255630 . ORIGIt�iAL TO CITY CLBRK I��.l�{ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa "�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. �zc�j�sE Cor�s�r�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY September 9� 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLV"ED: That Applic tion L�12077 for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Ma1t Beverage and Ci,arette Licenses made by Richard D. Carlson at 1021 �rcade Street, be and the same �xe hereby granted. NEW Informally aprroved by Council August;�.0� 1971 Old I,oc:�tion g 1911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� SEP 19— Yeaa Nays Butler SEP 9 �97� � ,g.�� � prove ' 19— Levine '�' _ln Favor Meredith Sprafka �, yor Tedeaco Againat SEP i l 1971 Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED � ' • CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � • � Capital of Minnesota � �,�J��o aUe aNt�nev�t o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PROTECTION po�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Coramiasioner HEALTH BAI.PH G.MEBAILI.,DeDaty Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN.Lieense Inspeetor August 10, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Richard David Carlson makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses at 1021 Arcade Street which is on the West side of the street between Lawson and Cook Aven.ues. This locatic�n has been licensed for a similax business since 1933. The last licensee, Lorra.ine M. Meringdol, held the licenses from July 1�69 to July 1�71, and at present the business is closed. There a.re no other 3.2 places within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor Plece is one block and the closest Off Sale Liquor Place is also one block away. The nearest church as well as school, are each two blocks away. The applic�,nt has been a bartender at the Whir1- A-Way Bax on Payne l�venue since 1965. Very truly yours, �C�%f�.t�G�� � c � License Inspector �a� � �-- � � U e , , • • - _ . ' CITY OF SATNT PAUL . DEPARTb�ENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY L IGTh�SE D N�S IOIJ Da te 7''�� 19 7/ --...,�... 1. Appliaatian for 3: oZ- -- �ytiil.�' L3ce�s� - 2. Name` of applioant ,'c hAR d q v��� L"A�wLs a �/ 3. Busines� addre�� �oa/ �i��,vc�E Res�.dence �$�g ShE�,•�yre�v,� � , � 4, Trsde rLame, if $ny �l.lF V� 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp �RQtail Ziquor F'ederal Tax Stamp���1 be u$�d, 6. t�ii what floor located JS � , Number of rooms used � 7. Between what• csrosa. straeta�A�S�N l� Loa� y�fhieh side �f strset � � �o�NEa`b 8. Are premises now oaaupied /1/(� 'I�hat busineas Haw Iong 9. Are premisea now t�nocscupiedyESHaw long vacant a� �qy�+Previous Use .� �'— v��._ ""'V' 10. .�re you a new owner(J��S Have you been ix� a aimilar buaineas before l(/O r---- Whe re 9�hen 11, Are you going to operate this business�personally � S If not, v�o wi11 operate it 12. Are yDU iu sny other busi�.ess at the present tiu� /(/v 13. Aav'e there been any aomplaints against your operation 4f this type oP place�d �hen 1Rhere 14. Ilave you ever had any licanse revoked �� �ihat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United StateaC��Native__f/jEs Naturalized T ��.,,_ 16. ll�here �rere you born 5 7 �AKL Date of bir�h .�r �'— �`� 17, I, am � married. My ife 's husband's) name and sddress is ��E.pcs,v �A,P,Gsdp/ _ . - � 8 -S`j�•Pk�ti �P.vE 18. (If married female) my msiden name ia 19. Hcrw long have you l�.ved in St. Paul _ L,' �c - ,� 20. Heve yuu ever beer�. arrested /UZ� Violatian of yvhat criminal 1a�r or ordinanoe ��.. 21. Are you a registered voter i.n the City of S�. P�ul � Yes �o,r (An.s�rer fully and Qom�letel�r. Theae a liaations are thorou hl oheeked aad e►n �alaif ication wi11 be cause for enia . (OVFR) V � • ♦ 22, Number of 3.2 places within two blocks �di(l� � � 23. Closest intoxicating liquor p7aoe. �x Sale fiff Sa1e � � .Y.., 24, Nea re s t Church S% :� � 9/ � T J�` C,•q�s� i� earest Sahool ��UE .�� V c,�vid� �� - � , .0 25. Number of booths l)N� Tables Chairs /� $tools�l� ,�._._..._... 26. What occup�tion have you followed for the psst five y+ears, (Give names of einployers and date s s o employed.) . /7 ' — — (.(Ji( N — � t�iFl �f�U 27. Gi�e names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St, Paul, Il�.rna., who oax� giv�e in.fora�,tion concerning you. Name DE�UNi� �rH��uhqqE� Address ��`� 'Tr��.E Name ,cGr,� �, �C� GA ,Address �YG.S`— �/A�{'E,��,�' �� '� %�� �� � _ tx- l�-:- �--- 'J, - ��✓ `_ '�,nature of App ican Sta te of Minne s�ta� ss Co ty of Ramsey ) � _ Y � r � �I n � �c:�being first duly s�rorn, deposes and say$ pon osth tha he has ree t f'oregoixig statement beari�ng his sign�+ture and knows the eontents thereof, and that the sam� is trtae of his o�wm knowledge sxcep� as to �hose matters therein s�ated upon inforrr�tion and belief and as to those matters he belae�es them to be �rtza a � . . � ./`�.�,..,�/L�=� ' � � �C. �..�_�, . S �nature of AppliQant Subscribed an sworn to before me . Y� /�/�/� ' � t � f, day of' 'J 19 / .. ,� - ���� '� �-� .. tary Pub , Ramsey County, P,�inn�sota �. �p� �`�,k' My Conunission expires ��`° ,,�'����ti �. �e� �� (Notes These statement f�,��g�,;�n duplicate. Both copies must be flzlly filled out, n.otarized, and returned k$'a�.'��s`'��icense Division.j� �;�., �,; ���� � . • , ' AFFIDAV��BY AFPLIC,�,NT . F�R R�TA,IL BE�R �08 LT�IIOR LICENSE Re: ��/ Sals 3 - �— License Name of a pplicant ,' D.a ���c� ,�,��5 a�v Business address fQa/ /J�QC�.6c�� � Are you the sol� owner of' this business?� If not, is it a p&rtnerahip? ro,pEFtl� O w•v�o/ � b oorporation? , other? ,��,/��•T� � q �',i, t>thers interestad in business, include those by lo�n of money, proparty or otherwises �aII��" •/!o !� � �N EDCJ / CC QLtINf�PS O'F � � Address �n`s � �'�_Hovv ,� T <�A fj L.�'O ���t�!�c � �����n� o /--d g,/l/ If a corporation, give ita name, Are you interestad in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business?`_�Q As sole awner? PArtner? S�ockholder� f>therwise? (Through losn of money, eta. Exp7.ain� Address of such business and nature of interest in same - ; ; � - �, _. � t.. -r"' .s:---C,-.-.'�L.'a--�L-!/ /�� -_.f''�t.. .,Z../...�."�`_'.. gnature o£ applican Sta�e of Minne s ota� )ss C y of Ramsey � / 4 � �/ �`� �� � ' � C��� '�"��' being f'irs� dul�r sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath ` hat he has read the foregoin�; a fida,vit bearing his signature and l�.ogts the oontents thereof; that the sams is true of his ovm l�ovrledge, except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. / ' �� �'� _ � �.t.-.._ �.tr�,-y.=.., />// <�..' L�-�-- ��-`/ r �ignature of applicant f S acri e and swo t� before � � i day of�:`�=�' 19 �� .._..._� � 1���� -, � ;��� otary c ey Cau� �9�s J�cK�Ra�segs�a`l I�y c s si on expir�t;���� Ex�`� 19 Notary ��5; � ���� ^i�V Y a.` � .� � . .. S��h' �'' ��.�i'S�`+si SS CQUNTY (�' RAMSEY � �1 /�n. � ( G ��� 1 ` l�� � '✓ �°�-��E being Pirat duly �v�rorri, doth dep9ae an.d say that he mskea this aff�.davit in aonneetion wi.th app}:ioati4n Por ",��� Sale" liquor lioense (", , � Sale" zn�lt beverage lioense) in the C�.ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your aff�.ant is a resident oP �he Sta . of Minnesot� and has rasided t ere' o � h x�n � r y��ra, mon�h�, and ie naw and hae been for the tim�e ab�re ment3.�nsd a bana Pide resident 0f ,� ,.� � . s— �aid� S�ate and �hat he now residea� a� �� � ���✓�/au/( �C" _ �� a��s _ � 1 /���� r � ��"� , ��aaota. C it y or ovaa�. , �� y,��- � � �•�� �.z_�-�--_—_, � 3ubseribed a swor� to before � is `., Y of ��'�"f �9 �� �� ti , % o�ary b]�i� , ey Count�5 � �,O GpJ� 2�� � G OIlIIriI��.021 AX 12' �� � t�`Se�s�a� s� p � �,�,�� � t`�QJ�\\G.����i, C���a ���`�� ��G + � . A�s� 7 4, 1971 Rat. 1�s�n �eredith, t:6■�tr. ot Fqb11C 8�tzr 3,CN1. B. :�h. �t. A��►s t�r, I�4�i P. IiQLoa�lr3.in 8�sr 8#rs T3�e City Co�m�il t�� intb�al2�r +rq�prar�d 4.� �rpliastia� od' Aiesba�w� 1�ir+rid Cst'l�on !or �st.t�tr�t, 4n arid 4f!' Sul.e �►lt Hrnora�pe �t! Cigsrftte Lio�uss s� 1Q23. Arca�e Sts�et. �t311 7� pLw► � t�r► �t�t�sar� re�wt�tti+oo4 4'Al�1 t2�]�I �oYSS s Ci�j Cl�eri� �P