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Or�inal to City.Cler�c , ORDINANCE ��5�88 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.—� An ordinance amending Ordinance ?do. 760rj, en+�itled: "Ar� ordinance fixina the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positians in the Classified Service of the City." approved February 13, �935, as amended. THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES t?RI�IN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby �a.rther amended. by insertir� in its proper alphabetical order the �ollowing titles, and specifications for Systems Analyst I Systems Analyst II Systems Analyst III Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson In Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �� ��� - � Ori�ival to City Clerk � � � ORDINANCE 2����� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO�L�� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, �,pproval, and publica�ion. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� SEP 21 1971 Butler ,� .�- � �"`` � Tn Favor .� 11�er�dith- G` Sprafka G Againat T��� �Ep � �t 1971 �`�:.titis���,.�> A r. dice Pr� �,.� ,�,f;, lerk Mayor . Form approved Corporation Couna B PUBLISHED S EP 2 � 19�7 ����� THIl;U 1�AD�G - 3ept. 14, 1971 ' O � D I N A N C E ��5588 M COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �t oa�lalmo� sredir� O�ia� �o. 76Qj, ae�titl�d: "As �''a�a� 3A,si�6 tbl� �s aud���lMaal�Mlit� M�d � ti� asa3o �p�.!liaat�f�aas tbar ti� wrl�is a� o�' �si��es i= ti�� GLr��!'L�i is�l�3;o�i �t #� Cil�►.'� �I1� � 13, 19�,� as.�o�a. ; '�R 00�lL � !IQ C3"!T ��i�I/! �� DE�i° �i�s •�tl�n 1. !!� t�r�a�no� �o. Zbt�►s �� �'�'�'!" 13s 1995; v Mni�l, w aad. t� M�� 3a � lbstirt �d b� tnNe'tit� in its po�+��r at,tiil��ti�al. �ea1e #re liall+s�3� tltl+rs, r�l �a�td�Clael,#�oa� !!�t , �'� �7� _ � �� � : � �t � , Yeaa Councilmen Naye Passed by the Coun�;i ; Butler Carlaon ��e Tn Favor Meredith soA;rn+ Sprafka , -° . Tea� SEP Z 1 197� Mr. President (McCarty) APPrnved: _ . ._ Atte�t: City Clerk Mayor �� ,: Form apprnved Corporatioa �ounsel By _. ._ q.�a p�t.a� . � � � ORDINANCE 2�5�� • COUNCIL FlLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �Z � 2. Tbis � aDa�3 t�e rl�l+�at �ri 'b+� 3a fles�+os t63r� aqs at"�aer its �s+��s �, � l�7.i�►tLon. , , 5EP a 1 .1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Co�ncii Butler �� `� Tn Favor � a p�l�t � .. Sprafka T�� . SEP Z 1 1971 Al�mved. Att�t:Mr. Wice President Meredith City Clerk Mayor �� ! • Form sp�roved Corporation �ouneel By /?�•••7D� .._, , �,i'-1 c� f C�€! 1_.v Q :i.ri: -yr,rn-,.f,.. r,: �rr��o :i<_r:)i.uz':.i _��.'„i:_.�_.�J.. .i Du�ie:� r��d ��e���pc�.�s�L�il:i��..Es� �.JY?S��'�' 7iAi''f?a`��:i:l.L}I?„ �'.O IJF: i:i.'fi.:i.ii�C� ':.i] ":iYl�. 'LJ ;�r.'?'�:'Qxlri uE7�a:L�m.�1`� --`''`�t;'-i- ;�)3'OS�fi.i�7_UTl'c>.�. }:e:JT..t �Yl i:i1� �:(ic,.,.'jiS�.S� ' i�T .: + �tra" .Q��.�.. .... �.::� Cl.C�., P! :J.i%i.. � t=.C)' i:. .'L`2:' �'VS�,f-:a's3:'s c''..TiC'� i;C7 ';�i�?w�'��;'a^ _�'c.'.�.L-i.'�@Cl. :T��:'.'ir t-S £�ata:1.�7Yi?�,�..: ��.:n�.I.e: a_ Ta�r?.. ����:'az�,;r�c�: ��.'O �'=.�SlEv 1.T"i '�::.@ .'.'rc�:`:�?'C11 c:�1G4 (��S"'.�tl O�` ::i�%StE.I'13. �ZO -'�iS:1S'l: :i.ix t:�'1`C.-' �t j7 wE:ti1f:21�;�1�:�Q72 G� S;y'iiL�ai7::e ."'i.0 uS��.6� 11:. 'L�'2L? .J.:,'Jf?�U�;;�G�t; c'�.i2C�. a�;31.{�"-,:::t Jt' ?_�z0;.�?>��� �t1Fw"�;f•;; _'_?C)T•T cr;.�ri,s Lni �ar.;:��ioZz�!1. 's�lcsc:� c�.i�;�°F�-:�s. '�.'O c?;L3.�.ZiIP. �si.1a GC)�i,v'ti�i:.G ��?,.:�5't'".:Tl[; i:'�Z� a,�,,':'+�C'.'i1 'i;0 ��.�?1;C?.'Y'1].71:? F':+�.�:�:t_�.',Z.F:':"::;`.:�y �^s,Xit�. �)O.�-�S].�;�.£ �:�.&,�::c:. 'JZ°�CL'.�:;?::1� c'3.a v�1.Cc`3.L1GI`:45. :� ,. � • .;� � 'e'�^ T.�. ^f� tW;'i`e�� •ra.�•�w �� � ��7= - 1.0 �:.i�:;• sii �_"ll �.i'a�..�yi�iklG Cl�,��X'f:.: .xt', i7Lt ��: �J. � . �CT1Y:e:.s., t c,i. _��CTIE'r:i. ;i.T1C� O�CI�.'° i'f:�???;; C� L'2:p211:;t'.. i0 IL'�.�:e :K'2CC.i�:j2'yTl`�.c"i,'t..7..O;.IS i�0 13i1�':=L�ir£ i.�?•.� C�11".t?X'L';;J i?,Y''_C�, ;:'',C:C:1':2�;)?:1GT �.`)�� � r r ; y �` � c�rr. �� 'rs�i' �� �� �-• j � f;✓�.,,�,. O�t�_L?'�2J*_Zu �i i,�'lc.. >,.:�ll_"t ;,��..._�v r�_ �_7�; C:_'G;Y �;C�, A a.L�E:Y.I�,. `}'.C1 COi2C�.Llt:'� c1,T'.����1;1C�:i,! c�t'ta�7.:o O:i' �i1C �'J.:CCf:�.U�b�-� .. �U�:f.:Cit,l'3"�t;'. a.nd r.,��t,r�:�La� �i` the sm�.ile:c u:�.its o�' �:�� c:'-L;i �;�a�J�rzL.:��N.�:,. s'J 111V0S't',�c�:b�4: ti2@ O�G�S:�,'G70Y7.:' 7a` .4�,'e:i'-?�_Z.E'r CLG-';�::.��T"wal.::2'G:; Vi1.L[:S r.�fe:.e�::c� �o ol:��;.niza'�ic�n, Y��z�.��'%sa.r�T rcc+a:�x'Gie��eLEi ca�;w ��:3��Yac�cis a:� I�:�e�i�!a t�ud���-� «ce�a��.����. I�1:i�li*nt..a*'n xEC�u�rE'i�;�z_�5� COi�@�E'. ('?�c^:.C+.UB��:.LJ'l't W:L�;�': �. ITi�.�JOb 1v1t� 1:lU�ia?�.3Uy .E��.1'?_1_lG i?Cii�''i:iZ1�E3�;:>F?'G1C�iiy �.�.Z',� �Y' c CC�1212i:7 ii��'. �'ti;J SU.ta`R-a":'.��'.t7 v7.fJ�1 i i?�' °�'�:t2�:'.?�"`v`�C'ii� j r ' `�'1.�;�,� C�' �1&SS: SYSTE`i�iS Ai7AZ;a� ZI DZ.itzes and r�spot:sibil.itie�: Uridex sur��gvisi.c:�g ua perfo�n u:if:�icu:Lt; pro�ESSional w�.t� �.ti ti:° analysi.s, desi�;.:., �,r�ci cl�vel�pz���?t of.ys+.,��,s; ar�c� to p��°i`a:���: �^e2_�,ted �torlc as assi�n�t'�. �a-np'�s of wark pex��'�a�ed: �l'O z�esea�ch, Cj.E',S:.aTl �T:C1 2.S$15i; 7_II iYlc :Stlt.l�`_P.�1'iT,t`i.�1CY1 O� SJriS�G'3115. ."s.Q c'�SSj S`"t+ 1.i1 'u31E' Ci@V��O;?i71L�1�', �i1C1 GS?SJ..�T�Yl OS pY'OCt?�;G C�»19,x'i Sy :�'!-C)�J cY'i�;rts �,�ci �1�?�ctiona:� block di�rG.��. To ana,lyze and docuri��n� Exr�'ci.�; t�oa k S�S L42T1 to d�te�°rnin� eit`�.ci.ency� �n�. possible �.a,ta proc2,-;sik��; a����gz.c����ians. Tc pregaz•e ci�:nons�l;rwtion ni�:�;z�.1s ��:?d desi�� forrns i'or im�"�e.r�F:n�a�;i.or.. o� syste�s. To assist in a��.1�zing de�artraeni; r�c�a�e.ts ior ��z•�oi�=3z1, ec����wY�r�rr� �,nd oth�� �xpenses. To investigat� tl�e o�,er�,�;:.aris ��' �e��ard�m�nts ��i�th r��.'er�nc;: ;ca r�rganizata.cn, budgetary rLquir�m2nts and methods o?: keP���.nU bu�sg�t �ic co�,z��s. riin:�tnu�l reguix�en�s: Colle�e gr��civation and two �rears' ex�,erienee �s �. SJ str�ms AY7c�?y��t I or equivelen�. (No subsuitution �'�r Qducatior.. j t . `_7'1��C Of CZ&.^.,5: ��.>r�,F;..1-. ^�'�T��S�.` �":Ca: � �.;_..��_u ?'i; llutz�� arid .res;go��sib:]_:itics: u�,�ier dixec�ion, �� peri�:�a di�'�'�ciz::tt ����;'�„sic�n�..,I. '4TOS'i: lI1 t'rzf; F:icv�l.oF�en� oi° systct�s; and -�o �r�erf��^m .r�la�ed �Tork �.s �,s�if���d.. �^:�..��+��_es of t:�o��lt �raQr°ornaed: '�0 2i1'c„'�3%i� �Y:,Clt ca0(`:1�i.E:Yl't"i �}C7z;��il.�! e'1L3T';S ;;�`M1'�4;£':,';i �'J (�EvE'I'l::�ad�' �Lf'i�.c2.6'r�l";� �d �ossi�l� �.a��=w n;�ocuw:i2�� �z;;��:1..��ati;�.zu. `lo c�evelop �d �eL:��.� �, sy�3���r i;Ri�,� c�.r�ies c�at VY�� �?°�cesai,i�; -�i�x� r::xd t� devel.o� •,��t� c?,a.�.�� w�;,;a c?-:.a�^�:,, �xc�ce:�s char�s, �nd i'Lit2C"�7_OY� �?�_O��i C�...��ia,�'r�5t1S. io rraepaz°� d���oz:�s;���.'�io�z 17:�71Uu�_4 �:�.� �z��si��;r? f.oa�:,�s for �.rz� i_��1.t��rnen�Lut:i.e;? GI ��7J'�cnuN. mo I�PV�E1�79 eti�a�ua��e, �.��. �ocu:a�,:���t �:�,is��.:1� �ra�r�ns �'cax tr�e pcti�s3Y�a?i�:l af ir��over.?ent �.t��. to cZ�=.ve:l��, z����a or rcvise� +.�jTutFrls o To corPer t�it� va��,ous o���r;��?�zg ofi'?.c:�€�.�s ta r�v�.e��- ana �laxs �'or �c'�.�z�t�.n� prv��,�z� ���oxl. ,�ro�-r�ns �c� ct���;� �:�ocF.:,ssis��. ':.'o canduct �-�r�ly�ical sf:uu�.es �f t���. i't:nc�ioxis, �roce�ure:�, �rc� m�-1,ho�s ��" l�,r�e �,rcl c�r,�lc:; :?u�oar�.,m�n�s. �c x�rep�re de#;a.i��c!, �.,vad e::���x.,Y:e�2�-��,a, x��parts of �ibic:ir�s ��:�r� r�co*�u����zd�.�iu�s. 10 �.nstruc�� �.r��. �.r�7 n ��rsc�r�n�l i:� �i:h� u�� of t?�e sys�(.er,s ����. fo�rns q P�iin�.muuxnn re�uir�eiZ#;s: Colle�;e �rad.uat:a� fl.�n%u �`orxr yc:ars` �ro-!`4ssion�� ea{�;�x��_:�r�ce iri pLt�'i_LiC a,�.mznis 4r�,�ion or sy;;��:;��,�, ��alysa.�, tL� leas� t�ra ,�ea-r� ot' h*?�ic:� si��.1. n�,ve bcen �,s � Sys�erns An��.��t lI �:c �quiv�.�:��;. (l�o substi.tatio:� ��r �auca�zon.) + � f T . . . . , . ' �.. k � ; � �tCt3.OJt �. '�$38 C�'t�tiCA �1 '��A �'6� �3� � 1A �"�02'C�,�?t.�' � , . d,e�r� �t'$C3' 1t� �a���s, �'',,�rr��ra]., a�d p�hliCat3.��� . E � � � � 1 ' � r- . , � i �� i I I '� � � � � �i � �. �� � � ,� , � ; � . : , t � Passed by the Council SEP a � �97� Approved Sep. 21, 1971 V11� Y IrLL'lil�n � � �li i . 1 .� � /�.,,i� . , r � 1 `' . ♦ • , � •< 1 �.` t ' � ^ ������ � �C � . : ��. - � � � /�9/ f � Aa cx�lan�� �la� c�ressn.x�e �to. ?6�t`. �t��lea: < , "'An oxc�,3rsr�,c� Pia�.i� th� duti�� �zd r�a��ori�f.biliti�d eatd �: tk*_ss m�lm� �-��i��'�i��� �'�'� t�xs raxiaue e]e►u�ss vP posi�ion�s iD t�e L'3.���i.�s� 5�r�.ce aC' th: �ity." � {: �r�� �"��rutur� �.�, 193g, � es�endea. • s. ` j w' . .� - -.. ', { � �r� t�' i� CITX 4F BA7C�"P P�AUL � �t � ; �l.--:� ���c��.¢:� 1. 3.�� C�rc�.ir��,:�ce► �o. 7607� s;'�ro�d Febz�ry 133 �g35� � `: ���.��, �� a�d �..'�� �� �-� tac��e:ap 3°tu�t2� �.�aa�d�� �Zy �r�erti� iri it� � �s��ac cs,�.����t�ca�. arci� t��:� �'al2�v�.xtg titl�$, e�rzd �aif��tion� fo�r , ±�(_. � 1��I � f I ` i $�'{6'tl� �`idtA�,Ytst. I � i ' j � C 8�a� r1�l�tat IZ � �,� ��,�. �.��� z�x �-� ; : , �� , , ; ; i �__� , � , {_� , ; , ; < i ; ; J .-„ f-J � � . . . � \ . I: i '..� f ' F r ' � ' ��J��.3�8 ;;:��:.'L� J� �.L�,3f:;: ��%9rn,�j �.p,*r �;.,i a..._:ti) .. ��t1.t�.:s'.a� �_ I)Ll�G7.f�2'..= L',.�"1:"� zZ.:;��C):iI`�1ri1�.1v1E:.�,': �ltf�EX' �'.�l'y'C�':.'�7'_.�SLG1�J uD t7E.' 1:�i:L1�xC?i� 1'i:'.i c1.lt�a %� ,Ji:A�`U:."iY S;iE�� i.�.A;Ii'., ._..:r�.:_!' j7z O�'°SS�.Q?'zc:i,� .:'��'?i 112 �;.(1(.' '�}.'':1-;_'_;i�;a.:,a C�.'<,�.; ;i .�22C: 'x��'�?�t>.;.'lc;:.'� .... i;�'S�;L:'iT.S'j i:�`s!t .:.) ;_.�,?':.'�'�ii:� _�"G�..i?i�';;C� 'UP�':'1: �.0 _ ,.5'?�2'a::1-, �Yc:'i�.�.�: Q�' T.'10�:. ���.i':."OI"�il�:��.'�� i_'C �;S i �` ' • � '1� -��gNE�'-��2.^G�� �� c�"'S _,,'� � ��StEZ7.,. �:._..1, 7.1"i .s_ .i i. �.{�i � 1 `�v^ c:��ti,`?wi. ...Y? �;!"1� :.i:'�>1.���1�.':�'�2L-(:lC_?'�i 7S' S:�TEi�`._;af?fi. Jv cSSI."-.�.. �2: �<'Z%. `...�C'IE3�r'lyt�ii`.=?Li; e:lt� �i:�.Ci}��<i Cf�' JT'C::'•C':i,a Ctilc!_'i , . ._,;)"i. ci.�z��;s �i�, i:'�zrc�c:���a::. �lr�c:s d�a,��a�:,�. '�'6 `di:c3�.;y'?C :.':il:� �C:OCL:Y!1G�:'G E:X=S'G:1.31:" ?1c?:ii;. S�''�: �E�il t'�.�C) :2���,£'a'Il2.Zd� t,:i.`:�__(:_.�T.;.�'y" 331'.�. >J��E3�6i.:_�: ;�.ill:<� xU?"Q��?::�:1� iz;�':7�.:i.C�,�I:iC;'ti�"•. `�.'v a,S.°.�lu'i. ,.T� ;1;:7d���f=�li7� Ci"��.�J�1Y'�:.;i�@�.l�v .t��C't:i:?�{;�^- .i�T'' ...rS(:G%lI:(;�.; f'.�.`r:i�'"�.'1I4'�L:. ��' �12C�. O'Gi2G7:' _"i�?7r..� _':i �..�:`�JG��:i'.�.. �� Tf;c"�ZL�C' Y'c'�.C;O''`u"1..'"'"iC'i�;��,7 Uil� LG 1.?7l?:)'.'G"I�` �b1(: £}.'?�Z�:i.�T2";f t],�i,t 3i�F Ci�' E'i:^.i:2C, C3���'s�.�iZ.O�'dw i y�: fy `: 1��y-, ;-f-. � � t �Lr �+ .a �.'��i�`'iL?;1(i. :�2 �� .R���.� a ��:1.�u�� � L.. i: 4 i'' €"�i J..S i0 Cvh1�.'t1C:i� �.'�'1 M��';:�_^.£a.� S�t:l:��..�:� �i� i,�1� i:2k:�C'E;�.'�Yr�� ':.l.:L`C�CC3(.'1:E'.^-.3� $.?!(7. Bl£?�G!'l�c:lu +Ji 1;"1� :iTi?L���_�'"' lu:l:+.t�".S oi' �:�'1�, ::i{;�i ��J'JGTiL'•:1C�n-�. xo i°?vES v_�;:;.�e ;;e�c �perr�tio�is o�' w 7a.±l�:x• d��;�sr�.il�:�t,.� �;<t?� :"F'3'f'x°G:(1L:'. '�O 7:.',?;,�.t1i.:��.'i,1021y �k7�1C�"L'�r`3,1:'�% ?.'G(7U::.Z'�211�"i.1'�u Llil;;. _^.72z.;''_304j.C. Ji iS:�'c:;`t?IYl� �Ll(1�5�, :1�CC0't1Z1t�`>^�. C�1z1r .,�+ tt; ` � ' �7. .J'-� 'o^ 7.._aL.', E:L�tI�.A�S...:? 1x 4+.�. {i'Ji�.C'�° (�-Ta c G.S�kJ,`t"i.'�0�� etil�'ijl i: T�c'�,,]�?:. 121 �1.'�.37.�:.G:3S y ;,C�LIt�.�LC; tL:u�'!I".ia:.���i:3'ir��1.C3:�a. � :.c�:'9 02' c�CC01).YIi:].t�.�. ��'�drJ 4�,:k.�����.1t�.iv:i..Ui1 aJx' c'M.i;[:;?'i.�.tiYl� j . � � �5���g '�'1'1:1P O� C1.t3,5S: SYS`I'�%:; lL�I_h�`i�":' TI T�ucies ard res�;�s�.sibili'r,�.ev: Uraer• su,�er�risi�rA, VO ��'.'�.'n.'O:f�1 Ci'r.+.7.t�ll.i.�. �T�.�O��GSS14ri�1.� �TU:X'�L 1.11 �:i'.�E.' �.n�.iys�s, d�si�n, �,t1ci d�v��.c����n�r�t c�:�' s�sz,e�s; �i�d t;� ��x°�'or�, rel�at�d worn as assign�ci. ��z!��p�es �i wc�x•l�. pcx•f'o�esa.: `�'O :K'ESC'c'3.T'Ci2g C'Lc�".�21 .^...T1C� �.S�i.S'� �-C:! '��1t? '?�'TI(J�.E.'I:i�Yl'G3�1CT2 CJi° ,S��S��'fGt3. �O i.8S1S� 1.11 �7iG C?P.ZiG-'�.0�2i1�ri'G �=i'ICi C�G':�.�SY1 02 X)2°OC4:�C� Ct1c'�.T�..5, 'L�.O�.' cl�arts a�;'i fux����..o�17.i blocl: ��.i.n..L:c�,'t?�. tc �,��.a?yz.c �n�. dc�eti�r�c.�n': exis L�;.�.i�; w=��°l: �yste�r, '�c� ciei;es°r�itie e�'f'�.�iinr.�;� anii �QSS�ble r�at�. proc�s5i.n�; a,p��?a.c,:�L:.aAi;�. .�=;Q pI'E2)c.�Z°2 C�Ci11011Si:ic,�?_C)ii �lc.:l?.Ii3.�.5 �3;f1!� C3.�Sl.�i1 �4T'TPiS f'U."' �.ItSy3�E':;�C?T1L°f1C71,. ai systE�::�:. To assis� i� a�?alyzir��; dLg�,rti���nt �ec�-aes�cs fo� �aerso?�r�e�, e:�?�:�.��:cn�c r.�n�i other ex��n.,�:. Ta invest���te+tl�.e c�exai,i.o:au �a:i de�a�s���ra�nt� �'itn re�ere=nc:e �.c.� or�eniz�.�ticn, bud{,�i:��uxy r.equib�}.A�e�lfis �.nd �;ettiods o� ;�ee��l��; buc�;2�; ace�unts. rizn:�mi� requirements: C;ollege gx�.du�,ti��. and two -��ars' ezcperience as a Systems l�i1��.��.y:��t � o: equival�nt. (No subs'ci����iUn f�x ec�uc�-c3_on. ) . � � . �����8 '�7..-c1_� o�' c1.�s°�: �,;,.;,-;, ,., �_�_�I L:;:,� t�.��i?�,���` I:::'- 3�u���.rs ��d res�;::�r,�i.��.?�i�i�as: U�^,clez- airec�:i.����; �;� �>eA�:tio�;;, d�.fi icu�.�!; �ra��us icnal. �,orx� ir> �i�:��: C�.i:vE.�.O�>ZiA�Xl�', Oa ilr',/.�';E3^]_,j &'!'lC�.. ��O T�c;'1'�'U�':i� _=`i;;.�•^'G:;C: �dC:iU. c:.:i F].;��i'�:=�. e•'^UUSi}�J��J LIL t�JOi�� �""���.!,Ow�PL\..r.,ea �!'O L�11El.Z.�/ZiO. 'c.'.TiC� �rJ::L:"�1�''ai� E'.�1;'"�1't���'', l�l�'^i. S�J'�;iGf;;C11 1:: (�B�E'�''!I:1E'. -E3i��_C'1$%il;;jT s?:t�.c? possi'>i� d.�.�r; z�xoce�szn� ��-�;�,1;�csati���. :.'O G�@'TE�O�,' c'�Y�.'� a�:i3.L�?�. cT. S�J'ti^-.�GZi1 �'.fli.�:: C�.�'"::�iC:� CLl� �h� �roce��?i��'� �?�,,�'�-.�'9 iTS"E� �C� t1.B�fc:�0: £�..J'lu. C�.C.':�lt,�'1 i�:.:i�'7 C:L�,z.'�:•^�y �T'�C�S� CY1F...z'"G5� ��1Q'. :'l:L:�C�:i.07;.�:s�.. CIQCl; C�1.:�:C2.X,^.S. �'O �7J'�?�,�`cL3"La C1G-`II1G87$�:Cc"i�..'',.021 2r?.�"111�4..5 AIsC�. i1l�S.�.€;.;'2 �'OTCn>,^-, 2'G�T' G�1�;' .'�Si�',J.1..E.1i:t?:11':F3�;1Q;t. �1� .�'i;�St�tL�. Z'O :CCV7.L-�S�*. E?'I'�1.Zi?a,'hc� F�:;1Cj. ;�flC�.L"`;t�:21'.; !-`;5;:�.3L�TZ€, �?s•'O�Z°�:SIl�^�, �GI f'.�"x(? ,Y4�a��S.�i.t`?Z2].i.�f C3� 7..ITi�?.'QVC.'"`;?�T3�'. £:.iiG'. t,0 t.'12V2Z�7) Z2°4a' v�' s•e�✓_iSed ay�vvPll4. `�'O C'JSIS''3i '4`lj:i`1 T�'3�'7L)F;.� C!nE?2''?�:::�_I;� Ci'x3.C:.tc�.,.1.8 �;O .[nV3.3�,1" F��z i?�c"�.21 �i'QT �.c?a��ir�� pr=��:eri, �H°c�:���k �r��:��n:� t� �a�w ��rc;ce��a_ngo i� C�.�,i�C�.!,1C�W f3d�.c.e�.j'`�1Cf�.,'1. Sf.UC�?8f� �3f' 'G:�3C? :F'U..i'IC'C1f�:i1S g �'I'E?CGaCZL'"s.'f?�; F�XiG�`. :Tic?t;S20�S oA" .Laz^�,� a:�.d r��i>�;;�.c:� d�par.•i,i��tS�.+u• To pr�p�,:^� detw�.?ec� �4szcz co.�rprehe�;��r� _:•e�r�or�u �f f�.�dixi�;W and �ec�;��,e���.��or�:�. To irAVtruc� ::�n�. ;�aiF; g�er�o:�zel a.r� ��?��: use af ��ie .�ys ver�s a�1 y'or��s ti i�ir�:�num reauir���n�zrt;; �.'��.�f.'�;�..' �Y'�tt��.2�.�;?C�;! c«.�.� ?�C)i:tX' �'i?��:;k ?11'02�@SS?OY33.� G-':f'�Ei 7.�:YI<:G 'I'! j``Ll'fJ�.?C: ca�a�ird�.str�,tia� c;x .�J:��t�s�l,� vr:B,l������, E�fi :ie�.st �t�ra y��,xs of �,��icYl ��.a?1. h�,ve I�c�er� r u � �y-y���,s �nt.�yst IZ c�r eq;,-��ra1�n�. (�3� �ubsi;ituti�r� �'�r �d;�caUion.) r ` 25���8 `.�i�L.)_n of cla�.�: ���r�i� .� �c a,n ��Y�,..,..�P��,3 ._�u.z.L`?�`i' :t_ :�iz��.°;� €a�d .r;:s�or�as�.���.?i�a_c:4 : � • .�n r. '-- �. -t r s' ` c�`�'��t ii"�i Si2t,�,1.'�i'�SIUl'lg v�.� u.�fiJ_i1c: �i1 '.'.31.� ;,J .;i,2'x0's:T�J �i....:.;_ L'ei`,:i;�; _'_'':'11F::1. �7i'47'2�3.�.`l:]?1<'�_� �:'''f�.?":i 3.it 'tii�� i�:2;7,�i.'��i:�� C7',:"?S -.�y x i:.':i�.'�.. '�.:'1. "•.C)a.�"l�.("!`'::i i=„�... S;j:Sj:GY:iSy �.v1C� i,C) �)�i,{'J:Ci;7 :'C'�:`.!`��-^.� r7Jo."iC w� f3.::;1.�.�i:`�;:1.: �';:,i�.TC,�??G-'S J�? "','G•�;t^:S �:�Y'i'Q.:iL�'-ii: �1.°C c,^S'.',.::i. rt"2 v:l"�' Y'�?i:F3.i.�C'.� c�.T?i� C��ul.;�zi Q"�' :'�`Sf�t?I:?^, 1C s,i�`�:;.Sl"� '..._? 'E;:7f'_ w'.21t���cYAE'::1�c1�:1:�11 O�`� S,',T:i;E:;�3^„ .�;C °%;�".ti.".�.`'.S G ?.::+ V.1v 'ry1���7E�.�.C7�.���r':).ii �'1�� C�:�::i:'�°.2 r.t ?i.'.^�C.C',.._ i.�?..,:r'Z, , `�S_.:Y,'• C6`a�zi"Lki 3.:1C�. :t.';:tz'!C'G1C�i.9,� ���'i�0:::� :�.1.8�;t cil:iS. �t� ���.1.3.TUc �...-,�.•.' + �l t- .�c,__: � ir ..�-n 4,-yy r �� -�c:�-r�-� �,�� �,..a :����►e.n;, e�t._� �:_r�_ �a���. � .�tiz..n to �...t,c.�:,:I.�:s� e�'-�:_c..., �_. o.::e�. �ossa.�as: :�at:� ?�r.cj��ssin�; �,;�.��1�c.::'��.�r<s. .r'Ls� �USi,'3':. iy` �':��..z.;�I`Zli.)�� ��i?�Jt1,2''i'A'.;?2�.�?i: ..^t?�ji:G'G�� :�-'�Y' ,:,'::"E;CY:'t;i::_�_: �'';,"i'.' , �?r:T2T: ::''�C� CuY'_f�.1' :�i;�.i�.S fJi £?.:i:��l«:�—':F bc ��r��:c� ���c r,+,�;�:zvisci.�,���.:�n��: ��. j.irruM•�av�� �ta��� e�'�'i�zc��c,f t�r.ci r-.� ,�.�<„�� c;��' ��.�x�:�,�io,a,� _:� t�'.b�� ;::m.a?:���• ��:�-��-c:; ��� 'c�e ci_'v�,° �;o,r.,x�.;�r�z-.�z7��. 1� C:Je�:.i�C:� �n.'a�y� • n`-.. r' , r�` '. � r,n�}^j�"�`C"n .:)'n (" 1�.�' °:i 1 L.. �1.�c31 .:� '.1:_L'„ v1 �'!1P., xll..,....._,i�.�, U_G'li c',: cl�t7. �?G'+`�vQ!<'�i 'Jf' tY?� S'I.'_�..!'.`'._ ZIY'i]."�� J_'�• .�t2�:'. _�i..j ���TC'.2'II:�1(-;';`?t:. f��. i ) 1"Tr.� _ � '� . 1l .�- �1�7'''!';� .L 1� rveu�c.��G;t�. �. �� ope-rF1,�tans rax� >�?w�__�.�::r c�c, :�r�� ..z..,� r,�;:i��z Y'�i�2�I�C? �� G�"�;��i].�C-�G1OY.19 �tZiaJC''Gi'�iy :cECtii:L�'�I'_��:?"��; F.liiu. '?�'G.{1.��� OF. i:',;::plil� �Lttl�;�';� �CCG;.721':`d, �i12�].Ptii.'�S 2�:C�Ll�.i.°,Ti1vY'.�.:5: '^.:' ''" � ':`,: '�.' �-..� (aC:i�.�E'-,� �?e^c;L�.�dfa`'G:......_ Z�Tt��x .._ E1:),:;i�.;' :LS': ?JUS?�:.G_� y y��t?.• LC: :a .7.Y1:. >i;)'� �,.C:YI, �.c:4;� JT' ci.:,�CUi��'t,i.�i�o ��v:� .�.Ui�7;:;'�i{:."tl'�.:r.il31 iO?" c�:.i::.�.'u'i.;..�'`,i�Ij � _ � �5���8 �:�:.4�.� a� class: SYST k�.S t'�I�tA�,YS`.'=' 1I JJU��.LJ GfrL��,i i.,GS�JOdZSZA��.�.L11.1.1�Ss , �nder su�aertirisi<�t:, �vo �Urf.�r�z:� d•zAsic�x:l� �>_row�ssional tr�rtr i4� t�.� �.n.�lys is, dESi�:�, and aLvw�opzr_��3� ���' :�.y-�,�_,�:�xs; ��r:d tc� pEZ•�'o:r•a: .'P.�.Yf;G'�. W��'� 'cl.`3 F1S.^^.1�t2�Q. �.:�a:..ples of wor� p�:rf'o2r�ed: `10 rGSE.'e'3.X'Crl� �E.'S:�.oTl e'].I1Ct �.5�`�'.:i.S'E� li"1 i.!::�� �li.��Ca:t�t2�LL�a.CT1 Of u'S'�£':11S. �O c'�..ES1.St'. in Z'.71� t��'VC.-'�O�?Xl"srZ:'L �1iCZ .'",''.CS�.;;�Yt C)Z' ;pi OC�`�6 C�1£�Y''G�:i y :I'':t.�i':' cr�4s ts �,nd �'Linc�c�o�a:;. b1oLk ��a_���;�•�i:;. iU �,r�a.syze and c?oc��ri�en'� �xist;:�; wc��°k s�,�;;t;e� t.c dvi�e�r�sine c�<<:�'_i_iie:ea��y. an�. �ossihle �i�.t�, ��roc�ssin�; ap,�licacie�W. l0 preya�� ��Qj'i;021Ui;7'�^..'l;lOi IIl&�1�.1:3�S tlY1G �1C:S1U!'.l f'OTlIIS fOi 1.1?;a:.�::x:'.T?'G�w:10::. of sys�er.�s. rP C' t�r t '- ". �-�._�- fC7" �JE:C:Oi1T:.C'.yy �i�ll.;.s;`z��ll`v O �.c��1S't 1.11 &riC-�. J ZlIl� cz@��:,T'�'c7:;.1� :t'2Cji.c-E.,uu ai7a o�her expenses. �� inv�st:�ga�e the c��a�r�.';.ioris o�' de��<z��rLe�ts �:'i'c�i re,�::��G�cc t;c org�:nizat.ion, budg��ar-,� requircmvnts �.:�� metho�is o5' F����N.t��s �ucig�t accoun�s. Min;�-�um 2'�'CjU�YL'iAGflt5: Cal��ge �;radua�ion an3 �h:�wo vea-rs 1 �:K.�;:.r�.�race 2.s a Systsms �'i21i�.�',:r:�t i �r equiv�.lent. (lVa subs':,i_�t�z'ti.on �:or ec�ucation. ) - 25���8 ��_�1e ��;� cZass: i.':.��.�:JZ'''.�i��`l.� �:d�i1L�F.�1� ��._��. Dui;i.eU ��nd resi�oz�:�•��i�.a.tie:�: �:Jr���..BP Q:i.2EC�'_O:'.:17 ¢'..J ���'.3'�'OT�^;t :.T.?111-^Lli_�: LJ:I"O:t'C:S::�..G`i1c:1. :JO'..'zC 1f] Gi2E; �'3CV@.LO�:•IilE'Iiv Q�' ��PS'GP.I"�uY iit:�: L�'"J �7�Y'3'O't1�"2 Y'`�_uLE.'l�. 4�r�3Y'�f i:LS E3,S57.�t;C�.. i;itwii:J'_c1�: 'J'' SvO:['}{ i��:'."�:'U'_'"til-�'G.� �a'n �'78Z;tj':aC' ciilti_ G.CC:.I:i1F.'1"Z�: G�3.u'C,l:?� `-1��.s:S ��S/c3i,�:Tt1 i:�^. C'.i�fi.f?Ya:i:'L�'iE.' E'.r'�I.C:I.v':�lt".;yr z'1C�. �7C?:�Y��G G1c'a,.i:�;;. ;qYUCt?�.."i.I.:'.1� ^o:E7���C€�;.+�.1.0i2�a `_+'O t�C�T�:.O� 'a'Y2C� �.�:i�E�T1 £i� :,^a�%RZ„,c.'�,7fi �'.�lr.'�.'i, c:�;.'.�"x'��a Gi:� ��'LI� y)"�OC�:�t��I�`!; tl�f_'.s�.". u�'a0. �O C�E3trGa�.U;�� i.:it�. G.�.,^�].�'71 ��.O:T C!�.1^t;''3� �I'UC�;S`a-."> C�'l�:.T�(i? b�.tl� 2`'1'i"lC'�'.i.JTic?,�_ T:.�.�Ci{ C�J.�.(�'.ti 3i!1 s. To pr�p�,•r� cie�sc��is�rflt�ivia �ra�*�u�,.i_s €�s:d dtas7.�;-t2 �orn:, :fcr i;hc i��i�a�.�x:e��z��t:i..o� Of, S,yiL..c�ai!�`3. �"o revzew, �v�.l.�aat�, �..nri �c�clu?��r��c F:,:is�ir� �ro�xaras f'o:� tl��; ,�c.,a�1:�ili��;y oi irrp�over,�en� �.�r.ci to d����.�o� ,�en� or revi�e�� �yst��s. �'c� co�?e� �riL-� va.riatas �,�cra�c:�Y.g oi'�'iciPle �o r�v���; r�nd r;���ti� z'ox �daptin� nresc.z:, nrnrk -}�.r;��rt ,4 JGl? da���� ���ac��sJ.�ir�. ��o c�n�izc�. a.n�Lytic�.1 �tudinu o.f i;he t12YiC��CJ21s, �z�Gecl���c,ss r�t�c. �n�x,�c;�s of la_°�e ar�d c�r:Yx�l,e.{ �c,��a�.x��,ien��. Zb ��r�x�a�e d�:t�,i�ed. �r:d compr.�??c�si.ve .��par�s oi :�'ir�;x:;;, a.nd -'eco�neizdatians. �.�o �.ns�ruc� ar:c3 vrr:itz pe:���rka,' zn L•lze u^e cf t'�zs sy��er,i� a..�ci �a��q Aqi.ri.mu�n reat?irem�n��: C�11E�e �r�du.a±ion �Ld �'aux �.���,z•�;`' -+roi'�s�i�>�.� Lx�eriencc w�. �u��.y� �.{A':41tL;�tra�ion CtT' S�'S1Zr�2'i?S �:iii��;fS].�� cl'G �C:€;.:�A"G �1d0 y�F3,T':� U� '�*�7.}C�2 �Lza�l tx�,ve U�ez� �s �. �ys`cF..k�:;� �!rz�l;�si II �r eq�?�vc.lerz�. (�;c,, s�:bstitutian �'ox �dt�cr�.��o�a��J � � � I st � ' 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. � —Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson 6arlson-� �����8 Levine .1.�4er" Meredith N'I�Te�1th-� Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty �;:,:.�,;�.�-;�;. ..��a OMr. bice Presiden; PJ�eredith