255556 ORf INAL TO CITY CL6RK ��V V�V CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , O CIL R 10 GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHER.EAS, Richard Pfiffner, an employee of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, was injured in a third party accident on February 6, 196g, while engaged in the performance of his duties; and - WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of �71U.00 therefor, and said employee was disabled from work for a period of time being paid salary in the amount of �641.70, for which the City may claim credit at the rate of �45.00 per week; and _ WHEREAS, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between said employee and the other party involved in said accident, which provide�s for a net settlement to the City in the amount of �1,013.77 after deductions for proportionate attorney' s fees and costs; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to accept the sum of �1,013.77 in full, final and complete settle- ment of its claim herein and to execute any necessary releases therefor; that of said sum �162.00 is thereby credited to the Police Salary Fund and �851.7'7 to the Workmen' s Gompensation Fund. F APP OV � ' Asst. C ration Counsel SEP 11971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEP ��� �_ 19` Levine �n Favor Meredith �.l Sprafka �� yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty .SEP 4 �97� PUBLISHED ' - - �� DU*LICATS TO lRIN7ot . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� N0�5 • OFFfCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONEQ ^ATE T w�ttB�AB, Blchar� Ptit!ln�r� an e�rpioye• oi tp� De�arta�ent � ot lnblio Sale�y, Hnrean o! Polioe, �ras in�nsed in a third party � aoaid�rt oa F�brdaryr 6, 1g69� �rhile en�a�ad in the p�rlaresnce oi bi• dutie�; snd 1�Ii�BEAB, the City Lss iae�r�d aedieal aUCp�a�e in the a�aonnt ot ��'�.�f.AO t�er�ior� aa!! �id ea�ploqe• �vwe disabisd tro� Morl� ior a geriod oi ti� b�in� paid sa2ary ia th� a�omat o� �6�1.70, tor �iob the City �sy olair eredit at the rate o3 ��5.00 p�r treek= ,and wHF�tTAS, a caapro�ise settlesatt ha� b�in assoti�ta�i bat�r�en said e�ploy�e and the ot.her pwrty invol�►ed in raid soeid�nt, �+hicb pror►1d�i ior a ait ��ttl�e�t to tbe Cit�► in tb�� wo�w►t os �i,oY3•?7 a�ter dednctioao ior pFVportiona�� attorn�y'• ie�� and o�ts; noM� ther�iore, be it �� 8B30LYSD, thst tne prop�r City 0�licer� are h�r�by wthori�ed to aoesspt the � o! �1,013.77 1n lull, 2'inal aad cosplete settle- aent oi it• olai� herain a� to ezeou�� sny neo�s�sr�► rei�soe• tL.reior; that oi �aid sm� �168.00 is triersby orsdited to the Polioe 3alary lruad aad �8g1.7? to the worlu�en'• Co�p�aoaLion Fuud. �p i �971 COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yeas Na3►s 197' �_ SEP a Approved 19� Levine ✓ Tr Favor Meredith � Sprafka ��� AgainBt Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��