255518 OR161HAL TO CITY CLERK IJ■y 4��Q CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '����� v . FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. U IL ESO TION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF ii�EAS, Qrdinat�ca Nc. 32�0 an.tbe�ize� aa�d p�rovides far pa�t �c� oTea�'ti.se� a�d WH�tE�S, T� Cca�sai.ssi�a� oi P�ks ae�d Reer�ati.an sad P�blis �ildin�s hass aat�3.zed oweLisae x�►rk ir► l�i.a depart�aeat �ring tho pe�ia3 f�om A�gnuat ?, 1971 t�ot�h A��t 20, 1971� thearefore, be it R�50LY�D, T�t �he prope� city offica�s are he�eb� a�thca�is�cl to pay the e�aloy�eea xh4 pesl�ed ��h averti� wmrk 3a aaccn�dasce with t�e p�crvis�iona of ordi�ances l�o. 6i�l�6 and No. 3250. AUG 31 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler AU 6 3 � 19I1 �_ � ove 19� Le�ine � —�n Favor Meredith ' Sprafka or Tedesco A ga�$t Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED SEP 4 �97� . � _ STJMIMIARY OF 01T�RTIME � Payroll Period from Augas� 7 1971 tl�mough August 20 1971 � > > Department: Parks and Recreation and Public Buildinga OUTSIDE ROLL NAME FIRS. RATE PAY DATE AEASON: ..__ �_. Baker, William I,. 39.54� 2.750U 108.63 �arious L�.fe Guard at Phalen Beach. Boos, Martin C. 9.000 2.568� 23.12 " Refectory Attendarzt at Duiuiing. DeBoer, Bernadett� D. 18.000 2.7500 �9.50 " Life (�u.ard at �a�no Pool. Erickeon, Robert E. 60.�00 2.'T500 165.00 " Life G�tard at Como Pool. t}rex, Robert H. 8.t�0 6.8l�38 5�t.75 8/T�8 Prepare for Invitational. Hanson, Chris J. 50.5f� 2.7500 138.88 Various Life atxard at Fiighla�d Pool. Heinz, doseph (i. 59.000 1�.5188 266.60 " Refectory Mauager at Ha.ghlaiad Qol, Jackmcm� Mary L. 38.500 2.7500 105.88 " Life (3�ard at Highl,and Pool. Johnsan� Kevin E. 36.50� 3.(�00 109.50 " Beach..Pool Kan�ger at Highland, Johnson, Michael W. l�2.000 2,75� 11�.50 " Life auard at Como Pool. Johnston, Mark V. 53.00� 2.7500 71}5.75 � Life �a�d at Phalen Beach. Klim�nek� Jeff"rey L. 39.0� 3.�� 117.Of� " Beaeh-Pool Manager at Phaleri Beac Larson� Brett H. 16.000 2.7500 l�.t,00 " I,i.fe �ard at Phal�n Deach. Leg�a, Harry L. 2.000 3.7500 ?.50 8/9 Water gre�nns at Co�o aalf. Lunzer, Michael P. 8.000 6.8l�38 ��t.75 8/1l�,15 C�t 8reeas�ch�n8e cups,ohore�-C� Miller, Thomas 3. 32.5�0 2.75� 89.38 garious Life Qruard at Pbsl.e� $eaah. Parr, scott L. 38.5(30 2.7500 105.88 " Life Qusrd at Hi.gh]and Pqol. Perelatein, Michael A. 30.000 2.75� 82.50 " LiPe (}uxard at Highlaaci �'ool. Pf'tatzenreuter, Richa�d lt0.000 2.7500 110.00 " Life auasd at Phalen Beach. Ryder, Clarence 0. 18.IX� 3.3750 60.75, " aolf �an�er at �Lghla�d golt• 3tahl, �eorge P. 37.004 2.75� 101.75 " Life Qrnard at Ph�le� Beaeh. Stelter, Thomas J. 8.000 9.1032 72.83 8/7,8 Prepare Por Infttatioaal. Swa3n, Donovan lt.000 3.7500 1s.00 8/15 �hange cups at Highland Golf. Swain, Mar� M. 30.500 2.75� 83.88 Various Life f�uard at Como Go1f. S Wanson, Janet M. 8.50� 2.75�4 23.38 " Life Gvard at Co�ne Qro].f. Tansey, Lli$abeth K. 30.U00 2.75� 82.�0 " Life (inarci at C�o Golf. Morrissette, Francis J. 62.000 3.2500 201.50 �� Refectory �Ianager at Coaio (3olf. Nar�siexica, Frar�k S. 15.500 2.�000 38,7� " Qolf Rar}g�r at Phalen Golf. Loeffler, Peter T. 11.000 3.�00 1�.�� 8/7,8,1l� Cut gree�, change cups arrd pre�• para fa� #�uvitatior�al at Cc�o. Morrissett�, L�elyn M. 12.000 3.2500 39.0� 9ariou� Ftefeeta�y l�suager at Pha1Qn aolY. James R. Anderaon' 17.500 2.5000 lt3.75 " aolf Ranger at Camo aolf. Carlsan� (3ar�r R. 19.000 2.5000 Lt7.5� " (�olf Ra�ger at Phalen C�olf. Sell, Mark w. 17.�0 2.5� �.2.50 " ('�lf Rar�ger at Hi�2�l�nd Eiolf* Loomia, Jerry D. 19.5ao 2.5000 l�8.7� " Re�ectory Attendaut at Ca�cr aalf, Timothy M. Brm�me .500 1.7500 .88 „ Refectory Helper at Fhale�n �►ch. Swain� Thomas M. 3.00)0 1.75� 5.25 " RePector�r Helper at Comu Pool. Donn�lly, Jerane F. 70.500 2.�000 176.25 � Refect,c�ry Attendant at Highland. Sirmner, Stephen J. $.000 3.7�00 �0.40 8/7,8 T'repare far Inv3.atational at �o� I�nst, Daniel A. 1.�00 2.5000 2.50 �arious Refectc�y Attendant at Phalen. Sehoeberl, Judith K. 1.500 2.7500 1�.13 " I.ife aua�d at Phalen Beaeh. Staudacher, Rich�ard E. 16.E�0 2,�00� L�0.00 " aolf aanger a� Como t}olf. Tota1 aver�ixne tor l�efeetories �3�,096.22 Al1 27� fFtefectcri�a) ' . _ __ _ ._ SU1�iARY-OF OVERTIl� Payroll Per3od Yram Ar�gtitst 7� 1971 tla�ough August �0� 1971 Departmen�: Parks and Recreation and Public Bui.ldi�gs OUTS ID� ROLL NAME HEtS. RATS PAY DAT& REAS�N: Cleveland, Harold L. .500 7.�.625 "�."�� 8/16 Aerial Tc�xer Assi.gnment (l�700) (3ata, Roger 5.000 6.81�38 3�.22 Various Truck A�aignra�erit Goerlich, Ronald R. .500 7.l�625 ;3.?-� 8/13 Tr�ck Assignment Jacic�on� Thomas P. 1.500 6.�38 �.b.�7 8/9 Stor� damage doht�son� John H. 2.000 9.3657 18.73 8/9 Stcu� damage Kinderaisw, dolni H. 3.OU0 7.1�625 22.39 eario�s Ae�rial Tower Assignment Kruse, Bdxard R. .50� ?.�562� 3.73 8/16 Truck As�ig�eut Prieater, Joseph 9. 7.000 7.�625 52.2l� oarious Staa� da�a�ge & truck assignmtit. Sim�son, Howard T. l�.0((m 7.�t625 29.85 " Aerial Truak Assignmen� Thola� Jasnes W. 1.500 7.�625 11.19 8/9 Storm damags Qorlicky, Leo T. 3«500 ?.lt62� 26.12 �arious Aerial Tow�r Assignment Weber, Patrrick M. 2.000 7.2�70 1lt.�9 " ' � Truck Assigtm�ea�. Woodxard, Byron L. 2.�Q0 9.3657 18.73 " A erial dssignment. � 2lt9.�+2 All Fores�ry (�.7�0) Fitz�erald, aruce E. 18.fm0 6.81�38 123.19 V�rious Picnics & Clean�p at Highlarid P�x a�ansell, Flsie A. 3.�0 3.l�1:�0? 1�.32 " G�eneral Matron in parka�. Jenaen, Bichard C. 8.000 9.3� 71�.�t0 8/15 Drive eompactor truck. Moldenhau�r, Paul R.�Jr.18.000 6.8l�38 123.19 Qarious C1ean bai.ldings & �ra�d� at C�c Natil.� Marie F. . 5.00� 3,89c)? 19.�t� " Gensral Matror� in Park�, Peters�, Alv�.n C. 32.00106D 7.0719 226.30 " Attend SchiPfla►an FountaLn Bea�ni.�s, CxregorT J. 18.�0 7.4625 131�.33 " Clean bnildings & �rouads a� Conw Shantos, Andrer W. 20.0t� 9.300Ct 186.00 8/?,8,16 Pick �p trash. - trualc dri�rer. Tayla�r, Shirley L. It.�00 3.1ilt07 13.76 8/15 Highland Picnic & Cleanup.-�atroa Tempeat, R,crbert J. lt.U00 3.7500 1�.00 8/16 Pick mp trash. .. helper. Voss� �edriek J� 26��04 6�8}�38 177.9� 8/8�1�t�].5 Highla�d cleanup d� picnics. Draz, David 1�.00� 3.75� 15.00 8/7 Cleanup at Phalen Park. Rindler, Elaine L. 19.000 3.�i�7 65.37 Various t3eneral Matron in parks. 1�18l�.25 All. Pargs (0730) Gagnelins, Ri.chard W, 1.000 3.'T50� 3.75 8/2q �ssist stoae �ason at As�].ine. Lace�r, �ene 0. 10.000 5.5625 55. 63 8/7,� Take Conde�uatic�► & othe� pictnre Bell, Peter 1.fl00 3.7�00 3.75 S/20 Aseist S€one �ason st Ha�aline. 63.13 All Recreatio� (0718) Irestone, Arttu�r a.,Jr. 3.� 9.�t350 28_� 8/17,18 Rspair conap�ctor (073�}p��CS & " Aeri.al �ower (!t?OU) Foreatry F'lsnagan, J�hn ?. Lt.(�006D l�.1173 1d.�7 Various Watc2�anan alt Cc�ao Zoo & �onsex��►at. Beoris, Peter A. 3.000 3.9�t5 11.95 " � 3eoris, Peter A . 19.00OSD �.1173 78_ .�2:�, " '� �6•�' All (0723) Totsl overtine Lhis roll � Ia,699.67 �