255594 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLRRK 2���94 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nca NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS� the ivic Center Authority on August 27� 1971, adopted Resolut 'on No. 333, requesting that_ an On- Sale Liquor License b issued for the Civic Center Complex in the name of the Ci ic Center Authority, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Laws 1971, Chapter 4g8, Regular Session;and WHEREAS, said resolution further requested that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon petition by the Civic Center Authority, waive license fees , bonds and all costs related to the issuance of said license ; and WHE�tEA5, the City Council finds and determines that the issuance of said license is proper and in the best interests of the City of Saint Paul and the Civic Center Authority, and has a direct relation to convention promotion at the Civic Center Complex; and WHEREAS, the issuance of said license is in accordance with and pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota for 19'71� Chapter 498, Regular Session; now, therefore , be it - RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul : p (1) That it hereby approves and grants to the Civic � � Center Authority an On-Sale Liquor License for the pr�mises known as the Civic Genter Gomplex; n A � � o (2) That the license fee , bond and all incidental o p costs relating to the issuance of said license are hereby t � m waived; and � ° _ (3) That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and � � i�i.structed to issue said license in accordance with the St. - P�ul Legislative Corie . e ,.. Y SEp 310�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEP 31971 'B',�i"�-- ��, Appro 19— Levine �-Tn Favor Meredith yor Sprafka �Again$t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty SEP 4 �97� PUBLISHED �� , � � �ss�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ° Capital of Minnesota eL.)e art�nevct o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIRE PBOTECTION rO�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALP'S G.MESRILL,DaDaty Commissioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN.Lieenss Inspector �c;��Ler:,�cr 7, ��71 :50P.OY'�'eJ'C f:<.�'O1 �..^C� �'vi"'':,�r �OiIT"°C3�- u�_lll� _'t:LI�� i.ii.�i.C�O;,... �CIiC.�.Ci:1CT'i 2i1G� t'a�G;,'_D'.: . . . �:<e ��.J�.c Cca��cr :.ti-�;:,�orst;�, �i'.;�r o� u�i��: �:'<:���3, '.:<i:C�' c:_:w•y�.1Cc:�,30:1 'OTi^ �." ,,�, L1S2 S.s<.i�`�.. ' 3:iF30Y' �?�C@I2S@ 2i'S '�_CCOTC��fi3CC • . ,�. , , ::ii:i1 ''-c.iiC i.C.'"I:?� c1I:C� l�i�i.OV,T�,�1GI.:� O r ''r�:`:".� O�° i:.IP:21C�'O"Gc. �.n7� � G:.'_'.c.Y}�.Ci �'.��. :.'iizN Oz. ���'_e �zcyuuc�r� ?_iccS.�e �� �o '��e o��cra�ec; ,^.�, i?�e Ca�ric A �en,,c� __�::';.��orz�<;y �,o:-i,�?e::. 1 . . . , „ . .txit? :.s.r1C lry.�.'yl':.C,.' •',L'.;::1.021"��' 'v0:'x�t'L':: 1,r ''i"C�'�Cfl:i.�j' �':1�E''.E.'I^ COIl.`".��'i.iL'.C��;IOIl• �_'1.0 d'.1��_ )� .^_CiC'i^��S ,., i�� ;:'� i'OL1Y'j.�: �f'.3^Cc^,�"i.• i').1� I'C'iYLZu��� .. �. �E.Z�::OY'l:,CCi OI. �_"1,� ,� ,-`'.�� _✓�7� � ..:'!Cf1 �;''.� �i 7.V 2.C 'C eI3'�G 1^ ' �1, .a , . . r. ._L..�,li�i I �' �_C:O�,^��.Ci� iC SO�.Y:�,TOi1 1?O. �,c;v 4_�?3_Cii Y'C— Ci'.1C:`".L._4`, i,it�ci �l.;l C3.3 wic�.1.0 ��3`;g.02^ i3CCiiSC l�C l.�'NL:'CC: 1F: l�i,':@ E�.t:lE O�.° , . . . �'�.c �avac �en�,�r ::u;;'_,o�i;;;- �or t'�.e i,�.�:rie L�^n�cr �,o .��c... �lca;;- ;,r���.� ,i�L�b�� c `j� C . I//�r �,a�e�3�c ���:��ec�,;or � Area COtlO . ��iti ,,,. THOMAS J. STEARNS �= [13-5121 � ,��� 1.:.\'�-` �ARTMUR M. NELSON \ i a�F �� :;'�,{� . PAUL F. MC CLOSKEY, JR. � � _ � �. R. SCOTT DA V 1 ES . . _ �y�'�:'• PIERRE N. REGNIER i . OANIEL L. FICKER � JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL R°BERT `. "°E"E KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITH NANZEL FIfSt ASSIStaflt ROGER W. MEYER Assistants JEROME J. SEGAL LEGAL DEPARTMENT ' TeRRV F. SULLIVAN Special Assistant Investigator • 316 Ci4y Hali, St. Paul, Minnesoto 5510t DANIEI A. KLAS Corporation Counsel September 2, 1971 Mr. Daniel McLaughlin Saint Paul License Inspector Department of Public Safety City of Saint Paul Re: Issua.nce of Liquor License to Civic Center Dear Mr. McLaughlin: On August 27, 1971, the Civic Center Authority adopted Resolution No. 333 requesting that an On-Sale Liquor License be issued in the na.me of the Civic Center Authority for the Civic Center Complex in accordance with the terms and provi- sions of Laws of Minnesota 1971, Chapter 498. Pursua.nt to tha.t resolution and the request of the Civic Center Authority, I hereby request that you process any necessary application forms for the issua.nce of such a license. The Authority has requested and will petition the City Council to waive license fees, bonds and all costs in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact either mysel� or Commissioner Dean Meredith at the Public Safety Department. Very truly yours, /�-�o ��____� \ R. SCOTT DAVIES Assistant Corporation Counsel RSD:er �,�.,��1234,S�j cc:Commissioner Dean Meredith ��� � � De partment of Public Safety .ti SFp 1971 � John Friedmann, Managing Director ;� ° Civic Center Authori ty �° :, � C E I V E D ; . y�,�., '_ CEN�E DIV. `v � `C�''.� ot ;�u�f,c Safety '��v �C�('��C� ���� �:.1?pZ6l 8��:�i�' �� - Y .�.. � ' � . . �. - . OUPLICATE TO ►fhtiTLR � � - - � � . � � �"'���`�� � � . ° � , CITY OF ST. PAUL Ho�Nc�� NO. ���`J�'�` r: : � OF�ICE OF THE CITY CEERK �,, _ G . ' >� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ✓� �RESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONEQ DAT� ��'HL�tI;AS, the Civic Center Authority on August 2'7, 19?1, Aclopteci Resolutioii No. 3jj, requesting tha� an On- Saie Lic�uor Licenae Ue issued for the Ciuie Center Complez in the �arne of tl�e Civic Center Autizority, in accordance wfth the terms and provisions of Laws ly�i, Chapter 4)8, I�.egular Se$sion;and . . .__. ._...._ _ ___ IrHLIi.1:AS, said reaolution �urther requested that- _t}�.g_--------.__-- . _ Couneil of the Gity of aaint Paul�, upon petiti�n �y the Civic Center Authority� waive license feee, bonds and all costs related to the issuanee of saic! license ; and kh.'r:�tEAS, the City Council finds and determines that the issuance of said license is proper and in the best interests of the City o� Saint Paul and the Civic Center � Authority, and has a direct relation to eonvention promotion at the Civie Center Complex; and �13ER�.AS, the issuance ot said license is in accordance wit� and pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota for 1g'71, Chapter 498, Regular Seseion; now, tlierefore, be it Ri:�iOL�'i;ll� by the Council of the City ef Saint Yaul : (i} That it hereby a�proves and grants to the Civic Center Authority an On-Sale Liquor License for the premises known as the Civic Center Complex; (2) That the license fee, bond and all incidental costs relating to the issuance of said lieense are hereby waived; and (3) That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to issue said license in accordance with the St. Paul Legislative Code. SEP 3 l�71 COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays R„+,�" SEP 3 i971 �. ._ _ (��„1��,n AppTOV� 19_ Levine __�� Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � �� �,�. �S ss9`f a.''s��,,�> . ." q-3- 7� .�` �� � � �., �. �� � � � u,��� � � ,f3.�'�LIC.r"��'I(J� ��� <<C�� ���.�,.�," I.,�����Z �..,���NS�, APg�lic�tion No....._�_._..�.�.....__.._....___ Name of �.ppiicank � , t ..:... A�e........._...�.......� ..._ ...- - _....�. __... _ I�esidence Address ........'`. ....`..: ' .:, ' � ..._:.................... 'I'eiephone No . . ....._ .......... ............ �.:.._.._ .......... ...................................._...__...._.� �,re yuu a citizen of the Unit�d States?--..._...w..................._.......................................................................................................-•----......,.._..............................._ Have you ever t�een en�a��d in operating a saPoon, �afe, soft drink parlor, or busineas of simi�<�.r na��ir�? t�'hen arid where 7.........................................:.........._...._...._......................_...__................................................................:....:...._...._.:............:..:�....,..._.._.._.._..__�-__..._... if c�rporation, give name at�d general purpose of ccrrporatian....................... l��tieti incorporated?.....:......................._....__..._......,..._...._.........._.---........_..........................._...._.._..............---.................._...._...._...._..........�...�......._......:.................__� If club� l�ow Ion�,r has corporation owned or leased quartei•s tar club members?.............................:.........__..__..:._...�._..:..__..._.__..... �I�«- maY�y meznVex•s?................_................._.._.........._...............�....---.._..... Names and addressev of all officers o� co�poration, anc� izatzae anc� address of ge��eral mana�er. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , - . _ ', ._.., _ ....._ �'�Ta,mes and addrr,sses of Stockl�olders: � ' . �:;^i.� ,,�:._ ......................................................................_..__..._...._____...._.._.._..��............................................_........_......,............_..........................._.................................._._..._ Give nanie of surety company which wilT write bond; i� known............................................................................._......................................_.._....._ Number Street 5ide 73etween What Cross Streets ��Ward 1 :.. :.. _.. ,.� - .'E'�c,.,_. • . . ,.. . . . • . —,!�1�1.��L�'l �.li.:\�l:";. . . . Ifow n�any feet from an academy, cotlege or �it�zvergi�y (n�ea5ured alon� streets) 7.................:........................................................_.. How many feet from � church (measured along �treeL�� ) ?.....:...........................................:.............................._...._......................._.._........__..._.__ I-�ow many feet from cloaest pubtic or parochiaD grade or hi�h scl�ooJ (measured along streets) ?.................... Nameof closest schoot................._.........._._.._................_..---................_........ ......................._..................---......................._.........._............_..........................._._.................._ I�ow are remisea etassified under Lonin �rdinance?....u.'::::;:.:::::::�:.:=. -; r • � g ................"......................................................._....._......................................_... On �•hat f9oo� located?..............................:......................_...._................_........_........................---..............._...................:.........................._.:................................................... t�.re z-emi�es awned b � � p Y You or ieased......4,.;::,;,:.:�.:........_.....if leased �ive name of owner......................_........ .. ............................................ Ifa restaurant Kive seating capacity°?..............................................:........................................................:....................................................................................... If tiotel. seating capacity of rnain dining room'?....._............................................................................---..........._...._..............................................................._ ,. . , , , . . Give trncle natne...`c:'::�:::`r. :,�::;.;�::� �..�.�;_;,...: ;:-- ...... .............................�.. ...._.._...---.....------------....._.._..........._..._..._................-----.. ..------...._._...... . .. Give b�Iow the name, or number, or other de�cri�tian of eac�; additionaT room in which liquor sales are intended: .................................................................._................__...........,........:..........................................................................._.......................................................---................................................ _......._. ... . ...... __..........................................................._......._.........................:......_.._..................................................._...............:_......................................................._............_ (Tixe irt�oryn�tion abov� tnusL be given for ho#�Is ancI resY.nut•ants whsch use more than one room for izquor FAIC9). Howma�ny guest rooma in hatel?................._...._.............._._................_...:.................._............._......_....._..:..,............__.....__......................_................_............__...._.. �;��xz1e �f resid�nt proprietor or ma.xs�,g��r (xe;��;u�ars�: t�� l�to�t�,}..................................._..........:.............:...................._....._............,.._.....__.._._...__ Give names and addres�es of three business reference�:................................_......_.._,.._............................_..._.........._..._.....................................--- 1.................._..............._.............._._...._...._.,..__.............._....__..............._...._........._........_....................:...._......._....:.---....._.........:.:............:..................................................._.........-- `L........................_.........._..........................---......................_........:....,..............................................._......:_....................:.,....:..:............_.................................................................. . 3..............................................._....�........._............:.............._._._......._..............,....�...........................,;:....:...:......:...:....,.............._....,....w...._.............................,...................... '�'.�I1S AE'PI,ICATI()N N1�.TS'I' �31: V7�xw���`:���;�> ai�° �'���i: �1e'�'LIC;t},�tT, AND IF C(?Rl'Q�ATInN, I�Y AN 4FP'ICrR n�' T��I+: C(3RP�RATl�N I)I1I..�:P ,"."�:�'�'�tC:ii�a�,l<,'I) 'T� 11xAKE THIS .APPI.ICATION; AND 1'I-TE: SEAT., OF"CHL: CORPO�i.ATtON B� A�."I"1��::�Il.i�::): �"�' ,.,,^ a a:^SV E �'°' � � � . � � �'9:� �i� l:wm;6�.u�i�. wM���u: .� . .. . . . . • - �<rg:,eo . � . . . . . . � . � � � \ ` . , . STATE OF MINNESOTA, , COUNTY OF RAMSEY, S8• ,. . T7`�+a i:t!� :�r i i 4i.1'`;�i`1 r t..l 1 i�3�'?i'!IZ ......:...�Y�...ti���..+..u.��l't� _��::«`xr'�;�t"��^.'�:{2r.t.�.�'i.ef,:�:Qii'�'. .{'.�_v�' :" �` .:llf.:"Xa. _%�.lA'�.:�li�:'.`•_{:t�' �P.ITlg �Y'8� (�11�� dWO� _..�,�_. deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applic.�tion Fznd knows the contenta thereof, and that the same ia true to the best of his knowledge, information and beli�---� �----� . . �C � 1 '� � l..`�=�.J\. 1 ..��.—lr\/'\.__... Si:t .�a. j.'� It:Et.'l�f?:I� CiZe"1�.2f'i3c�Y1 _.~ Sub�cxib�d and sworn,to before me t;iv:�c C�;YLi:� ��utl�oritj � � ,.� � y _ �his. ...� �: r�ay of �.. �. �s..�;�=�c�--'lg .,," : . .._. .....__ I ..._._..._� , � ' ���— �"� \/ /� . � � i\:�` ... ./�.. "' .�._._. � , . ........,,r __... ...i..L..:l_...._4,. _...» . . " �~__IYo r�...__ _ �y PU�i1C, R8MARVIN LuBLAi�C�1iA�i.� My rommission P,7Cp1Te _Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, Minn. : g ...._....... h9y�ommission Ex"�if�r"N�v"39�"��1$"` STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ss. _..._.........._...._.._.__..._...._...._:.._..._...�..:_.........._..._..._:.�_._...�_._._....�.,:_.....:......................�_.__.,:.___......_�..._�:�.._.being Srat duly aworn, deposes and saYS that...........__...__�.._.—.the.. .--�......._. __:_....� _� of....._...._...._...._:..._...._............................................._........:....�_.....__....... ---......_.........._...._..._....�.._. .._�.._...._ , a corp�ration; that................................................................._...._.....has read the fore�oir�o applica�ioa and knows the contents th�f� and that the same is true to the best of..........:_...._:...__..........__...._...._.:.........knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; Lhat said application was aigned, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its $oard of Dire.,tors, and said application snd the eacecution t;hereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corpor�tion. , Subscribed and sworn to before me this......................._....._....day of...__..-•-•-•---....:.........._...�....._..7.9 ....._.........._.........._.,........_.....---.._......................................._. ......._------------� Notary Public, Ramsey CouriLy, ;�Iinn. My commisaion expires....._...._......._...._....__._...._ . _ /