255566 ORICINAL TO CITY CLHRK CITY OF ST. PAUL co�NC�� NO. ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE 0 w DATF ��gt 31 s 1971 WHEREAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7372 for the FORD PARKWAY RELIEF SYSTEM, Citq P roject No. 71-S-1176B, Fischer Sand & A�gregate, Inc., Con- tractor, the specified date of eompletion is August 31, 1971, and 'WHEREdS, The Contractor was not able to complete the aontract by said date of c�ompletion, therefor� be it RESOLVED, That the prnper City Officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment Co said oontract extending the taime of oom- pletion to September 17, 1971, provided t�owever, that this resolution shall have no force or effeet unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond cons�nt thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHEK R�SOLVED, That the City of Saint Yaul hereby wsives all claim for liqeiidated danages and that no engineering and insp�ction costs on this pro�ect will be charged to the Co�►tractor for such extended period. FORM Asst. r ti o s��l SEP 219�i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays SEP � �� �, A 19� Levine n Favor Meredith �. Mayor gainst Tedesco $EP 4197� Mr. President, McCarty P'UBLISHED - �� . DUl�.ICATt TO lAIN7�t . . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO ,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAMM�IS�SIONER �' �•, � " nArR rl��T t 1�� Z�� �� I�A 1ti�t �ttt� Of C'o�t�11�L"'�s CNts+� �r�'� � $1� :l�1 l�i�? 1t�L'�t sl�i�ilt, +C#�tar s�ro�� 1b. �'1-a•117'bs, tiadMrs iao�d i A�ri�. i�•. t3roa- tra�'r tLt s�s�!!� dai� a! ��pl�tl�oa !s �a�us� 31, 19�'ii,, aid t�, ?lw t�ow��a�r w�s a�et abl� to �lota t�lr o�rt�aae� 6�r s�tf,d dst� e! �3�t�aet, tlr�osa �r+t i� R�t1L�: TAst tlwe p��r Ci1r,� Qr�t��3a1+� 1� ard t�p► apnt 1w�a�b�r r1�re�ls�t a�d i�a�rl �s �art� �n �t t+�s �si�1 �at atWsd� t�r t�t o= aor�- �iN� t� i�N►trb� 17� 14"f 1 N.p�arri�iM �e�r�nt� �tt #i�is ��tt� i1w�l1 1� �e te�e�a ss �tl�st w+1�ra �a �un�� oa 1� Qo�aip�t's i�d a�►ra�a! e�+rw► �al tl�l� artal awrs� � res�ttw� �eh �e C!!3► �l#��'� +w��A tia !1t �lt� 1rppW�D, T4at i�a Ci�' e�!` �aiwt lar� �e�► �!'r� att �1� t�rs i�t�ir�d � � t1r�t �rs ���� +�pAd i��► ar�s� o�,�!a �a��o� ril� b� �rNacpd .t�e tL� �+�r #ear �au� Mrc�lyd.rnti�t. SEP Z �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Y� xa� SEp 21971 �t�-- -- Appmved 18� Levine Favor Meredith /� �� ��' v A ouin8t Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��