256474 Ori�inal to Cit�Clerk � r ORDINANCE ���4��:� _...--�- �� ��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY' ' ORDINANCE NO- � � �,�� APt ORDINANCE SETTLIPtG THE CLAIM OF RAYMOND AND BEYERLY GAJESKI AND STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE IMSURAMCE C0. THE COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secttan t. That the proper City off9cers are hereby authortzed and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-4Zt, to Raymond and Beverly C��eski and State Farm Mutual AutanobiTe Insurance Co., the sum of $234.36, tn full settlen�ent of their claim of damages sustalned on or about June 16, 1971, as more particularly set out in a communication to the Ctty Councit on Ju1y 29, 1911. Sectton 2. That said swn shail be paid to the sa�d claimants upon the9r execution and delivery nf a retease in full tn the Ctty, tn a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for att damages sustatned tn the manner aforesaid. 5ection 3. That this ordinance shail take effect and be 1n force thirty days after tts passage, approval and publication. oEC s r97� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler � ���"'"`�` In Favor Levine Meredith � d Against Sprafka Tedesco �EC 9197� Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• At t: ty C erk Mayor �� _ , Form approved Corporation Counsel By ���'�•r.�.-� PUBLISHED n F C 1 1 19 7� Dygnfi b Prlater � ' • "� . � RDINAI\TCE 2554'�4 COUNCiI FILE NO PRESENT� BY ORDIhiANCE NO —��� AN OttDI[�ANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF RAYMOHD A[!0 BEVERLY 6�WESKI AND STATE FAR�1 t�1Tt1At. A11?OM�BILE INSt�tANCE fA, THE CO!lNCIL OF TNE CITY OF SAINT PAt�.. DOES tNtflrAINz Section 1. That the proper City officers are her�by authorlsed � and dir�cted to pay out of the Tort Liabflity Fund OQ35-421, to Ray�ond and Beverty 6a�eski and Stste Fana t�twal Autanabila Insu�ance Co., t� sur+ of ;234.36, in fuli settlea�ent of their c1ai� of da�asges sustainsd oA or about J�e 16, 1971, as a�a�e particdlariy set out ia a ce�ntcstia� to the Cfty Council oa �aly 29, 1971. Section 2. That said sa� shali be patd to the sa4d ctst�tnts upoa their �zacution snd delivery of a rei�ase in f�tt ts the 6tty, in a fona to be sp�roved by the Corporation Cau�sel. fo� a11 da�ages sdstained in the �aam�r aforesaid. Section 3. Thst this ordinance shall take effect snd b� in force . tMrty dnys aite� its pasuge, approval and publicatfw�. : . � DEC 8 �s7a Yeas Councilmen Naya Paased by the CouaciL Butler � � n Favor Levine . Meredith � � Sprafka a�. i�a�t c��c�� A ���: OEC ' 9197� Atte�t: PA City Clerk Mayor �� Form a ro�Co r PP rporatioa Counsel By , , . r fi'..q . � . ' . C �. - . � . . . � ,. • . . . . . . f/ - r // I st L� 2nd c� � Laid over to i� �� 3rd and app —Adop+ed Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bu+ler \ Bu+ler Carison �,y �\\� C���-._.._..�-zQ-�_ Levine ���� �� '�evine Meredith �yvleredith Sprafka � ���,.$prafka Tedesco Tedesco U Mr. Presiden+ McCarty �Mr. President McCari�y O