255508 � ^�/ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �'�5�(� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� " + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Ctty of Saint Paul has entered �nto a certain agree�ent, dated August 3, 1971, with �obert J. Sheran for services to be rendered as Hea�ing Examtner 1n connection with the application of the Northern States Pow�r Canpany far increased etectricai rates pursuant to Resolutton of the City Council, CF No. 254787, approved Ju1y Z, 1971, and in connection wtth the establtsha�en� of prior electrical rates under an application ftled on August 1, 1968; pursuant to Resolutton of the C�Ity of Saint Paul. CF No. 255t72 approved August 4, 1971; and WHERE�.S, tn compliance t�ith the ter�s of the contra�ct aforesa4d certain servtces r+rere rendered and a bilttng submitted by Robert J. Sheran for July of 197t tn the amount of $4,080.30; naw, therefore, be tt � RESOLYED, that the proper City offlcers are aut6ortz�d and directed to pa�y Robert J. Sheran the amount of $4,080.30 for his services and those of his representattves for the n�nth of July, 1971, the payment of said amount to be charged to the Special Revenue Fund 308�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� AUG 2? 1971�_ Yeas Naya Aus a? ���' Bu=1er �� e� 19` e�vin�- n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor l/ A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � 0 ED p 41971 _ e^-c- ��'I����'"~'�""�` - �sst,. Corpo ion Counsel °�°� ' ,;i Ar2d COdB � THOMAS J- STEARNS '�, ?:3•5121 ARTNUR M. NELSON �,I/.�-:. � � �. �y�,DDDwww... PAUL f. MC CLOSKEY, JR. � -" . ` . . � �J��l� R. SCOTT DAVIES � i �,�j PIERRE N. REGNIER . � DANIEL L. FICKER ' � � �� -.�� � � � � JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN CITY OF SAINT PAUL R°BERT C HOENE KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK A. KEITH HANZEL ��is;,, � FirSt ASSistant � . ROGER W. MEVER . � �� . � �- . . Assistants .{�JEROME J. SEGAL � LEGAL DEPARTMENT TeRRV F. SULLIVAN �:a � I nvestigator speciai Assista�it 316 Cifr Nalt, St. Parl, Minnesota 55102 bAN1EL A. KLAS An��Llst 11� 1971 �Y,"��--���`� �--� Corporation Counsel AU61 � 1911 Dept. o( Fui�iie Uiii�:;es Cc�isaioner Robert �'. Sprafka Chair�an, Utiliti�s Comittee City of 6aint Panl Dear Cc�issioaer Sprafkas anclos�d is a statesent for servicea rsndersd and expenaes incurred througb July 31, 1971, frc�an R�b�rt J. Sheran. ?he stat�nt is approved by this offia� and it ia recc�aeadmd th�t it bs paid prc�ptly. V�ry truly yours, '���(./��./ D11�iTI SL A. KL�iB Corporatica Counaol DI�R:j s enc. . �� „�, • k: , THOM�PS VENNUM WILIIAM C.MORTENSEN . L I N D Q U I S T & V �E N N U M LEONARD E.LiNOQUiST LEW SCNWARTZ . � NORMAN l NEWM4LL JOMN H.ST�70TNMAN . lAUf7E55 V.ACNMAN DnviO G.NEw.+ALL � � GEaA�D E.MAGNUSON DENNIS M.MATMISEN , � 860 NORTHWESTERN BANK BUIIDING � EDWAR'J M GLENNON KURTIS A.GREENLEY ROBEpT J.SHEAAN ROBERT V.ATMORE � MELVIN �.ORENS�EiN DAVID E.MPAUSE ' EuG[tiE H.NE/.TiNG RErN0�05 B.TMOMAS,JR , MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 JAMES P.MARTINEAU JOMN B.WINSTON � RICMARD J.FITZGER�.D EDWARD R.GARVEY , vH�LIP J.OATHUN OANIEI.T.LINDSAV � � MACLAV a Mv�E MICHAEL E.HURPM� . TELEPHONE (612) 335-6651 �JMN A.FGPRES' LAURANCE R.WALDOCH - � � WI�I.IAM E.FO% TNONA$ G.DEVINE JEQROLD F. BE�G�HLM TNOMAS H.GARRETT ill � wi�.unM r. oo�AN � � • CABLE ADDRE55' UNLAW � � August 9 , 1971 City of Saint Paul Legal Department 316 City Hall St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 Attention : Mr . Daniel A . Klas , Corporation Counsel ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following statement is submitted for services rendered and expenses incurred during the period from July l , 1971 , to and ir:cluding July 31 , 1971 , in connection with the proceedings for determination of rates to be charged in the City of St . Paul by NSP . The initials "RJS” reflect services rendered by Robert J . Sheran; the jnitials "LRW" reflect services rendered by Laurance R. Waldoch, the attorney assisting Mr . Sheran; the initials "SFS" indicate services rendered by Sally F . Salzl, who has performed the stenographic and clerical services required by the pro�ect . The charges for expenses are self-explanatory . 7/3/71 - RJS - Initial conference and services rendered in arranging for meeting with Corporation Counsel of City of St . Paul in re proposed rate hearing . . . 2 hours at $50 -------- $ 100 .U0 7/5/�l - RJS - Preparation for attendance at meeting with Corporation Counsel of the City of St . Paul at Corporation Counsel offices at City Hall " in St . Paul . . . 3 hours at $50 --------- 150 .00 7/6/71 - RJS - Preparation for initial hearing on July 7 , 1971 . . 2 tiours at $5� -------- 100 .00 7/7/71 - RJS - Preparation °or and attenctance at prelim- � inary meeting with at�orneys for NSP and representati.ves of the City of St . Paul and the Citizens Group representative . . . 5 hours at $50 ---------=----------------- 250 . 00 7/7/71 - LRW - Services rendered in formulating Rules of Procedure for Rate Hearing . . . 6 hours at $30 ----------------------------------- 180 .00 � �^f City of Saint Paul Legal Department Page 2 7/8/71 - LR��] - Services rendered in preparing proposed Rules of Procedure for rate heai�ing . . . �t hours at $30 ---------------- 120 . 00 f 7/8/71 - SFS - Stenographic services rendered in preparation of proposed Rules of Procedure . .2 hours at $7 .5� ---------- 15 . 00 7/9/71 - LRW - Services rendered in preparation of proposed Rules of Procedure . . . 3 1/2 hours at �30 ------------------- 105 . 00 �,. 7/10/71 - LRW- Services rendered in preparation of proposed Rules of Procedure . . . 2 1/4 hours at $30 ------------------ 67 . 50 -- 7/10/71 - RJ�- Services rendered in preparation of proposed Rules of Procedure . . . 4 hours at $50 ---------------- ----- 200 . U0 '' 7/12/71 - SFS- Stenographic services renderec� in preparation of proposed Rules of Procedure . . . 2 1/2 hours at $7 . 50--- 18 .75 . 7,l12/71 - LRW- Services rendered in preparation of proposed Rules of Procedure . . . 1 1/2 hours at $30 -------------------- 45 . 00 7/13/71 - LRW- Services rendered in preparation .of proposed Rules of Procedure . . . 4 hours at $30 ------------------------ 120 .00 - 7/13/71 - SFS- Stenographic services rendered in preparation of proposed Rules of Procedure . . . 2 hours at $7 . 50 ------ 15 . 00 � ° � � * � * 7/14/71 - LRW- Services rendered in preparation of memorandum an Constitutional Limitations involved ,in the fixing of utility rates . . . 6 3/4 hours at $30 -------- 202 . 50 = 7/1�4/71 - SFS- Stenographic services rendered in preparation of inemorandum on Constitutional Limitations . . . 1 1/2�:hours at $7 .50 ------------------- 11 . 25 7/15/71 - LRW- Services�'rendered in preparation of memorandum on Constitutional Limitations involved in the fixing of ut,�:lity rates . . . 5: hours at $30 =�---------- 150 . 00 . d. City of Saint Paul Legal Department ' Page 3 7/16/71 - LRW - Services rendered in preparation of memorandum or Constitutional Limitations involved in the fixing of utility rates . . . 7 hours at $30 ------------- 210 .00 .�'� 7/16/71 - SFS - Stenographic services rendered in preparation of inemorandum on Constitutional Limitations . . . . 2 1/2 hours at $7 5 - .75 '� 0 ------------------ 18 7/19/71 - LRW - Services rendered in preparation of memorandum on Constitutional Limitations involved in the fixing of utility rates . . . 5 hours at $30 ------------- 150 .00 7/19/71 - SFS - Stenographic services rendered in preparation of inemorandum on Constitutional Limitations . . . 2 hours at -- . � $7 •5� -------------------- 15 00 ,- � � * � � 7/20/71 - LRW - Preparation of inemorandum analyzing issues involved in NSP/City of Saint Paul Rate Hearing . . . 6 1/2 hours at $30 -------------------------------- 195 .00 r,�, 7/20/71 - SFS - Stenographic services rendered in preparation of inemorandum analyzing issues involved in NSP/City of Saint Paul Rate Hearing . . . 1 hour at . 0 ° $7 .50 --------------------------------- 7 5 � 7/21/71 - LRW - Preparation of inemorandum analyzing issues_ involved in NSP/City of Saint Paul Rate Hearing . . . 3 3/4 hours at $30 ------------------------------- 112 50 " 7/�'1/71 - SFS - Stenographic services rendered in preparation of inemorandum analyzin� issues involved in N�P/City of Saint Paul Rate Hearing . . . 1 1/2 hours at $7 50 ------------------------------ 11 . 25 ..� � 7/22/71 - LRW - Preparation of inemorandum analyzing issues involved in NSP/City of Saint Pau1 Rate Hearing . . . 7 1/2 hours at $30 -------------------------------- 225 00 ..Y. 7/22/71 - SFS - Stenographic services rendered in preparation of inemorandum analyzing issues involved in NSP/City of Saint Paul Rate Hearing . . . 2 hours at �7 50 -------------------------------- 15 . 00 ,�� � City of Saint Paul Legal Department Page �-I . 7/23/71 - LRW - Preparation of inemorandum analyzing issues involved in NSP/City of St . Paul Rate Hearing . . . 5 1/2 hours at $30 ---- 165 . 00 ' ------------------ * * � � * 7/26/71 - LRW - Services rendered in preparation of research memorandum on History and Background of Rate Regulation by City of St . Paul . . . 7 1/4 hours at $30 ---------------------------- 21'T . 50 •' 7/27/71 - LRW - Services rendered in preparation of research memorandum on History and Background of Rate Regulation by City of St . Paul . . . 6 1/2 hours at $30 ----------------------------- 195 . 00 -" 7/28/71 - LRW - Services rendered in preparation of research memorandurr� on History and Background of Rai;e Regulation by City of St . Paul . . . 6 1/4 hours at $30 ----------------------------- 187 . 50 ,,� 7/28/71 - SFS - Stenographic services rendered in preparation of research memorandum on History and Background of Rate Regulation by City of St . Paul . . . /,. 2 1/2 hours at $7 ..50 --------------- 18 75 7/29/71 - LRW - Services rendered in preparation of research memorandum on History and Background of Rate Regulation by City of St . Paul . . . 7 hours at $30 -------------------------------- 210 .00 � 7/�9/71 - SFS - Stenographic services rendered in preparation of research memorandum on History and Background of Rate Regulation by City��' St . Paul � • . . . 3 1/2 hours at $7 . 50 --------- 26. 2 � f . � * * � � 7/30/71 - LRW - Research and preparation for August 2 hearing . . . 5 hours at $30 -------------------------------- 150 . 00 7/30/71 - SFS - Stenographic services in preparation for August 2 hearing . . . 4 hours at ,: $7 . 50 ------------------------------ 30 .00 ' . � �x , City of Saint Paul Legal Department Pa�e 5 7/31/71 - LRW - Research and preparation for August 2 hearin�; . . . 1 t�our at $30 ---------------------------- �30 .00 � 7/31/71 - SFS - Stenographic services in preparation for August 2 hearing ------------- 30 .00 -� �! hours at� $7 . 50 Total ----------------------------$4 ,070 .G0 �-�- Expenses : Xeroxing ----------- $10 . 3� 10 . 3C . �} ,0�0 . 30 a ' �"""�T`���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PIIESENTED!Y COMMISSIONER �ATE MNEREAS, the City of Safnt Paul has entered lnto a certain aqru�ent, dat�d �lugutt 3, 1971. with Rob�rt J. Sheran 1'or aervices to be renderad �a Nea�tng Ex�aainar 1q cormaction with the appticatlon , of tha Northern States Porer Caspany fo� te�creased electrlcal rates purawnt to Resotutlon ot the City Co�r�cil. CF Mo. 254787. apprewed July 2, 1971, and 1n conn�ction wtth the �stabllahaa�nt ot prior elactrical �at�a und�r an appllca�tion filed on Augu�t 1� 1968i pursuant to R�solutlon ot the City of Salnt Paul. CF No. 255172 appraved August 4, 1971= and 1�1EREAS, in compliance with the teres of the contraet atoresatd cartain servicea w�re render�d and a bilting submlttrd by Robert J. Shar�n for July of 1911 in the aaaunt of #4,080.30; �aw, ther�tore, be 1t RESOLYED, that the proper C1ty �otficers art authorized and dlrected to pay Robert J. Sheran the �ount of �,080.30 tor hts services and thos! of his repr�sentatives to� the month ot July, 1971, the payment oi said a�amt to be clargld to th� Special Revenue Fund 3080. COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Co�mcil AU G 2 7 1��� Yeas Naye B�� �s �� �9�� Apprnve� 8� vine n Favor Meredith �� Sprafka � Against Tedesco D�r. President, McCarty ��