255637 OR161�NAL TO CITY CLERK �V�J(���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL Np. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL OLUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE • A� �EAB, 9.'he Ce�a�i.ttee oa S,aads, eaa�posed �t' the l�ay+�rr, the Pqrehasing Agen�, �he C�i.ssioaer o� Finsace, asd the Cc�3.�sioner o� Park�t aad Becreatioa agd Public B�uildiags o�' th� City of 3aint Pa�7., haa aeenred a� agreeaent for �he p�rchase o� that certain prop�rty descril�cd as folla�rs: � Co�ene3ng at �cmth�rest eorger of Le�t tbr�e (3), B].oek txenty-mia� (29), y � "Latond� additien" ta :�ai�t Pa�1., 1�3x�esa�a, accordisg to the plat thereof on Pile aad of reeord in the o�tY.ce of the B�eg3.ster of Beeds in a�d �or �ey Co�anty, �.nse�ata; thenee rr�ning �ast cn Scr�.th 7.i�e e� said ?�at three (3), fii"ty (StJ) feet, more or leas, to lTmrthxest carser o� laad � O ccnveyed 'by Daniel I.avalle & tirife te Aarcisse Ccrarne�rer bT "63" of Deeds, ='• P�� 3`�6; thenee x�ning Saath on Ne�t line ef land coaveTed as a�Aresa3.d m to said �crurraoger siaty-seve� (67) �e�t; then�e r�:in.g Weet t'it'tY (54) � � feet mpre or lesa ta �ast line of Ga�].tier (fox�erly �ak) �t.; thence r�n3.ag 1(orth aixty-seven (67) feet a�re or lesss te plaee of beglna3ag, , being a part ��' lTar�heast Qnarter of l�or�heaat Q�a.arter (if� �) of Seetios tlairty-six (36), 3b�wns�ip t�renty-niz�e (29), �eage t�rentT:three (23), according to the f34vernaent 3�r�►eg therecif, , Ii�RSAS, The prcrperty described therein is necessary far the SSchetter �ecreat3c� Center Site, 4pen 8pace Lead Pro�eet Minn. 0BA-114 (l�,), sad t]ne pric� at xhieh the ps�rp�rty may be p�rehaas_ed is at the total a�t o� $6,740.�U, a fa3r and reascnable p�i.ae aeccx�d3.ng tc� the appraisal abtai.�ed by the C�ittee on basds; aad , _.. . �S, 3a3.d C�.i.�ttee has reeo�er�ded th� p�archase of sai�l pzbperty at the pr3.ce stated above, as evidericed by the letter of sa3d Cc+�3.ttee s�.bu�3.tted k�re�th; r�cnr, t�erefore, be it RS44�irED, Tha� p�arsuaat tm Section 34� of the �harter o� the City oY Satnt Patx]., aad 4rc'i3aaar�ce No. 1�882, Ccraneil P'ile �m. 255�98, aPPm'ved A�st 12, 19'T]., �he_Conncil of' the City Af Sain� Psa�]. d�oes here'by a�tthorize �ie p�n�re�hase at the �ove deser�bed la�d; ar�d be it ���� F�'P�R, �hat the prcper Citg o�tY.cials are herebp at�thorized arid +directed to pay to Pearl �. Cclbert,record fee c�wner, the svm of $�6,74�.�fi, �a3d s�a to be paid t� the aYaresa3d vend�r f°rc>a PI� l�tnd �ode 600Q, to be re�ml�uraed �a F�d 977E�-b6t)-�45, �pon her ftirni�hiag evidence of goc►d etarketable �itle in the afore�a3d �eudor, and the total paymeat to be made �pag texicier by �aid party of apprApriate de�ds SEP ying t e t0 saLd prop�rty to the C3ty ot' Saixit Pa�t1.. 9 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y�s xa� S�p 9 t971 Butler � App e� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ �ay A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty P���D 7� � � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 ' Valuation Engineer ROYE. BREDAHL, ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ���� 286 City Hell ' $ainf Paul, Minnesota 55102 4`°�l'��ss City CcYaneil City of 5aint Panl. Gentlemen and Nlad.aa`: The Cit� of 3aint Pa�]., actin�; thrcm�h its Val�ati�n �gineer, has negmtiated tc purchase certain proper�y described as follaws: Ccaa�encing at Saa.thxeat coraer of �,ot three (3), Block twenty-nine (29), "Lafo�tci8 add3tiols" �o :3aint Paul., Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on f31e and og record ia� the 0�t'ice o� the xegister of Deeds i.n an.d for Ramsey Ccrantg, liinnesota; thenee rar�ning �� on Scrath 13.ne of said Zot three (3), f'ii'ty (54) Peet, more or 1ess, to �orth�est coraer of land coaveyed by Daniel Lavalle 8s �ife tm Aarcisse Ccrarrio�rer by "63" of Deeds, page 376; thence nzriniag S�th cm �e�t line of land conveyed as a�oresaid to said Cc�urr�cyer sixt�r seven (67) feet; thence ranning West fY.fty (5�) fee� more or less to �ast 13.ne o� Gaultier (�'ormerlg Oak) St.; thence running �orth sixty-seven (67) �,1eet ffiore ar less to place of beginning, being a part of 8vrtheast Q�arter of Aortheast Qt�arter (� B�) of Section thirty-six (36), Teywnship �re�ty-ni.ne (29), xange twenty-three (23), according to the Government Survey thereo�, The c��,mer of the abave deseribed lsad, Pearl �. Colbert, has ac�epted a�s oPfer tendered her by the City ia the amcrant of $6,70�.00 as co�pea�ation �or the sale of the land to the City. This prc�perty, 3nel�ding laxid snd builc�i.ngs, is needed by �he City of Sa3nt Paul for the Scheffer �ecreation Center. In view of the rea�sonable price �or which it can be purchased, said price bein� the appraised fa3r aa►d reasonable m�rket value therefore, �re, the Cc�ittee on Lax�ds, c10 reco�end to th@ Cmancil of the Ci�k,y of 3aint Pa�.l. that it �.thorize the p�rchase of sa3d lar�d im 13�n. of cande�anation praeeedin�s at the price of �6,700.f'Xf, as negotiated with the owner. 9e raly Ptire t � C�mama3.ssion of Parks, xecreation and lic Bail . . Comm�i.asioner of Finance Parce]. 80. 3 File H�. 175E16