255603 � 25��03 OR161NAL TO CITY CLQRK CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF � � WH�REAS, The Metropolitan S�wer �oard's bu�g�t and cost allocat�on methods for 1972 will be acted upon by the Met�opolitan Counc� l , and WHER�A�, Two items are of gr�at coneern to muni�ipaliti�s in the Metropolitan area, namely the concept of Metropolitan benefit and th.e idea of combining se rvic� areas numbe r 1 �nd number 2, and WHEREAS, Pfo guidelines for chac�sing hletropolitan benefits h�ve been developed, but several communities have projects they feel are Metropolitan benefits, some possibly retroactively, and WHER�AS, although sewer servi:ce area #1 alo�e contains 70$ of the population in the Metropolitan area, it has proportionately les� representation on the Metropolitan Sewer Board, and combining it with area #2 witl increase the popul�tion and force a reduction in representation, thus inJuring both areas, and WHEREAS, The chief purpose of combining the above areas appears to be passing area #2 costs on to area #1 , therefore be it RESOLVED, That the seven recommendations of the Met�opot 'ttan Council Referral Committee co�ce�ning the Metropolitan Sewer Board's ig72 budget and cost allocatton methods be adopted, and be it further RESOIVED, That the recormnendatians listed in St, Paul 's previous resolution to the Metropolita� Sewer Board be officially accepted by the Metropolitan Council and its Sewer Board, and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Metrapolitan Council before its September 9, 1971 meeting. � SEP , 71971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays _ But�er SEP ? 197�# . � vP� 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka J Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty SEP 11 197� PUBLISHED - � o�.,�,n,��,� ��sa3 � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBBiTED/1f COMMISSIONEQ Rmtl' M� CdIM�� DAM MHRREIIS. Th� Mstropol t tan Ss�+sr Qwrd's bud�t and erost al iocation iaethods for 197Z wi 11 bs actad upao by tha I�Mtropol i tan Coun�Ci l, and YNEII�AS, TMO it�ss ar� of 9rsat oa�etiarn to wunfcipatitl�s tn the Metnopotitan aroa, nahalr ths conc�pt of Matrc�poiitan bsn�fit snd ths idsa of eowbtning s�rvics anas numbsr 1 and nu�b�r 2, and � WHBREAS. No 9u f da 11 nss f�r ch�i n g t4st ropol i tan ba�sf t ts haw baea devalop�d� but sev�sral coa�unities havs proj�cts th�y fNl sro Metropolitan benaflts. sa�s po�si.bly rstrosctively, and MHEREAS, although ssr+�r servias sru fl a1oe� eontstns 7� of .tha po�wlation in the N�tropolitan arsa, It has proportionately l�ss rapr�s�ntation an the Mstropolitan Ser�rsr Bw�d, and cAa�ining it with a�na �2 will incnase the popul�tion and foros a redtution in rspros�ntativn. tlws inJaring both anas, and WHEREAS, The chtsf purpose of oowbinin9 tMe abovs s�as �acs to bs passing ar�a �'2 aosts cn to arsa �'1 . tharafore es it RESM.YED, That th� sava� ra�ndations of ths Metropolttan Coundil Mtirrat Co�oltt�e c.ona�rnin� ths q�tropolitan Saw�r Qosrd's 197� bud�at and aost allo�ation �thods b� adopted, �nd be ft turthsr RESOLYED, That the r+acowa�ndations list�d in St. Psu1 's phvioeis r�solution to th� Natropotttan fs�r ew�d be ofticisilr aaeept�d by tM Metropolitsn Councii and its SaMSr� sosrd. and bs it furtlNr RESOLVEO� That s oopr of this nsoluttvn be sent to th� Mstropolltan Councti b�fon its 8spte�ber 9, 1971 �sttng. SEP , ? 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� xa� SEP ? 1971 Butler ��- � Approv� 19� Levine 7n Fanor Meredith Sprafka (� Mayor Tedeaco A E��t Mr. President, McCarty ��