255564 Orldnal to Cit�Clerk � -. , - -� -�; ' � ORDINANCE � � COUNCIL FILE NO 2vz_�t� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO .An ordinance amending Chapter 143 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Bicycles and requiring their licensing through the Bureau of Police. ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES O�tDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 143 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as adopted by Ordinance No. 12446 on April 11, 1963, is her�by amended by adding at the end thereof the following: ��1�3.12 Bicycle License Required. No person shall ride, use or leave a bicycle upon any public street, alley, highway, boulevard or on any public sidewalk or public areas in the City unless the same shall be licensed as required in this chapter. "143.13 Re�istration with Bureau of Police. Every owner of a bicycle shall list and register with the Bureau of Police, his name and address, the name of the manufacturer of his bicycle, its serial number, style and general description on forms provided by the said Bureau. "143.14 Bic cle License Fee and Ta s or Stickers for B;�cycles. The license fee shall be 1.00 and when licensed, the license shall be without limitation as to time but shall not be trans�erable from�;person to person or from bicyele to bicycle. ` " The Bureau of Police shall provide a suitable tag, sticker, seal, plate or other device which shall be attached to the bicycle covered by such registration. Upon satisfactory evidence that the tag, sticker, plate, seal or other device attached to the bicycle has been lost or destroyed, the Bureau of Police shall issue a new license upon the payment of a fee of �1.00. ��143.15 Report and Fee for Transfer. Every person who sells or transfers ownership of any bicycle shall report such sale or transfer to the Bureau of Police, together with the name and address of the person to whom said bicycle was sold or transferred. Such report shall be made within five (5) days of the datr� of said sale or transfer. The purchaser or transferee of sueh bicycle shall apply for a new license therefore within five (5) days of said sale or transfer and shall obtain a new license from the Bureau of Police and pay the fee of �1.00 for such license. "143.16 Deputy Bicycle_ Re�istrars and Fees. The Bureau of Police may appoint Deputy Bicycle Registrars to handle licenses and transfers. Such Deputy Bicycle Registrars Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler Carlson In Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedeaco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk � yor �� � Form approved Corporation �Counsel By _ OrlaInd to City Clerk . , ' . ' • - �� �- ' � ORDINANCE 2����4 . COUNCIL FILE NO. - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Page 3. "143.22 Sale of Impounded Bicycles. At the expiration of 15 days after such impounding, each bicycle which has not been claimed may be sold at auction. Notice containing the description of the bicycle or bicycles to be sold shall be published in the official newspaper of the city at least two weeks prior to such sale. Written notice to the owner of the bicycle, so impounded, and as noted in the files of the Bureau of Police, shall be sent by said Bureau via first-class mail before such sale. "143.23 Monies. All monies received f'rom bicycle licenses and impounding fees shall be deposited in a separate fund which shall be used to administrate the bicycle license program. "143.24 Records. The Bureau of Police shall keep a record of each bicycle registered. This record shall be by frame or serial number, license number and by name of owner. '� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council SEP 1 ? 1971 Butler Le� n Favor Meredith � Sprafka Against Tedesco S p 2 0 1971 Mr. President (McCarty) A ro tteat• ity Clerk Mayor ^�� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By � PUBLISHED S E P 2 19 11 �a to rri.t.r . � . � . _ : � f � � ORDIN' ANCE 255�� COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTf� BY ORDINANCE NO Jte ox�iia�#u�� �dia= �luept�r 1�3 e! t� S�►t P�rl �i�la�i�►� C�oie peptaiais� to �i�elss ,.:, a� r�qairiss tltei�r lise�sia� #�s�o� t3ts �ttr+ew ai Poiies. '� C�II. 4T !!tE CI'tI Ol� S�I�"t ��L D�ES �IlTt S�cti� 1. Tla�t �aptsr 1�3 0! tLe Saia�t l�a�]. islatirr* C�de as ad+eg��i Ir� A�dia�t� xo. lg#� ea �ril 11, 1�i3,� it �ari7 a�ds�; #ra/ �rddia�, at !ia a�d ti�eruf tr�r lo�l+ss��t . "1#3.1! �,Li� � ' R �. � prrr� �all rii�, �s�i� I�a�ra�� � �0► p�alrlie �trwrt, _ s13�7► �i�a,Tr tinl�nu�i ar o: �r pflrl�� a#�le�3.l� as �t�li� at�as i�t t�l� �itar wtl+r�r� t�s �r �ia3.1 l�s 111s+�u�ri1 u r�tirei in tfi� cla�pt+r:'. "i��.i3 t o P�a i . Sres�► o�er oi � �sa . . r .� rsti� t�t. �nses�c oi !{vlic�, ltis � aad aalrefs, ti�a a� o� t1t+� �tl�tas�r ot ltia tiia�rle, i#s �ari�1 �■t1�r, s�►1� �i sa�t�'ai de�arf��io= o�t =orias �rse�ii� �► t�t� �sii H�tss�. *1��.14 II F . i C�i! eA . a e�luei, t�� liee�tt� �tll D� rtiii�orr� liif'#atiss si te tias iMtt s�all aot 1+s tx�fersbls fre�.�pierso�t ar lroi �i�real� t� i�►io�cl+�� � H�rea�e o! Po�ies d�ll gr�r�rf.i� s nitaal►1� ts�, st1�, ��al, pla�a ar eii��r de�►f.e� �ltiel� sL�r12 b� atts�d �o tlte 'bits�l• carrera� �j s�a1► resi�#ra#lo�. �� rirstiss�ter�r e�riasa+� t�u►* t� tas, �tielc�r,, tlat�, s�tl or othfr i�nriee at�a�t �►o th� l�i�►1e bsMt Uu�ra Yost ot de��ir+d�+lrt, i� D�rMan o! Paliw s�ll ias�f a a�r li�eaasa ipo�t ttii �ar„T�sat oi a iee oi �1.40. *��3.1� s.� ,� Fa. ��.� ,�,.s�• �"7► P�'�►+� � seZir �r zrw�� �auer p o� a�,�► �i�le �ita�.l re�rt �+Qi �ale or #ar�ts�er ts� #�t+e �are� oi Foliee, to�et�t rlt� tlwr � a�d a�ia�aae Qt f� p�nrsr� to � �sii 'Yi�le Yas sold or #�►a�errai. S�� rsp�rt �Lall lra �� ri ti1� i1Te �S} +�T� e! fi� tatd of atit •al s �r tr�i+sler. !h� p�rc�uuter ar tra�sl�r�re o! a�eL �ie�l� si�sll spp�� !ar a �rex iiea�se t��re��� �ritlei= , ii�e �S) �s of a►ti �sl.e �r tre�tsSpr aad s�all o�U�tmtl.s • n� ita�s� irvt th� Hore�r oS Poifee aa�i �y t�e tes oi �1.�0 !er �rt+�h 1#ctas�. *1#3.16► 31 � E��� lt ��tra� a�rd Fe�a. S'�� Hor� v! lh�lia� �U�' a��► e� sie�nsi� s����r�s �e l�aa�il� liee�s��r a�ri t►ra�ster�. Sa� a+�tt�r si�+el� it�irtr�ars Yeas C,o�iricilmen Nays Paseed by the Counci� � Butler Carlson �� Tn Favor Meredith A as�i� Sprafka Tedesc;o Mr. Preaident (�cCarty) Appmved: Atte�t: City qerk �ayor �� Form approved Corporation �"ounsel By . _.__ i _ a.�.a a raaae � . , � � � . , . � . � Y ORDIN�ANCE 25��64 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTE�D BY ORDINANCE NO �'�ie 3. "1��.!� � Di �. ,t tlt� �cpirat�i�,a oi l� d�������, er� lri�3• rr1t�.�t luas a+ot iMr� �laiaMt a�r be ao1Jt at auoti+r�t. liotie�r coataiai.a� tin� d��rtpttoa �►� t�ur bf�l� or bi+c�rl�r to 1rt ae►ld �uiell Dps �►lfa�d ia �► at�i�rial sers�aplr of t�� �i� a* 2+e�►�t t�ro �ro�e�.i �ior t� � Rsle. �lritt►ra a�oti�e t� tle o�raer �f �4a Diet�+b2e, s� , asd +w s�#si � tho t�iea a3 t�e D�rae� at l�ali+��, sti#l� b� te�� '4�r �t1 H�tt�at�t �ris =1z�t'tw�li�s ■afl �t+�r� �teit swle. "1�3.8; . ,At�.l ie�tia►t ra�e1�A lre�t bte�.� 11o+a�s �a�i����idia,� =er! �all ti� deposi t1� iat a s��ars#� t��+t rA�ies� �11 1e ssed to �e#�tssta tLur tiia�ei� li�ca�ss pra�. "1��.�� ����NM�. '!is �ttatt at' lolies� s�u1�1 �� a seoa►r� s a�ii t�i�e�esl� r�i.st�as�. 'lh��r r�rt �all Le lry tra� or �eriwl aglir, lia��aew �c asi � �e o! o�atr." s.�tis� �, s7►�. �►rd�• �31 .tit. •s:.�t a�t t� ss :�rce ��7 �30) �� �s+at �i attaer it� Fuss�Es, aplro�sl aas� p�ttili�ttio�t. S�P � ? 1971 Yeas Councilmen Naya Pasaed by the Coune;l Butler � .. Tn Fa�►or Levine Mereditb �� sp� Mr. Preaideat (McCar�ty) Appro�ed: S E P 2 � �9 7� Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a roved Co PP rporatioa C"ounael By � ��-��:�. �f zr�.��j y;;�;�.�' •` .� /��t � Page 2. may charge a fee of 25 cents for each license issued. The Bureau of Police shall have the right to inspect the sales records of those licensed to sell under this chapter and the records of such deputy registrars as they shall maintain in licensing bicycles. "143. 17 Bic.ycle Dealer' s Licensed. All persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of selling new or secondhand bicycles and sell more than two (2) per year, shall be licensed under this chapter. Any person, fir�n or corporation desiring to obtain such license shall file with the City Clerk a written application to the City Council stating the full name and address of each location of the applicant for such license. Each location shall require a separate license. "143. 18 Dealer License Fee. The annual license fees shall be 10.00. All dealers ' licenses issued under this chapter shall expire on March lst of each year. "143. 19 Revocation of License. Every dealer license granted under this chapter may be revoked by the City Council as provided in the City Charter. "143. 20 Frame or Serial Numbers. No ,person shall purchase or sell any new or used bicycle which has no frame number or serial number plainly set forth thereon. Deputy Bicycle Registrars shall cause to be imprinted a frame number on any bicycle which by reason of manufacture has none. The Deputy Bicycle Registrar shall obtain such frame number from the Bureau of Police. No person shall willfully or maliciously remove, destroy, mutilate or alter the frame number, serial number or license tag or sticker issued pursuant to this chapter. "143. 21 Impoundin�. If any bicycle is found abandoned in any street, alley, highway, boulevard or public grounds without license identification as provided in Section 143. 14 above, it shall be prima facie evidence that said bicycle is being operated on the streets of the city without having been licensed and may be impounded. Any person claiming a bicycle which has been impounded and f�r which a license has not been issued shall be charged a �1:U0 impounding fee and shall obtain a license before the release of the bicycle. �,,�=�'F,� 25����� Page 2. may charge a fee of 25 ce�nt� for eaeh license isaued. The Hureau of Police sha11`_have �Che right to inspeet the sales recorda o� thase licens�d to seli under this cbapter and the records of such deputy registrars as they shall maintain in l.ioensing bicyeles. ''143.1'7 Biayole Dealer' s Liceneed. All per�one, �irms or corporations engaged in the business oY selling new or secondhand bicyoles and seli more than two (2) per year, shall be lieensed under this ehapter. Any person, firm or corporatian desirin�; tc� obtain such liaense shall �ile with the City Clerk a written application ta the City Council stating the tu11 name and address of each location o� the applieant for such license. Each location �hall require a �eparate 1f.cenae. °'143.18 Dealer Liesnse Fee. The annual license fees shall be 10.04. �I3 de�Zc�r$' lieenses iseued under this ehapter shall expire an Mareh let of eseh yE��. "1�3.�.y �tevoeaticn uY Licen�e. �very d��ler license granted under thi.s c�iaptsr may be revoked by t�le City Council as pxovi.cled in the Cfty Charter. "I.43.20 Frame or 5eri�1 Numbex�s. I�o >person shall purchase or se31 any new or us�d bicyele which has no frame number or serial nutmber plainly set �orth thereon. Deputy Ba.eyele �degistrars s�a11 cauee t4 be imprinted a frame number on any l��.cyele whiQh by reason o� manufaeture has none. Th� Deputy Bicyele Regfstrar shall abtain such �rame number �rom the Bureau aY Poliee. No person shall will�ully or maliciaualy remove, destroy�, mut3late or alter the frame number, serial number or Zieense tag or sticker i�sued purguant ta this chapter. "1�43.21 Impounding, If any bicycle is found abandoned in a.ny street, alley, D�at��aw�y, baulevard or gublic grounds without li�erxs� i.dentigica'�iQn a� provided in Sectian 1�3.1tf above, it shall be prima ��c3.� evidenee that said bicyele is being operat�d on th� �tr�ets o� #h� city �vithout baving been licensed and may be impounded. Any person ciaiming a bicyele whi�h has b��n impounde� .and �or which a license has not b�srn i�aued aball be charged a �1,.�10 impound�n� fee and shall c�'b�tain a license �iPfore the relegse of the bicycle. /Z h ^� _ Ist � - - ' , .. .2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. —Adopted Yeas Nays Y as Nays Butler ` �utler Carlson �F���� Levine �evine Meredith �����4 eredith � Sprafka �Sprafka Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O