255534 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � �5534 . CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO. LICr�SE COMP�LITT�;L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNC L RESOWTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF AUgUS't 31� �971 RESOLV�;D: That Application L-11972 for Resta�.rant� On �,nd Off Sale Malt Bevera�e, Cigarette and Grocery License, applied for by Richard R. I,arson at 804 E�,st Third Street, be and the sa.me are hereby granted. NE4a Inform�,lly approved by Council Old Location August 5� 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �� 3� �T�9— Yeas Nays Butler 6 31 1971 �� �,� � ve 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka v ayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � pUBL1SHED P 4 19 7t �� CITY OF �AINT �'AUL ~ • Capital of Minnesota �•- � � c� / /� �rs`�3y aLJe aHt�nevct o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION poiacs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEHRILI.,Deyaty Commieaioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN.Lieenss Iaspector August 5, 1971 Honora.ble Mayor a,nd City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Richaxd R. Larson makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage, Ciearette and Grocery L�censes at 804 iast Third Street, wh.ich is on the South side of the street between Arcade and Maple Streetc. This loca.tion has been licensed for a similar business since 1957. The present licensee, George B. Thompson, has held such licenses since December 29� 1970. There are no 3.2 places within t wo blocks. The closest Or. Sale Liquor place is several blocks away and the closest Off Sale Lic�uor place is also several blocks away. The n.eaxest church is one block and the nearest school is about two blocks. I'rior to this year, NIr. Larson, the applic�nt was licer.see at this address from 1962 to 1970. Ve truly yours, l�t.�.�i��(� � License Inspector `} � �;� `;.� ;�i� ;{ '���.�� � G � �� C ITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPARTBIENT OF PUBLTC SAFETY ' LICEI�TSE DNISION I�te� ��.9� 1. Applica�ion �or - Zicease 2, Name of applicant � ,�_ 3. Busi�ess address _ ''Resides�ce �L/ �� ��� � 4. Trade r�ame, if any ; � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp },� Retail Ziquor F'ederal Tax Stamp��.1]. be u8ed. 7'`�'" 6. Qn what floor located ✓'���',vyCi' Number of rooms used • . , 7. Betroasen w3�t• orosa strea�s �,.��t��j��ich aide �f strse� �J 8. A,re premises now ocaupied t business "`-�' Haw long C�/ 7 9. �,�` ' Are prem�.ses novv un000up' d�rHaw long vacant Previ,ous Use 10, Are you a new owner ve you been in a similar bueinesa before •Q� ' WN�iiere � � �fihen /Lt`�Irv / /��- vC� � ` 11. Are you going �o aperate this business personaJ.ly , ..___ . _ ,, If not, �o will operate it �r � �2, Are you in any o�her business at the present ti�ea �'�' 13. Have there been any complain�s against your operation of �his type oP plaae "`�"� � _._..._,....,., �Vhen �--... Where r---__....___ 14. Have you ever had an.y license revoked �-yVhat reason and date ----�°--- 15, Are you a citizen of t� United State� .�iTative Naturalized r :' � -�..-�..�....� 16. YVhere were you born��`�_�,�� �J�„��L,.�te of birth 0 %� 17. I am�x�rried. My (wifs 's� (husband's) name and address is � 18. (If ine�rriad female) xny msiden name is �.� � 19. �c�w long have you lived in St, Paul � ' ......_ __ 20. Have you ever been arrested `'�,� Xiulation of what oriminal law or ordinance -``�� _.._.._�, 21. Are you a ragistered voter in the City of St. Pau1 Yes Na. (Ana�rar fully and aom�letely, Theae a lications are horou hl aheoked and an falsification wi11 be cause for deni.a . ��`�''�) 22. Number of 3.2 places within tro�o blocka �� � ', 23. Closeat intoxicating liquor p].aoe. �n Sale .,� !E3�'f Sa1e • ' 24, Nearest Church Nesrest School 25. Number of booths Tablea �hairs Stoole J _ 26. What occup�tion have vo�. follov�d for the psst five �r�ears, (Give name� of emp7.oy�rs and date s s o employ�ad.) 27. Give r.�ames and addresses of two pexaons, residents o�' St. Paul, lld�.nn., who Qan give information concerning ou. r3ame L% � Address _ �� �3 � ,%����? <.�/1tQ-= I�Tame r ,Flddres s � ` � , - �� 2ti1 � � Sign�ture o App iean ` Sta te of Tr�inne s ota� . ss County of Ramsey } /�,c/�y�/ � L��,SO-� being first duly svrorn, depoaes and say$ upon oath that he has rea the foregoing statsment bearin� his signature and la�.ows the eoatents thereoP, and that the aame is true of h3,s o�m, 1.�,�wledge except �s to those m���srs therein sta�;ed upon information and belief and as to those m�tters he belie�res them to be �riry3o , �a � '�;nature of App�.iQant Subscribed and sworn te bef�re ms this � day of 19 �� �� Notary Pu lic, ount , Mir�n.es�a Notary pub'l�BEN pR�,gjL� My Coannission expirs�ly__COM� ; r,,,.. � Pires p��I,' rnr,. (Note t These statement forms are in dup�:�S�e. Both copi�s must be fully f i11ed out, n,at,arized, and ret�rned to the License Division.T� AFFIDAV�T BY APPLICANT Ft3R � ' RETAIL BEER �38 �I�UOR LTCENSE , Re s �^Sals���,� License - /� / ��� Name of applicant j �..�.,--1,- �_,.J j-, > Business address D � Are you the sole owner of this buainess'�•��j . If not, is it a partnership? - - �__r� corpdration4 , other? ����'L �l t}thers interested in business, include those by loan of mo� , propar or otherwi�es Name Address How If a corporation, give its name. Are you interested in any w�ay in any other reta�il beer or liquor business?`�u.'� " 1�s sole c�rnerZ ___ Partner? ----__ _ Stockh�lder4 �'-. ! Cither�rise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) �— _.._.__.___.._ Address of such business ar�d nature of interest in same -- _._ _ _._.._. .��. j ' -- � Signature of applican Sta�e af Minne s ota� �ss County of Ramsey � IC� G �/��C C� � ���cS o�t/ being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing a fid�vit bearing his signatura and lcn.ows �he contents thereof; that the s�me is true of his avm l�ovrledge, except as to those mat�ers therein stated upon inf�rmation and belief and as to those �atters he believes them to be true. �/ ` �'LQ�I'� Signature of applicant Subacribed and sworn to before e this � day of_�� �19 7� No ary ublic, e ty, innesota 1��.FC��n� E-,i'L',"':"_I_:, My oanun].ssion expii'es ��Yp�bfic.�nr,e�sr� Ca�nt�; PJlinr�. ?Vly Commissian Expires Oct. 11,,1974+� v . t a � S1A1L' VP JY111YlYCj��� S� C�3UNTY �7F RAMSEY 5�,��G/'iJ� � ���5'a � be�.ng first duly a�w�orn, do�h depoae � � .,.,..�.. and aay tha� he me�kea �his aff�.davit �.n Qonneation �rith appliaa�ion for " S�ls" liquor lioense ("� Sa1e" mslt beverage lioense� in the City af Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident o� the State of Minnesota and has res�ded there3.n for ��� years, months, ax�d is ncra� and has bsen for the tim�e abo�v� mex�t�,oned a bona �ide resident of said $tate and that he nvw resides at ,6 ress , Minneaota. it y or o,� � � � Subscribed and sworn tQ before me this day of Gt� 19 7� T*,---.-....__ �..._.. �L � o�ary bli unt Minneaota Y, Y'Con��u'b�� ye�n�2yej(� My cou�iasion expir�9'�F . p�n s p�t Il,, Mlnn 19�4., „ • � 5: 19'� �. D�aa Mermdi.th, , CQm�issiea�r at' Public 8at'ety� 101 E. lt?th. St., 8t. P'oq]., �. At#.n: I�lr. Dao�ti�.7. F. McJ.e�gblin �ar sir: Trie City Cc�rmeil tcxtayr in�car�al],y �rgrc�ed tlye a�plicatit�an e�l �d x. barst�a �or Restea�t'eunt, O�a sad diY' 841�e Ma3.t Be^merage, Cigarette �md �ry Licxnses st 8t?4 R. Third S�t�et. Wi31 �ron Please Pa�epa'ee t!� cv��tc�srr reso7.gticn? Vex'Y t�'�,Y J�s City C1erI� �