255627 ORI04NAL TO CITY CL6RK ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti� NO. , �LICENSE COMMITT� COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY S2j�t@IIIbC.'Z' 9, 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF RES4LVED: That Application Z-12300 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7848, expirin� January 31, 1972, issued to Robert J,� Ga,rllivan at 354 Waba,sha Stree-�, be and the same is hereby trarisferred to Ga,llivan�s Restaura,n.t, Inc, at the same address. ON SAL�: L�.QUOR LICrNSE ESTABLISHr�1T TRI�NSFER (Individual to Corpor�,tion) Informally approved by Council l�u�ust 31, 1971 SEP 91971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays sut�er S E P 9 19� � �- App 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka � Against Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty S E P 1 1 �97� PUBLISHED - � ! . �'� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � " , Capital of Minnesota � ������J � a1Je art�ne�ct o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PROTECTION poWCB DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH R.ALPH G.MEBRILI.,Dsyaty Commissloner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN.Lfeenes Iaspeetor ....'j r.,.l�r(, i�'� '_��.�_ `u` -f ;�a�zc�i��le i':aycr an:l Ci�;� �o���zca?_ u�in�; �'at1l� ',:i.aneuo���� uCFltL.�CP:iC11 a�.l�if,'t T'''yi:�Ckc"Ls':1: Cur-ren��.;,T P.obca� �3. ��.�.�iv�n is Iicensee �t c,5� _''�� �* ;��ireet, Lo3.dir�� an �a�� �;icyuor LscenNe 1`?0. 7�9=E3, � ..�.� .�.��� �1.riC. l:J c.:'u C.�—:�C�Si,c�L?I'�.::�;� �_'i.VCY'I2� �'3U<^,:S^G'�'.�Q.'� �i3.�c Y'L'�:�C �2,`12��— . . ,, . . ., Ariu I��]Ci21�3C �F�C'$"c^.i;C}T' , ...`�.0 :Zi1C`;�} iF.iCCI1�C 1'.O. �J'o�!':� <^�'^y�. C,'7�:j?— lI ll1`; c���iluii.l.l;�" Ji� ���i`4. i•<r. t��,.liiv�:r. ?:as b�eeh� so 3acea�n;ec�! .^`�; �L'�i� location �ig.cc .'L�JC:�C a��c� in t,�� C:� ti�i� Lic �.�or �a*'sinea� sia:cc ���'�. ,,. . i>.�^• lta^.�.��.�..�..V:iY? �,.,t:,u i^i)y'.1Ci�'.IOi7 a.01 ':.:"i.0 i;I'c^.IINiCY O:� '�T1C :l'lJOVC �ICL'T'�tiC'N fi'0 : tOiiCll.` u�. �5�.�.].Vc". �� i�17 �.TIE11V1Cil:c`±�_ u�,0 i.ii'1.�.y.I't'�i:l�'�i TiCS''i.c.L;:i��:l";;� '�i:C• �'��:i, j:iZi�' ' � �:: .7c:.::lit� C.<.C��I��e"�:I��.�.• ��-g• • • � e c� a.l'V�a� '::'3i� i3C 1:'1C �.�'i01i ��.00!:_'.O>�C.'i� ,"l.''A.'.s?: ^O�.C' G,�i�1"oTCu;OS^ c�Il�i •1 , , . ...� T .�.o .�r r�� ' . ., � .� . c t,.i i _':OZ� i.:_:; Ca.�.,�.CC:i OY 1 F'C.' ir'�.��."�� uL'CI^@t".c 2^�' c.I'cu a.1��y��LtT'C'1^ O:u ��'_� CC�y:OY'���i0i3. a."�,:,L.C'=.��C� ].N �;i:C iCi:'�Cl' �":� Ir'CCJii@'�t i0Y' f;S3C1? J�1"uriSYCi. '�ery �ru'-;�' �Toa�r�, ��.���. ` . I icc�:se �ns�ec�;o� ,,�� �; ,� r .J ., t� , a � s� :�''`� a �J ,,� O � ► + � DUDLEY, SMITH, COPELAND & BELISLE ATTORNEVS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW � W. 1260 RIRET NATIONAL BANK BUI�DIN6 JOSEPH J. DUDLEY ST.PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI01 G. WILL�AM SMITH � . � � RICHARO W. COPELAND 224-4671 - ... WAYNE T. BELISLE JAMES C. COTTINGHAM , - STEPHEN C. LAPADAT August 23, 1971 St. Paul License Inspector Public Safety Building Sa.int Paul, Minne s ot a Dea,.r Sir: � This office represents Gallivan's Ba.r and Restaurant which has been operated by Robert Gallivan for a nurr�ber of years at 354 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Effective Septerr�ber 1, 1971 this enterprise will be operated as Gallivan's Restaur�nt, Inc. Gallivan's Restaurant, Inc. is a duly organized corporation filed for rec�rd in the Secretary of State's office on February 9, 1971. It has not c�nducted any business as yet. Rob°rt Gallivan is the s�le stockholder, the sole director ar�d the s� le officer of this corp�ration. We respectfully request that the City Coun�il transfer the liquor license now in the naxr�e of Gallivan.'s Bax and Restaurant to Gallivan's Restaurant, Inc. at the sarr�e l�cation. I am� enclosing for your files a copy of the Articles of Incorp�ration of Gallivan's Restaurant, Inc. , a copy �f the Certificate of lncorporati�n and a copy of the rr.inutes of the first shareholders and board of direct�rs rr�eetings of Gallivan's Restaurant, Inc. Should there be any further informlation that you need kindly get in_touch with the und er signed. � Best regards. Very truly y�urs, DUDLEY, SMITH, COPELAND &�BELISLE Joseph J. Dudley � .. ' _ ���23?4Z52��j� `LOL � �-,,;�� JJD:kc ? A" jO7i � �` -�, enclosures �. .. - C' L I y E D ti� � �c.� �•"�� ���;SE DIV. � � �;� -:. ci Nublic 5a�ety �Q �l-. ��;i Jj� �!���� � . C) `,. � . . St. Paul, Minnesota _ :`_�a�za�� �;I� '97i ���Iivan'� Restauran�, �:c. ��� ','���«.�IZ� utrcc�; To the AppliQants Your application �or licenees has bean inform�lly approved by �he Lioense Commit�se and tk�e City Council, This favorable aation me�na that you iray naw csc�nplete negotiationa for transfar �f ti�le to property and proceed with improvemente you may have in mind, Yau should now go �o the City Clerkts Office, 386 Court House, and pe�y the feas required for liaenaes listed below. You w�ill reesi�s a blue receip�, vrhich yau mus� bring to the License In�pectorts af'fice, 202 Publio Safety Building, The licenses x�.11 be granted by the City Council wizen all rsquirementa of the Police, Fire and Health Inapeetors have been met. LZCENSE CU�ITTEE �rfr. Gn ��_le F�i::�aog �'�icen�e i'�a. 7�3�'�8 L°,.,. '--;'-7? , ,._ Y��QP: �o��er�t �. Ga3.�.iv��n i;� �; Resta urant Qn Sale Malt �ff Sale Ni�lt ' C i�arette T�tal �. i:C �'�y"� ('�ree �:ecei�t) N.B. If you are applying for �'aIt Bev+erage licanses, p].ease read carefully the "R�gula�tions Gaverning the Sale of �?n. and Dff Sale 3,2 B�alt Beverage" which have baen handed to yau. Violations of any af the regul.ations �ri17. be aause f or revooat ion �Df a11 of your licenses, 7-23-6 9 Avgu�t 31, ].971 Sort. �an �rat�sdi#.h, E�wu�r'. d!' Pa�].iC Sa�at�s 101 S. lOth. St., 3t. P�.� Mixu�. Attae �. �rniel P. IfoLr�ghliu Dear 8ir: Tbs Ci.t�/ Cso�:il. 't.Odf�/ i.ri�Or�r�3�1 �rpr�d 't2�e e�rrpZSCat.ian o! Rabert J. t3sllivam, �al�+r of �► Bale Liq�lor I,icense l�o. ?�, �ud Qass C2-Restaatt'ant, Tecv+era, C3gaTett�„ Cl��xtte Yendin6 He�chine Opsrator (2 Maabir.r�a� Li�ansv Ho. 93'T�►s � ���8 Januar�r 31, 1972, a� 3�► wabe�aba street, tbr t�e traa�steac at tbd � �ic�es tr�oa Rvbert a. c�a1l.s�nun as ea� i.�dtriduel. tcr d+W.i�nw�s �stao�mt, Inc., s� t�e +�r ad�riuls. 1ds. tial].i�n trill bt t�e saLe �t1'�uk�►7.d�', tDe ral� �irectaac� aa� �rill �al.d t�s �s b! Fr�ti.+�rnt, S�+et�r�► trtd Tree��x�er cr� t�t aoarpaacotiar�. Vei'Y � Y�urs� C'ity �k �