255592 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK 255592
RESOLVED� Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized
and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and
its Model Cities Depa.rtment and Ramsey Action Program� Inc. , an
Agreement providing for a Health Program Consultant for a ninety-
day period relating to the Moclel Cities Community Health Program�
a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk.
FORM. v �
A , n un I
SEP 3197,
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays ��P 3197�1
� �a�� � ove 19�
Levine � Tr Favor
Sprafka r
Tedesco �gainat
Mr. President, McCarty ��� SEp 11 197�
.. • � . ' ' • • ..�`�� S �
. � �
, �
. ;
' 1 ,
. i
• �1 {; 7� �; 1?. 1`1 ); �\ rC ' �
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T}lIS AG::Li=:i���;�T, 1�lacie an:� en'�er��c] �.n'.:o tl�is ,� ��jT �f
NT, 197:1s 1�5:- a,�cl U�4��;���e.r� �l�e Cii,�r o!� 5ai��+� ]?a��7.p act.- ,
.,- •---,°� , , ��_� , r
:���z; t.l_i-����s",> >_ts ?10:3�.1. C�_i=i�.s De��� �t:,����, hea-e�_n��ft=er r��_e-rred to
�as `�i.�odc1. CiLies �3�����:�.r_t.7n�n'�" , a�i�d lZa.nise�;� :lctio�� 1'rot;l°��.�,is :C�ic . ,
a. A1_i_��,?esoi;a �ZC�n-l�,rol'�.t co�°po��at�i.c�al S
� .. t , �� ��
h�rc�_��ar�er -r�.,_crr�_.d to .as �GG��cy �
���7:Ti�l�SS�sTH : �
t��N;�R��i�S . The ;�io,�i�l Ci�a_c� D���ar�in��� on +�l�e ?_3a�d d,��� of= t�pa-ii ;
Z°71-, ,=�;�r_�i-��cci L �;ran� u;�der th� tlnit�cl St�'.:cs �J�;�a�_+�-r�.:�nt. oi ;
I�o�usi-,-,� a��� U:_-c��n l�c��r�J_o��::�����t Dc,mo.-i��?'a��_o_, C��_L�T and :�i�.l.r:��;o;_it.��-:� �
�i':VE? , `.� �1C;� U� �_�6i�, �l:L��_�_ .L S�1_C� � '. ':�S1b:l�3.LCCj c�S �":c;.:.�{� ''
�C17�'ii'=1 s U"1_�u'�c�ll. Q .
I�c� . I�i��•-22•-003 ; an.:l . �
17�;];l:��AS ; I'���r. su:i�:Z� to- s.��_d �r�z�_�t, I�o��;i_ Cit.i_es 'Jc>;��:�?��n-:���.��t :.�_s
L"s�1C'?`�.;:�::1_"1�? C!-'.)'�_�.:J.Tl c`�C�:1V1't;lES `y i3.I1C�
. '1'_`f 1 .i _ ..'� .i_ �„]�.� �/�� 1.�1��
�!�}1)_`���'�,`:c �r��:? !`')OC�r'.� C1�1.C'� ��2;��?'!_ tlL�I(.=?�. Cl�:�l'I_L.S .,O
. �x�,.
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�l`(.i�C�' �C Z't�l:1C�i':i: CG1'i;�a.?_11 C�JSZJ`.;^c..YICC 117 Si]-�t1 "t1Y1C�i:i t=8'E�7-7i� �71;.i�:�i;c���ii.
. to a����.� :i_�.z co�:�1��':.�_anc�:�� ;:�:�i.)� the G���a?zt No. I�11�--?_2...003i
� ,,._,._, ��i.. ;�,OD�,,�� CT.TIL� D�1P��r•T��3��'�T A.�ll 'Ti-:), AG,:,i�`�'
I�OC�7; a i3,���.r:,)?O�t:s?S 'T� -
D;� ,ii)TUIi.L►Y E�:�h'?J? l�S I_'C)LLO`n'S :
�e CCU'7i? C)� SE'i:�' 't_CC?:� : �'llc l��Cr'11C�' S�.2�i�_�_ � �.,J_��"1:L]l t.11l? �l:'t���iiZl.tt.�
Uil1\'(3=�S1.�='N '.'1Ci<��?��T�\C�i �?,�)��G?'i1;)OC��. �_17 c3 � �_ " . i=0t)' c���C) }-)"?"'Ol���l: 1f'.::�T711�,'.-y -
�-J , 5�:.��15?_<:.��� � ` �.
as dc_�i.e?���ni�ic.c; 1:�T ;So�:]�7_ i.,:i_i.ies� D�_}��:tri:i�;;�.?�'. r�;,:i -�a:_z.�:. � �.i�+� :i_i-�._:.�_o.
r _ - ,� +- -� � :C�=:_ �Cf�l�7:L�.7.C'C� SC'_1_ :r0_lU}7
_ � i, :7:�;}:�r�rn����., )��e;. or� � �i � _ ��•
a- Li��_ i��c�c �.J_ C��_t:ie.�
1±1 ��1G' u':l�cll:i).CCi �?�3.?'i= 1.�_ c�17u .`:Ilc7.�_1 ]�C'.I'f011't't 1�1.1�"'_ c"iC�-:LV1::J.C'S �•TJ_i�1�:�T1
L��c Lin�c�ta'�te ::�t fori.i;. i�n Pur_ � T1 .
T. Fu;�;i:i.z�� : (�_) Tl�c� �g�1�cy sh��a.:t cotYl�n��n�e pc,.fe�-rn�i�.ce c,�r
t�zis con.��r�������or.� i:l�e d��.y o{ s � � , and
s'�a:(_1 co:���;1_r�t,c ��c,r.;���-��;a:ce no 1��'t�cr i7ia:ii t��-�.e��.___._._� ���T^o� .-______
...�..__._�._._._.__.____..._.s 19�_.
(2) :It. :is c�>:��res;�J_y u�-�dc::_s��c>;;c1 ��nd ���;rcr.:� LI�aL- :i_n
1�o evc�-r��� ��?:i.11 t1�:� i:o':.�x 1 a:t�o.�n� t c� i�� p�i:i.�i �by i�l.e �Io.3 c�'
CJ_��7_LS Uc>>_,������.r,�r�;:�t �o '�1�,� ����cr�c;� Lir�c?�>.- t:.l��i_s /��r��e�n:�r�l. e;:•_
<� _ - ,
ccc:cl th�� s.a;,; :�i= �� C� , Oc�t� . Gc� Lo,: ?:u�_►_1. ai;c� cc>�n.�?_et:c� s.:�►�is--
:i�IG�I?3'�' i�i'1'i07=[f;'�11C(' 11� �.C;CUt:C2<iE�C2 \�;.L�i:l L�;�'� l�l�C�� �L �.3.t:1..?(;�ICC�
-. ..
. . . . • •.
to Ll�is A�reement in Part� II s and in no e��eni� sl�a7_J_ '
exc�e;] the �.mou�it_ of I'e:�e-ra:L fui�dS ]"c'_:;C?'1Viid �bj� I�Sode�
Cities DeJ�artm��_z{� fro:n� �he D��pa-r�tir:�>_-�� of_ 1.-1ou�:�n�� and
UrUan D�vclop:nent (HUD) for thi_s p-ra jec� pu-rsua.�.zi� to ',
• the I�io:�e1 Cities D;,�a�-�m��nL ' s Corn�r_�.���nsi�T` I'irs� Y�ar
Aci�;i_o-�z Plan as ��pps_ov�d by :-IUD�
(3) SuUjecL to i�l�� r�ceipt of iun.ls fr_o:n the United
Stai��s Dcp�.-r_trn�nt of l�o;�sing a7zd Ui-b:��.�i ))��ve:lop:n,�nts the ,
Model Cities ll��p�:�r���i��i. s'zall make p35�m��,-�t under �his
contract in �he f o 110;�:in� m.�nn,r :
. . �
Tize Agency sha11 preseni� to T1o�ael Cities D`part-- ;
men�� an ii�emired xe;uzsition for (mo:-�Lhly) (�a��-�,�:�:�-.�:�_.) �
r.eimbursr�:nt���'�, in form appro�Ted �U}� I�ioc3�l C:�ties ll�part- �
meni� and the CiLST Comptrollei. Requisit.ion.s slza7_7_ sei� i
forth tl�.e c]is �osii�ioz of a-.nou»ts sp�rit duri_»� the p-r-e-- �
. cedin� (mon�1.�� �:c��..:��Uc:.r_•_�_ Log�i�her „�ith an est:i_rn�.t�e of '
e�:pellses Lo be incurred du-ring the ne>:L precedin�
(mon�}.�) (�rr.=;:.eL�r..) g �,7it,h r��ere�zce to e�;l��nse c=�teGo.�i�s
as set .for�h :i_n the ati.ac���e1 b:�����L incoi:porat�cd ��;ii�h-
� �.n Pa-rt :I1 , l�iodel Ci_L:i_es. l�ep,>.z Ln:�nt �•;a.1.1 ��ti�.ke }�a5�m:nt
i:o Lhe A�,ncST wit',.�in 30 da��s ��f i�ei receip:� o� t]�e
requ:isit.io.�, afi�er ha��i_ng re��:ic;ved an1 ��.pp��o��ed i�h�
requisition. Requisitions shall include i�he iol�o;�,7ing
categories :
(a) Pe�so:�ne1 (���aoes, frin�e Ue?�ef_its)
(b) Con.sultants
(c) Space rental
(d) Trav�l .
(e) Consum.�U1e supplies � �
� (f) Equipment�rentalp 7_ease
(g) Otl�er cosLs . '
' (4} Tlze f�gency shall main�ai_n �Teri.fic��tio�z for a11 �x-
� pend:�tur_c�s i�zcludi.ngy liut noi� limited �o, Lim�� sheeLs,
:�n�Toa_ces and recej_��tsf and sl.�a7_:l ]:eep an:l r-r_La��n s:ich docuM
m��zi:�ii�io� fo�_ the pe�-9_od of LlI11C tl�,at is reqt�.i-r�d Lo mai�ZLain
� a.Ls xecoic�s he�-euncie�r.
� (5) I�o requi.s'�tions shall be fi17.e:i if, at i�he Lime iL
�s m.�.:3e, t:l�e l��;ency h��s mor� i:l�ian �+`'/<> of tlie total I�1o:1e7. C:i_t;i_es
U�paz:Lrn�nt �>>nds a1l.o�ai��d uncier_ tl��.'�s l�gr�em��nt= on depasa_i:
in :�L-s depositor��. �. ,
? . �
.. ' ' . • •
C. Inde��n:lenl� Co�zi.r_act:or_ e rox the purpose of this A�r�e-
ment.f the Aoency shall l�e de��n�d Lo be an inc3ependent coni�racLor�
and not an esr�ployee of i�he City. �ny and al1 emplo��ees of the
Aoe�c�T or otJ1�r persons y �ahile e�z�ao�d iiz the }�erLorr:m�nce of any
worlc or services requir_ed by thc Agcn�y under this A�re��ne�t,
shall noi� be co�sidere�3 �I114pZOjT��=?S of t�he C=Li�y; and an�T and a11
claa_ms that m�.y or mi.�ht ar:ise under the �•,�orl�m;n' s Comp��nsa�:i.on
Act of Min�.zesota on b,half of s.�id e,:n7lo�Te`s or oth�r p��rso�s
while s�� en�a���, hospl_taliz�i�ion i��surance co�Teragess Soc:i�]_
Securii:y and pension pa.y�l�eni�s an�� l�cnefit:s , ot'l�i�-r em�lo�T�e ob7_i�-
gations a��.3 bejzefii�s ; a_nd any a�:id a11 claims ��,�de by an.y third
pari�y as a consequence of any act or omission on the parL of the
Abenc��p the e�nplo��ees or ot}.zer p;rs���s �,.z�le so engaoed o� anjT of �
the wor�: or se-rvices to be rendered� sha11 i.n no �•aay be the obli-
gation or responsib:ility o� the City. Th.e A�ency s'za11 pay as
they become d-ae al1 just claims for� ��aorLz, to�1s, m�ch�_n.ery9 ski17_s
m��erials, insurance pr�mit�ms, equ:ipal�nt and s�upplies �urizished,
rendered or ��rformed in the exec�atio� of �his Agre��nnnt. �
D. I�o Discrirni.nai�ion: The Agency shall Ue deem�d a contr_ac-
to-r for t�ie ap;�l�catioi-� of a_11 provisions hereof �and 1a�i,�s a�a�_nst
u.nla�.�aful discriminai�ion on accoun�c o� race, cxeed, sex, age, or
colox hereunder.
The Agency agrees in accor3a,zce �•�ith Chapt;er 238, La�:as of
. the Sta1�e of Min�.�esota for 7_941, that in the hirii�g of co;rli-r�on ar
skiJ_3.ed laUor for the perforcnanc� �f any Coo-rlc under this contrac�
or a��iy sabcon�ra�t hereunder9 no contractors matexial suppli_er, or
vendor sha11, by r�ason of racey cr�e3 oz color, discriminaL-e �
againsL- anST 1�C�I'Jn11 �,�n�o is a citizen of i�h� United StaLes caho is
quala�fied and av�.i:Lable to perform th� j�7ork to �,Thich such etnploy�
ment relai�es ; that no contractor, rn��terial s�:�p1�7_ier or vendor und�r
this contract shall in any n�nnex da_scriminate against, or intim�
idate, or prevcnt �he emplo�Tment of any p�rson, or on being h:ir��d,
prev�nts or co�.zspire to prevent, any person from the pexform�.nce
of. ��Torlc under this contract� on account o� race, creed or colors
and Lliat this co�.ztract �n�.y be cance'lled or terminat�d Uy the City9
and a]_1 money due or i�o Uecom� due hereunder. sha11 Ue forfeit�ed
for_ a seco�d or any subse�•ae�zL- viol.atio� of the terms or conditions
o� this coni�ract.
This contract :is subject to Tit1e VI of i�he Ci�ri1 Rights Aci�
of 1964 (P. L. 88--352, approJed Ju7_y 2 , 1954) and the rules and
regulations (24 Cl?l�, Subtitle A9 Pa:ri� 1) , iss�ued Uy Lhe Iious:�ng
and Iiome Fi��a.nce A�ency pursaanL t?.iereto.
. 3, �
, . • • • •
E. Inc3emn:i.�i.c�ti.o:-�: IL is fui:tlzer <a�;�-eed i�1�.3L tl�e ���ency
sha�.1 cic��nd �anl�savc tl.�c Cit�T of Saii�L Patil. ha.r_�;�lcss f�_o;n ai��,
c]_��i_n-�� g dem,�r.ds , actions or ca�.�s�s o� act:i_o:� arisi-��� os�� of an�
nc�ligent act or ost of a?z}� ncg:Li�c�i7L o,r�:i_ss:i_on on t}ze part of Llz�
Agenc}=, ii�s a�eni.s , ser�TanLs , or c�1p1o5Tees :i_�:z th�^ p���for_�-��=znce of
01- �Yith re]_ation to a�.1}� of �he �,���1_�� c�r s�r�Tices pra�T:i_cic�d to be
��erfo,-�ed or £urnis}zed l�y Lhe l�ge��cy ta.nder_ i�he ter_�ns of t�his
Agr_e��:�����zi�. •
r. ��f?S:l.:�,�i�i�_T!,!i��:C)'%l�,t`_'?-�t �.?nCi �T:����;I_r):]_�:i::�_)�_�:7i.t�t?'i`�rn:t-li:� S°Ct:l_011
103(a) b�^�t�h�� De�r��;�sti_ation Ci..t:L�s .-�»dV--i;i�Lr��,ol_:Li:��.n�ll:>velop:n:�ri��
Act� of 1966 rec�uires Lh�L a cornna'��)��cn�iv�� cii�y ciemonsi�ration pro-- '
graYn p?-ovide ";; %�: %; m<�xa_t;�u�,� op�o�:�t.t�ri:i_+:.1CS. SO�: i.'_itlplo��.1_fZV r�side���'�s
of Lh� a-r�a in alJ_ phas�s of i�l�e pi-��r�_m ��nd enlargc�d oppo-rtun-
� �i i��. �. ��. � �
itiics ��'or \��07't�. a?1Cj �1"c'3.:Li1'lllv $lZ;i tll�li= 7.� %• i(l•��C-L' iTl�i7'c�CCl �
progr�ss in re�UC:i.ng %� '%, '%� und.�-re:���;�loy<<���izt c'�.T7�3 �nforccd idlc��ess�',
.�. .�, �i
.. :. � .
Tn tl�e Perfoi-in.��;ce of this /�f,r_eem�nty i�he Agenc}� sh.all ca:��p1�r
���:�th a11 req�ir�:n����zts of I-lUD l�erta�ininn to ii�s ����ze�'�i� ��OJ.1C)r o:�
emplo}Tm�nt an� tra:ining of t�iodel I�eighbo-rliood L�s:ideni�s in a11.
�OlJ5 F;�ncra�e:i ��' �}"l:i_S i�;L�1irCPiTi�'I1t ��?.Z� �j'?c^ S�_1'Ji:l.t��I_U:1 T�:�`.lt2:C'�lt?:1�.5
�or i�;�.� irnplem�i�tation oi this p�]__i.cys as sei� fo�Lh ���:� I-1L'7 H�:��.;:3�
booy 1'iC 316 J. l, 1�1ode 1 Citi�s Ln;��:Lo jTm��zi� and 7'ra:�nin� I:��c?si-r_�ir����ts
(CD� Le�i�er I�o . 11) . �
-A�en��T s':Zal1 includ� t].zese prova_sions d�a1:i.�zg �•aiLh Resident
�mPlos�m�nL in a11 of ii�s opexatin� ssl�cont�aci�s .
�>>ii�hin 30 days after the e�:ecution of i�his �g-r_e�n����nty l�gency
s]Zall sul�;nii� for apPro���.1 an e:np7.oym�nt p1ar.�. i�oget]�e�- �aii�h spLc:Lfic
em�lo}�m��nt and Lrainilz� goals , for �lze im�lcr.rl���t��i�ion of this
Po1:�cy . In Lhe exccution oi such ap�rov�c3 p1an, tl.ze t1�ei�cy musi:
demonstrat.e n�r_�ced pro�r`ss to���ard sp�ci�ic go:�ls- in each s�acc�ed�
�.ng p':�.a se of the probr�.r�1. .
The �1b211Cy �41J_a_ �Sl��.blislz m�_i�inram quani�it.ative O'J�LCt1VCS
for ltes:�dent, rmplojTm���t and ���il:L :�.nda.c�te l�.o;�a Lhcse QI���CLIVLS ar�
LO �JC TTI�� ��11'�".1`.'�l� 1C'Gt11:t�?11��T1�s SE'_�CC�:=101Z� ]7)=C~'C'i11��.O�Ti11C11� c�l�(j UTl~
til�e job traa_nin�;, iz;��;radin� and otl.zcr procedur�s . 'Tize Lraa_n�.�.z�
. c.i��1�7_o��m��nt p�-o��cdur�s �a:L11 be des.`��nGd t�o reino�T� :ident:ified :tm�
)�c.cl�_me�zL-s to z�.'L�in�; a»d tip��-ada_n� of disaclvanLa�ed �io iel 1�ei�hbor-
l��oc3 �.��s:�d�nts and J�rovide �}.�em i��:L�=�1 occu,�<�t�io:ial mob:�li.i=y Ll�rou�h
!%C1"17_01':1.�=�r� 1.71�E.'1c1��ilC�T t1c31�S�P_r c'3.f�)"L'.`'1i1�31Z�Ss CJ_\�11 SC?1'VJ_CG' S�:�1�:11S�
ur�i.on in��n�be�°ship or oL-l��er pr_crequ:i_s:it:e.� Lo sach mo�:i_]_:i_Ly . l��eucy
�>;.11. s)�o�,� izo;ti7 it plans �o �_etn�ve or c�ase s:i_�n:i_ficanL n�er:�t sysLera
9�r�i�:�cl�in�r��s L� Lhc e<<�;�J.o��me_�i� of: clisa.:IvanL�z`ecl T1ode1 ]�ei_�hbor_��ooc3
rr�:;:i.dc��iL�; :�iz such rcl�zi�c�d joUs . • .
, 4.
' , . - • •
Age�cy will develop a speci�ic program �o upbr_ade eligible,
potentia.l and inLerested em�7_oyees reL-ained �_n eacl� par_a-profes-
sional jo'u classification. This up�;rading �,�i11 Ue desig��d i�o
lead to greater respo�sibi7.ity or iul_1. pro�ess.`�onal status , and
those ernploy�es so ap�raded �,�i11 U� xetai�.Zed i.n professio�al i�v��_
positio�is as s�uch positio.�s beco:ne a�aila'�7_e t}.zroueh staff tiirn-�
over, es;pa_zsioa o.N i�ew p:-ogram de�relop.nent .
A�enc.�T �•,i:Ll cstablis'.� adequ.a.te ��:iminisi�r.ati_ve m���l-,.iner_jT with�-
in ii�s �;�,i1 arga�izatio_-� to im�lc��nen�9 enforc� a�:�.d ino��z:Ltor Resid�nt
EmPlo;�in���t preference programs�.
G. Terins and Conditio��s : Ag��cy s'Zal1 be subj ect to and
shal� cotn� �T �,T�i��i al�ternis and co�ditions as set forLh in the �
a�tached Part II .
A�ency shall include simil�ir t�rms and conditio�s in a11 of
its contracts �aith o�h�r agencies in tlle perfor�nance of this�
' ��H. , Stin�l_emr-.�_zta�� Concli�io�zs : Tlzis l�;re�m�nt incor��rates
i�he T1one7. Cii�i_cs Acl,nin:istrai�io:� 5;.�.pplem���ar_y Condi_i�io�s �or
Co��.r.acts with Operating l���ncies a�.1c� Contr.aci,ors", HUD�u7050 (2-G9)
which is parL oi the attacl��ed ParL II . i•Jhen tJze term "City" is
us�3 i:l�er_ei_n, it sh��.Il mean "1�1ode1 Cii:ies D��p_�;�-Lrn��_ni�" . The
. Sizpple7,cnta.ry Geizeral Conditions s'za1.1 be inco:_porated in all
co:�tracts bet�ae�n Adency and its co�t�-actors .
I . Adminis���-a�i�r� I.��'�or_ Sta_�dai-d.s : Thi_s Agreement incor- .
porates tlie t�i�lodel Cities t�dminisLrai�ion Labor Standards Provision" �
- HUD�•7051 (2-69) , �•;hich is pa-r� of t%ie att.ach.ed ParL- XI , j,rn�r�
i�he ter�n "City" is used i�herein, it shall me�n "��Tode1 Cities
D�pari�meni�"• and ZJ�1Cx'� t).1C �ellq "Co�.tracLor" an�ears ther�in9 ].1'
sl.zall mea�s� t'Agenc}r" . These I.abor Sta�zdards s�ia11 b� i�zcorparated
in a11 co�tracts Uei��aee�. the A;e�cy and its co:�tractors .
J. Recor.ds , Re�.�or�s and Tnform:�tia:�: Th� A��ncy s'za]_1 be
responsibl� for the n�.inLenance o� iec�s a�nd acc�unts , includ•�
. �_rig prop�rL-y, personn�l and ,financia]_ recor�3s a3equzte to a.ss�are :
a pro;��r_ accouni�inU for al1 project funds, I'ederal a�zd/a�- non-
red�ral. These r�cords ���ill b� tn��.de ����a.ila�le for aurlil� to r`pre�
sLnt;ativ�s of_ the T1o�3e7_ Cii�ies Depar_ �n��-r�i�, the ilnit;ed SL�ztes
llepa.r�:ment o`� 1-Io�asing and U�-han Deve]_op,n.nt, L-h.e CamPt�rolle�
General of the U�zit,ed States or any authorized represe�zLaL-iv2s of
any or all of these a�c�nc��_e:� , a�zd r>>i1.1 be reLai_riecl far Ll�ree years
af-Le1- Lhe expirati.on of ��1'1S Contract unless •,aritte� per�nissio:�
is given f_ar Lheir destruction by P�1o:l�]_ C�_i:ic�s DeparLm��;zt and �he
S�cr��t.arjT of th� tlnii�ed SLaLc�s D�par�nu�nt of LIousi�.zg and U�baii
S. ,
�� � r ,� • . �• �
A�encjr sjZall. fur_ �ZislZ s��ch statemen�s s r�,cords, x�Ports a?�d
inforinai�io.� as a_s calle:l �or in the ���o�:�e1 Cit:�_cs D�;�ar. �ru�:�� data
� , ,
report_in� Pa:;::�.��e, �•,���ic�z is �_nca:��o����t_r�c1 her�iiz b� r_�ference a7zd
maci� a p:�rt )�exeof, and s�c?�_ oLhe-r �oz�s as r�,:�rr froai �im,� to time
be r�q�:�i7-eci of i�he .Ah..:�cy b�� tl-i� 1)��;�ar�.mcn� a� Ilo��sii�g a_�J �i)r��an
De�TeJ_o�:�e��� a-���1/or. I�1ode1 C�i_L�.es ll��»i-i:�n��nt .
K. The ��e�cS� sha11 pa-o�Tide :i_�zfo;-m:zt:�on i�o the 1�5o:1e1 Ci_i;ies
D���Par�r�i��_zt for j�:�rl�USC::3 or evalz��at�_o�� ����d co:�l�ir,��otls p1_��n�i�;�
p�zr>-:ia.�.i� i:o a .no:zt7i7_y report:i_ng sSTstern. 7:'his -rc�po�_Li;z� sjTsLGm
. sl�a 11 inc lude : � •
a Chztp>>t ;1e��sure R`por� (mon'�hl}T) • `
. b OaLput ;ic�as�.�re Re��or� I�ax-r_atitiTe Fcpor� (mo�zthly}
c l���nc;T S�ai���;�en� (rionth�}T) .
d Paz�ici�_���.nt l3e,zefiGiar:i.es RePort (mo�zthl}� )
e ProjecL l��oxl� Pro���-�°n (mo_�'�l�]_}�)
f ]3,z�gei� and Out;p�a� I�i��.,ar� roxecasLs (mo�thly) . '
g \arr�.Li�T� ReporL (mo�zt1�J_5T) .
L, T1�or?: P�-o�ri-a--n; �:?�_i.hin ]. mo:�i=hs folla��:in� t1�_c e��c��i�ioi�
of i�his :�a�=��;ii:�;:its`tl.zc A�,e,�cST sha�_1 s;.11�i:'lZ� �o �he l��ode1 C:�tirs
' Dep��.rt;�:��i�f. i�or its appro�jals a t•,�o?-�c 1?r�gram se,�t:i_n� forLli ).zc��s i��h�
Agenc}= �,7�_11_ im�lement the scop� oi' s•�r���ices as s�t :Cor_ �h i�n. �izis
A�xee�ne�i�g a;.ici :�nc ludinU �he f o 110;,ing•
' (a) Jo�� DLs�TJ_Pt101Z for each staf_-f nosition
. (b) Timeta'�:1e for �zi-ri.nU s�ai=f �
(c) D�tailed d�scril�i�io��z of thc tasl:s i�o be underta'.:e�.z �
- (d) I�he��}�ods ily' \4�i11C}1 t}ze successful com�letion of these
� �asl.s �ai17. be achieved
(e) Timeta'�1e for s�ch carn�letion.
. IN �-JT'1NESS 1�rE�E��Z�O�, The Par_ �ies have causr�d i�his !�bz:eem��zt to
be execuL�d Lhe daST and �Tear firs�� abo�Te �,��-itt�n.
A�p o Ted as L I-�rarm: AiODf�'L CI`l'ITS DEi'�'�l:`1fii1,1.�T.
. �4�� .
�--� ,: .��F��:�> �---�--�
J i C CJ���1 ti��I1�`�'1�;':_��I�l L �� .s.�.� 1'1i�jT O 1; _...____
C.�7'�)'�T�1L1011 :�,OU11SC.'1
� .
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7):L)_i'C 1�O�:
�PP�oved as to l�orin a�d LXC'C't11�1.011: .
w� 'G:L l�)' . L 1 tC
_,.______..._ . .
. �pecir:i�ns;�sL.:�nL , .
Cor_��or�'1L1011 Courisel • .
• "�;C;:�T j��ci�uj;ti=o J�.c:i._...._...
G, ',
' � ' •' •
Zn tlie Yresence of: Itl�'�iS�Y �ACTI02�T I'RUGI�.AI�3, INC.
. �
. Ii�s Chai.ri�i��n
� Tts L;;.ecu �i ��e Di.rec�;ai
. � ,
' , ! r �
r '
' ' � PART II � A •
The Agency sha.11, in a satisfactory manner as dei:ermined by the
Model Cities Department, hire a Health Program Consultant for a
90-day periods whase duties for the 90 days shall be :
1. To provide the Model Cities Depa.rtment with a report on the
current Agency/B�areau of Healtl-i operations detailing current
services, participation, identified areas of health need, and
revie�a of problems anticipated during txansition from current
operation into the Model Cities Community Health Pro�ram.
� (To be submitted within th� 90-day period. )
2. To provide the Model Cities Depaxi�meni� ��ith the follo�aing-
listed infor�n,3tion a.nd reporrs on or before the expiration
• of the 90-day p�riod.
a. A com-manity he�.lth grogram proposal for the operacion
of the Model Cities Community Health Program through
April l, 1972�, containing the follo�aing elements :
1. statement of purpose and beneficiaries (the proUlems
i:o be addressed and the intended beneficiaries)
2. s�atement of scope af services (th� objectives to be
3. statemeni� of content and operation (i�he major
activit:ies to be undertaken and descr-iption of the
delivery system)
4. statement of coordination (t).ze ac�ivities to be performed
by RAP, p�rformed by delegate agencies, and contl-iUui:ed
by coopexating ugencies)
5. dei�ail.ed L-im�i���b1e f-or :i_mplementation
6. detailed budget �
7 . st�ztemc�nt af authori_i�y and sLruci�ure of the Co:n�nunity
Heali�h Boarcl
8. si�aten,c�nt d�i:.a� li1�g the plan for resident employment
and i:rain�_r�.�; (Lhe plan for conlpliance with CDA
• Letter �!l 1]_)
; ; ,
. •. �
b. A community hea]_th program model that can be used as a
long-term goal toward which the activities of the first
year action plan can be directed.
3. A temporary Community Health Board shall be created, and the
• Agency' s consultant sh_all meet with this Board and consult
with it. The Board shall be .composed of four Model Cities
• resident membexs appointed by the Agency, four Model Cities
resident members appointed by the Mode1 Cities Department,
" and four �Todel Cii.ies resident. members to be appointed by
the other eight members of the Board.
- 4. The Agency shall submit to the Mode1 Cities Department for
approval the third-party contract bet�ti�een the Agency and the
health program consultant.
; , ` r • •
ATTACT�'��s*:T - BtmC;ET '
l�ealth Consulta.nt $1,500 X 3 Atos. $4,500,
Contr.act Services
Accountin�; & Audit Services 150�
Clerical Services 500.
Travel 700.
Surnlies > I50.
TOTAL $6,000.
_• • .
;: . � , . • • ,
NOTE: These forms are intended to illustrate the format for the sta:ldard Model
Cities Operating Agency �ad�cte Additional �.tems appr.o?�riate to your Uroject
should be added to the Cost Cate6ory sheete Inappropriate items should be deletedo
, .
1 e PdAI�1E OF AGFNCY Ramsey Countv Action Pro�ram
• 2o BUDGET $6,000.00
. _... ___.__._:.._. ... _._.. . - -' - - - - . �._ . . - - - -- - -.- . . __�._ _ __ �.. . ..._.. �._,. -- ---- -—_ .._ , _._._.__ . ...---------
(1) Personr�el Salaric.s
Employee Benefits
(2) Consultants and Contract Services $5,150.00
(3i Travel ' 700.00
�' (4) . Space . _ ._ __. ._.,.
....._._.___._._.___. ...... __ __ _.. .._-- --_ -.._. .. .�. �____y_ . _ .�.--- �-- - _._ ....�._ �__._.____.-- - -._.__.._._._�._ ___�.
(5) Cons�am�ble Supplies and Services 150.00
(6) Rental, Lease, or Purchase of Equipment
..._.__.�_;�..�.�...___._. . _ _._ . . - --- _._ . . ._ . � _ __. ._.. . ..____.�_,_.__. ;�.,�_.�.__ _____. .�_.__.___�_._._._.__._______..,
(7) Oth:�r �
.._._ _.�._.__...._.__ ___ __.. . _._ .._._ . . . _ _ . .._.. . . _____ . . . ..__ . _- .--- - (__ _ .�. ___._� . __._�_ ___ . _._ ___ .__ .�___._
_.. . _.____-_--- ___ ... . ._ _.--- . _._ . -- --_ . . . . . . __ _ . _ __� __.... i_ _.__ ..____ .._..______.._.__...__._.�.__ . _.._.. ---
.�...�.__._._.__._ . .._ ... __.. . . . . . . . _ . .. . . . . . . - - - - - - - '. .. . . _ __ . ._ . _.. . _ . . . _ _ . . ._ . _ . _...._.__,..,
. . . .�._..__�_....._ _ . . .__ __ _..... .._ . . . ._ . . _ . . ._ . . __ _ _..._ . - • -. -i. --•-•- _ - - . . . . . . __ . __.._._ . . . . _. . _ ..._..
Cd A1ode1 Cities Supplcmental llands . ^ . . . .! . . . . ' �. . . ' -'.' • 4G,000.00 . _ _ .._ _.� _.._ . . .
__ . _____.. .._.. . . . __� . . . . . _ . . .. ... . -- . . _ . . - --. .� . ._ _�_. _ �. . ..._._ . . _ . ..... _ . __ . ... . . _ . .__. ._--
Do Otl.cr t
.. .__�_ . . . _ . ... . . --- -- - ... . . _ . . . . . . . . .._ _ . . .� . . . _..._-- -..�_ . _ _ _ ..._ . . . ___ ..___. _____..__ . ... . . _._ . . • -