255565 ORIGIN�TO CITY CLHRK ���V�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � TF �11Q'�St 311 1971 WHEREAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7356 for Widening and Resurfacing CLEVELAM) AVENUE from I`.S. #94 to Universitq Avenue, City Pro3ect No.. 70-P-0088A, Ashbach Construction Cvmpany, Contractor,,the specified date of oompletion is August 1, 1971, and 1�fiEREAS, Due to conditions beyond the Contractor's control he was not able to cromplete the contract by said date of aompletion, therefore be it RSSOLVLD, That the proper City Offic3als be and they are hereby anthorized and directed to execate an amendment to said oontract extendi�g the tihse of com- pletion to August 13, 1971, provided how�ver, that this resolution shall h8ve no force or effect unless the st�reties on the Contractor's bon�d aonsent thereto aMd file such oonsent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated daanages and that rio engineering and it�sepction costs on this project will be charged to the Contrsctor for sueh extended period. E FORM AP ' � nset . psst• �Or or � S�p g 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas �� Nays SEP 2 19� 0 19� Levine _�n Favor � Meredith '� � � or A gainst Tedesco $EP 4197� Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED o��,�n��� 255�65 CITY OF ST. PAUL �AE NCIL NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM�I�NER �� �+ � DAT� ��t' '�i'� 1'!� �� 1�► #� �stt.a' e�' d1*ts�ll��It C�e1l�r+�t+ai L�*T336 !e! Nid�u1� Md ��witsl� t'�.1YlLA�ID � !� T.S. �!4 to p�wsait,� �: Citp !so j�et . Mo. il'0•!•O�i1�A� Asl�aeb► Ce�st�tet� Ca�stopr,� t3�n�as�s�`. 1� sp�ailLM dsto�t o! oa�pUrti�a is �t�at l� 1971� ari ti�R�6� Dw ta► a�iti�oa�r '�d t� Coatsaato�r�• �raEYOi 1� �s t�t �l�t tro m■pl�t� dr asatra;at 1n► at�d da1o� o! au�p�tl,i�aw. �larr� Ls i� ItE�fIi1tD� i'Ya� tlM �s+og�tr Cits 0lfialsls b� aad i�a�r at�+� 1Mrl��r +�t�� �wd di�d �a �aottr►t�r �n rr�t �o a�d oopttaae �ia� t� t�r o� aw�* pi�tlew t�► ��ut L1, l�l„ p���r#�d 1�aMrrrt. t6at d�r �!MOinti�re s1�►11 �w t�► ior� os s�'f�at t�l�rs t�a �as� an � Ceatt�u�onr'a bo�d asor�at �tio �d lil+r w�h aaw�t !a �rilr� tt�tl� t�r CiR�► tro�►ts�sllrs� �nd i+� l�1� �iRt�lt 1t�10�11sD� Tt�t 1d� �!� o! 3sia� Parti �► �irn�s al.� e� fo�e 1��8a�d �a a�wd t�at r �in� a�d iw�o�ti�a a�+r� a� t�s �r�CO��at vttt �t aYiarpd tya t� Qe�laria�ss �os �►aiR �nnt�i p�ctuad. S p g.19Ta COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19_. Yeas Nays -�- SEP 21971 � Approv� 19� Levine Favor Meredith �QY�rs�flra � �8�01' A gafri8t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��