256461 ORI61NA1 TO CITY CLBRK - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��s�s� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LICEfiTSE COAD.�iITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �twe�b�r 2j� 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF FtESOLYID: That gpplic�,tion L�•12942 for the transfer of On Sale L3quor License P1o. ?987 �zpiriag Jan�ary 31� 1972� i�sued to Arehie P. Sohwie�z a� 1082 Arcade Street� be a�nd the same is hereby transfered to Edward P. Serwa, Ine« at the �a�e addreas. On Sale Liquor Establishment TRANSFER (License�s� Iaformally approved by Couneil October 28, 1971 N OV 2 3 19.7�i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 197� Butler N OV 2 3 � CONWAY ved 19` Levine ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka 0 Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ,,�r� ���"� NOV 2 � 197� ✓ � CITY OF 5AINT PAUL � � � Capital of Minnesota �,��-���r �e a�t�e�t o ud��� �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ror.�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissianer HEALTH RALPH G.MEBRILI.,Dayaty Commissioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieenss Inspector Oatober 28, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Couneil Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Edward P. Serwa� Inc. is �oined by Archie P. Schwietz in making application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7987, expiring January 31, 1972� fron Arehie P. Schwietz at 1082 grcade Street to �'dward P. Serwa, Inc. at the same address. Edward P. Serwa, Inc, also make application for Re�taurant, Taverri, Off S�le Ma.lt Beverage and C3garette Licensea for the �ame location. This location ha.s been licensed for the same bnsin�as �ince 1948. T e present licenses� Archie P. S�hwiet�� �as held the licenses s�nce that time. The officer� of Edward P. Serwa, Tne. are Edward P. Serwa� President and Trea�t�rerg and He1en W. Serxs� Vice-president and Secretary. The Stockholders are Edward P. Serwa and Helen tv. S�rwa. Mr. Serwa has been a baxtender at thia establi�hment for a number of ye�r�. Mrs. Serwa ha,s been a beauty aperator with the Vanitg Beaaty Shop in the American l�ational B ank Building. oery truly yours� �CL,r,�t.��,�k` - Licens� Inspeetor �� �� / � J 0 ' CI'I'Y Cci Si�IPJi PALi. , D£.P.:I3.1T�II:i�i�' Q�� 1r'UIyI,IC SttiFi,TY LIC�4:SE ➢IVISI01'W Date Oct. 27 lg 71 1. Application for retail li Or — on—aale License n E • 2. Name of applicant Edward P. Se� .. /�j�Q�S :�REc�bw,►�tp /�• Sf,�tJ�,oA, �•bc. 3e �usiness address 1082 l�rcade Resiclence 950 �Iestmineter + ge Trade name� if any Archie Schw�ietz' Bar 5. Retail Eeer Federal Tax Stamp��Retail Lic�uor P'ederal Tax Stamp t,rill be used. 6. On what �'ioor located 9rOUnd I�duml�er of rooms used 1 7. Between what cross streets Maqnolia & Jessamine ��Vhich side of street east 8. Are premises now occupied es S�hat business same How long " 9. Are premises now unoccupied�How Zong vacant Previous Use lOo Are you a new od+mer YeB Iiave you been in a sir�ilar busi.ness before nb _ . Where «lien llo Are you going to operate this business personally yes If not� who �+rill operate it 12. Are you in any other business at the present timebar�ender foY 11 years at above � bar 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place no When , . Where . 14. Have you ever had any license revoked n� «hat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United States Yes Native Y� Naturalized 16. Where were you born Chicago Date of birth 12/17/19 I7, I am marriedo My (wife's) (�m�b�e) name and address is Helen W. Serwa, 950 Westminster, St. Paul 18a (If married femal�) my inafden name is 19. How long hav� you lived in at. Paul 22 years 20. Have you ever been arrested no Violation of what criminal laa�* or ordinance 21. Are you a registered vmter in the City of Sto Paul X Yes No (Anstiver full.y and completel . These a lications are thorou hl checked and a falsification wili be cause for denialo (OV�R) 22. Number of 3.2 places c,;iti�in t�ro blocl:s � ' 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. Qn Sale 1 blOCk pff Sale 1 blOCk 24. �Iearest Church 2 blocka PZeareNt �chool 2 blocks 25. Number of booths none ��,�3�� 12 Chairs 54 itaols 25 26. W}iat occupation have you fbl�oa;re�. ior tIze P«�t five years, (�ive n�.n7es of employers and e�ate� so employed.) bartender - Archie Schwietz' Bar . 2?. - Give names and ��c�c';resses of t��o persons� resident� of St. Paul, I�rinn.9 ttirho can give information coi�cernin� �oi�e Name Robert W. Johnaon yddress 1950 Bayard, St. Paul. Name Mrs. Jeanette Darveaux �ddress 1007 Beech, St. Paul ignature of �1pp ican State of P�innesota) Edward P. Se�Ia )ss County of Ramsey ) E�ward p. S erwa �ein� first duly sworn� deposes and says upon oath �izat he has read the foregoing statement bearin�; hiN si�;nature and knows the contents thereof9 and that the s�.me is true of his oim kno�,rledge except as to those mat�ers therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be trueo Signature of pp icant Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of October lg 71 � ' ~ Notary Public' Ra.msey County� Affnnesota RONALD C. EVANS My Commission expires Notary Public, Ramxy County. Minn. ommission xpires e . , 5� (Notea These statement forms are in duplicatee �iotta copies must be fully filled out� notarized� and returned to tkae License Division. ) 8-23-71 • :.�� �I�.:'JI� �T' tz�2l'LIC��P:y • 7� Y Vii • k`�.�,�.tliL L�'Tit Q'.P1 LI`4�yiTLi LI�is'��'T7>L ��� on uale L/ ��d R License T�Jar.pe o� �r��.ic�:n��,rdw�rd P. Serwe — Edward P. Serwa, Inc. f� Cs �f'R�AS i5E1s3.rieSS �c±r,�y�e�; ����,na,�o� st_ Paul Are you the solE o�;�er oi �I�i� t,u�i�e��? rlo. �� r�o�, i� i� z ��rtner�lzip? corporat�on? o��,:,�er:' ----�@B 9 Others interc��ec� i� TM��:�f.e�s9 a..e�uue ti>o�e �a;� �.or-�ra oF ?slpll@�', property or o�tB��rd�rise: P�1ar�e , � V• � ..�},�.�q,+�e�,�� =�c�uress 9tiD weetm�nater ��o1�r sha.reholder S '�-`-;° D e"ti"'iPt9 A�3 E. Jessamine eecurity interest If a corporat�.on� give its name Fc�,,arrl P_ Serwa, Inc. Are you intere��ed gn �.ny =�,•�y i:a a��T o�her re��ai aeer or lic?uor busines;? no As so.�e oc,�ner? �'��rtner`? u�oc?:?:olc?er? (3ther�,�iNe? (ihrou��z �.o��r� c�� �;;��1e;-9 e�c. �Iaia�) r�ddrev� of uucP� uusa:��,^,,; arzr n��ia:^e oi ir>terest ir. �ae�e �i�nature of a�p1 cant State of h.innesota) )�� County of R�sey ) — F�7ward P. Serwa �aein� first du�.y ��born� deposes and says upon oath that 4ie has read t:�e fore�oan� alfic�avit bearin� his sign�ture anc� l�no�ys the cnntents tlz�reof; tha� the sar�e is *ruc oY :�i� o?•rn :;noe-rledge� except �.,� to those matters therein stated upon information urad beli�� ��nc� a� to tPiose m�tteru Iac believes them to be true. Signature of �.p�3.zc�.nt Subscribed �nc? ���rorn vo be�ore �e this ' day of ber 19 71 � - ✓irz_ Notary Public9 I'u,�.msey Coun-�y9 h.innesota ��y commissio���pNQ I9 Notary Public, Ramxy County, Minn. My Commission Expires Feb. 28, 1975. sTa� � �n�sa� ss COUNTY flF RAMSEY Edwaxd P. Sei�w� being firet duly awprri., do�h depoae and say tha� he makee this affidavit in, conr�ection with appZ�c�ation for " on Sale" liquor license (p� 9a,1e" mslt be�verage �3oense� in th,e Cit� of Saint Pau]., Minneeo�a; tha� your affi.nnt is a �eaiden� of th� S�ate of M1�2Ti@90'�9 and has rasided �herein Por 22 YeaxB years, mon�ha, an.fl i.a naw and has bsen for the time abave menti+fmsd a bona Pide reaident of . said State and that he norov residaa� at �� � � _..'��Addre a e St. Paul , �inaesota. C3.t y or o�: Edward P. Se=wa Subsc�ribed a�d axorn to b�fore ma this . day of 0etober. 1971 _.,..,... _.,.._... ��� otary blic, Ram�ey Cotxn y, inneaota ' My cosmnia�ion expires RONALD C. EVANS Notary Pubfic, Ramsey County, �,'nrc_ My Commission Expires Feb. 28, 1975. CI'�Y Ci< s��ara� P��L�, ' �r.�t^�t����r� c��� �'IT�LIC St►F;TY . �,ic�..°�.:s� �ivlslorW �ateOct. 27 lg 71 1. Application for retail liquor - o1i—sale Lic�nse 2. Name of app�icant 'Helelz i�. Sez'we �/• �IP� s �fr� I�Vw4Aio /� .�R erA � 'l�Gc, 3. Business address 1082 ArCede Residence 950 Nestminster 4. Trade name� if �:�.11Y nrnt�i m� �nl��.ti�t-�� xta= 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp��Pe�t�il Lf��unr I�'ederal �ax Stamp�_will be used. 6. On �,rhat floor loc�ted qrOUnd I:umfi�er of rooms used 1 ?. Iiet��reen wh�t cross streets���;g � Jeesamine Z'►'hich side of street e��t_ 8. Are premises nos,r occupiedyes ��hat business same Fiow long 90 Are premises no�r unoccupied�_Ho��r lon� vacant . Previous Use 10, Are you a ne�v oivner yes ilave you been in a similar business b�fore _ Where ��V��en llo Are you going to operate this business personally Yeg If not� who i+rill operate it 12. Are you in any other business at the present time be�uty operator 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place no When , . Where 14, Have you ever had any license revoked n0 Z�dhat reason and date , . 15. Are you a citizen of the United States yee Native e�s _Naturalized _ 16. Where were you born $t. Paul Date of birth 1/4�17 I7, I am marriedo I�ly (s��) (husband's) name and address is Edward P. Serwa, 950 Westminst�r, St. Paul 18, (If married female) my maiden name is Kriutson 19. How long have you lived in S�t. Paul 35 vears 20. �iave you ever been arrested no Vfolation of ti�hat criminal laiv or ordinance 21. Are you a regi�tered voter in the City of Sta Paul X Yes No (Answer fully and completelY. �hese a lications are thorou hl checl�ed and an falsification will be ca�xse for denialo (OV�T�) 22. Number of 3.2 places ;��ithin t��ro blocitis two ' 23. Closest intoxicatirng liquor place. On Sale 1 bloCk p�f ,�1� 1 block 24. Nearest Church 2 b1oCk8 P�Te�reut Nchool 2 bloCkB 25. l�umber of boo�hs none ��,bl�� 12 Ci��.ir� 54 Stools 25 26o What occupation have you �'o��.oa�o-ec� ior tIze �a�t five year:e (Give nam�� of employers and dates so employed.) beauty opexator - Vanity Beauty Shop, American National Bank Bldg. . . . 27. Give names and aelc'resses of ��Wo per,ons� residents of St. Paul� I�inn.9 tisrho can give information cai�cerning youe Name Robert w. Johnson �.ddress 1950 Bayard, St. Paul 1Wame 1"�'s. Jeanette Darv�aux rla�r��� 1007 Beech, St. Paul � ��� �� � �i�nature of �lpplicant State of A�.inrle�ot�.) Helen �1. SerWa )��; County of Ramsey ) Helen W. Serwa �eing first duly ��;�orn� deposes and says upon oath that he Iz�s reac� tl�e foregoing statement bearin� �is si�;nature and l�noiys the contents thercof y and t�iat tfl�,e ��.�� is true of his o��-n knot�ledge except as to those matters therei.n s�ated upon information and belie� and as to those matters he believes them to be trueo f.11, -�C���'�i.1 Signature of Applicant Subscrfbed and sworn t� befo�°� me this � day of October 19 71 ��'��. Notary Public� Ramsey County� Alinneso� RONALD C. �ANS My Commission ea7pires Notary Pubfic, Ramxy County, Minn. ��p�,Cnr,�..�ic�inn FxnirPS Feb. 28� 1975. (Notea These statement forms are an duplic�tee Iioth copies must be fully filled out' notarized� and returned to the License Diviuion. ) 8-23-71 , ."'.�� �I���JI� �Y �':g I'�,IC.�Pti'i Y�}Yi �4i�r�:AAJIJ .L.J�{�� VSl ��l�Vl.��� LIC�T�iAJL Pe: on Sale �f �uv R License P�ar�e o� ag�Yict.nt Helen �1. Serwa - �awara P. 8erwa. Inc�, U•/�RES SF e i.�zsiness ac?r�res� 1082 ArcE�de, St. Paul Are you the sole oi,�er v:� tlii� 1�u 7a�ae��: n0 . IY ro�� iu i� � partner�lzip7 corporat�on? yes A o�?���? �thers int�resteci i:� ��:�ir.e:��� a�Yc�.u�e tiyo�e �gr lo�:n of �one;�, propert or otP�erwise: }��s, fi��As, T�larae Edward P. Serwa :�c��ress9S0 We�tminster ��oa•; s reholder Archie P. Sehwietz 803 F. Jessamine aecurity in�erest If a corg�oration� �ive its n���e Edward P. Sei•wa, Inc. Are you interested in any c���.;� i:� s�z�;y* c�-�;�ier retail beer or liruor busine.u? �cio As sole ot+mer? i�:�r�;ner:�' Stoc?:!".older? Qthertvise? (Througt2 �o�°.� of r.:�aa�y°9 e�:c. �alain) Address of suc�: busi:�eN� ai�� n��u:e oi in�erest ir Nar�e �� ' ui,;nature of a�plicant State of �Iinnesota) )ss County of Rar:isey ) Selen �P. Serwa bein� first duly staorn� deposes anct says upon oath that he has read the fore�oing afficl�.vi�t bearing his signature ancl I�nows t4�e con�ents thereof; that the samc is �rue o.� �i,� oc��n ��no�-r2edge� except as to tl�ose matters therein stated u�on information und beli�f �.rnc� aN to those matters he believes thern to be true. , �' Signature of �g��l icant Subscribed and si��orn to �e�ore me this day of Oetober 29 71 � 1Votary Public4 RaFnsey Coun�y9 �:ir�n�sova RONALD C. EVANS l��y commission expire�ta''y�P",�bi��mx oun28 M975. STATF �F' MINNESOTA SS C4UNTY flF RAMSEY Helen W. Serwa be3.�g f�.rs� duly avrqrx�, doth depoae and say tha� s he �kea this a�fidavit 3.n Qonnea��on with app�;i'i�ation Por " on S�le" liquor lioense (" of f �1ep m�lt bevexage ],i,oer�s,�� in the City �_ oP Saint Pau1, Mi.r�rsesota; that your a�'�"ian� �.� a resident of thp` Sta�e oP Minnesot;a and has resided the�in fpr 35 yeare, months, and is naav an,d haa been fox the time �,pqva m�ntio�d a bor�a �ide reeident of said Sta�� and that she now resid@a at 950 Westminster � a��s .. St. Paul , I�3.x�neaot�. C it y or ov� �52�:�:e.s�� � � Helen W. Serwa Subscribed and sworn to bsf ore �e thi� day o� October lg 71 � _...��, otary b1ic, ay County, Minneso�a �� COItID11�910ri expiree RONALD C. EVANS o , nty, Minn. My Co�nmis;ir�r, �vn;rA� G��� '47`�� 803 East Jessamine Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota October 27, 1971 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attn: Daniel P. McLaughlin � • License Inspector Gentlemen: The undersigned, the holder of the on-sale liquor license located at 1082 Arcade Street, desires to sell that business, known as Archie Schweitz' Bar, to Mr. Edward P. Serwa who has been my employee for eleven years. Mr. Serwa has indicated to me that he has formed a Minnesota Business Corporation for the . operation of the business and for the retention of the license sought �to be transferred. The purpose of this letter is to respectfully request the transfer of the on-sale liquor license, together with other licenses presently exis ting at the business, to Edward P. Serwa, Inc. �n addition I enclose a copy of the rental lease agreement which will govern the tenancy of the premises. As owner of the premises I will allow the operation of the business. _ Very truly yours, � � � C_��C�r�C-¢ �=C��.�'--�iZ��-. ,: �. �.,,�Arch�.e P. Schweitz ' � , . 950 Westminster St. Paul, Minnesota October 27. 1971 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul City Hall � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 . � Attn: Daniel P. McLaughlin • License Inspector Gentlemen: The undersigned propose to purchase from the present owner, Mr. Archie P. Schwietz, the on-sale liquor business located at 1082 Arcade Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, known as Archie Schwietz' Bar. We have formed a Minnesota Business Corporation for that purpose and we will be the sole shareholders and officers of that corporation, the name of which is Edward P. Serwa, Inc. The purpose of this letter is to respectfully request the transfer of the on-sale liquor license, together with other licenses presently held by Mr. Schwietz, to us. r . Very truly yours, s�inL�c�r� �'`.J� Edward P. Serwa � R /�L-�4 v�J � �1�2C,t"�E2..� Helen W. Serwa individually and as sole shareholders of Edward P. Serwa, Inc. } - CITY OF 5AINT PAUL ' � Capital of Minnesota �e aHt�nevct o ub�CC'c �a et � p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION poi.[cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEBBILI..DeDaty Commissloner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN.Lieense Inapector October 28, 1971 Honorable Mayor arid City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Ma.dam: This lett�r is in reference to the application of Edward P. Serwa, Inc. and Archie P. Schwietz for the transfea of On Sale Liquor License N . 7987, expiring January 31, 1972, from Archie P. Schwietz to Edward P. S�rwa, Inc. at 1082� Arcade Stre�t. I have accepted the written reports from the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police and have interviewed the applicsrtts. I recommend tha,t this tranafer be granted. 9ery truly yours� �a,,,.wG�/7�` . License Inspect� � oc�. 28, 197� Han. Dean Meredith, Camsr. of Public 5afety, 101 E. lOth. St., St. P8u1, Minn. Attr�: M�ca Dat�iel P. McL�ughlin Dear Sir: �l�e City Council today granted ix�iCc►�as.'!. s�,agrrnval of t2� ��lict�tir�n of �'uw�rc! P. Serwa, xric., joined '�v .Ar�hi� P. �ch���t r, �ox t19e tr�ans:�er o£' 'Jr. Sa�.� �,3.c�uc�r T.icense �Sa. ?�87, ��irin�; January 31, �9", � ArcY13� P. �chw��t� at 1082 Arc�ci.e ��r�et to �c'wrsrd. P. S�x'wa., Inc., at tk� �� addrea�. Ii7.so �la:� a�pl9.cation o�' Edwarci P. Serwa Y'or R��taurant, �BYern, prf Sa�.e Ma.1.t Eeverage a�d Cigarette licen�es t'or the saa� lacat3�Yt. Wi�.7, a•�u glease �r�aar� the custamary regolutian�? V�r;� txu],Y Y��: City Clerk vP �r �-56�f(C� �r 8-� Gu���-�-�-�' - /��-c- �'S�� / � . "' CITY OF ST. PAUL �� �3- � � ��`�- � APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE . Application No. ...,.. ...___ pp Edwa,rd P Serwa, Inc. �Edward P. Serwa) �� �52 .. � Name of A lican�...._...._._._.._.._.._.�.Y..._...._...._._.__...._........ ......... ............ ........_...... ---•� --�-----.. ..._._.�._._...._.._ ��ines 1082 Arcade, St. Paul e��cse Asddress................_..._...._...._..._.._.____........._................__.._._...-�--...........................----........... Telephone No.----�----.._....................._.._.._...__ Are you a citizen of the United States?..___.YeS__.._____._....._..._._.._...._.._._.--•-------------------•-----....._...----•--...._...._..._..---_. _._. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar aature? no Whenand where�..............�--�--•�-•--�--.....------...._.._...._...._...._.........._.._._...._...__....................._..................---...---._..._._........._..._...._....___ _..._ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.....Edward_P._.Serwa�.._�Inc. .._...____._..__..__.. ._..........._._..__._�...._....__. .. ___ _ .General .business.. purposes..__ _...................... . .. ..._.........._.. ._.._..._. ..._....._.._ When incorporated� . .Oct 2 6, 1971 If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?..................................._._._ How many membera?........................•--•------_.._._...._...._..._..__._...--•_...._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . .. . .. Edward P. Serwa — President and Treasurer .....................................................�---...----.....___._._..._......._.....;............-------•---�-�---:------------._..._._.__.._._.w...._...._...._.._..y........_.--•----�--••--•---_............._.._--�-•----__...._.............._ Helen W. Serwa — Vice President and �ecretar N�,mes and addresses of Stockholders: Edward P. Serwa 950 Westminster St. Paul, Minn. ....................................�--........................._._......._..._......_..._......_.__...._.__......_ .....__...--�--...---�---.........._................__..._.....----��---�---.....--�-�---�--......_.........__._--•-------_..._......_._...._ Helen W. Serwa 950 Westminster St. Paul, Minn. . ..........................................._._.._.....-�-�---_._---------._..._.�.. ...................--•---........_........._.__..._...._._................-�-�-----�•------�-•-�---..._._..__...--�-�--.._.._......._... Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known......L�:..�.,��z��_. � .._._._.._ �:...��`^�:�:��-•-•-C-.- Number Street Side Between What Croas Streets Waxd 1082 � Arcade • East : Magnolia : Jessamine lst How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?...............1000 � � � How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?......1500_ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?....._......._....1.$.00_.,_„ Name of closest school....._.Har r i s on _ How axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?........................................................................................_...._........_........----......_._._�.-----_.._..._ Onv►�hat Roor located?............_lst.------._................._............-�-�---..._..._._...........................................__...._---..................._..............._--��--�--............................-�------�- Are premises owned by you or leased?..]..�.S�d...._.....If leased give name of owner..���kl4a..�.._�'.�....SChw�etz,... Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?...............................................................�-�--...............................................-•-•--------�•---�-�---�--_.............................---....._..__ if hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....................�..........................._..................-�--•--...........---...........---....................._..-----�--•--.....---�-�-----.........._ Archie Schwietz Bar Give trade name---------------��---- --------�------•----�----------- �-------------�-----------------...------------------•--------- --•-------------•------------------------ �----�--------•-- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: none ..:................................................_............---�--•-----�------•----•-•................................._......_.---...._......................................._-�-----............._............._...._.-�----.......__.......................---••---•----�----..._.... . ............ ............... ................................_.._..--�--.............._............_.....---..................._....................................................._._......................---.......-•----............................---�--._._......_._ (The intormstioa above mnat be given for hotels and reataurants which use more than one room for liquor sAles). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?................._....-----�---------_....._--�--..._..........:....-•------•---.....--�--....---._._............_...._........._..._................_._.__.._.___.._..�....._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)................._.............._....._................._.._..._....__..�.........._._.......__..__..�.�. Give names and addresses of three business referencea:_.__.._._._..._..._..._........._.....____...._...._.._....__.._...._...._..._..............................._._.__ 1._Robert Ross (Ross Lic�uors) 992 Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. ...._.__ . ........__._.._.._. _.._ ........__._...._.......................�-------•-•--•---........._...._..._._........._..__....__._---......._..._...-�---�--_......---._.._._........_ Archie P. Schwietz , 803 E. Jessamine, St. Paul, Minn. 2......__._-----......_._._...._..........__._...._..._._...._..._.__..._.....__.._...._...__.............._...._..._...._..._..--•.......................... ................_...._-------.._......................._......---------��---- . Steve Schwietz Liquors, 956 Payne Ave. , St. Pau , Minn. 3..__-----�.............._..._.........--�---•--•--..__.__..._._._.____.---.._..._._.__........_....___._.___..._..._...._..._......................_..__..__ ........._...._..........._...._....._......... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VEKIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE . � sTa� oF �nvrrESar�, �. , COUNTY OF RAMSEY, e8• ...._.........._..._..__........ _ _. . being II�st duly eworn� deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and lrnows the contenta thereof, and that the eame is true to the best of his knowledge,information and belief. Subacribed and aworn to before me thia..__.._......_...._._.._....day of___...__._..._...._._... 19 ........._................�t�....__M_'..__....._.Y tY. ��..... No Public Ramse Coun Minn. My commission expires...:._...._.....__..._...._........__...._...---•-- STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ss' Edward P. Serwa , being grst duly sworn, _...._.--••--•---...._-•---.._.._...._...._..__..._...._. ..._..._..._...__._.__...__. . .___..___._....._._. deposes and says tha�....he. i s^����� Pr e s i den t_ . �... Edward P. Serwa, Inc. o ....._.........._...._...._..__....-----•-•------�----.._-�-----•- ............_......._._-.---_..._.._ ......._.........._.._.._.._..._._ ..__.._:.__.._._ , a corporation; that.........he...................................................._.....has read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof�and that the satne is true to the best of..hi s._ _ . .,. _..._..._.... ..,�owledge, information and belief; that the seal af8xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was aigned, �ealed and e�+� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directora,and sa.id application and the execution thereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. J � ` � r� ---......r���:��".��.._...�- .�--- "r�� _ �ubscribed and sworn to before me this........ .....�....._....day Qf..._October_..---.._._..19 71 _..._.. . .. .�'..... ... ..... ..........._........._._._---.____.�. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. • • • RONALD C. EVAN My commission e�cpires------ -....__ _....___---._ S Tlotary Pubiic, Ramxy County, MMn. 1Nr Commission Expires Feb. 28, 1975,