255641 ` ORIGINAL•'t0 CITY CL$RK /������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '''� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Roger M. Conwa.y ' COMMISSIONE pTE WI�REAS, By au-�hority of the Laws of innesota for the year 1959, Chapter 330, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion of �he assessable costs of Sidewa.lk. Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, t�REAS, It has been determined that the followin� described pa,rcels of property be relieved of the following amount: Descript ion �o�t Ex. Edgcumbe Rd. and ex E 92'; Lots 13, 14 & 15, Blk 4, Lexington Park Plat 7 $269•97 N� of the fol dese tract: a tract in the NFr4 of S� of Sec 10-28-23 bounded on N by Ni.les Ave., on the E by Edgcumbe Rd., on the 3 by Lexington Paxk Plat 3 � and, on the W by Griggs St., (F�cc. W220') $239•27 O N � Lot 29, Blk. 8 Lex' , ington Park Plat ll $103.2�+ � Lot l, Blk. 7, Mattock Park �219•35 o � �., Lot 28, Blk. 7, Mattoc3� Park $219.04 o rn n v Lot 11, Blk. 8, Mattock Park $219•35 0 c � I,ot 12, Blk. 8, Mattock Paxk $219•35 Lot 1 & E 5' of Lat 2, Blk 9, Macalester Villas $228.60 I,ot 34, & E 30' of Lot 29, Blk 9 Macalester Villas $230.07 Lot 2, Vincent's Addition $13�+.90 WI�REAS, �he total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $2,083•1�+, now therefore be it, �"�/(,�9' Ado ted b the Council 19— COUNCILMEN P Y Yeas Naya Butler Carlson Approved 19- Levine _�� Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty O ORIOINAL"TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Roger M. COI1W&y COMMISSIONER DATF RE,SOLVID, That �he C�nmissioner of Public Works b� a,nd he is hereby au�horized to pay from the Permanent Im'provement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 the amount of $2,083.1�F, a portion of the assessable eosts of Side�walk Construction under the 1970 Sidewalk Contract 70-M-0501, Levy No. 3, District No. 2, L-7278, in �he amount of $2,083.1�, said Perman�nt Tmprovement R�volvir�g Fund to be reimbursed f�om the City's Share of Local Improvement Aic1 Fund, Q920-�+61 (i971) �� . EP 9 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays SEP g �g71 Butler ��, -r°�, ��_� prove 19— Levine ` ;'� .�In Favor Meredith Sprafka �, ayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty p,�� sEP 1 � �97a 0 � .-� _ � . DYKICATt TO lRIN'f�R -�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. ���Ii:)1��, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ��.� COMMISSION� � �� � p/�� 330, a.�T �a��st�a �r c�.a. �s. �, ,��na� � ��r!���a�ar Ci�r �' Sai�t Asxi., aiyY pp a �a�1c�,o�s at � a+�a�sa�r11� o�s�s o� ffii�lie C�estsil�eCiaa Mwt �wati a�si�a �oeM� t� 1�it� to tlwi p�r� o�rsa�, 1111�lA�, 1'� lr�s 1►� dt���iwd t�rat 1�i l�aiLari� ��si�d � �rl �► 1� rati�rv�d a� !�r lollonia� �: D_S�ti�oa � �,.. ISt. �e Rd. �d !at ! 9t'; LO�fi �,3, 3�k � ls, �1�t �, Lsacis�t�ao Pr►�r�c P3st 7 �ig.q� o�' t►lu fo►1 da�a tsa+a�: a tr�wet in '�he .� af B� BMS 3�0r�-2� Lao�d�d oa X �,Y' �il�s Ari., 0u tlw i 1kf D�s� �d., ao �t S lqr �w�ci�Eoa laa�k l�at 3 �� �d �oa4 t� W lqr t�si�s 8�., {�. N2�0') �39•P'T � Q9, lit. 8, IAZi��m l�tr'l[ llat 11 S1t13.�1 IaE 1, i1t. T, liattost lM�s� �].9•33 La� �8, �lt. T, llattaa� !�►s�c �19•0k `:, �. IA� 11, 13.t. 8, liatloat ltis�t �1�.33 � 1$, !i]c. 8, 11�ttia�at Po� �19•3S L�'it 1 a s s' eT 7.rrt �, �3]c 9, lMea�,ss�tr villa� �8.64 � 34, i E 30' �t Lro� z9, � 9 ll�1�sL�ar �i].1�a �830.4? � 2, �1t��'� A�Aditi.� �•9a M�A�, '1!r �s�. � od' �rNs� +�osts � Ci�f srp !�► is �2,06�.1�►, �r �m� 1N i�, COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler � Approv� 18— Levine Tn Fsvor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A g►AI118t Tedesco blr. President, McCarty �� �� y . � �t��, ou�ucwfs�ro ne�Nrs�e CITY OF ST. PAUL p�UNqL NO OFRCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEMTED tY COMMISSIONEe � � ^Ar� ��� ��1 � ���� �i 1i'�.i� � � �� � � � �a�e�r3f�d t� �a�t t�t !� 7�r���lt �l�iq� l�L� El�R �Q00 1�1Nt a�at �d' �Od�.�, s �1�3aa �►! � �s�s�1+�1� �s +�I� i3�r1�c �3�oa� �M�r 1�1 lq� di+�a�t � Ta-1[-�l, LN'!' �+ 3, Disia�iot �e►. �t, L-q�, 3a 'I�t +rr�MR �!' �t,f�93•�, rai� lM��O �''ral�i�a� �MiMd Os �r s�i� !!�'ha �a t!i'b�'r �ri a� Loo�l �krailr�tt AZt �'I�Md� �� (19'"/l) SEP 91971 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Y� xa� SEP 9 1971 Butler Approv� 19_ I.evine Favor Meredith p �Y� S T�8 C� roCra7tlAt, Tedeaco � Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��