255585 Ol�i.l`IAL TO Qt�TY CL6RK ����V� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�ENCi� NO. + : OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM S�ONE , �� ATF �&AS, The Ccm�Lttee on La�tds, ca��po�ed mf the l�ay�or, the Pare�,asigg ,A,gen�, �te Cc�ission�er o� Firiance, and th� �aa�is�ion�r o� Parks aad. $ecreatio� a�d Pul�lic Bx3.ldinga �f the City mf Saia� Pa�,]., has :ect�red aa agree�� t'�r the parch�� o� �hat certais Preperty de�tcribed as follc�rs: Ce�e�e3ng at the ����eaat earner of a ieee ef laad 3.� tke �ortheast Qnarter o� the Aortheast �er (R&�' �) af �ecti� th3.rtg aia (36) To�mel�ip t�r�nty �� (29), 8a�e �xentg fiAhree (23� c�raireyed b� S�amia T,af'onel aad his �r3.fe to Danial �avallee 3.n 4 �eeds 567; then.ce r�i.ng West i'31"rY (54) feet; t�ienee r�naiaig North c�e h�,ndred (1�1) Yeet; thence r�niag Baat fYt't�r (5p) Peet; thesee r�nisg 8enith A�e \ h�dred (1f�4) feet to place of' be being a pa,rt of the Forfi�east r c;ro.ar�er af the 8artheast eiaarter � �) of said Secti� thir�y ai�c (36), �ccept the 8�th thirty three 33) ��et ther�of deeded tm �ity ef ffit. Pau7� fer �he parpc�ee oY �P��s ���ffi6 aad estend,i�g The��c Stre� t� Yestern"Av�v.e to Coa<� Aier�e,al.�o t�e East i'�.f'�y (54) Y�et of I.o� three (��y �1.c9ck tweaty-aige (29) LaroaaTs Ad�13.tion ta St. Pau7., acc. _�_ .; �..,. -- �, The prc�p�rt� deacribed t.herein is meceasasy F�r the Schetfer �ecre�,tiv� C�ter i��.�, ��it' �pace La��i Prb�ect l�tnn. t9�A]1� (�), a�ad the price at x�3.ch t�he pr�erty se�y-l�s ptira�ase� is at the total aaa�at ag $9,5�.�4, a fa3.r a�d reasc�n�le priee aeamrali� �m �ke '�• �::, appraisal cbtained by the Cc�t.t�ee on I�anda; �d . ...M::.i;t.�w.J,�, . �S, 3aid Cc�3.ttee ha� recom�ended the �rehase of aa3.�. ps�mpertjr at the price state�. � abmre, a� e�rieieaced l�y the l�tter a�' said Gam�ittee submitted here�ith; now, therefmre, be it � �0�r'�, Th�,t p�r�an�t to ffiection 303 0� the Charter of �he City of 8aint Pa�tl., asd Ar�3.naace lfa. l�$82, Ccya�cil File �o. 255�98, aPP��� �8'�t �-', 19�1, �ie Camncil of �he �ity af 3aint Pa�1. c'l�es here'�r auth�r3.ze the ptischase �P tlae lsscl. dea�rimed as: Cc�m�en.eing at the S�ufi.�ea�t �orner of a ieee a� laad is t.l�e �ortl�east Q�arter of the Ncrt.�east Qnarter (� �) o� �ect3a� th3rtp sia (36) ��s�.p ts►e�t, �e (2�)� �se t,�e�tt� t�ra� (23) �o��a. my Ber�aa.i.s La��r�d and �i� �ife to De�.ta1. �avall�e i� A �eeeds 567; thesace r�nning iTe�t Y3.�'t�y (5m) feet; thence raar�.i.ng Aorth �e h�a�ired (lt�) fee�; �ence r�nning Eaat f3.tty (50) �eet; thence ran�aimg ��th �ne haadred (18t�) feet to place mt' begi�ming, tieing a psrt af �he lTortheast COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� �_ Approverl 19— Levine n Favor A4e�ectith Sprafka U Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �ORM �_ P V � �� Asst. or tion unsel O�INAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�5585 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL �0. . � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF �'.. -2- qxarter of tl`� 8ortl`eas� q�arter (� �) ef sa3d �ectima thi.rty sia (36), e�oce�pt the �v�uth thirty �hree 33) fee� theresf deed,ed to �ity ot St. Paul. for the p�rpcse 0� crp�ing, w3de�iag asd �xtendi�g Tha�ass 8treet frc� Yest�rn lTeaxe t� �� Av�er�e, a7.so the �t �'tf'tT (50) fee� o� ?.ot three (3), B].ock t�resty-sise (29) Lae�ad's Addit3os ta at. Pa�.t, a�c. BFffi�LYFD , T�at the prErper.:�it� �fi"3.cials are hereb�r av,thorized aiad direeted te pa�r to �rge M. J0}�on, re�ord. fee m�ner, a�d l+Yelba D. �T�lker, coxitract �or deed vesdee, the s�m o�' �9a.5�•G�4, aaid aaa te 'be paid to the aPoreaaid veend,ors f� PI8 Fand �ode 6f980, tc► l�e reiasbur�ed f�a l�nd 9?70-$6t)-�5, nprn� their f�r�3a�ing e�r3.dence oP good �a�s,rketable title ia the aforesaid vendors, and the total pay�ent to be �ade �B teader l�q sa3d parties of apprepriate deeds c�nveying ti�le �o said prapert�r �o the C3.tg o� �aiat Pa�l.. SEP 3 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naqa � � SEP 3197� �� � rov 19— Levine Favor Me�r�— Sprafka �, Mayor Tedesco A8'ainst � � Mr. Wice Presid�nt M�-��!��-� SEP 1 1 197' p�,T'BLISHED �� J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-b317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L . Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ������� 286 Ci+y Hall Seint Paul, Minnesote 55102 ��� citp eo�►�il Gitq oF ffiaint Pati7. Gentle�en aad Mad.am: The City o� 3aint Patil., ac�ir�g thrarigh its Palv,ation E'ngineer, ha�e negatiated t� purchase certain propertg described as fallcras: Cc�encing at �he �uw.�theast corner cf a iece of land in the l�mrtheast Quarter of the 8orthea�� Quarter (� 1�) of Sectio� thir�y six (36) Tm�mship �e�.�y nine (29), Bange twenty thr�e (23) conveyed by B�r�a�in Laf'ond asd his wife to �ial Laval]`e in 4 D�eds 567; thenee r�3ng West fYf'ty (5�) �'eet; the�ce ra�iag Aorth oxie hundred (l�) fe�t; thenee zwaning Rast fif'ty (5�) f�et; thenee r�ning �c�a.th one h�ndred (100) feet to place of beg3na3.n� being a part of the l��rthea�t quarter of the Northeast q�arter (� 1�) af said Section thirty si�c (36), eacept the Sa�th thirty three 33) teet th�reof deeded to Cit�* of St. Pa�.l. far the purpose o� openisg, wid�iag aa�. eate�di.rig Tham�as ��reet t'rmffi Western A��.e tm Como �vea�ae, als0 the East fif'ty (50) feet of I.ot three (3), Block twenty-nin.e (29) Lafond's Addition ta 3t. Pa�7., acc. The crr�mer oP the above described land, Melba B. Aelker, has acc�pted aa oP�Per tendered her by the City in the atisount of �9,5�.04 as ea�g►ert�ation for the sale oP the land to the City. This property, incl�ding laad aad bu3.ldings, is needed by the City of Saint Pau]. �'or the �chei'�er xecreation C emter. In vi�r oP �he reasonabl� pr3ce for which it can be paarehased, �a3.d prie� being the appraised �'air and rea�onable market value therefore, �e, the Cc�m�sittee o� Lands, do recom�e.�.d to the Caanc3l of the �i�r o�' 3a3nt Paul that i� authorize the p�rehase of sa3.d laad in licn oP conde�mat�,a� proceeding�s at th� pr3ce o� $9,5f�1.(�0, as ne�rotiated wi�h the c�er. Ve M R�scl�as t � ssic�aer l�ark�, �eerea ion and Pa;blic lciings � . ssioner o • aaee Pareel No. t�6 Y;�P �A_ �.°IS� .