt�=.�:�cc� o��� i�l��e d�t� oi _g 19 , a�c�.
s��ai_:l con�i>i�te pe�:C�r�,�.-An�c���a �7�ai.��r i=h:�.Er.i��'tI-;e .�.Q���. day °f ��...�
_,..�._.___a y 19�� , .
(2) �t is e;;�ressZy �ridersi�ood u�zd ��Ur�ecl tha� :i_�,.
no eveni� ��7i7_� tl-�e i.otal ��rac�i,n'� ta bc� paid '>y� t�i,.e ��S�dul
Cii�ies Dc�r:ar�.ii�c.��f� �o L-hu �Age�ic.y� ur?cj�?� "liis �`�&r_een���.�ii�
eacced tlie sum o�� ; 41.� l05 a u�J :�or ��17.1. und comple�e
satisfacti�xv pe.rios-ii�::�;-�cc �?n accordr,.���c� ���:itl.z Ll�i� budgei�
att�c.�7.�d ��o t�l�i� C��,�rc�emen.� in Pa�-t� i T q �?��ci 111 no evcizi�
J^ r i
sh.al.l ext:,eE�d i.h� ���r,av.a.li� o.�_ I'ed�ra't. �ur�o.; recci�Tcd b;,
Alocie� C:i.t:a_es ll-�p,��-�inent� �ra�ri t��c ]��:3��i:c�.r���rit �� Housin�;
and Url.�an lle�cl_op�nez.L (lit;D; f oz� ��hi.s ��-c�j�ct ��ux�s��ant
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tC) � �_�' li�),';' E �` i_j_ o t� � , �t � .. � •
: ��;�� � �l:�ca_� � �� � - �.1.c �s.�vc F�:i_.rst�
Yc��.r. t�c ��oi T'1_�,� , ; T �_ ,, ' ' .
��.Z �.s .��;i��r, c:d 1_�y .11�l�.
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1T'. � �.1C' C��:�'ci.C:i_1�.;� 1�?i.C�� � � -� c ' -c
. ,���, ti:l_1 pro�.o ���� �: ��<��:: a�t�,� �vo tl��
13�JU`;C L I:"Iil�� ��e'. sl�.•U_;11 i G�Q�. �G �)."ln 1�i0u�
J C:i_t�.e�� D;�J�a�tm�,»t:
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c`3 !-�i��E:i! I�=?C� c3.i11:-:iiCt �. }�'�t�i �:� ,
��S� -.: iC� > � < C.t. �_'[I"1_ 7_l,.C:1LS C•dJ �=170'i1�
1�:ocic�J C'.Lt:ie:� 1)e���.�t-, �,�.t ` ., �ar� ttei: �p��rovul unc�er
t��"1C'_ �C.i. �.O1';'.L'I.i� G�_I:C;l'_.i;`_�� `ci?iGc..'S .
�� _ �
i) `L�i�� ��e��isiari os a linc i�.��r,i c�t��s not, col��
st�i.i�-�}'=:c �� sti.bstant.i_��:L c:ia��U� in Pf-��g�-am
oLject;_t�ess �,���d
ii) Th.e rcc.-a_sion o� ` �:�nc itc.�l doc�s not can-
st:ii�ut.c �z ch<<;z�e o� rrior� ti��:.i 10°,� of. the
line it.em or ;�`% of ti�e tot�� Bucig�t..
b) �gency rna�= arr�enci the �udgct a� follot,�s onl�T upo�-� t.l;.e
prior �,-?"':I_LtC-_Il ap,�roval o:� thF� �iodel Cit:ies D�parLm�nL' s
D1T�CtQ]:'� �
i) Th� re��isian doe, noi, cons�.�tiat.e a s>>?,�sta,�t.ia�..
changc in j)z'O��"�£�iil ovject�i�re�,; and th� tr_ansi��-
. O� Oil.;3 �_1:l-C 1i�C'_ii_ �:U ��110�?ii?i 1.7.T1C� 1'l=Ci�i CiOc"':� I.O� �
constitu�e a cl�angc� oi nlorc than 15;�. of �l.�e
li��e ii�ei��l or 10% oi the toi�al approved 13udgct�
ii) The revi_s:�on o�' a .l.iize item const:ii�uLes a
change of rnor� i�han 10"/� af t.he line item or_
more than 5% of the tota:� Iiudgei�.
c) The foJ.l..o�ai.rz€; amendments reqtri_re a Coni_ract arr�enciment
and ���rit�en approva.l of i�he Tfod�l Neighborhood P7_anizir��;
Council and the Saint Pau1 Ca_ty Council:
i) The proposc,d r��rision constitl.zi�es a substantial
chan�;e in the pi•o�z-arn objectives, Lhc� scope of
scrvices set forth i1z this E'��-r-e�m4nt ai�.d/or
the wa-r_l: p.rograms or
:ii) Any chan;� w]h.ich �aoulu c��se ti.1c Go i:.a:t a.moun�
of tl��e Fu:lbet to be excced�d ; or
iii) The transSer_ f�_o�r� c�ne line �tem t.� �2rtoL�h.rr line
item �,rould constitute � cha.nge of tnor_E� �nan 15%
of tl-ie line itcrn o-r rnare tl:a:.� 1C�% of i:hc� total
� � .
,, . , .
(iv) Trie c'�a;:`;cs :i_n ;r�?.�-�,�_c�1 1ac�it�i_on of �zpproved
n2'O��C1: [7C)LLLCI ]'i:Si:�:':i_C'i:: i=.�i.�? 1?�:ia:'i:1Cl��.t:i_OT1 O1
T'1OC�E'_� I�C:i1o�"l�)01i�.00:� L"F.:S1Ci('ll'l:S .
(4) S1-�bject to t;l,e ��ec�i��t af_- ft�.n_�s from �he_ L1�-�ii�ed
SLaces D��I��:z.°t�rnent. of l�ousi.iz� �.,-,:3 Uib��n D��vc:Lopn:ci�t.� tl�e
Mo;le:? Cic:i_es Dep,^r_tu,c:,��t. sl��wl._� i:�:,_l:�_ p�z;T;n<_r,t. u��:�er t1�:is
Co�:��.r�1c�: _i_7i t:��e �al)_c;��;:i�;�; rn�rn,er� .
11.e ��,�c��,��7 si;�_.11_ 1;i-��,�i�r to l��oc7.c"1 Ci_.i.i_c,s D�p��f�n-.�nt.
r�11 :L��i � � 1.t=��: -t::=;�1�1`;.i_L]_O;:i 1G1" �it10T'L�;..).�' � ��'3}.�XX?�X?�}� � L'C'1tP.°°
burse�n;�nt.� :in ioii:� «pp:�-oved. by i:�iocael Cii�ies Del;a-r_t:<<Z��zt ancl
i�h� C�_t�� Co�:��p��-rollez°. Reyuz_s:it:icizs sl�a��11 sc,i� fortli the
dispos:it::ic�ii oa. amounts s��elzt dt�.-r_irxg tl;.G pr°ececlii�� (��oiith)
c�¢���� �ogctlzcr_ �ai_�7�� an e.st:�.r�:�te af c:>;l�enses te be in�
cu�-r_ed cl�,.ri��` thc� ne�.t� su.ccc,c:iin� (rnoilth) (���x) y �171.ti1
refe�-�nce to cxp.;,se. categor.i�s as s�t fort.n i_n the
attach�c� Bu.ci�et :in�,oxpol�ated ���-i_.�hir� Part 1_T � 1�1o:.3el Cities
Dcpari:r*.�cn�� ���=i.�_1 tnul:e Pa_yrr!ent i�o the l�.g��i�.cy �-�itl�iin 30 da��s
afi�er rece�_p� of th.e -reqv.i_s;t:ioi�9 aftc�r 1����vizzg a.evic�a�d
and appr_ov�c� i�he r_�c�u.i_sii�ion.. Requis�_ta_or�s sl:a.11 i�zclu:�e
tl-�c follu�-,�iilg cate�;or3_�s :
(a) Personnel (�c����es , fra_nge venef:�i�s)
(b) Consultants
(c) Space :c�ei�.ta1. �
(c3) Tr_at-el �
(e) Consurnal:�1� supplies �
(f) Tquipinent•-xc�ntal, 1_ease
(g) Ot�her costs .
(5) The Age1�.cST s'.a11 c:�.i.n+�ai_n velificat�ion for a11 e�:�
penditures i��.clud7_ng9 Lut not lirr2ited to, time sh�ets,
invaices and recei2�ts, and shall lceep and reL-ain such
� documentat.ion �or tl�e p�_riod of tim� that� is requ�_red to
main�ain its xecoxds h�reunder.
(6) No requisitions shall be filled ii', at the time it
is made, the l�gency 11as more than 4% of the tai�al Model
Cities llepartme�lt funds allacated under this Agreement on
deposit in its deposi.tor�T.
C. Independent Contractor: For the purPose of this Agreement,
Lhe Agency sh�a 11 be deemed to be an �_ndependerit. contraci�or, and not
an employee oi the Cz�y. Any ar_d a11 employces af the Agency or
, .
. 7 . � r
o�- o�hca- pei�sons � �<;l�.i_1_e �n�;�;.t;ea a.�z �l-ie L,��_:�arr :;.;�ice o� �7�y t;�oi-�. ox
_ . 7• i ` ^�_ �� r � -�ii .�„ ' L �. .. _ f�,� C�1;� -
sc�-� i_c�s ��ec;��:�.�_,�c_ l�y t.h-�. ��,f,���cy tr�_: c:_ i�1�1_s �,"�_c.c:r.;�__lzt, ._�._.�7_1 r,ot
be co1�5:� d;�.red ern��1_oycE�s o:� tlze Ca_i:�� , a;,�.d a_;ry ��rid ��7_7_ cl��.ims that
ITIxZ�'. C2' 'il� f;�21�. <;.1:1_S�� lll�'l�'�" �=�1C �!Q"L"��L'C:� S 3 �;0���.)^;.;�'�:1�7_011 /�Cf� O�
r'11.Iiltr'Svi��l. iil.i ��[:i�.<-'.1_� U:f S�"�..LU Ci�'���.0) ��i.:ti O1: O'l:}�t::Y' �C_'��'011S �'�'1')..1_�.C� SQ
Cil�t,�1�;CC� ; �?C3�1�7-��`; I._._ZLIt_�_GTi i.?";.,�?11J`�:�.f,Ce'_ CO\?(�::�_'�l€i'_.> ; �OC1.c`3..1 �it�CU.l=7_t:.�' u.T1Ci
PE'_i7`7J_C11 l) .t!?::�"I��S �?.7�C�. �C:'71�� !_.LLSy ��.}�_C'T CPij�.� O:��c:C' O>>.�.1€;�±.1�:lOI"1S �3T�� �)�'tlf.�
- 1.LC�-c; s o r� n -•,• �� � ,I.�. �G� . .U:� �T �� �� ' � �. . �T `�...ci i�. L����f�'"
u i),.i c;)1, �JJ.,�!. c.: ci 7_Tll t; i11.=i � �� c,.,). t.�.1:�.7'CI �c 1"I:_ �
C�t1�7.GC' O� 'r:1�j' <s.C� Oi Cii�:1 �S_i_GTl Ot1 i.l".E� 1=�z�7'� O� � i^r� 1 `�C-7"IC�%, �11�
eini�lo3-cc��< o� c��-)�cr P._ � �. �. � � �
i on� t•,�n�_ 1� sc ei�����,�� i c��� rzny of �he ��aorl: or
seJ_vices i�o bc rencieLedS s1��;11 i�i r.�o wc-�y�l�e tlz� oi�ligai-.i_o-,., o?�
resl»n:>i.bi�i��� o� �lie Ca_t�y. Tl��.e Agenc�T s;�al1 L�ay as thcy b`cor�e
due a1J_ just claa_����; for ��,ork, too1� , mach:�,-ier�T� s?ci11, rr���crials,
ins�_iral�c� Pr_e.i�ii:.�rs , equ�_}�lr��izi. and su�nJ_ies f_urnisl�ed, �°endered or
per..i�oiniec; ir� i�1..-�e cxecut�ion oi this l��rec���:it�
D. No nisc.r:i..rnin�t;ion4 Th� Agcnc�T s].�a11 be cieemed a contr�ctor
r� ,_�._._.___..,.._,�...�,.-
for_ th� ap}�Ti_�_cai.loii oJ_ a1.J_ provis:i_atZS h�r�of and 1_u��?s aga:i_nst un--
Ia�c�iiil diUcrimi_LiaLion on accou�zt of r��cey creed, sexf age, or coloi:
The Age;�.cy agrees :in acc:orda�i�t.e �s•az_th Cl�..pt,�r 23�� La�as of. i�l�.e
Sta#�e o� T�iinnesota for 1941s that in the hirs_ng of commoiZ or s].c:i_11.ed
1ai�o�- i or. t.hc� Perfo�_�r�nce of anjr c,Torl: t?nder Lh:i_s Contr�zct or any
su�?�,.ont�-L ct her_cur.cic:-; zlo cc�t�act��-, rr:��c=:ri a1 suPp)_:it�,-; or ver.ic'c:c
sha27_, by reason oL race, cieed or col.or, di���cr�iminate a€;air�st any
person �,-ho is a cii�iz�n of tl�e Unit.ed States ���ho i_s qtlalif_i.ed and
available Lo per.form tlze �aork to ��7hich such employmen� relates �
i.hat no conLr�.cto�.,, material suppli.er or ve��dor under this Cozzt�-ac�
shall in az�y manner discriminate a�ainst., or intimida_t�e, or ��rev�zzt
the employmexz� of any persons or on being h1:LE..'CI9 preven�, or con�
s�ire to pre�Teni�g any person from tl�e pex�oit?�rLce of �aork under
tl�ais Con�Lract on account of ruc�s creed or coJ_or; and thai� i:his
Co�.�traci� may Ue cancelled o-r terminate�i Uy the City, and a11 money
due or to Uecome due l�iexe�u.nder_ shal]_ be forfei�ed f.nr a sccol-�d or
any s`uUsequent violation of the tezms or condii�ions of this Contraci�.
This Coi�tract� is subject to Title VI oi' th� Civil Rights Act
of 1964 (P. L. 88-352. arproved July 2, 196��) and the rules and
regulations (24 CFI.:p Subtitle A, Par� 1) ,. issued by the I-�ousing
an.d Home Finance Agency pursuant thereto.
E. Indemnif-ication: It is furt�l�er agreed that the l�gency
sha11 defen aiid save t�ie City of Sa:i�.z�. Paul IZarml�ss from any
claims , demands, actions or causes o£ action arising out of any
n�gligent. act or out of any negligent om�_ssion on the part of- the
Agency, its agents, servants, or employces in tl�e per_formance of- or
with rel.ation to any of the work or ser��ices provi_ded to be per-
formed or furnished Uy �he Agency undcr the terrns of Lhis tlgreem�nt.
, � • .
, . ,
I''. RC::SIC1C'i1t� I:i�?��.�.C���.!c'T�:= ci.l�;:.l �-`.': :� 1" _ !;:" 1`.�C.'i71.' 1 1"'.?i:li�lll:S : SE'Ct7.C�1.7
103(a) o� �li� l:�:�r,,,,��str�:�t�.���ri( i� � : _ :.,;> > � ;_ � � ct����_:�'t.��li.. .�;��vc:].c;�;...c��Zt
Act of 196G rcc�u:�x�es � 1,�:,t �� c o.��1�� f,�_�i�< � �, c c:i.t�� dc,ro��st.i��+i_ori ��ro-
����� ,,. �
g�arn pr.ov.i_de -'� �a�.i_mur�� o���;»r����,�'zt�ies �_or� en�i,>J_c�tiri.n�; res:i_der�ts
O� t}"LC �'lr'C'cl. 1T1 ��11_ ��klc'�SL'S U1:= t:�:li_'. i�7:0�"L"��Iil ��1-1_� C"1"11.:1 t �i:U. Oj�i�07'j�t?.1�.1�]..C'�
t r t r�� ,
for C�,,o�l: aizd trairiir��� ��n� tl,at :�t „ , ti�;.I;c� ir_z:�kecl �pi_o;;�-e;�s iri
reduci_n� .. ;: , underc-�.i���►_o��mcnt ��nd r�7lforc�.�cl a_cil.enes:� %; „ ,-, "
In tJ.ze Pczfoi-r.�a�:�cc, of th:�s !'��;rec�rne�;�.i� , the A`cr,c:y ,}.�al). camp.ly
�,�itl� 27_]_ r.cq�lirc� ��>>��s of I�UD p;ri��zi_;�i :�_, i,.o _�t��s �;ei��.�ra7_ ��a)_:i_c�r or,
enll7oy��,cl_�t �:-rad c�•�-.:i.�zir�� of ?��oc�e:1 i�;.._i €,1L`�c�-�lioo;l �-es:i�dc.rii:; �ii ��11
]ObS �Gi7i'"i�l��_C'1 ii\T 1:�").:LS n�1"Ei'_iit�'t1�:. �'�":�� l:l."?��' �;ll���i?i:�S�..011 "!""Cq1117"Li11C'71�5
for th� impl_en�c���t,�tio,-z of L�Iiis pol_��c}% s as s�i� £�rtli in I-ILD I-Iandbaol:
MC 3]_6U. �., I�1odc1 :ities Emp1o�=ir���zii:� ai�d Tr�:t�.n:i_nU Requ.ir�tnents (CllA
Letter No. 11_) . �
Agency slz�]_7_ 3_ncl,Ude these provi.sions de�..l.ing �vith Res�_dent
Emp7_oyrrer�L in a:ll oi its operata_rig s�.bcorita°acts .
Agency agrec s to com�ply wa_th the EmPla��r��ent ai�cl Txail:zin� �c�1s
set forth in 1�lie Saint Pat�1 hiodel C:it:�es I:es3_dent Z�nployri�er�t and
Training Plan, as set farLh in P��rt Il hereo�. t,lithin 34 day7s
afte�- t�ie e�:ecut:i_on of t�llis �.�i°ec�inc�,_�t, C�enc}T �h.a7_I su.b�:n t�or
approval un er.lployr��ent plan i�oget;ze?° �oi�i�iz :�1�t(:.7_;L:1_C e�np7_o}r��,en.t and
trail�ing goa].s �or ttle impl.e,:nentati.on �f i:h7_s pal.i.cy. In the
execution of such plan t11e A�ei�.cy m�tl�t cler�tiorasi�2ate r��,�rlccd Pr.agress
towa-rd specif-ic goals in e��ch succeec!_}ng L�i�,asc� of L]:ic� pl-ograrn. -
A11 posi�.ions generated by this pro j ect and A�;rcernent anc� a11_
positions b�coming vac��.nt sha11 be f�_i1c,d. by Agency by ?�1od�l
Neighuarhood r�sidE��zi.s . A11 such positions o:f ��;�ployrnent shaJ.1 be
listed taith the Modet Neighborhood L��iployment� Centc�r. Only re�
ferra�.s i�rom the I�?odel IicighLorhaod �rr�plcyment Cent=er sha11 Le
acc�pted for employment by tlze Agency. Agenc�T sr.a11 not n�.ke any
excep�ion to these provisions un7_ess the �lgency is granted a waiver
by th.� T�iadel CzL:ies Special Revie��T Board. If the E��encyT desi-res
such �aaiver, it sl�all make written request the�°��or to the T�odel
Cities Special Review Board and sha11 seL- f_oxth the fo�I.o>>>ing
1. Reasons for th.e need to deviate from the resident
employment reqt?irement.
2. Recomm�ndaL-ion. and alterizai�ives as to how such
positions should be filled.
Upon entering into this Agreement, Agency sha11 submit, in
writing, a listing of avai:l.aUle joUs �,rit�i a job� description arid
sal�iry �-ange f-or ea.ch. Pasi�.:i.rn. T?;�.c1; job descxi�i�_i.o1z sha]_1 cont�za_i�.
a dc�.f-:in:i_t=ion of t11e pc,s:�i�.�ons e�.,�;�<<;�:I.es o�. di�i:ies and r�:i�i�im�,�in qti:al-
ific�lt:=cns foi t�l�e posi.��i_on. ,�ob dc�scii}?tions are sulije.ct t�o
r�v:i_e�a arid al�j�a-or��.l oi: i�?zG I�iod�7_ C:i.��-i�s ]�;:j���r..tn.e��t.
��'i_thi.n t;l���_rL}T ('G) c3ay� af�.e�:7� c�x�cut:ion of this !�greemei:�t.;
A��nc}T sl��l_1_ d�t�elon foa� xe�Tie�;� �:��;d a}.�;�rc�T�z.l a sPeci:i:ic px•�gr,�tn i:o
up�r�te c:.1i�;�.b7-es T?��:er�t�?.a:�_ a_l�d :i.?��e:re��tc_��J employe�s in c_ac].� para--
p�-ofe��:ior��. 1 =)ob cl��.�;�: , . i • , , . _ � si��Z:11 be cl_��>i,�;n�>d
, �,_�_f �c��.,��_on� [}�-�s t�;�>E,�`�:d:i.l:�:� ��
to le�j_d to g� c���tc��� r_cspor� i,��_1i.t,� or iu�►_i_ prof��ssior:��:1. status , �?nd
those etnployees so upgracleci sha11 be retaizled in pr_ofessional le�Tal
positions as such positi�ns bc�come ava�:LaLle throu�h staff tu:��z°
over, expa�zs:i.on o-r n��<r ��iogxam de�Te�op.l:e��t� . T'he tra�_n�_r�b pi�ocedures
will_ be desi gr�ed to re,nove ic�e�zti.�ied imp�diine�zts i�o hirir�g and
upgrading of disadvantaged Mociel }�c�i�h�orhood resici�ni.s and provid�
them �vith occt�Pa.tional mobility t}�.roug}.z sen:�oiii�y, ir.ite-r�.gei�cy
transfer agrecment.s, civ:i 1 ser�Ti_ct� stut�i��� union. membership or
oth.er prerequ:is�_tes to such mobi7_i�y. Agency shall show rio��7 it
plans i�o remo�Te o:c eas�, si�;nifica�zt: merit sys��m �_mpedimeni�s to
the em}�1oy:neizt of disadvantag�d I�:ociel �eighborhood residents :iri
such �-�la�,�ed j obs . .
Ag�ncy shall designate a staff inemb�r as Traini_ng az�d Deve?op�
ment Oi:Eicer to be respansible fo-r develor�rent oi train.ing p:ro�;-a.ms
and...c�,�.lc>yabi 7_:i_t�T cieve lopmc�i�t p7_a7is i'o�� al1 employees . An LTnploy-
ability Developnl�nt P�an in writiz;g sha11 be d�velcp�d �,�ith each
emplo_yce using behavior.a.l.1y defined objectives . �Jithin thixty (:s0)
days after ex�cution of i�his Agrecr�ent, Agency sha11 submit to i�l1e
Mode1 Cities Department g-rievance proceduxc�s to be follo�aed by the
Agency and available to its employeesn
G� Terms ar�d Conditions ; Agency sh.ali be subj�ct to a�zd
sha11 corrip y �,�ii��a .T`C�term,s and conci�_tions as set forth in tlie
attached Part II .
Agency sriall include similar terms and conditions in al1 of
its contracLS ��aith other agencies in the per�ormalzce of this
H. �Su�l_ementaryT Condi_tions : This Agr_eement incorporates
the "ModeZ�it�es�Tmin si�ra�ion Supplementary Conditions for
Contracts with Operating Agencies and Contractors", HUD-7050 (2-69)
whic:h is part o� the attached Part II . �1hen the term "City" is
used therein, it sizall mean "Model Cities Department". The
Stipplementary General Conditions sha11 be incorporated in al1 con-
tracts bet�,��een Agency and its coni�ractars.
I . �`�:31P11� LS�I cli. i \ C'_ J ��)G2 `�i f��� i .•'1" t�_ :' ��.�}").lS �ST)" �
--..— n.._. " CC-'1.;1C71t 1.7�CJ C'rUT'^
a�F_'S t11n �1�10���..�. ��1t1C'�' i1Ci- �l]_::t Sl � �� f C�t7 L�i'D�I" Stc1T1C��ItC�S Provis:i o�n"
- I�UI�•-7051 (Z�G9) s �1�h_�c1�i �_s ���z.1_ of i:n.�� a�.tacl�ed Pa:c°+; lI . j��f��-re
�, ��
�he t�cr?I� Ci�y is used th.erc:ing it� sila7_:l ,r:.ean "I9oclel CiLies
�r� n -. �r
Depar�,m�,r.�t 5 anci ��,-h.ea~e the i�err� C,oni_r�{cLoa- apr��ars tlze�°e:i��, it
sha1.1 2��eari "lj�;e;�cy"< Th�;e L�.1.��.�- SL«iz�?a��ds sli<�.1_1 be incorporateci
in a.11 con+v:�acL�, bei�;,�ec, tl�e A�r�:c�� and :i_�.s contructo-r_s .
J . Reco� -�s Re;�c� i=s anc� Inf�� r>>�i��_on e The A�ency s}�a7_1 be
r'G'SI�U"t1;>7.b.�C�l �)i ..6� ��P Ri 'J_i?.� E_ �_tY'Cc' Ci� �_'�'C.vi�i.�, �_'1C� ,�CCC11ritSy lI�G.�1�C27.7"1�
�"I_'U�)Li'1:�ry 1>�1 ��)1.�71G_�_ a,1�i 11I73iZ� 1;'t�. !�COri�S �'CCC�"t:l�lt.0 1�0 �l.SS1iLE? cl
prope�° Zcco-unti.i,� tor a1�_ pra�i�ct iur�cis, F:�deral al�d/o-r_ non-
Fed�r.alo Thes� recores �;�i:L�l l�e rl�.�d_, avai1_ab�i� Lor auclit to repre-
sentu�ives of tlz� T1ode1 . C�_t1.es D`L;artm���tg i�hc� Unitccl States �
Depa.ztm�nt of I-Iousing and Urban L'c����clol;,n�ritr t.l�ie Co;np!�roller Gena
er�:l of t�ie Un:ited St�ates or any authori��d repiesentatives oi any
or al1 of thesc, a�enciess ,�nd ;���_1�� b4 retained for chre� years
after Lh.e expix��tion of this Cont;r_act unle�s „Iritte� P��rm:issio��. i.s
given for �h��_r dest.ruct�_on by Tiociel Ci�ies D;partM�i�� and t��e
Se�retary of Lh� lin�i te�� SL-at�es D�>pa�-trn`nt of Ilousing and Urban
D2��e lop�-�en.L- .
A`;ency sh��ll furnisi�. such s�4j.Le,n��,�us� r_�.cords� :re�orts an��.
infox�n-�t.io�� as is cal�ed �or in th.e I�cc�el Citi�s ��T�artm�nt datv:�,
renol"i.111b pac'K�����, whicll is incorper.ated l�erein by reie.rence a�zcJ
ITt�Cj4 F� P�.x'r �1C7°r_':Qfs a11C1 r.�i.;.h_ U�l.-?c?1 fOZ'i:?S <1S iTt:l)T :fi0?11 `,�ltit� t0 ;�.iiTi@
be x�quired of th� �1gen�.y b�T the D�p�r�meizt of Housing an;l Uiban
D�velopn���zt an�1/or ��To�e1 Czties Dzp��rtm`nt.
K. The Agency shall provid� in.formatioiz to the I�1o�.e1 Cities
Department for purposes of e�r�.lt�at�io�Z and coni:���:uo�zs plan.ning
° pu���uarit to ��. monthly r_eporting system. Th:i_s reportz�.zg system
shall include :
a Output Aleasure P.e�ort (monthly)
b autput Measure Report I�'arrative Report (moni�hly)
c Agency Statement (monthly)
d Parti.cipant �eneficiaries Report (monthly)
e Project Work Program (mont�izly)
f Budget and Output Measure Forecasts (monthly).
, g Narrative Report (monthly)
L. Work Pr�o�r�am���: Within one month following the executzon
of this Agreement-;tTe Agency shaZl submit to the Model Cii:ies
Depari:ment, for its approval, a Worlc Yrograrr� setting forth how the
' Agency will implement the scope of services as set forth in this
Agreement, and including the fol.l��aing.
(a) Job Description for each staff position
. � �
(b) Timetubl_e fo�µ h:i_rin� �ta��f
(c) D�taiJ_ed cl�sc,-��pt:�on of 1�h.e tasl:�s to be ui�der�alcei�
(d) A1etl�ods by �•�]:�:ic�z thc succ.essfu7_ coi�lplc,t�io�� oL these
t�slcs wi_.l_1 b�: achievecl
(�} Ti_mei�aule f_or such compl.e�i_on. .
IN jdlTi�l�SS ti��1�i�,�ZEOF's Tlze pari�i.es hatT� causel tl�.i.s no�ee�nent
i�o l�e e�;ecu�ed the daiT a1�d ye��.r ii.rst abos�e �,�ritte�l�
Approved as to Form: MOD1�L, CT'TT_L:S DZPARTi�iEI�T
Specia`C�A�ssist�arzt � � 4yo1
Corpor��.tio7z Counsel
irecto-r �
tipproved as to rarm & E�:ecution:
. C i jT C;�c=r�lc _�.._..V.._._.e
5p"ecia. . l�sslstant
Corporation Counsel
,� -...__...�..
. By:
Its P-resident
Its Secretarv
APPROVL'D by Coiincil Resolution '
C.F. No. '
Dated: �
. , PART II - A
Project: Aid for Retarded CitizEns
Definition: Mental ret�rdation as discu�sed herein refer� to persons who are
below average general int�llectual iunctionin� which originates during earl�
childhaod and is associated with unusual diffi�ulty in learning and relative
ineffectiveness in applying what is Iearned to the problems of ordinaxy liviug.
At the tzme this defznition tiras dx�cussed, i� was agreed by both agencies
(SPARC and St. Pau1 Mode]. Cities) th�t there iU no longer a need to differentiate :
between functional and organic meutal retaraation.
Item "F" of Purpose ancl Beneficiaries will (in the Mode1 Cities CDP) become Item
"C" under the section called Tlie Benefici�ries wi11 be: .
Item "C" under Content and �peration will ��ad a.� followss �
Establishment of contact with existing public and private social welfare
agencies that offer services needed by t he mentally retarded for the purpose of
coordinating identification of clients, referra]., and other resources. Among the
matty agencies to be incl.uded are: The St. P�ul Bureau of Health, the Ramse9 County
Welfare Depsartment, the IIniversity of Minnesota, and especially the Child Develop-
ment Frograms of Model Cities and Ramsey Action Program.
In the budget, adjust �12,000 local share to $1_500 plus frin.ge as izlkind applied to
Executive Director position which will be donated by S P A R C.
fihe Administering A�ency shall �v�i.thin thF S/1J Mo3el Meighborhood in a satis-
factory and proper manner a� def�ermined b3� the H;odel Cities Department, per-
form these activities set forth below:
The Administering Agency shall perform the services set forth in this scope
of services to achieve the following purposes and objectives of this project:
: a. To employ methods and techniques used in identifying retarded citizens.
b. To identify residents of this cammunity at earlist stage possible, who
have problems due to men�al retardation.
cs To identif�* within the approximated 660 mentally retarded residents af
the Model Nei�hbcirhoad Area �.t l�a�t 50� within the first year.
d. To coordinate the se?wices provided by v�rious social welfare agencies,
- private and public, which are needsd by the mentally retarded in the Model
Neighborhaod. �
e. To change and improve the attitudes of parents, associates, and the total
community toward the prablem of retardation so that tl� greatest potentials
may be developed.
f. To seek the assistance of professionals to serve as resource people a.n
helping to understand the problem of inental retardat�on.
g. To solicit the aid of residents in the community who are sensitive to the
needs and desires of those retarded citizens; thereby creating a wholesome
team to serve the citiz�ns more adequately. a
he To work with each person on an individual level to.discover the cause or
causes of his problem��o��� functionally or organic.
i. To provide worizshops for the retarded:
1. organic
2. functional.....emotional and environmental
�. To insure the comnittee composed of NIlVR, a standing committee to SPARC,
" the power to make all policies concerning the Model Neighborhood citizens
described as retarded.
�irtployment positions in pro�ect:
Program Developer _
Center Director -
Teachers �
Teachers' Aids
, . " .�` P,age 2
Clerical Staff
Model Neighborhood Residents should be given fzrst priority in all positions,
but if all employees can nat be obtained from this area, all employees should
be knowledgeable and sensita.ve to t�e needs and attitudes of the community.
The f�llowing positions should be filled by Model Neighborhood Residents only:
Program Developer .
Center Director
Teachers' Aids
What criteria will be used in selecting the pragram developer, center director,
and teachers?
Wo will make the final decisian on the persons to fill above mentioned pusitions?
��� ,
, � 1
?�OTE: Thc�se for.ms are intend�d �o illustrate t�-_e for:n�� f�r the st;andard t°1odF�l
Citi.es Operatir�g i�gencj� �udgeto Ydditional it;:;.,s any�.ro��riate to youz• proj��ct
should be a.dd.ed to ±he Cost Cat��;or�� sheete 1!=v.Ji�Y`O�Y_'12te items should be deleteda
PROGR=:?' :;L��;INISTRA���_, BtiDGET
1 e NAP•;E OF AGEi�1CY
�, . _._. .
_ __ _.. ....._.. . _ ._. . _ _ . . . .:._ . . _ . . _ . .. _.. . . _ ._ . _� ;. +
`Nbdel. .Citte � Locai Furdsi. . Tatal
(1 ) F�rsonz.el Salaries � s
Lm��loy��� Benefits �' Furids Bu�get
_- - °-,_., _ _.. ___ _ •--.v._,... __ _ � .�. . _ . _�.__ . .... _ ___e..=_._._... . __._d-��r�Q7 -- --_��-rr1S� •-- - -.._�. -.PL7 t•O�P�
(2) Consultar�ts and Coni.rac�; Services ;
�_. _r._...-.;�_�. _..�-_._ _._._. _ .._._ .,.., r _.__� • •---- -__._._._.__.,_ . __._._ �_ .-._E1r�Q� -_ _ ___ _°__� _.__._�....._..._-. �_.�j.y.�.nQ
��l �I'2'c�V�l
_ _t-- -_ _.. ,7��.____ _ 7S�
. ._._._ ��.�_._�_ ____.._.___�. -°°^ .___..._..�-A� . ..._ -- _ ._._ ----- - �.-_ .._ _ _�s_.._ ...__._._._ _ . .... . . _ .
(4) ,S�ac� !
..__..___-----_ � .___ .._..-- __ ___.. . ---- -_ _. _ a. _� _.___�__ .._.__ . _ . .�__ . �._3r470-- ..____,__._ _. _ _y_._ _.. . ._3tG70
(�) Consumable Su� li�:.s and Services �
� 1 ,935 1y935
(6) Rentaly Leas�, or Purchase oi E�uip,�ent �
� �... _ .,'_-"... ,.. .__..._..._.. . . . ..._ .,_ _ . _.. . . _.._ . �. ...__ �-. . ..._Tw.___.__,_. �__.,-,....,.�_L �. ._,.._-_'.___w__.. . _ .._�_f t�C
( .7) Oth�ar ' .
_.. ...�._..�.,___ ___. . .. . _ . . _ _ . . . . _ . _.,. . . ___. _. . ._.._ . . _._- - �- - -M..._-_._ _ . -- -_.. . .�_._ .. , . ., . .. .. ._
_ � - -
. . . _._m_._....._ . . - - - - ------- -__ . -- - -.._.._ . . _ .
� -
.-�....._.___r.._.___ _ _. . . . .. . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . _-- - . _ .'. . . .. - - - • - - . . . . _ . � .. .r _ . ._ _ . ..._ __._ _ . .
TcTr�L ' �3 642 _ $1 ,?$�___ . _ � .. _ �41_,22�
:_v__ :���___ .:=- : : . �_ . . .�: . : � _ . . . : � : : ' . �.: � .: - .._ - =_:.. _ = _.__': __.:.:9,.._..:: : _ _ _ _._ � _ . _ . _ � _. ._ . ..---
C� Tlodel C�tics SupplcmentaJ_ llzr��as � 7 r
-�--- _�-._._.....-..._.._..._ . .-'.- � - -- .. ✓ 9 � '' .... _ . _... ....._ _ . . . _..__. _ _.....
. . . . . . . _ . . _ � . ... _ . . . . � �. . . _ : . � �9 ._ -+
Do �thcr ' �
• , �
BUT��,ET LINE (1 ) �
Title of Position Salar� Local
Project; Coordina.tor �610,500
Program DeveloFer 8,000
Stenographer 5,100
Execatiee Direc�or
'!C�'� of tir�s 1,5�0
TOT.�T $23,600
Em��lo,yees Btn�fits
Wo.rY.t�en� CompeSasatian 57
Haspitali.zation & P'edic:a.l {SC�i� Emplo3�er'� Share) 576
F.I.C�;Q (4.8� of fir�� �7,��) 1,274 $1
Total T�i�7e I�i;er._ $25s5�7 $1 �581
Cor�sultant and Contract Services
�Iee�iAga and Gonferef�ce 800
Accountiiig arid Auditing Service 1,000
Therapeutic i� D�a�,rnast�.t� Gon�u�tation (200 hrs. � $20/hr. 4,000
Maintenance Ser�*ices (�75/mo. 400 '
Tota1 Gonts�a.ci: Services �6,200
Staff Travel
Conicrence and Me�::ting Expense
Employee Mileage Reimburser�ent (�v0'75 per mil.e)
Local �.ravel 'i00 wk @ 10� mile - 520
Parking �5•QO - 260
Tatal - 780
S ace
Rental of Off�.ce Snace (�pp ;;q� ft. � �324/sq� f�.) '1,95p
Utiliti�s • (�3p/mo.)
Telephone (two linee� - three statior�.s � �6�/mo.)
Building Rcpair
Janitor.%al Service (See Consult�,nt and Co2��tr�c� Sex•��.cc>.$)
Maintenance Supplies and Equipmunt ��.;�n,�,;����� 2�
Insur�nce r
Total �,_�`,,.�� .
BUDC�T z.INE (5) �
_Gdr�sumabl� S�pli,es and Servi�ers " �
Office Supploes an� riincell�n,:c�.�.s � gzp
Postage ($?0�'mo.) � . . .24t3 -
Main�er�ance �nd Re�ai.r of Office Equi.�ent • � . .
Pr�inting, D��.plica�ing, and Bindir� _ . . - . 625
BQOks and Pub.tications . _ '�0 -
Tota). linE item ._ � > �,935
Rentai,�Lease or Purchase of Eq_u�pment
Typewriters 35�
File Cabinets
Desks and Office Cha�rs 1,40G
Total 1,75�
:� .
l. First 3C) days -
a. Organization and adoption of working policies of the
committee of residents.
b. Establishment of working relationships with Model Cities
z.nd other public and private agencies. �
G. Ini�ia�ion of intensive study of Model Cities area to
identify and classify problems both of or�anic and �
functional r�etarded.
d. Hirin$ and orientation of needed staff.
2. Next 90 days -
a� Continue identification and work with othex agencies.
b. Consoliclate results of study of problems faced by
residents of the community.
c. Baseci on finding, establish needs and put priorities
on proposed methods of solning the identified problems.
3. Remainder of �he Program year -
a Interpret the needs to professional and general publics.
b Work to initiate new or strengthen existing services �or the
mentally retarded. �
c Develop pIan for community-based services to the
� mentally retarded of ;the ModeZ Cities community.
lst year - Supplemental -
2nd year - Combination of supplemental and other sources depending
- on needed activities
3rd year. - Phasing over to complete funding by other than Model
Cities funding.
N.B. - It should be noted that one of the prime responsibilities of SPARC
and the project committee will be to search for sources of funds
capable of ineeting the expanding needs. Such Federal legislation as
the Construction and Facilities for the Mentally Retarded Act; Title
IV-A �f the Social Security Amendments of 1967; the Vocational
Education and Vocational Rehabilitation Legislation; and others pro-
mise great assistance to the handicapped in the near future. Pending
State and Local governmental legislation may well be aimed at the needs
of the handicapped in low income areas and therefore a potential
source of assistance with this project.
� . , - z - .
This project vrill be carried out by th� St. Paul Aseociation for
Retarded Children until cor�ununity and other sources are capable of
sustaining its program.
SPARC is an organiZation of parents �r.d friends of the mentallg
retarded with a long background of develaping aervices for the
identification, ed�cation anal tr�ining of the retarded� During the
past three yeRrsy SPARC has come to realize the nature of the probleme
in low-inco�ae areas more aGUtelp than in the past, Two residents of •
the Model Cities cQnununiT.y have been electeci to the SPARC Board of
Directors, one re�ident serves on the SPARC Long-Range Planning
Committee which is devising a plan for reorganization to meet changing
needs and concepte.
The project staff will he governec€ in policy matters by a standing
cam.�aittee to the SPARC Boar� of Directors composed entizely of
residenta of the Model Cities community. This committee will regort
regularly to the Boazd of Directors and will be an integral part
of the SPAF�C organization.
The SPARC Executive Director will ait ex-officia on the pro3ect
. committee and will supervise the day-�to-day ac�ivities of the projec�
staff. •
The project activities wiil be coordinated in conjunction with the =
Model Citiee Board anci ataff.
This phase will be accompanied in accordance with the overall Model
Cities plan.
As previously note�, the policy direction of the project will rest
- with a committee composed of residents of the area who will be a
standing committee to the SPARC Board of Directora. Members of the
SPARC Board will sit on the project committee.
At the outset of this project, the limited staff will not significantly
effect employment opportunities for residents. Residents will be
utilized in everq possible position. Ho�ever, part of the responsibility
of the project �ill be to develop services for the mentally retarded
�+hich will, in turn, ievelop empl�yment opportunitfes. For example,
the initiation of a day activity center for the rete,rded could well
brit�g opportunities for residente in auch jobs as center director,
teacher, _teachera aides, and clerical poaitions. �
4 . �
1. Terminai:ion of Contract. (a) If the United States
Department a� Hcusing ar� lir a2�. Develogment should suspend o-r
terminate its Grant Agreement for tl�e Compr_ehensive City Demon-
stration Program witih the City of Saint Paul, this Agreement may
be terminated by the Model Cities Department; or if, far any
cause not the direct result of Mode1 Cities Department actions,
the Agency shall fail to fu1fi11 in timely and proper manner its
obiigations under this Agreement, c�r if the Agency shall violate
any of the covenants� agreements or stipulations of this Agreement,
the Model Cities Department shall thereupon have the right t�
terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the A�ency of
sucri t�rmir�ation and specifying the effective date thereof, except
as may be otherwise provided in Notic� a£ Suspension or Termination
received by the Modei Cities Dep�.rtment from HUD. The notice
given to the Agency sha11 be provided at least thirty days prio-r to
the effec�ive cate ef such term.ination. In such pvent, a l.1 f:in�-
ished or unf_inished documents , data, studies and repcxts prepa.r�d
by the Agency under this Agreement, sh.a11 at the option of the Nic,del
Cities L`epartment become its propPrty, and the Agency shall Ue en-
titled ta receive just and equitable compensation for any work.
satisfactorily completed on such docv.ments .
(b) Provided, however, that if the Model Cities Departmen�
sha11 exercise its right herein given to terminate this Agreement
for cause, it shall nonetheless reimburse the Agency for a:1]_ amounts
expended or inde�tedn.ess incurrecl in good faith in reliance orz th.is
Agreement so that the Agency shall be ab�e to complete its �.ccrued
and/or current commitmen�s on account of this ��greement. But this
provision shall not be construed to relieve the Agency of its 1ia�
bility, if any, to the Model Cities Department for damages for
breach of contract.
(c) Either th� Model Cities Departznen.t, with the consent of
the Mode1 Neighborhood Planning Colincil, or the Agency ma.y termin-
ate this A reement ror any reason whatsoever upon the giving of
thirty (30� days ���ritt�en notice. In such event, a11 finished or
unfinished documents, data, studies and reports prepared by the
Agency under �his Agreen�ent, shall at the option of the Mode1
Cities llepar�ment become its property, and the Agency sha11 be
entitled i�o receive compensation for work performed satisfactorily
to the date of termin.ation of the Agreement only.
(Terms ST1C� COl1C�1tlOT1S� I.
(d) Notwithstanding the above, the Agency shall not be
relieved of liability to the Model Cities Department for damages
sustained by the Model Cities Department by virtue of any breach
of this Agreement by the Agency, and Model Cities Department may
withhold any payments to the Agency for the purpose of setoff
until such time as the exact amount of damages due the Model
Cities Department from the Agency is determined.
3. Chan es. The Model Cities Department may, from time to
time, request c nges in the scope of the services of the Agency
to be performed hereunder. Such changes,, which are mutually agreed
upon by and between the Model Cities Department and the Agency,
slzall be incorporated in written amendments to this Agreement. The
A�ency may not deviate in any respect from the scope of services
delineated without the written consent of the Model Cities
Department. '
The Agency shall assist the Model Cities Department and the
Policy Board in reviewing and revising these purposes and objectives
in light of the experience from the activities of the project for
the duration of this Agreement. Such assistance shall include, but
not be limited to, cooperating in the monitoring and evaluation
activities of the Model Cities Depa.rtment, participating in the
continuing planning activities of the Model Cities, Department and
generally providing advice and counsel.
The Agency and the Model Cities Department may revise, amend,
and/or add to the purposes and objectives by clarifying language
and/or by quantifying any or all of the purposes and objectives .
Any such revisions and amendments shall be in the form of amend-
ments to this Agreement.
4. Personnel. (a) The Agency represents that it has, or
will secure at its own expense, all personnel required in perform-
ing the services under this Agreement. Such personnel shall not
be employees of or have any contractua.l relationship with the
Model Cities Department.
(b) All of the services required hereunder sha.11 be per-
formed by the Agency or under the supervision of the Agency, and
all personnel engaged in the work sha.11 be fully qualified and
shall be authorized or permitted to perform such services in
accordance with applicable Federal, State and local laws.
(Terms and Conditions) 2.
. ,,
(c) None of the work or services covered by this Agreement
shall be subcontracted without the prior written approval of the
Model Cities Department. Any work or services subcontracted here-
under shall be specified by written contract or agreement and
shall be subject to each provision of this Agreement.
5. Anti-Kickback Rules . Salaries of architects, draftsmen,
technical engineers, and technicians performing work under this
Agreement sha11 be paid unconditionally and not less often tha.n
once a month without deduction or rebate on any account except
only such payroll deductions as are mandatory by law or permitted
by the applicable regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor
pu rsuant to the "Anti-Kickback Act" of June 13, 1934 (48 Stat.
948; 62 Stat. 740; 63 Stat. 108; title 18 U.S.C. , section 874;
and title 40 U.S .C. , section 276c). The Agency shall comply with
all applicable "Anti-Kickback" regulations and shall insert
appropriate provisions in all subcontracts covering work under
this Agreement to insure compliance by su�contractors with such
regulations, and shall be responsible for the submission of affi-
davits required of subcontractors thereunder except as the Secretary
of Labor ma.y specifically provide for variations of or exemptions
from the requirements thereof.
6. Pro'ect Coordination. The Agency, by its designee, sha.11
pa.rticipate w t t e o e ities Department in regular meetings
for the purpose of coordinating efforts and continuing the planning
of the program.
The Agency shall establish liaison and coordina.te activities
with programs of other agencies functioning in related field pro-
viding service in the Model Neighborhood area.
- 7. Citizen Partici tion. (a) The Operating Agency shall
cooperate wit t e o e ities Department in informing the appro-
priate Model Cities Task Force of the activities of the Agency in
carrying out the provisions of this Agreement.
(b) Representatives of the Agency shall attend meetings of
the appropriate Task Forces upon the request of the Model Cities
8. Reduction of Services. In the event the Agency fails to
fulfill t e erms an con t ons of this Agreement in a satis-
factory manner as determined by the Model Cities Department, the
Model Cities Department reserves the right, as its sole option,
(Terms and Conditions) 3.
• , . •
to reduce or diminish the services of the Agency and reduce the
�project budget in a manner which reflects such reduction or
9. Assi nabilit . The Agency shall not assign any interest
in this Agreement anc sha11 not transfer any interest in the same
(whether by assigr�ment or novation) without the prior written
consent of the Model Cities Depe+-tment thereto.
10. Subcontract and Other :�Qreements. The Agency shall not
subco�tract any port on o t e ��rvic�es to be provided hereunder
without the prior written conse�.t of the Model Cities Department.
All consultants' contracts sha1� be approved by the Model Cities
Department prior to the execution of any Agreement thereto. Any
purchase of real estate shall also receive prior approval of the
Model Cities Depa rtment. The Agency further agrees that prior to
the execution of any contract or other legal instrument concerning
the services to be provided hereunder, it will submit said con-
tract to the Model Cities Depa.rtment for its prior written approval.
11. Restrictions on Disbursements. No money under this
Agreement s 1 e dis ursed y the Agency to any contractor except
pursuant to a written contract which incorporates a11 Supplemental
General Conditions to this Contract and unless the Agency agrees
to compliance with HUD requirements with regard to account�.ng and
fiscal matters to the extent tha.t they are applicable.
� 12. Failure of Internal S stems. The Agency further agrees
that shoul s a , reports, or nternal system of control prove
to be inadequa,te in the determination of the Model Cities Depart-
ment, the Model Cities Department reserves the right to enter upon
the Agency's premises and perform all acts necessary and relevant
to the establishment of a proper system of internal fiscal control.
The Model Cities Department shall have the right to place its per-
sonnelt agents, or independent contractors upon the premises of the
Agency and use Agency's personnel to function in this area. The
Model Cities Depa.rtment agrees that at such time when the system
or systems conform to satisfactory practices, it will return jur-
isdiction and control to the Agency.
13. 0perating„ procedures. The Model Cities Department re-
serves the�gTlt to prescr uniform operating procedures far the
Agency at auch times when the Model Cities Depa.rtment deems it
14. Mode1 Cities Identification in Pro 'ect Activities. (a)
All buildings, o ces an ac ties use y t e gency to fulfill
(Terms and Conditions) 4.
• . � , .
the obligations under this Agreement shall identify the City of
Saint Paul Model Cities Department as a sponsor of the activity
in a manner to be approved by the Model Cities Department.
(b) All stationery, inforn�.tional releases, pamphlets and
brochures or other material prepared and/or distributed by the
Agency shall identify the City of Saint Paul Model Cities Depart-
ment and the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
as s ponsors of the activity, in a manner to be approved by the
Model Cities Department.
15. Dis lacement and Relocation. The Agency shall immedi-
ately noti y e o e i es epartment and its Relocation
Officer if any of the Agency's activities supported by the Model
Cities Supplemental Funds or any other public funds will result in
the displacement and/or relocation of families, individua.ls or �
businesses within the Madel Neighborhood. Such notification shall
occur immediately upon knowledge that the activity will cause such
displacement and/or relocation that the Model Cities Department
and the relocation office can provide relocation assistance pay-
ments. If relocation of displacees is infeasible, the Model
Cities Department may direct the termination of the activities
causing further displacement.
16. Maintenance of Effort. It is agreed that any funds made
available un er prov s ons o is Agreement shall be used to in-
crease the total amount of services provided and the total amount
of funds spent in the Model Neighborhood by the Agency. Under no
circumstances shall funds being made available under this Agreement
be used to pay for activities already being provided by the Agency
in the Model Neighborhood.
The Model Cities Department ma.y request documentation concern-
ing previous effort and expenditures by the Agency in the Model
Neighborhood to enable the Mode� Cities Department to determine if
the Agency is increasing its ser •�ices and the spending of funds in
the Model Neighborhood.
17. E ua.l Em loyment Oppor�_�unity�. During the performance of
this Agreemen , e gency agret� as�ollows:
(a) The Agency will not di �criminate against any employee or
applicant for employment becaus:. of race, creed, color, sex, age or
national origin. The Agency wil� take affirmative action to en-
sure that applicants are employa.�, and that employees are treated�
during employment, without regard to their race, creed, c:olor, sex,
(Terms and Conditions) 5.
• _ � , .
age, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be
limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or
transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or ter-
mination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selec-
, tion for training, including apprenticeship. The Agency agrees
to post in conspicuous places, available �o employees and appli-
cants for employment, notices to be provided by the Model Cities
Department setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimina.tion
(b) The Agency will, in all solicitations or advertisements
for employees placed by or on behalf of the Agency, state that
all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment
without regard to race, creed, sex, age, color, or national origin.
(c) The Agency will cause the foregoing provisions to be
inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered by this Agreement
so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor,
provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts
or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials.
18. Discrimi.na.tion Because of Certain Labor Matters. No
person emp oye on t e wor covere y t is greement s 11 be
discharged or in any way discriminated against because he has filed
any complaint or instituted or caused to be instituted any proceed-
ing or has testified or is about to testify in any proceeding
under or relating to the labor standards applicable hereunder to
his employer.
19. Com liance with Local Laws. 'I'he Agency sha11 comply
with all app ca e aws, or ina.nces, and codes of the state and
local governments, and shall commit no trespass on any public or
private property in performing any of the work embraced by this
20• Interest of Members of Model Cities De rtment. No mem-
ber of the governing o y o t e o e ities epartment, and no
other officer, employee, or agent of the Model Cities Department,
who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with
the carrying out of the project to which this Agreement pertains,
shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this
21. Interest of Other Loca1 Public Officials. No member of
the govern ng o y o t e oca ity in w ic t e project area is
situated, and no other public official of such lo�ality, who
exercises any functions or responsibilities in the review or ap-
proval of the carrying out of the project to which this Agreement
(Terms and Conditions) 6.
pertains, shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect,
in this Agreement.
22. Interest of Certain Federal Officials . No member of or
Delegate to t e ongress o t e nite tates, and no Resident
Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this
Agreement or to any benefit to arise herefrom.
23. Interest of A enc . The Agency covena.nts that it pres-
ently has no nterest an s 11 not acquire any interest, direct
or indirect in the above-described project area or any parcels
therein or any other interest which would conflict in any manner
or degree with the performance of its services hereunder. The
Agency further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement
no person having any such interest shall be employed.
24. Findin�s Confidential. All of the reports, information,
data, etc. , prepare or assem ed by the Agency under this Agree-
ment are confidential, and the Agency agrees that they shall not
be ma.de available to any individual or organization without the
prior written approval of the Model Cities Department.
25 . Purchase of Nonexpendable Propertv with Model Cities
Funds . The agency shall maintain a record for each item of
nonexpendable property acquired for the program. At the con-
clusion of this project or activity all nonexpendable �roperty
acquired by the ageney with Model Cities Yunds shall revert to
the city. Nonexpendable property is property which will not be
consumed or lose its identity by being incorporated into another
item oi property, which costs �100 or more per unit and is
expected to have a useful life of one year or more . Grouping of
like items such as chairs with an aggregate cost in excess of
�100 ahall also be controlled and aceounted for as nonexpendable
�roperty even though the cost of a single item is less than
100. The record shall include (a) description of the item of
property including model and serial number if applicable , (b)
date oY aequisition, (c ) the acquisition cost or assigned
value to the program, and (d) the source of fuiids expended for
the acquisitio.n of property (i .e . , agency funds or Model Cities
funds ) . It shall also include informat�on as to whether the
item of property was new or used at the time of acquisition.
The aggregate of the individual costa shown on the record cards
ahall equal the balan�e in the aubsidiary costs account for non-
expendable property. The fiscal inventory shall be taken and
reconciled with the record card annually.
(Terms and Conditions) 7.
. . ' �
. • � 1J, S. DE°AiHiN�:Vi OF HOli�IiVi;� ril�TZ URBAN DEVELOFfME1VT
The follawing cond.itions take precederice over any conflicting conditions
in the Contract:
��C. l. Restriction on Disbursements. -- No money under this Contract
shall be disbursed by the Agency to ar�y contractor except pursuant to a written
contract which incorporates the applicable Supplementary General Conditions
and unlesa the contre,ctor is in compliance� with IiUD requirements with �egard
to accounting and fiscal matters, to the extent they are applicable�
SEC. 100. Definitions. -- As used in this Contract:
(A) Ag�ncy means an entity, whether public or private, which has the
respous3bil:ity for administering a pro�ect or activity.
(B) Area means the model neighborhood„designated in the Program.
(C) Contraetor means an entity, other than an Agency (except as noted
in the Labor Standards Frovisions) that flxrnishes to the City or to an Agency
services or supplies (other than standard co�nercial supplies, office space
or printing services).
(D) HUD meaus the 3ecretary of Housing axid Urban Development or a person
authorized to act on his behalf.
(E) Program means the Compreh�nsive Demonstration Program approved by
HUD as the same may from time to time be amended.
3EC. 101. Records. -- '
(A) Establishm,ent an�d Maintenance of Records. -- Records shall be main-
tained in accordance with requiremertts prescribed by HUD or the City with
reapect to all matters covered. by this Contract. Except as otherwise author-
ized by HUD, such record.s aha11 be maintained For a period of three yeaxs
after receipt of the final payment under this Contract.
(B) llocumsntation of Costs. -- All costs shall be supported by proper�y
executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers, or other
official documentation evidea�cing in proper detail the na.ture and propriety of
the charges. All checka, payrolls, invoicee, contracts, vouchers, orders, or
other accouriting docum�ents pertaining in whole or in paxt to this Contract
ahall be clearly identified and readily accessible.
* The conditions must be incorporated in (1) City contracts with operating
egenciea, (2) City contracts with contractors, (3) Operating agency con-
tracta with contractors.
** The bracketed material should be deleted in contracta with contractors.
Nuo_�oso c2_a��
. _ � �
. • • 2
SEC. 102. Reparts and Information. -- At such times and in such forms
as HUI) or the City may require, there shall be flzrnished to HUD or the City
such statements, records, reports, data and information, as HUD or the City
may request pertaining to matters covered by this Contract.
SEC. 103. Audits a.nd Inspections. -- At ar�y time during normal business
hours and. as often as the City, HUD and�or the Comptroller General of the
United States may deem rtecessary, there sha11 be mad� available to the City,
Hi7D and/or representatives of the� Comptroller General for examination a.11 of
its records with respect to a11 mdtt�ers cove�ed by this Cantract and will
permit the City, HUD and�or repre�eatatives of the Comptroller General to audit,
examine and make excerpts or traxiscripts from �u�h records, and to mc�ke audits
of all contre.cts, imroices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, conditions
oP ea�ployment and other data rel�.t3.r�g� to a11� matters covered by this Contract.
SEC. 104. HUD Requirements. -- Unearned pe,yments under this Contract may
be suapended or terminated upon reflisal to accept ar�y additional co�ditions
that may be imposed by HUD at a�y time; or if the grant to the City under Title
I of the Demonatxation Cities and Metropolit,�.n 1Development Act oi 196b is sus-
pended or terminated..
SEC. 105. Conflict of Interes�. --
(A) Interest of Members of City. -- No officer, employee, or agent oY
the City who exercises an�y flanctions or responsibilities in connection with
the planning and carrying out of '�the Program, or a�}r other person who exer-
ciaes ar�y fluletione or responsibilities in connectian with the Program, shall
have a,r�y personal financial intereat, direct or i.adirect, in this Contract;
and the Agency ahall take approprf�te �steg�s ta aw�u.re coa�pl.iance.
. �
(B) �The Agency agrees thatlit will incorporat�e into every contract
required to be in writing the Pollawing provision]
Interes�t oP Contractor and Employees. -.- The Contractor
covenanta that no peraon who: presently exercises aqy flxnctions .
or responsibilitiee in connectj.on with the Program, has anpr
personal i`iriancial interest, direct or indirect, in this
Contract. The Contractor furthsr covenants that he presently
has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct
or indirect, in the Model Meighborhood Area or a�y parcels
therein, which would conflict in a�y ma.nner or degree with the
performance oP his services hereunder. The Corrtract fl�rther
covenants that in the performance of this Contract no person
having a�y conflicting interest ahall be employed. Ar�y interest
on the part o� the Contractor or his employees must be dis-
cloaed to the Agency and the City. Provided, however, that thia
paxagraph shall be interpreted in such � manner so as not to
unreasonaba,y impede the atatutory requirement that maximum oppor-
tunity be provided for emplayment of and par�icipation by
residente of the area.
* The bracketed ms�terial should be deleted in contracts with contractors.
MU D-70D0(z—eo1
� �- . ♦
. ' ' 3
SEC. 106. Opportunities for Residents. -- In all work made possible
by or resulting from this Contract, affirms.tive action will be taken to
ensure that residents of the model neighborhood. axea are given maximum oppor-
tunities for training and employment and that business concerns located in
or awned in substantisl part by residents of the model neighborhood are to
the greatest ext�nt feasible, awarded contracts.
SEC. 107. Diacrimination Prohibited. --
(A) In all hiring or employment msde possible by or resulting from this
Contract, there (1) wil.]. not bg sr�r discr�.mination sgainat ar�y employee or
applicant fbr �ployment because of' race, colnr, re2igion, sex, or national
origin, e.nd (2) affirmative action will be taken to ensure that applicants axe
employed, ar�d that employeee axe treated during employment without regaxd to
their race, color, religion, aeac, or national origin. This requirement sha11
apply to but not be limited to, tMe follawing; employment, upgrading, demotion,
or transFer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; lay-off or termination;
rates of pey or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, includ-
ing apprenticeahip. There shall be posted in conspicuous placea available to
earployees and applicants for employment, notfces to be provided by HUD setting
forth the prov�leions of this clause. All solicitations or advertisements for
employees aha11 state that all qualified� applicants will receive consideration
for employmerit withrnzt regaxd to race, color, �religion, sex or national origin.
(B) No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, co�or,
religion, or natiatial origirt, be exclude,d f�ara partic ipation in, be denied the
benefita of,� or be eub�ect to diacrimine,tion under ar�y program or activity
_ made posaibl�e by or resulting f�om this Contract. The Agency and each employer
will comcply with all. requirem�nta imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of
HUD eFfectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act oP 196�+.
�(C) '�he Agency hereby eg�ees that it will incorporate into ar�r contract
for constru,ction work, or modi�.cation thereof, as defined in the regulations
of the Secretary of Labor� at 41 CFR Chapter 60, which is paid for in whole or
in part with flat�ci.s obtained pu�isuant to this Contract, the equal opportunity
clau$e which i� a paxt of the labor starndaxd provisions attached hereto.
The Agency flu�ther agree� that it will be bound by the equal opportunity
c].�,use and other provisions of 41 CFR Chapter 60 with respect to its own employ-
msnt practicea when it participates in fed.erally assisted construction work:
Pravided, That if the Agency so participating is a State or local government,
the abrnre equal apportunity clause is not applicable to ar�y agency, instrumental-
ity, or subdivision of such government which does not participate in work on or
uuder the contract.
The Agency agrees that it will assist and cooperate actively with HUD and
the 8ecre'�ary of Labor in obtaining the compliance of contractors and subcon-
tractors with the equsl opportunity clauase and the rules, regulations, and rele-
vant ordera of the Secretary of Labor, that it will fUrnieh HUD and the Secretary
NUD-70A ts-s9)
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of Labor such inforruation as they may require for the supervision of 5uch
compliance, and that it will otherwise aesis�t HUD in the discharge of its
primary responsibility for securing compliance.
The Agency f�ther agrees the,t it will refrain from entering into a�y
contract or contract �modification sub�ect to Executive Order 11246 of
September 24, 1965, with a contractor detaxred t�om, or who has not demon-
strated eligibi�ity for, Government contracts and. federally assisted construc-
tion contracts pursuant to the Executive Order. In addition, the Agency
agrees tha,t if it fails or refuses to comply with these undertakings, the
City may take a.r�y or all of the following actions: Terminate or suspend in
whole or in part this Contract; refrain from extending a�y f�.irther assistance
to the Agency under the program with respect to which the failure or reflisal
occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received
from such Agency; and refer the case to the Department of Justice for appropri-
ate legal proceedings.
SEC. 108. Labor Standaxds. -- There shall be included in all conatruc-
tion contracts, made possible by or resulting from this Contract, with private
entities the applicable labor standards provisions, if the work being carried
on is not otherwise sub�ect to provision of Federal law imposing labor
standaxds on federally assi�ted construction and in the case 'of residential
pro�ects if the pro�ect is designed for the resident�al use of eight or more
SEC. 109. Copryrights. -- If this Contract results in a baok or other
copyrightable ma.terial, the author is free to copyright the �1ork, but HUD
reserves a royalty-free, nonexcluaive, and irrevocable lic,ense to reproduce,
publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, e�11' copyrighted
material and all ma,terial which can be copyrighted.
SEC. 110. Patents. -- Ar�r discovery or inven�tion axisir� out ofl or
developed in the course of work aided by this Contract shall be proanpt]tiy and
flxlly reported to HUD for determination by HUD as to whether patent protection
on such invention or discovery ahall be sought and how the rights in the in-
vention or diseovery, includ.ing rights under ar�y patent issued thereon, shall
be disposed of and administered, in order to protect the public interest.
SEC. 111. Palitical Activity Prohibited. -- None of the flands, materials,
property or services provided directly or indirectly un�der this Contract shall
be used in the performance. of this Contract for ar�}r psxtisan political activity,
or to flxrther the election or defeat of ar�r candidate. Por public office.
SEC. 112. Lobbying Prohibited. -- None of the fluzds provided und.er this
Contract shall be used for publicity or propaganda purposes designed to support
or defeat legislation pending before the Congress.
** The bracketed ma.terial shall be deleted in contracts involving construc- �
tion, rehabilitation, alteration or repair work with private entities.
The attached labor standards provisions shall be inserted in lieu of Sec-
tions 107 and 108. In contracts for such work with public entities, only
sections 1 - 3 of the labor standard provisions should be included.
HUD�7070 (2�60) •U.5.60v[iMM[NT��INTINGO//ICE:lif90-]�6-W!
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In all work made possible or resulting from this Contract, af'firmative
action will be ta.ken to ensure that reeidenta of the model neighborhood area
are given maximum opportunity for training and employmant and tha,t business
concerns located in or owned in substaatial part 'by residents of the ma].el
neighborhood are to the greatest extent Peasible, awaxded contracts.
A. During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor agrees as
(1) The Contractor will not discriminate age,inst ar�y emplayee or
applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national
origin. The Contract will take affirma,tive action to ensure that applicants
axe employed, and that employees are treated during employment without
regaxd to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. , Such action
shall include, but not be limtted to the follawing: Employment, upgrading,
demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or
termination; rates of pay or other forms oP compeneation; and selection for
training, including apprenticeship. The Coatractor agrees to post in con-
epicuous places, available to e�ployees and applicants for employment,
notices to be provided settiag �orth the pro�visions of this non�discrimination
(2) The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for
amployees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified
applica.nta will receive consideration for e�ploym�ent without regard to race,
color, religion, aex or nationaY origin.
(3) The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of
workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or otber contract
or underatanding, a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or
workers' representatives of the Contractor's commitments urider this section,
and ehall post copies of the notice in conspieuous places available to
employees and applicants Por emplayment.
(4) The Contractor wi11 comp�}r with a.Ll. provisions of Executive Order
11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant
orders of the 3ecretary of Labor.
(5) �e Contractor will i'Lirnish all information and reports required by
Executive Order 11246 of September 2f:, 19b5, and by rules, r�gulations, and
ordera of the 8ecretary ot' Le�bor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access
Nucaoa� �s-6a�
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to his books, records, and accounts by HUD and the Secretary of Labor for
purposes of investi�ation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regula-
tions, and orders.
(6) In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondis-
crimination clauses of this Contract or with ar.�y of the said rules, regu.la-
tions, or orders, this Contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended
in whole or in part and the Contractor may be declaxed ineligible for
flzrther Government contracts or federal�y assisted construction contracts
in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September
2�+, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as
provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regula-
tion or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law.
(7) The Contre.ctor will include the portion of the sentence immediately
preceding paxagraph (1) a.nd the provisions of paxagraphs (1) through (7). above
and paragraph B below in ev�ry subcontract or purchase order unless exempted
by rules, regulations, or ordera of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to
section 204 of Executive Order 11246.of September 24, 1965, so that such
provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Contractor
� will take such action with respect to ar�y subcontract or purchase order as HUD
may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for
noncompliance: Provided, however, That in the event a Contractor becomes in-
volved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor
as a result of such direction by HUD, the Contractor Tnay request the United
States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United
B. Non-Segregated Facilities. The Contractor certifies that he does not
ma.intain or provide for his employees ar�y segregated facilities at ar�y of his
establiahmenta, and that he does not pea°mit his employees to perform their
services at ar�y location, und.er his control, where segregated facilities axe
ma.intained. The Contractor covenants that he will not maintain or provide for
his employees ar�y segregated facilities at ar,�y of his establishments, and that
he will not permit his employees to perform their services at ar�y location,
under his control, where segregated facilities axe maintained. As used in this
paxagraph the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas,
restrooms and washrooms, restaurants and other eating areas, timeclocks, locker
room� and other storage or dressing axeas, parking lots, drinking fountains,
recreation or entertainment axeas, transportation, and housing facilities pro-
vided for employees which axe segregated by explicit directive or are in fact
segregated on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin, because of
habit, local cuatom, or otherwise.
Notwithstanding Section 100 of the Grant Agreement and Section 100 of the
Supplement�ry General Conditions, the term "Contractor" may include a.n'bperating
Agenc�� as defined in the Grant Agreement and an"Agency�' as defined in the
Supplementary General Conditions.
HUp-70S1 lz-e9i
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, 3
(1) Minimum wages. (i) Al1 mechanics and laborers employed or working
upon the site of the work will be paid unconditionally and not less often than
once a week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on ar�y account (except
such payroll deductions as are permitted by regulations issued by the Secretary
of Labor under the Copeland Act (2g c� Pa,rt 3)), the flzll am�ounts due at time
of payment computed at wage rates not less thaxl those contained in the' wsge
determination decision of the Secretary of Labor which is attached hereto and
made a part hereof, regaxdless of a�r contractual relationship which may be
alleged to exiat between the Contractor and such laborers and mechanics; and
the wage determination decision shall be posted by the Contractor at the site
of the work in a prominent place where it can be easily seen by the workers.
For the purpose of this clause, contributions made or costs reasonably antici-
pated under section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act on behalf of laborers or
mechanics are considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, sub�ect to
the provisions of 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(iv). Also for the purposes of this clause,
regular contributions made or coats incurred, for more than a week�y period under
plans, flinfls, or programs, but covering the particular weekly period, are deemed
to be constructively made or incurred during such weekly period:.
(ii) The Contracting OfPicer shall require that any class of laborers or
mecha.nics which is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be
employed urlder the Contract, s3ia11 be classified. or reclassified conformab�y
to the wege c�etermination, and a report of the action taken shall be sent by
the Federal agency to the Secretary of Labor. In the event the interested
partiea cannot agree on the proper classification or reclassification of a
particular claes of laborers and mechanics to be used, the question accompanied
by the recq�nendation of the Contre�cting OfFicer sha11 be referred to the
Secretexy for final determination.
(iii) The Contracting Of"Picer shall require, whenever the minimum wage rate
prescribed in the Contract for a clase of laborers or mechanics includ.es a fringe
benefit which ia not expressed as an hourly wage rate and the Contractor is
obligated to pay s cash equiva�lent of such a fringe benefit, an hour],y cash
equival.ent thereof to be establ.iahed. In the event the interested paxties cannot
agree upon a cash equivalent of the fringe benefit, the question, accompanied by
the reco�nmea$ation of the Contre,eting Officer, shall be referred to the Secretary
of Labor for determina.tion.
(iv) If the Contractor does not make pe�yments to a trust�ee or other third
person, he may consider as part of the wages of anpr laborer or m�chanic the
amount of ar�y coata reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan
or program of a type expressly listed in the wage determination decision of
the Secretary of Lebor which is a part of this Contract: Provided, however,
the Secretaxy of Labor has faund, upon the written request of the Contractor,
that the applicsble standards of the Davis-Bacon Act have been met. T'he
secretary of Labor a►�yr require the Contractor to set aside in a separate
account assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program.
Nucaosi �:-69)
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(2) Withholding. HUD may withhold or cause to be withheld from the
Contra.ctor so much of the accrued payments or advances as may be considered
necessary to pay laborers and mechanics employed by the Contractor or arXy
subcontractor on the work the ful.l am�ount of wages required by the Contract.
In the event of failure to pay ar�pr laborer or mechanic employed or working on
the site of the work, HU'D may, after written notice to the Contractor, take
such action as may be necessary to cause the suapension of ar�y flirther payment,
ad.vance, or guaxe,ntee of funda until such vi�olations have ce�.sed.
(3) Pttyrolls and basic records. (i) Payrolls and basic records relating
thereto will be maintained durfng the course of the work anc� preserved for a
period of three yeaxs thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working at the
site of the work. Such records will contain the na,me and address of each such
employee, his correct classification, rates of pay (including rates of contribu-
tions or costs anticipated of the types described in section 1(b)(2) of the
Davis-Bacon Act), dai],y and week]y number of hours worked, deductions made and
actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretary of Labor has found under 29 CFR
5•5(a)(1)(iv) that the wages of ax�y laborer or mechanic include the amount af
ar�r costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or program
described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act, the Contractor shall
maintain records which show tha,t the com�itment to provide such benefits is
enforceable, that the plan or program is financial.7,y responaible, and that the
plan or program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics
affected, and recorda which show the costs anticipated or the actual cost
incurred in providing such benefits.
(ii) The Contractor will submit weekly a copy of all payrolls to the City
if the City is a party to the Contract, but if the City is not such a paxty the
Contractor will submit the payrolls to the Agency for transmission to the City,
for transmisaion to HUD. The copy shall be accompanied by a statement signed
by the emplayer or his agent indicating that the payrolls axe correct and com-
plete, that the wage rates contained therein are not less than those determined
� by the Secretary of Labor and that the classifications set forth for each laborer
or mschanic conform with the work he perfornmed. A submission of a "Week�y
3tatemer�t of Compliance" which is required under this Contract and the Copeland
reguletiona of the Secretary of Labor (29 CFR, Part 3) and the filing with the
initial peyroll or ar�}r subsequent payroll of a copy of ar�y findings by the
Secretary of Labor under 29 c�x 5.5(a)(1)(iv) ahall satisfy this requirement.
The prime Contractor shall be responsible for the submission of copies of pay-
rolls for all subcontractors. The Contractor will make the records required
under the labor standards clausea of the Contract available for inspection by
authorized repreeentatives of HUD, the City �r the Agenc� ar�d the Department of
Labor, and will permit such representatives to interview employees during work-
ing hours on the �ob.
(4) Apprentices. Apprenticee will be permitted to work as such only when
they are registered., .individually, under a bona fide apprenticeship program
regietered with a State apprenticeship agency which is recognized by the Bureau
Nuo-�os� 12-69)
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of Apprenticeship and Training, United. States Depaxtment of Lador; or, if
no such recognized agency exists in a State, under a program registered with
the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United. States Depaxtment of Labor.
The allowable ratio of apprentices to �ourneymen in any craft classification
shall not be greater than �he ratio perm.itted to the Contractor as to his
entire work Porce under the registered program. Ar� employee listed on a
payroll at ari apprentice wage rate, who is not registered as above, shall be
paid the wage r�,te determined. by the Secretary of Labor Por the classifica-
tion of work he actually performed. The Corrtractor or subcontractor will be
required to ftiirnish to the Contracting Officer written evidence of the
regietration of his program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate
ratios and wage rates, for �he area of construction prior to using ar�pr
appretiticea on the contract work.
(5) Co liance with C eland Re ations 2 CFR Part 3 . �he
Contractor shall co�nply with the Copeland Regulations 29 cFx part 3) of the
3ecretaxy of Labor which axe herein incorporated by reference.
(6) Subcontracts. The Contractor will insert in ar�y subcontracts the
clauses contsined in 29 cF'x 5.5(a)(1) through (5) aud (7) and such other
clausea as HUD m�y by appropriate instructions require, and also a clause
requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in ar�y lower tier sub-
contracts which they matiy enter into, together with a clause requiring this
insertion in at�y flzrther subcontracts that ma�y in turn be made.
(7) Contract termination; debaxment. A breach of clauses (1) through
(6) may be grrnands Por termination of the contract, an�d for debaxment as pro-
vided in 2g CFR 5.6.
(1) Overtime requirements. No Contractor or subcontractor contracting
for �t�}r part of the contract work which ma,y require or involve the employment
of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit ar�}r laborer or mechanic in
ar�y workweek in which he is employed on such work to work in excess of eight
hours in ax�y calendax day or in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless
auch laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one
and one-half times his basic rate of pay for a11 hours worked in excess of
eight hours in ar�y calendar day or in excess of forty hours in such workweek,
as the c�ae me�r be.
(2) Violation• liabilit for un aid w es• li uidated d es. In the
event of es�y violation of the clause set forth in subpaxagraph 1 , the Con-
tractor an�d ar�y eubcontractor responsible therefor ahall be liable to ar�y
affected employee for his unpaid wages. In addition, such Contractor and sub-
contractor sha11 be liable to the United States (in the case of work done
under contract for the District of Columbia or a territory, to such District
Huc.�os� �Z—eo�
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� 6
or to such territory), for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall
be computed with respect to each ind.ividual laborer or mechanic employed in
violation of the clause set forth in subpaxagraph (1) in the sum of $10 for
each ce,lendax day on which auch em�ployee was required or permitted to work in
exceas of eight haurs or in excess of the standard workweek of forty houra
without payn►ent of the avertime wage� required by the clause set forth in sub-
paragraph (1) .
(3) Withholding for unpaid wages a.nd liquidated damages. HUD may with-
hold or cause to be withheld, Prom as�r moneys peyable on account af work per-
formed by the Contractor or aubcontr�ctor, such sums as may adm�inistrative]y
be determined to be neces�ary to satisfy a�y liabilitiea oP such Contractor or
subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidate8 damages as provided in the clause
aet forth in subparagraph (2).
(�) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall inaert in ar{y subcontracts the
c]ausea ae ort in aubpaxagraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this paragraph and also
e� clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in ax.�y lower
tier aubcontra,ets which they may enter into, together with a clause requiring
this insertion in ar�r further subeontracta that,m�y in turn be made. ,
NUDa0s1 �:-e., Hvo-wa.�.. o. c. 236133-P
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