255638 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��"� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO. COUNCIG ESOL ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY • ti COMMISSIONE ATF _ __ , �ESS, The Cc�ittee 0s �aiad�a, cc�aposed o�' the Mayor, �e Parchas3ng Agent, the Cc�issioner of I�e�e�, a�d the ��3:�sioser of P�rks s�d Aecreat3on aad Pm.b].ic B�ildings o�' the �ity a� S4a�nt Paw]., has secur��l a� agreeaieSt for the p�rchase �f�hat certain pr�perty describ�sd. aa �o11a�s: That part of the �mr�heast q�arter (B.B. �) Sc�t� of I�t Tl�ree (3), B].ock Yrenty-nise (29), Lafond's �d,cLi.tion, de�cribed as folloNS: Ca�exencing cm the Hortherly line of T'haa�aa $treet 5� �eet �ast from the East ].im.e �f �amltier �treet, thesce East 50 �eet, t.henee Nerth sixty-se�rea (6'�) feet, thence iteat 5� feet, thesace ��rath 67 feet to �he begia�ing; all ia $ec�i�+n 36, Tow�hip 29, Range 23, acc. . �, The property des�r3'bed there3.�i is secessary �a� the �che�fer � Reereati�n Cen�er Bite, 0p� �pace Land Pro3eet Minn. 0�-11� (�), aad tge price at which the prmperty aay be parckased 3s at tv:e total a�a�at of $17,A�4.40, a fatr aad reasonable price aceorci3.�ag to �the appra3sal obt�.ined bT the �aa�i�tee on ba,nds; aad �, Saic� Cc�i.ttee has rec�meaded tl�e p�arches� af sa3d prape�y at the price stated above, as enrie1.ex�ced by �he let�er e� said Ca�ittee stsbai.tted Q here`cI.th; no�w, therePore, be it � � R�4L'1�, �hat puracnaaat tc �ection 303 of�the �h�rt�r cf the Gi�y 0� Sa.i�t Paal, snd Ardinaace Ho. 1�F382, Ca�aacil File �fo. 255498, aPPrc�red A�st 12, 192]-, the C�a.ncil o� the City of waint Pan1. does hereby e�thArize the pareha�� o�' the ab�re deacribed land; �,nd be 3t 0 p R�AbY�B �, That the prc�per City OtPiciats are hereby aa�thorized sad direc�ed to pa� to vietor and Im.ez �3.k, record fee o�nera, and Frank d. ]�aebl, �= can.tract for deed v�dec, �he �vn mf �1.7,�.A0, sa3d a� to be pa3d to the �. aYoresaid Ye�ideirs froa� PIR F�nd Coete 60�4, to be reimb�ed �'roa Fand 977�-�6E)-005, y upon �heir tt�rni�hing evidence m� good marketable title in the aforesaid vendors, and the total payment to be mad.e npr� �ender by said partiea o� appropriate dee�s coaveying title to sa3.d propertg to the City oP Saint Pa�t7.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � g����_ Yeas Nays Butler S� 9 tig71 � � PP � 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka ayor �Againat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty P�IS�D SEP 11 19T1 � J. WILLhAM DONOVAN 223-5317 'Valuation Engineer ROYE. BREDAHL, Jr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ��s� 286 Cify Hall $aint Paul, Minnesofe 55102 ��'� City Covncil City of 3ai�t �a�.l t3e�tle�en aad Maclam: '� 1 �he C3.ty o�' Saint Pa�1., acting thraagh i.ts Valnatioa �agiaeer, has negotiated to pnrclsa�e certa3.n prc�perty described as ��llc�s: That part of the Horthea�t qi�arter (B.E.�) 3�th of bot Tl�ree (�), Block Twenty-niae (29), I,afond's Addition, deseribed aa t'ollo�ws: C�cing e�a the �artherly li�e of �ha�as 3treet � feet East fr� the &ast line of Qa�l.tier 3treet, theaee �euet 50 feet, thence T�orth aixty-aeves (67) �eet, thesce �est 5� feet, thenee 3��th 67 feet te the beginaiag, a�.1. 3.� section 36, sc�nshtp 29, Rasge 23, acc. �he eogtract e�timer of the above deseri.bed la�d, Frank J, FIisebl, has aecepted an offer teadered him by the City in the a�cmnt cf $17,�.0O as caaqaensaticm for the sale of the laxid to the City. Thi: praperty, incl�.ding la�ad a�d buildiags, is needed bg the �it�r of Sa3mt Pavl Por the ;3chef�er �ecreatian Ceafi�r. Tn Y3.ew of the reas�abl� priee for �hich it caa be pt�rc,hased, �aid price being the appraised Pa3r and reasonabie aarket valge therePere, we, the Cc�ittee cn �at�ds, do recamoae�ad to the Cc�.cil of the City of 3a3�t Paa1 that it at�thorize the p�rckase oP said la�d in liet� of eondms- aatior� pre�ceedings at the price of �i17,�.�0� a� ��gatiated xL�h the c,r�aer. Y , �a P�rc ia ent C ss oner Parks, 8ecreation aad lic B�ail s . C saioffier of Finaaee Pa.TC@�. �Q• �F �'j.�@ �O• 1.'j�}�