255604 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK . �- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCiI NQ ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . �UN RES LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � p�, �RS1�iS, th� �ffic� of the Corpo=stion Connsel ha� c�rtified in writing that it i: in doubt �s to who is entitled to the awards of d�ag�s, iA th� total aac»aat of $3,000.00, for the taking of the follc�wing d�scribed prop�rtp: Lot 12, in Block 6, ir� Ccmo Prcapect Additioa; - $ 500.00 Lc�t 28, in Block 6, fA Con�� Pr�apect additioaz - $2,500.00 said a�ards hani�g been eoafirm�d by Cauncil �'ile Wo. 254171, approved May 21, 1971; now, therefore, be it R�30LV�D, T'hat m �arrant be draw� for ��id anc>unt of $3,000.00, papable ta Jcseph P. I,�btasa, Clerk of eistrict COUrt, S�emad Judieisl Diattict, R�msey Cmunty, Minae:mta, for the party or partie�s entitl�d ther�to. � ! ✓�'i 1�� FORM APP � � � ,� � ' ,� �� Asst. Cor or tt o n �/ � � � � � � SEP ? 197A COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y� x$� SEP 71971 Butler � ��� v� 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka '� Maqor Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty gEp 11 197� PU�I,LSHED �� ,�rea COtlB pin' �F THOMAS J. STEARNS � 2Z3-5125 ����/� ?'� ARTHUR M. NELSON c�� � � �i� PAUL F. MC CLOSKEV, JR. �`"� � R. SCOTT DAVIES PIERRE N. REGNIER �� �~ DANIEL L. FICKER JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROBERT C. HOENE KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITH HANZEL First Assistant ROGER W. MEYER Assistants JEROME J. SEGAL LEGAL DEFARTMENT TERRY F. SULLIVAN Special Assistant Investigator 316 Cify Nall, St. Paul, Minnesofa 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS b M Corporation Counsel . A11 St 25� 1971 �� `� ���4 Z'lie Honorable Cliarl�s P. MeCarty and Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul Thiffi is tc certify that this office is in doubt a� to who is entitled to the awards of damages in the total a�ount of $3,�00.00, for the taking of the following described propertyz Lot 12, in Block 6, in Como Prospect Addition= - $ 500.00 Lot 28, in Block 6, in Como Pro�pect Additions - $2,500.00 said awards liaving been confirmed by Council File No. 254171, apprcved May 21, 1971. Very t y rs, JERQME J G Sp sistant Corpo ion Counsel JJS:ja � ouM.�cwrs ro��wtte �V�j��/� _ .. - CITY OF ST. PAUL �unc�� N� z' `f OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEI�tAL FORM r�r�o.r COMMISSIONE� n/�� 1�EU�l�i, �h� 0!lia� o! t�u Cosposation Co�nNl bas a�rtifi�d ia �+�citinq that it is io daubt a� to who is � �ntitl�d to th� an►ard� o! da�aq�s, ia th� ta�al a�wnnt of ��``'� �3,000.00, for th� takiuq o! th� follawinq d�acrib��d psop�rty: � Lot 12, in Bloak 6, in Cc�o pro�p�ct lkiditioa�i - = 500.00 Lot 28, iu Block 6, in Como l�rosy�et 11�iddition� - ;2.500.00 �aid an+arSs havinq bean ao�►firawd by Counoil Fil� �to. 254171, approwd ltay 21, 1971= na�►, t�r��or�, b� it �iOLV�D. �hat a warrant be draMn tor •aid �t o! ;3,000.00, payaDl� to Joaph !. Ls�tasa, Cl�rk of Dirtrict Conrt, Sscond Judicial Distaciat. Raa�sey Couaty, Miane�ota, l�or th� �astp os parti�s e�ntitl�d th�r�to. � � ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�� '� 19_ Y� xa� ? 19T1 Butler $EP , � �_ � Appro� 1s— �°l� T� Favor �eredith Sprafka � � Aoaninnt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��