255549 � ' 255��9 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The City Council by prior action has guaranteed full employment for certain employees of the Public Works Department, and WHEREAS, Said department has indicated the need for these employees to perform needed work in the departments and; WHEREAS, No provision was made in the a dopted budget for the fund- ing for these employees, and WHEREAS, It is the intention of this Council to fund to costs as they ma.terialize from the Salary and Contingent Reserve account in the 1971 budget, activity 0998 in Charter Fund 35, and WHEREAS, It is necessary to keep a separate accounting of the salary costs to be incurred for 1971, therefore be it � RESOLVED, That there is hereby established a Special Revenue Fund to be designated as "Special Works Projects" in the Department of Public Works, said fund to be reimbursed from activity 0998 - Salary and eontingect Reserve, and therefore be it _ FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Comptroller shall assign the proper account number to this special fund. .� �.� • � _ -. SEP i 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� � 19— Yeas Nays S�P � �'�� �� � ro 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith /t� Mayor t Sprafka v A ainst Tedesco g Mr. President, McCarty � pvsr,ts�n SEP 4 1971 � o��,�,�,�.R.� 255��9 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �g�� COMMISSIONER �ATG �EA�, The City Council by prior action hae guarant�ed fuli • emploqmeat for certain eesployes• of the Public Works Depastment, aad W�EAS, Said department ha• indicated the aeed for thea� employees to perform aaeded �ork ia the dspartments and; W�RSAB, �o provision aas mad� ia the a dopted budgat for the fund- iag for thea� employee�, aad W�SAB, It i� the intention of this Council to fund to costa as thay matarialise from tha Salary and Contingent Reaerve accouot in the 1971 budget, activity 0998 la Charter Fuad 3S, and `iBSBBl18, It i• nscessary to ke�p a aeparate accouating of thi salary co�t• to be iacurzed for 1971, therefore be it RESa.VBD, That there ia heraby a�tabliahed a Special R�evenw �'uad to be deaigaated as "Special Worka Projects" in ths Department of Public Worke, s�f$ fund to bs r�imbursed from activiCp 0998 - Salarq aad C�ntiagect Asaerv�, aad therefore be it FI1�11LLY �tE8Q.V8D, That tha Ccmptroller sball asaign the proper account number to this �pecial fund. SEP i 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mc31 19 Y� ,��-- Na� SEp Z 19T1 ���r Appro� 19.._ Levine ✓ r„ Favor Meredith Sprafka D ��r Tedeaco A B�st Mr. President, McCarty ���