256470 OrlPiny�to Ctty Clerk , . . . �, y . ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. � � v PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO HAZELWOOD PARK WEST, 3647 MC KINLEY STREET N.E. , MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, 55418, TO CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IN THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, BEGINNING AT THE EXISTING SEWER IN HAZELWOOD STREET, THENCE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION THROUGH THOSE PARTS OF LOTS 3, 4 AND 5 OF BLOCK 3, ROGERS AND HENDRICKS ACRE LOTS NUMBER 2 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A 30-FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND BEING 15 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5, 82 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE RUNNING WESTERLY PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT, 227 FEET AND THERE TERMINATING: TOGETHER WITH A 30-FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND BEING 15 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5, 97 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE RUNNING WESTERLY PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 96 FEET TO THE ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LINE TO BE DESCRIBED; THENCE, RUNNING NORTHERLY PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOTS, 235 FEET AND THERE TERMINATtNG, SAID PUBLIC SEWER TO SERVE THAT PART OF LOT 2 LYING SOUTH OF THE NORTH 101 FEET, LOTS 3, 4 AND 5 OF BLOCK 3, ROGERS AND HENDRICKS ACRE LOTS NUMBER 2. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION l . That permission and. autho�ity are hereby granted to Hazelwood . Park West, 3647 McKinley Street N.E. , Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55418 to construct a public sanitary sewer in the City of St. Paul , beginning at the existing sewe� in Hazelwood Street, thence in a westerly direction through those parts of Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 3, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots Number 2 described as follows: a 30-foot wide strip of land being 15 feet on each side of the following described line: beginning at a point in the East line of Lot 5, 82 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence running Westerly parallel with the South line of said Lot, 227 feet and there terminating; together with a 30-foot wide strip of land being 15 feet on each side of the following described line: beginning at a point in the East line of Lot 5, 97 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence running Westerly parallel to the South line of said Lot, 96 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence running Northerly parallel with the East line of said Lots, 235 feet and there terminating, said public sewer to serve that part of Lot 2 lying South of the North 101 feet, Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 3, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots Number 2. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler , XY�Lsl6ibl( Conway Levine In Favor Mere�dith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Atteat: City Clerk 1 , Zayor � � Form approved Corporation Counsel By '' OriQind to City Clerk , • T � �ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ��+� �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � -4- o. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Pubiic Works all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or incidental to its execution including but not limited to addendums, "as built" plans ; and tracings: p. Tha"t said permittee shall abide by all agreements entered into with the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul concerning the construction, operation, and maintenance of the water services constructed in this easement. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty �30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council 0 E C 10 1971 Butler ' Levine � In Favor Meredith (� Sprafka DEC 15 ��'st Tedesco . resident Approved: City lerk . , Za �O "' i orm approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED EC 8 �97�' , � n.�.a�r;�.a: , , ,. ' ORDI �11' ANCE COUNCIL FILE NO._�� �� P��� BY ORDINANCE NO ,, AN ORD1MlWCE 6RAMTIN6 PERMISSIOrI TO NAZEli�i008 PARK 1�ST, 3647 MC K1 MLEY STREET N,E.� !!#�INEAr�l1 S, MIMMES�?�1, �{5418, TO CWKTRI�CT A �el.IC SANlTlIRY SEYER !N THE C i TY f!f ST. �lNq., BE�1 MM{MC AT THE EXISTIIt6 SEi�R fN !lAZELM�OOD STR�ET, TtidlCE iN A 1rESTERtY OIR�CTIiMI THROII�N�TNOSE PAitTS OF LOTS ;, 4 AN� S Of d�.00IC 3, R06ERS AMD HENORICKS A�RE LOTS IIU1iE� 2 OESCRleEO AS FO�LlIWS: A �0-!'OOT WIDE STR!► �F LAMD iE1MC 15 FEET ON EA�CM SlDE Of TME E'OILOVtM� DESCR t�ED L i NF s BE6 I NN!116 AT A PO i IIT i N 111E EAST l l NE OF lOT 5. 82 FEET N�tT!! tIF TNE SOtlTHEAST CE'i�fat THEREOF; THEq�E RdIN11M6 I�STERLY ��u.Ei y�� n�� sou� ��� � s�►.�o un, u� �� AIN1 T1lERE TEIMlINlIT1116: Tf�6ET�R YITH A 30-FOOT Vi� STRi� OF LAMD BElNC i S FfET �1 EAtH S 18L OF T#lE ROL�OVINi. �ESCRIBED LiME: BE6t�iN6 AT A rOtNT IN TNE EAST LlNE QF lOT 5, 97 FEET MORT1! OF TI� Stl�l�'MEAST C6RIIER THEREOF; TNENCE RUNIIIN6 VESTERLY PARALLEL TO T�E SOU7li 11 ME Ot� SA i D LOT 9b FEET T8 T!!E J1CTtML PO t NT 4F eEC I INI i il� OF TNE li NE TO BE pESCR 1 BEO; TNEIICE, ltt�IN 11l6 Nl�TNE�.Y PAM�LEL M I TH TNE EAST L 1 NE � SA 1� tOTS� 2;5 FEET' Ali� THERE TERl11 NAT f N6, SAt d PIlBI.!C SEt,tER TO SERVE TliAT �ART OF L4T 2 tY!NG SOdTt! OF �HE NORTH 1 Q i FEET, LO7'S 3. 4 IIM� 5 � BLOCK ;, R06ERS AIl9 MEllORICKS ACR£ �OTS IIEiM�ER Z. THE COUNC 1! OF THE C 1 TY' OF SA t NT *AiIL DOES OR6A 1 N s SECTIOM 1. That p�n�tssioe� aad autho�ity acs lKreby grantad to Hazelwoo� �s�k Vest, 3647 McKlw1�► Stre��t �i.E., M���eeapolis, Ni�esota, 55418 to co�struct a pnblic saattary sswer in the Citp of St. �adi, baginnlag at th� axisti� sa�+�r in liszaliwood Street� t�e� tA a Msst�rir dt�ection throrgh thos� parts of Lots ;, � a� 5 of elock 3, �oge�s and Hendricks Ac�e Lots Muwb�r 2 deurib�d as folicws: a 3o-fc�t wide st�ip of land being 15 f�et on each side of the fo1lc�,riag dascribed line: beqiafli�g at � poTat i� the East li� of Lot S. 82 feet lbcth of the South�ast coraer thereaf; theace rwmtag Yesterir pataliel witb the Soutt� liue of said Lot, 227 feet and ther� tsr�lnati�g; togethe� with a 30-foot aide strip of �and being 15 fest oa each side of tl�e follaving descrtbed tiae: baginning st a potAt ta t� East line of Lot 5, 97 fset florth of the Southeast corne� thereof; tbeaoe ��niRg Masterir paraliel to the Sonth 11ne of said tot, 96 feet to the a�twl poiat of �gie�ieg of the tine to be desc�ibed; thence ru�ntpg Mortherir parallel rtth tbe East iine of sald Lots, 235 fest aRd ths�a te�inating, said pabiic seMe� to sanr� that p�rt of Lot 2 tying South of the Noctf� 101 feet, Lots ;, � a�d 5 of Block 3, Rogers ae�d ilend�icks Acra Lots Number 2. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler �� � ' Tn F�vor M�} eredith A�;rs+ 1Jprafka -° Tedesco �x. Fresident (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� . Form s�proved Corporation Couneel By , . , Davtles�»co Prtat�r . , • • . � ORDINANCE COUNCIL HLE NO �� � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � _4_ o. Tbat sa i 1 pe�i t Las sba i 1 t�►u t sh tlis �paee�t �f he�i i c Yorks a11 d�ts of �cord that ara a 'att of the Contract or futfdawtai to its �x�saitiow i�clyd��g but aot liwitad to adde�, "ss b�ilt" 'laas and tracings: p. Ttiat said par�i tt� sbal i �bi da b�r ai l a���ts ent�nd ��tA ri t#� tMe �N ot Na�r Co�wissio�rs ef ths Citp vf Ssi�t !'atri e��rewtu� tt�► caastrrcttaw, �stia,, �i .isiuta�s�ce of the wt�r s�rrtc�s a�str+ict�rd in dets �as�t. SfCTiAl1 3. Thts �rdfnMCS slMii tata aff�t aad � t� fi�ros tht�r �30) �►s frow aad �f�sr its Pus+9�, �PProwl �d pnbticstfon. DEC 101�71 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Council Butler � �at}een. ��e tr Favor �eredith � ro�tr�t Tedeeco � Mr. Preaident (McCarty) AAPrnved: Att�est: , City Clerk Yayor �� Form approved Ca►rporation �our�sel BY ... . , . .. o�s�c�a c�r's , . . � ORDINANCE �����7� COUNCIL FILE NO +�i� - �RESENTED QY ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO HAZELWOOD PARK WEST, 3647 MC KINLEY STREET N.E. , MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, 55418, T� CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC SANITARY WER IN THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, BEGINNING AT THE EX TING SEWER IN HAZELWOOD STREET, THENCE IN A WEST LY DIRECTION THROUGH THOSE PARTS OF LOTS 3, 4 AND OF BLOCK 3, ROGERS AND HENDRICKS ACRE LOTS NUMBER 2 ESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A 30-FOOT WIDE STRIP OF L D BEING 15 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING D CRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A P01 IN THE EAST LINE F LOT 5, 82 FEET NORTH OF TH SOUTHEAST CORNE THEREOF; THENCE RUNNING W TERLY PARALLEL WITH TH SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 227 FEET AND THERE TERMINAT G: TOGETHER WITH A 0-F00T WIDE STRIP Of LAND BEING FEET ON EACH S E OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED L E: BEGINNIN AT A POINT IN THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5, 97 FEET N H OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE R NING W TERLY PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 96 EET 0 THE ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LINE TO B SCRIBED; THENCE, RUNNING NORTHERLY PARALLEL WITH THE ST LINE OF SAID LOTS, 235 FEET AND THERE TERMINATIN , S D PUBLIC SEWER TO SERVE THAT PART OF LOT 2 LYING OUTH THE NORTH 101 FEET, LOTS 3, 4 AND 5 OF BLO 3, ROGE AND HENDRICKS ACRE LOTS NUMBER 2. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S 1NT PAUL DOES ORD N: SECTION 1 . Tfiat per ission and authority ar hereby granted to Hazelwood Park West, 3647 McKinley Street N.E. , Minneapolis, innesota, 55418 to construct a public san' ary sewer in the City of St. Paul , beginning at the existing sewer in Haz wood Street, thence in a weste ly direction through those parts of Lots , 4 and 5 of Bl.ock 3, Rogers and endricks Acre Lots Number 2 described s follows: a 30-foot wide strip of land being 15 feet on each side of t e following described line: beginning t a point in the East line of Lo 5, 82 feet North of the Southeast corner hereof; thence running Wester parallel with the South line of said Lot, 27 feet and there termin ing; together with a 30-foot wide strip of lan being 15 feet on eac side of the following described line: beginning t a point in the Eas line of Lot 5, 97 feet North of the Southeast corn�r thereof; thence ru ning Westerly paraliel to the South line of said Lot,`96 feet to the act i point of beginning of the line to be described; thence running Northe y parallel with the East line of said Lots, 235 feet and there termi ating, said public sewer to serve that part of Lot 2 lying South of the orth 101 feet, Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 3, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lot Number 2. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �9QDl�l4a!( Conway Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk yor �� : Form a�proved Corporation Counsel By � � � . � • • sl C��.'�r-+�i l,��..�, �t � �2� SECTiOtd 2. That the Commissioner of Publlc Works is hereby authorized .:. f.�s:;� � pertnQt t:. �a�ai:.��� FarR West fc�r �n� const�r�sction ot sucii publ ic sanita�y sewer, upon and subJect to the following provlsiun, terms and r.ondittons: � ; 'r � � Q,r�,c�. � 0� ��+,� . �� ���i w M �i a. That Haaetw�ood Park West agt��er�to dedlcate an easems�t, for sewer pu�poses� to the City of St. Paul at no co�t to the City, the following d�scribed lands: that part of tots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 3� Rogers and Hendri'cks Acre Lots Number 2 descrtbed as follows: a 30°foot wide strlp of land being 15 feet on each side of the foliow�ng described tine: beginning at a point in the East ltne of Lnt 5, 82 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; .thence runntng Mlesterly parallel ��ith the South line of said Lot, 227 feet and there terminating; together with a 30-fcot wide strip of land being 15 fe�t on each side of the foliowing describ�d ] ine: begtnning �t a potnt in the East ll�e of Lot 5, 97 feet �dorth nf th� Southeast corner ther��f; thence runn€ng Ytesterly paratlel to the So�,th ltne of sa�d �,ot, 96 feet to th� actual point of be�inning of the line to be desc�ibed; ttience running Northeriy parallel with the Cast iine of satd Lots, 235 feet and �here terminattng, � sald dedication to be in a manner �nd form acc��,Le.,._:tto_Lhe �rRoration ` Counsel of the Clty of St. Paul�,an approv�d by a resolution of the Ctty.=� � ' 't" `�� �,.. �' , � �nct7_.bei�ore coi��r`azt-fort-��ti�nences; --- .� { ,__._.. ..�__. . . . _ .,. ._. ._ ___._ _ . c�-_r, rl"� !a. That said perc�it�se shail con�truct said �ewer er�tlrely �t h1s own expen�e, under th� 9u��rv i§ic�n �nd �o the sat 1 sfact i on of the ra�� :'��� � • '"• C�mmission�r c�f Pubi�c t��rks a�d �n �c�ordance wtth the plans and s�eciflcat�o��s prepared by the De��rtmant of P�ebllc I�orks �nd (dentifted " '� .��`` ``.' 4��'�- as Pub� ic t�c�rks Project Nt�. 5-i47i ; � c.- Yt��t s�id p�rmytt�e sha11 pay the cost of publiGation of thts ardir�ance and ali resolu�ian� or ot•dinances pas�ed in relatian to �his "�j �r. � c�rdinar�ce� . �'. �. �� �°- - d. That th� saici pprrnittee �hall , wtthin thirty (3Q) days after the passage af �h i s ord i n��Ge* �-11 e a► wr i tten ��c�ptance th�r�eof wi th tfie . �� � �,� � Gtty Cl�rk; . _ -� �. Th�t said permittee durinc� the t�rm of thls permit shall properly prot�ct ali excavations be�th day and night su as to avoid ail damage or fnj�cdr� to p�rsons or proper�y; aa�d shali restare ali prtvate and pubitc �rop�rty tha� Es disturbed; f. That safd pennittes, aft�� the inceptton af s�1d work, st��tl prosec�!te tl�� same cos�tin��o�+sly, wit4� diiig�nce, and fully rASnpl�te said wark �o �he �atis�act�on end appraval of sata C�mnissiar�er on ar before S�ptember i � 1972. g. That said permttt�e shall notify the Trafftc Bureau of the Uepartment o� Public Works if th� canstruction of said sanitar�y sewer shall make ncc�ssary tF�� clostn� of Nazelwoad Street or part �hereof, and that all exp�nses incurred tay tf�� Traffie Bureau in furni�htng, installing o� re,r�oving of bai•ricades, sigr�s and other contrc�l devi�es shall b� paid by Lhe permt�tee and �hal1 also b� accounted �ar under D�partment af Pubtic Warks Project No. S-i47i ; -F ; i , I i { . i . � ' _ , I � � �� � °�A�° ,� ' � E COUNCIL FILE NO �RESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. _ -4- o. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public 4Jorks all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or incidental to its execution including but not limited to addendums, "as built" plans and tracings: , + p. That said permittee shall abide by all agreeme�ts entered into 4NItI1 � the Board of I�later Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul concerning. the � constructicn, operation, and maintenance of the water services constructed in � this easement. i'" -- . ._._._ - --•- -.._ ... _.,._.. ,._ .. .,. _ . . . . . .. ......... . . . ... . . ... . . ..._. . _ �� SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty r (30) days from and after its passage, approval and pubtication. ;' ; . ' ` �y" �.. .'... � ` . -, � . ��� t� "-- � < < (i . `�.-.' ��i � i��. 1, :� � �. \..'')... ... `._. i , «.� �. .,. , � , .-R .:-...,{� . . r- ..... � .. . ,... .. � t . l Cj h` r_ � �. s,• i , , : �, __ � ��, ' � .,...� �� ,, r ` _ a Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Let�ine In Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco 1VIr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk ; �, Ma �O Form approved Corporation Coungel By � � 1 � -2- SECTtON 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permi � to Nazelwood Park Ytest for the c.onstruction of such public sanitary sewer, upon and subject to the following provision, terms and conditions: y. TLat Hazelweo� P�rk �Q�t s�a! ! de�icate =n easement � f�� Se���pr and wa`°r purposes, to the City of St. Paul at no cost to the City, the following described lands: That part of Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 3, Rogers and He�ndricks Acre Lots Number 2 described as faliows: a 3�-foot wide strip of land being 15 feet on each side of the foilowing described line: beginning at a point in the East line of Lot 5, 8?_ feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence running Westerly paraltel with the South line of said Lot , 227 feet and there terminating; together with a 30-foot wide strip of land being 15 feet on each side of the following described line: beginning at a point in the East line of Lot 5, 97 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence running Westerly parallel to the South line of said Lot, 96 feet to the actuai point of beginning of the line to be described; thence running Northerly paraliel with the East line of said Lots, 235 feet and there terminating, said dedication to be in a manner and fo�m acceptable to the Corporation Counsei of the City of St. Paul ; _ b. That said permittee shall constr�ct said sewer entirely at his own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner " of Pubiic �brks and in accordance Y�ith the plans and specifications prepared , by the Department of Public Works and ideRtified as Public Works Project No. S-i47i ; c. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordirtance and all resolutians or ordinances passed in relation to this ordinance; d. That the said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, fite a written acceptance th�reof with the City Clerk; , e. That s�id permitt�e during the term of this permit shall properly pratect al ] excavations both day and ni�ht so as to avoid all damage o� ir,jury to per�ons or property; and shall restore a11 private and pubiic property that is disturbed; f. That said permittee, after the inception of said work shall presecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete s�id work to the saxisfaction and approval of said Gommissioner on or before September l , 1972; g. That said permittes shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Depart- ment of Public lJorks if the c.onstruction of said sanitary sewer shail make necessary the closing of Hazelwood Street or part thereof, and that �11 ex- penses incurred by the Tr�ffic Bur��u in furnishing, installing o� rernoving o` barricade§, signs and other contr-ol devices shall be paid by the pefmittee � and shall also be accounted for under Department of P�blic Works Project No. S-i471 ; �� r'� �..�_ ::' ( �� 'f 5'.�:.. 4W._ _ • ...�.:��y...cY..a�.= I �" .,� � 1 ' i I . � . � � � � ��t1��Fd' �� -2- SECTION 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Hazelwood Park West for the construction of such public sanitary sewer, upon and subject to the following provision, terms and conditions: a. '�,That Hazelwood Park West agrees to dedicate an easement, for,sewer purposes,�to the City of St. Paul at no cost to the City, the folloy�fng described ands: That pa t of Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Biock 3, Rogers and Hendrficks Acre Lots Number 2 des ibed as foll�vs: a 30-foot wide strip of land,b�eing 15 feet on each side of e following described line: beginning at a!point in the East line of Lot 5, 2 feet North of the Southeast corner the eof; thence running Westerly paralle with the South line of said Lot, 227�et and there terminating; toge her with a 30-foot wide strip of 1�tSd being 15 feet on each side of the llowing described line: beginni�g at a point in the East line of Lot 5, 97 et North of the Southeast cor�r thereof; thence running Westerly par llel to the South line of �id Lot, 96 feet to the actual point of beginning of he line to be describe , thence running Northerly parallel with the East ine of said Lots, 23�eet and there terminating, , said dedication to be in manner and forpi ecceptable to the Corporation Counsel of the City of St. aul and app�t`ived by a resolution of the City Council before construction ences�` b. That said permittee sh ll �t.`onstruct said sewer entirely at his own expense, under the supervisi and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works an -'i accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the epa tment of Public Works and identified as Public Works Project No. S 1471 ; �. c. That said permitt,�e shall pay e cost of publication of this ordinance and all resol�t�ions or ordinan s passed in relation to this ordinance; d. That the sa' permittee shall , withi thirty (30) days after the passage of this ord' ance, file a written acce tance thereof with the • City Clerk; / / e. That s d permittee during the term of t is permit shall properly protect all ex vations both day and night so as tohavoid all damage or injury to per ons or property; and shall restore all��`private and public property tha is disturbed; ,` � f. T at said permittee, after the inception of seid work, shall prosecut the same continuously, with diligence, and ful�y complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner �n or before Septem�er 1 , 1972; �' ,\ \ g. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of '�he Department of ublic Works if the construction of said sanitary sewer shall r»ake n�essary the closing of Hazelwood Street or part thereof, and that all expenses i curred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing or removing of barricades, signs and other control devices shall be paid by the permittee and shall also be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. S-1471 ; -3- �5�4'7�, h. Construction within the easement for sewer purposes and in dedicated right of way must be performed by a Contractor approved by the Department of Public Works; %� i . That said permittee shall give one week's advance notif' ation to the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works s to the proposed start of construction and proper schedule of operati s and shall also notify said Construction Engineer when the project has een completed to allow for a final inspection; j. That after construction, no change in the grad or any temporary or permanent structure shall be permitted within the e sement without written permission from the Department of Public Wor ; and the Department of Public Works shall not be responsible for the re toration of any construction that may be disturbed in the limits o the easement in the normal course of main tenance of the public sani ry sewer; k. That said permittee shall not procee with construction unless and until said perml�tee shall have fully c lied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification con ained in the City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works Specifica ions for Street and Sewer Construction, dated Aprii l , 1959, Sectio numbered 1 .44 of said specifi- cations, as amended, appliFable to contr ctors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid se�tion of sai specifications, number 1 .44, as amended, shall be read as`though t word "perrnittee" was substituted for the word "contractor", wherever e same appears in the aforesaid Section 1 .44, as amended; said x,ect'on 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and SeH'/e Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herei �.�y reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Prpof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be n such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Pau1 may dir ct and t'�ie documents required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shall after submi,ssion to the Corporation Counsel , be filed in the office of t e Comptroller�f the City of Saint Paul ; 1 . That said permi ee shall furnish a`�bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten ousand Dollars ($10,000.00) conditioned to c�nply with all the terms of is ordinance and to indamnify and save harmless said City from all li bility, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expense that may ac ue to persons or property occ�sioned by the construction of said sewer or arising out of the same; m. That sa'd permittee shall pay the cost of administration, engineering, an inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking; said costs are estimated as a sum of $900.00 to be accounte for under Department of Public Works Project No. S-1471 ; n. That �said permittee shall submit said bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Office Engineer shall request approval of said documents by the Corporation Counsel and upon approval shall file said documents with the office qf the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul ; �4` -�- ,�-�f� �j� SECTION 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to ��zi' �� H z lwo d Park West for the construction of such ublic sanitar'y/ issue a permit to a e o P sewer, upon and subject to the followinn provision, terms and conditions: a. That Hazelwood Park West shall dedicate an easement , for sewer and water purposes, to the City of St. Paul at no cost to the City, the following described lands: That part of Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Block 3, Rogers and H��ndricks A�cre Lots Number 2 described as follows: a 3�-foot wide strip of land being 15 feet on each side of the following described line: beginnincr at a point in the East line of Lot 5, 82 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence running Westerly parallel with the South line of said Lot, 227 feet and there terminating; together with a 30-foot wide strip of land being 15 feet on each side of the following described line: beginning at a point in the East line of Lot 5, 97 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence running Westerly parallel to the South line of said Lot, 96 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence running Northerly paraliel with the East line of said Lots , 235 feet and there terminating, said dedication to be in a manner and form acceptable ta the Corporation Counsel of the City of St. Paul ; b. That said permittee shall construct said sewer entirely at hi� own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the Department of Public 4lorks and identified as Pubtic Works Project No. 5-1471 ; c. That said permittee shall pay the cast of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions or ordinances passed in relation to this ordinance; d. That th� said permittee st�all , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance th�r�of with the City Clerk; e. That said permittee during the term of this permit shall properly protect all excavations both day and ni�ht so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; and shall restore atl private and public property that is disturbed; f. That said permittee, after the inception of said work shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before September 1 , 1972; g. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Depart- ment of Public Works if the construction of said sanitary sewer shall make necessary the closing of Hazelwood Street or part thereof, and that all ex- penses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing or remaving of b�rricades, signs and other control devices shall be paid by the permittee a�d shall also be accounted it�r under Department of Public Warks Project No. 5-1471 ; l� '� ^�s r:� �� �� h. Cc�nst.rucr. i<.�n wi th i n the e�cemert� �or sek+er purposes and i n dec'i��ted riqht �f way must �e �erformed b�.r a Contr�ct�or approv�d tay *he n�n?rtn�e�'. of Publ is l�Jorks � i . That �aid �ermittee shalt giv� one week's �dvance ��tificati�n to the Constructi�n Engine�r c�f the Deparkment �of P��bl ic Glorks a� ta r.he �ropos�d start �f constructin-� ��ac' pr�Qer schedule �f op�r�=tion� ar�d sh�ll �1�� r��ti£y sr-�id Gonstruction Fngineer whFn the pro�ect has been com�leteci ro allow fc�r a fin�l ins±�e::ti�n; i . Tha� af te r cons t raac.t i nn, n� ch�n3e i n th� g r�de or arsy temrc�r�ry er ��rr�an�nt str�sctur� shal 1 be permi tted w= thin the �:asem�:nt +�u's thovL wri�*_en permission from th� C1e�7o-tment of Public Works ; and �hP D�partmee�� c�f Puhlic Works shall not be r�spor��ihlP for the restoration of an•� c.�*nstra�ctis�� thax m��� be dict�!rbed in the 1i�its caf L.h� e�sement in the narma! cours� nf �+�i.n��n���e ;�f the put�lic sanitary sewer; k. That �aid permittee sha11 r�ot procePd WB��1 CQ11StS'W�tion unless ,�n� until s.aid permAttee �h�ll h�vP fully com�liQd Hrith th+� prc��vAS�aras �-�c�r�rd i n� i nsu rarce <-an� i ndem�i f i Ga t i an cc�n�a i ned i n the C i ty of 5�i nt. Ps�ul , ��p�rtm�nt o� Pu�lic W�rks Specifica�ions far Street and Sew�r Canstruction, da�ecl Anrol 1 , 1959, S�ction number��i 1 ,41� �af �:�'s�i spP�;ifi- ca�i nns , as amended, 3n�1 i�,ab 1 e to c�a!�t+°�ctor�. �nr rh� purposP c��' rh i; ordi���nc�, ths� baf�re�ai� �ection s�f said spe�ific.��ions , number 1 .1'4, as amend�d, sh�il be re�d e3s though the worc± "permitte�" was suhstritut�d �n�' the. �JOr� "�.nntr�ctor", �ih�r�ver tl�e same appears ir. the afnrgsaid S�r_:�ion 1 .41t, �s amp�ded; s�id Sectior? 1 .44, as ampnded, ef th� Spe�'sficati.n. n� f�r ��:r�Pt and Sewer Cc��stru�;tion in the Gir.y r�f S��n; P�^.�l is hereby incorpnrat�cl her�in !�y ref�rence JS fully �hcl as� �:omn��i.�?y �s if se.t fcsrth herein verbar.im, Pr��+f �f com;�liance ��ith �r�visions of �h�c� a�oresaid s�ctic�n sh:�ll be in such fnrm as the Corpor�ti�n Cnunsel �� t,he �ity c�f Saint Paul may direet and �he d�cuments req�eia�eri by thP afor�said Sectic,n 1 .44 shall , �ft�r s�ubmissir�n to the COYnO�'�tiOn Cotansel , he filPd in the c�ffi�� �f the Cc��natrc�ller c�f th� fity of 5aint� pau1 ; l . That said nes-mittee shall fu�-niah a bonc t�? the City Qf Saint Pa��? i n the sum of Ter� 'fh�usand Dal 1 ar5 (S�O,OQ(3,�?C�� cnnd i t ic�n�d to c�mp 1 y +,ri th al 1 thQ terms c�f �:h i s c�rd i r9ancQ and t� i ndemn i fy and save harml�ss �aid C i�y from al ] 1 iabi ' i ty, 1!as�, .judc�me��s� , sui ts , �osts , ch�,rqes anc� ex��nse xh�.* may aceru� t� p�rsons csr �roperty o�c�sianed by th� constr�!etion �f sa i d sewer c�r �se 6�i nc� out of the s��me; r��. That said permittee shall ;�av the �o�t af �dminisxration, enn i neer i nn, �nd 'a n��e�rt i cn A ncs.!r!-pd by the Ce�.�rtm�n!- �f Pub 1 i c ',/orks hecause ef *.h i s undertak i no„ �,�3 d c���°s �re est i ma�ed ��s a s��dm �f $g�Cl,�C? to he accounrPCi fcr uraci�r Denar�mPnt of Pu��l ic �,�orks Prc?ject PJo. 5-1471 ; n. That s�A�! ��rmiite� �h�,ll Saahmdr said bonc! and Rnsur�nc� c'�cum�nts t� 3:he Of f i ce. En�i neer c?� *he �e�artmen� of Pub 1 i c !d!�r-ks. Th� Off's ce Enc}ineer shall re�ue�� <�pnro�fal nf said derurnents by t�e Ccar�carat�on Cc�unsel and upon ap�rc�val shal 1 f i l� s�id documents �•r� th th� �ff i�e. c�f th� C�rmpkroller of th� C� ty of S,-�in�: Pr�ul ; _2r i�( �f.� ���,1 SECTION 2. That thc Commissioner of Rublic Works is hercby authorized ta / �!�'�-� �� issue a perm�t to Nazelwond Park Wes� for the eonstructiion of such publtc sanit�r°y se��r, upon and subJ�ct to the followdng provtsion, terms and conditions: a. That Ha�elwo�d P�r°k West $hall d�dicate an eas�ment� for sewer and wat�r purposes' t� �he C1ty of Sfi. Paul at no cast ta thc City, th� 4'ollowinq des�rtbed tands: �'h�t part of Lots 3� �4 and 5 of Block 3, Rogers and Hendricks A�re Lot� Number 2 described as follows» � 30-font wid�e strip o� land being 15 feet on �aCh �ide af the follawtng d��cribed ltn�: beginning at a pofnt in the East 1 ine of �.�� S, �2 ��et North r�f the Soutiicast corner ther�c�f; thenee run^ing 4lesterly paratl�l wi�h the South line of said Lat, ?27 feet ��d sherP termin�ting; together witF� a 3+�-�oot wide stri� of l�rid be.ing 1� feet wn each sid�: �f the following described line: begirrning �t a paint bn the Ease lin� of Lot 5, 97 feet Nortt� �f the Scouthe�st corner thereof; thenca running W�sterly par<�llel to the South line of s�id Lot, 36 feet to the �ctual point of b��g i nr���c� of the 1 i ne tc� be de�scr i�ed; thence runn i nct PJorther i y p�ra 11�1 wtLh thp �'�sr� len� c�f said lots, 235 �'�et and there twr�in�ting, said ci��ic�tinn to b� in � manner and form accept�ble to the Cor�oration Counse 1 c�f th� r i ty �f St. f'au 3 ; �. That said p�rmikt�� �hali construct ���d se�rer entIrely �t his own expense. uncier the supervis3car� and to the satisfaction af the Commission�r of Public t�orks �nd in aceorda�nce with the plans and specif���tions prepared by th� Department afi Publi� Wo►°k� and �dentifi�d as auhlic Wrarks ProJect No• S-1471 � c. Th�� said p�rmitt�� shall p�y the cost ef publication of this csrdtnanc� and all r���lutians or ordinanc�s pass�d in relation to this ord i n�ance� d. That the said p�rmittee �hall , within thirty (30) days aft�r the passage of this �rdinanc�� fdle a writt�n acceptance th�r-�of wlth th� City C lerk; �. That said permitt�e during the term �f this permit shall properly �rotect all exeavations bath day �red night so as to avotd all dam�age or injury to persons or preperty� and sha11 restore all private �nd public pr�perty that is di�tut-bed; f. Th�t said permittc�, afte� the inception af s�id wark shall prosecute �hc samc continuously, with diligence, and fe�lly compl�te said work ta th� satisfactlmn and approval of said Commisslener on or befo�e Sept�mber 1 � �972t g. That said permitte� shall notify th� Traffic Bureau of th� Depart� ment af Public 1Jcrks if th�e canstruction of said sanitary sc�rer �hail make - . neces�ary ttre cic��ing of Na��la,�od Str�et or part th�r-�af, �nd that all �x- pens�s tr1curred �y tE�e Tra�f�c ���reau in furndahing, 1ns�aDlin� or removing af barri�ades, signs and other controi devices sh�°�11 bF� paid by the p�rmittee and shall al�u f�c �+ccn��nted �os� under U��aartm�nt of PubTtc W�rks Pro,Ject �aa. 5-1471 ; ��� �� .�� � ��r ;T ��� h. Ganstr�actf�an w�ti;in th� e���rner�t �e�r sewer purposr�s aro� tn r , ddr?icatPS� ri�ht caf r��y m�st b� p��:forrrs�d tsy a CanXra�tor ap�arov�:r� by �,�� � ��,, .L7 ��:�artr�en� a�` P�s��i ir 4�=c,��l:� ; I `� _. ia T��� Ja�3d �aer��aitrr�� �ha? � ;�i�!e dne e���ek's �c�v�nc� r��ti�E��tian� Cu !L��a� Ci�nstr:��,t ic�� �rs�;s s�<::#�r :.�r ;:;�� ;epar*r��nt oc FR.��al 'r "�iorks as to ti�� l-�rca�c�s�:d ��.j�-fi o� �o��to`�,r�ion �+r�ci ;�rn�er s��c�dui� �f opera*inns ;���d ��l�oai � �al�� ba�LJfy �ai� �r�tt�tr�;ctior3 �r���inee:r ah�n�sro �i-ae; proJ�c� ���� t��en ec�xr�pi�tec� t� �' low� �'c.}r � �°3ri��1 ir��;�ecti�n� .� . �ilz�i: t^i�:�'.f" ��f�(3ti 1'f i.:C�!�ti� .^tt. w.�l¢`�P'1!dP �Ci ��?(:'. t�i iiC�t'� C!r" i;il1`� f:C:T'���:�rJ Q i.i 8°';� `dS"' �'e1.'.�"idhs��'1�1'1� `.i�+r'.lC.�UI'�;*. `'sfl+".3� e f?C ;.'E.`E'n"���f.'L{ G'dE �IiiE'1 ri�'!l.' P.idaE'.tilGd�t`. 1v���`IOC�� w���°a ���;r� ��:r����s�r�n fr�.�e� �?�e �r�r:��rtr���n� csi F't�t�3 tc 4�ior°ks x �nr� th�: D�Fart+^��ot oaf ��ca1 a�c ���arE.,, j .:�'a e ,i�.:;u " ,, rr.,,r,c;ryr:ay��a�.. �tya- t��e r'n�;t-cs��,i�n of anW c+�rrst¢°u��is�i� *�ti���3� -°�=;�� i.7t�s �'3�ta�r����.c: %n �h�� lir��P�s �t th� eas�mertC dn �1-r� R1t5P'�TrS+i��1 �Ldt�l� ar.� �;�" �paj;nrt:lis7slCl.' ()aP" �i'lk: r3tl,,'f;� �f�' 'ae"ICl�ia31'�f St°.WP.PB ke �r�3�;, :..,��ic� �:�e�����€ tt�,e, 6st���,� � no� r���c�E;�i tvtfih c�r,struGtimn �s�sc�9� ar��t e�n�i � .ais3 ,;�rr�'s *�e:� �`�a�o ' hrt�r�� �'ul ��r �nmpi �cct ��!itta thf� r?rovi�icar►� rer,a,���3�;r; � , ,,<~:: , �.•.� �-,s�d:; 's r-�,:;�nn F�'+ca t P�r1 cor�t�i ned i n t'rae �i t*/ �f S�6 s�t r'uul , Ue��.r�r�:�nt ��� �tsu�t t�. "�t7rk� S+aecif6cati�n� for 5tr��t ?��d S�w�:r i�c>��i:`.r-ucL"s�ra, <�L;i,�:�; �'�war-i ? � r �g��, 5ertion numb�r�d le�a�a �f said s��:ctfi° �ati����, a� �,:�«rECl�d, ��;�� ��.��3e: �c� cantr7�tors. For ti�r� r�arns��� oa� �'�ai: o��inar�c�:, t��c: �;f"cr�;;;<�ic? s���oo� af s�ic4 sp��lficat�ons� nur.��as:r i .� ;p a� �r:�ers�d��:� :�aa�l � �-,eP a���� as tha�agh the w�rd "perr^itt�r4" �+�a� sub:��i�tut�d f�rr ��;,� ����c! "car���r��tc�r-'' � �.�he�rev��- the sam� a�pears on t�z� afa�e��is� S�zdd�r� l ,G!�� s-�s� ���?�d��P; s�aic=: Se:.tton 1 .4�+, �s amend�ei, �� �€�� s���ificat3on� for S�r��t �n� S�wer Constructfcan in �h� City of Saint P�ui is her�t�q�+ i��c:�r��r�t�� ���rein by r�ferenc� as f�l );� �°�r�e� as c��le't�ly �J� "s ` ��t forti�a M��r�3r� v�rbarir�. nroo� of carnpX lanc�. with ��r�vis ior.� a� �h� ��rares�id ,��t3rar� �E�C�� 1 �� in �uch form �� the Gar°�sor°�tion Counsel oC �.;;� �: ir.� c�f �adr�t P�aal �n�y c6irect anc' th� dc��urnent� r��;�uircc+ by ti-�e afor�s�i� „��;�,�d�n 1 .4�� �a���l � , �f'ter �u�mi�sion tca th� Corp�r�°��ion �eur�s�1 , t,� �d �s�z� ��► �h�. ofA3c� r,¢ �i�� CaniQtr�lt�r af` the Cdty� c�� S�ts�t "aut ; 1 . 1`d��t s�ta� �c:rr,Itt,�e �hail fue�nisFi a b�nc� to t��� Ci�y ci` S�iEit r�as�� Ers tn�. �+u�r ��' "C�rs ';i��usa�d D�ll�r� ($Bt3,0��.J�� conu�tiar�A�; to cc.npt� �r�th z� 3 th� t�r°m� �� t!-�i� �rd b r�ance �n� to E rt�de�vocr i 1Fti �rad s�.�v� h�rr1��s ���c,a Clt�� 9�rc�i� all lia�idity, Io�s, .j►�d�m�r���, sui��, c�stsw �.��~•rc;cs and ��p�n�� thst m�y �ccru�e to person� c�r ��capect� r�c.c.�sione� b�� thN. cor�r�r�a�ti�s� ra� �a6c! ���aer° �.'r �r�,irrg a+�t c�f th� s�arra�� ro;. 7h�� '�,i�f per�;�i�.te� st.��l l pay tir� �a:,st c�f �cRr�ir►istr•��t��.n, �r��i nee+-3 r�r�r .-�rad i r►��ect�or� i ncu a-red by the C�:��rtm�nt r,x �'uN�j I c t�csa-k� a���;�a��� cyi' t.E�i� ur;��rt�kirr , sGis! ca5ts �r� c:5ti�i�t�ci �s a �L�r� r�F ��;(1C2.C�G �� ��j :�ccrGmt�c3 fcr t�nd�r� t����rtrre�nt af Pubi tc 4rark� l�r�,�sc� ��u. 5-1�i1; ,� [1. ��'ic3t �°at�wt� �J�I°IT1! �;2�a:;�f� '.i}7i:'� � S31t�(''tir 5"cBiCi �Ullt� t!!�t� �I"a56;C'r„;iG'.�: C�L`'�Ll99'�C9t5 �� the f:fi"t c^ F rg 1 ne�r� c�i� �`rs� i2�.�aartm��t o� �'ub 1 i c !Jor�.s. T�a�e t3f�6 c� f:rr,iraE�:r �na: s rt�rsi���. s�pq�roare:;l c�f s�aci uocun��:r�ts by th:e Gcar��r�L�ssn �'R�a,��::e� ,.rd �.tr��n Gr�s,a`r,ts� � :;E��� ? �i :u s�3ci dur:un��er��s wi *:>> �l:�: s:�f�3r.c. r� �_;-�c: ��j���tro� D�r� �s'� �5�:. G i�y �f° S��s i s►� Pau� ; �� ��`� � r� Dec. 20, 1971 xazelwooa Park west 36�+7 A�c.l�inl.e;� :�t., �t.L. A�Iir;i�aia�a�l:�,�, ;�;innesota Gezt�:,'., :n. r�;e c.r�c:,:�sr r;. c:c���y of '3x�da_n�ce F�o. i.�g�� �z•antin�; you nermission �o �:cnsit•u�:L a �u�alic sanita:cy ���,rer as :�e3cribed there�.n; alsso bi?�. °�.n �1�� sum oi �63.t�G tc; cvver the cavt :�{' pub�.ication of tl�zs c�rcii�la::rce; a:�r.� ;;he c�nc:l.o;aec. r�s�lu�ir�n ��ci°���inin�; t� the G'�_'�.:iaC TC.�lv'LL�.3's j�Te cs�l_1 ye�zr s,�eci�al attc:�°��i�z� �i,� 1'ar,:��.•ap�s c: .;,�s�3 1 oi' ;�ection ?s �.hicr -c��si'a:�.re tne �'il:Ln�; �::' �, �on;i �.:� X;,;z� r�a:tou�zt spec���ied and t�e �i]_�n� �l �.n aeeFvptarYCe �L t�<: terms cl t;his ordinan�e. The accegtan�e m�st be :E'iled 3.n �t113.s oi�ice, �2oom �86� City I�ia.Zl within 3fl dc�ys. If not ao f i3c�d, �,he: Urciin�.s�ce beccr�l�s voici. Vei'Sr triz�;� �rOUrS, V��V C1��R ^K"J �St // . • i , • 2nd // `.' Laid over to /� /� � 3rd and app. _Adopted Yeas j�,j Nays Yeas / ���� Nays r • � Butler Butler Carlson �.Carls�nT� Levine ���� q►��� Levine oL�`$ Meredith � Meredith � Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarly Mr. President McCarty O