255593 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLRRK 25��9� CITY OF ST. PAUL H�UNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHERE the refugees of East Pakistan are suffering intolerable ain and misery; and WHEREA5, the Federal Government in cooperation with the United Nations is already investigating ways and means to help relieve their suffering; and WHEREAS, a primary need of the refugees can be met by every citizen through the donation of a clean usable blanket which will be used in medical clinics caring for the refugees; and WHEREAS, the Catholic Youth Centers of St. Paul and Minneapolis have undertaken to coordinate a drive to colleet blankets for the refugees; now, therefore, be it • _ RESOLVED, that the City Council of St. Paul, does declare the weekend of September 11 through 12, 1971 as - BLANKET WEEKEND �in the City of St. Paul, and urge all citizens to donate a blanket to the Catholic Youth Centers for distribution to the refugees. a� N C 7 O U wc,� g O "� � 0 a Q U N _ Q +�' � 1fl7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Naya �. SEP 3197� � -' 19— Levine �J ..�in Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r .�L�lgainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty p�gL�sHED S E P 1 1 19 71 ��