255533 OR161NAL TO CITi'CL6RK /:���_i� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ���' �•��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO. LICF�VSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �. � COMMISSIONE ATP ='-til��� v�+ �-�7� WF3EREA5: C. F. No. 255859, dated July 23, 1971� rescinded C. F. No. 254364, dated June 3, 1971, which conditionally transf,erred the On Sale Liquor License held by Sa,mec Ziquors, Inc. as "Ina,ctiv�" to Richard N. Henninger, at 242•-44 South Hamline Avenue� therefore, be it R:�SOLVED: That the fees posted for such transfer by Richard N. Henninger a.nd covered in Receipt 6712, and Applic�,tion L-11363, b e and the same are hereby refunded to him and the receipt and application cancelled„ Ct`1NCELLATI02v" (Appn. for license� (Refund� Mailing & Resident Address: 60 Nelson Street St. Paul, Minn. 551.19 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co��� AUG 3 1 1971 19— Yeas Naya Butler � �►U G 3 1 t9.�i� � n�,a�� rov 19— Levine �j T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gaiIISt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED �9 lI ��