256456 Orl�inal to Ctty Clerk i , ORDINANCE �5�456 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �' ORDINANCE NO _ An ordinance amending Chapter 50 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to House Movers. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Chapter 50.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, amended by Ordinance No. 13708 on September 6, 1g67, is hereby further amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Rules and regulations as are reasonably necessary to insure that a licensed pest control company has adequal�.y applied the use of chemicals, trappings, structural alterations or other control methods for the extermination of vermin, are hereby approved. Said rules and regulations shall be kept on file in F�� the office of the City Clerk and shall be open to public inspection during normal business hours. Violations of such rules and regulations shall be a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation of any and all Iicenses issued. �' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. r _����� �� �. _�; . i' �' I I \ t1EC 81971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Butler �� ��'�`�` �n Favor ''� Levine � � 1�_....a;�ti. �gAlIISt ---- n �A7� � -� ��.. ti� � ti �'i�L'^- �.f�; RULES AND REGULATIONS RFLATING TO PEST EXTERMINATION. IN THE RAZING AND MOVING OF STRUCTURES Section I. RODENT AND OTHER VERMIN EXTERMINATI0I�T. A licensed Pest Control Company shall effectively cause the extermination of rodents and other vermin on the included premises before a structure can be iazed or moved. The methods to be used for the extermination shall be as follows, and shall be approved Uy and under the direction of the. Saint Paul Bureau of Health. The Pest Control Company has the option of using either a multiple-dose (cumulative) or single-dose poison as specified. A. Multiple-Dose Poisons (Cumulative) 1 . Rodenticide. The Pest Contro� Company shall be responsible for the proper and safe use as provided herein of the rodenticide in accordance with manufacturer ' s directions and in accordance with federal and state laws , city ordinances and regulations . 2. - Location of Bait Stations. For each structure, the minimum number of bait stations for each 3,000 square feet of floor area, or part thereof, at each level shall be as follows: 3 in each basement or sub-basement, 2 on each first floor, 1 on each second, third or higher floor, and 1 in each garage or out structure or as determined by the City of . . Saint Paul , Bureau oi' Health. Bait stations shall ' be so established throughout each structure as to . insure a high percentage of kill . 3. Type oi' Bait Stations. A minimum of one-half pound of bait shall be placed at each bait station when . a hydroxycoumarin bait is used. Bait shall be placed under covered bait stations secured to the structure or weighted when used in slieds or shelters on the site. Bait placed within the structure usually will not require additional safeguards, but the Pest Control Company must use all reasonable pre-- cautions in each structure. Where possible, the Pest Control Operator shall toenail , bar or loch entrance doors to these properties to mini.inize the danger to children. 4. Time of Baitin . When a hj�droxycoumarin bait is used it shall be placed in each building at least two (2) weeks prior to the time that the building - - is to be razed or moved. Al1 baiting stations shall be checked and repleiiished with bait, if necessary, throughout the l�aiting period. . e 5. Bait Pick Up. All bait shall be picked up and ' removed piior to the razing or moving of the • � building(s) and disposed of in a manner which shall eliminate hazaids to humans or animals. Any additional precautionary measures requested by the City of Saint Paul , Bureau of Health shall be complied with. 6. Rat Pick Ups. The Pest Control Company shall pick up all dead rats a�t the end of the first �aeek and�or at the end of the baiting period and prior to co►�mencemeni; of iazing or moving operations. Al1 dead rats shall be disposed of by the Pest Control Company by deep burial in ari approved area or in an approved incinerator. B. Single-Dose Poisons 1. Rat Poison. The Pest Control Company shall use only those single-dose poisons approved by the Saint Paul Bureau of Health. THE USE OF 1080 IS �XPRESSLY PROHIBITED. The Pest Control Company shall be responsible for the proper and safe use of the rat poison in accordance with the manufacturer! s directions aiid in accordance with federal and state laws, city ordinances and regulations . . 2. Location of Bait Stations . The Pest Control Com�any � shall place, single-dose poisons in the bui�ding according to the manufacturer ' s recommendations and as required by the Health Officer. There shall be at least 3 bait stations for each 3,000 square feet of floor area, or part thereof, in each basement or sub- , basement, 2 bait stations on each first floor, 1 bait station in each garage or out structure or as determined by the Health Officer. The Pest Control Company shall use su�ficient rat poison to obtain a maximum percentage of kill . 3. Type of Bait Stations. The Pest Control Company shall follo�,- the manufacturer ' s recommendations on type and placing of bait stations. 4. Time of Bait.in�. The bait shall be placed in each building at least three (3) days prior to the time that the building is to be razed or moved. Periodic checks may be made as requred by the Saint Paul Bureau of Health. � � 2 5. Bait Pick Up. Upon approval by the Health Officer, the Pest Coritiol Company will not be required to picic up or remove those baits which are considered non-harmful 1;0 other animals and humans. 6. Rat Pick Up. The Pest Control Company shall pick up all dead rats at the ei�d of the first week and�or at tlze end of the baiting .period and prior to commence- ment of razing or moving operati.oi�s. All dead rats shall be disposed of by the Pest Control Company by deep burial in an appioved aiea or in an approved incinerator. Section II . INSECTIDICES. When there is evi.dence that insects exist in a si;ructure which is to be razed or moved, the structure must be treated with an approved insecticide. Tl�e Pest Control Company shall be responsible for the proper and safe us-e of the insecticide in accordance with the manufacturer' s directions and in accordance with federal and state laws , local ordinances and regulations: The Pest Control Company shall use a sufficient quantity and adequate distribution of the insecticide to obtain a�_'mim percentage of kill . Pest Conti�ol .Companies may not use any insecticide listed on the State "Restricted Use Pesticide List. " Section III. FUMIGATION. jr'hen fumigation is to be used to exterminate pests , the Pest Control Company or operator shall also comply with Seci;ion 360.09 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code . Section IV. INSPECTION. The Saint Paul Bureau of Heal�th shall be notified in writing by the'Pest Control Company of each property being treated, and the commencement date of baiting. Such notice must be received by the Bureau of Health 24 hours before actual work is started. The Health Officer of' the City of Saint Paul , or his authorized representative, shall have access to each structure being b�ited during the baiting period. Section V. FORMS. A licensed Pest Control Company, engaged to exterminate pests from a structure to be razed oi moved, shall submit, , in duplicate, the information requested on the forms provided by the Health Officer. A. INFORMATION REQUESTED 1 . Property owner ' s name and address. Address of structure being treated for the extermination of pests. 2. The date Pest Control Company was notified to begin treatmeni; of the structure and premises. 3. Date buiiding is to be razed or moved. 4. Inclusive date structure was treated for pests. 3 � . . 5. Specific area(s) inside and outside of structure where pesticide was applied. 6. Pest to be exterminated from the structure and premises. �. Percentage(s) of chief toxicant(s) used in the exter- mination of the pest(s) . 8. Amount of pesticide applied per unit area or space. 9. Methad of disposal of poisoned pests. � 10. The date all remaining pesticide was removed from the structure and premises . 11 . Type of equipment used. 12. Precautions taken to prevent poisoning of humans and protected animals. 13. _ The date of notice to the Health Officer of completion of extermination program and request for inspection for compliance. Sect�.on VI . ISSUANCE OI�' CERTIFICATE. Upon completi.on of the Health Officer' s inspection, a eertificate of compliance may be issued for the razin� or moving of a structure. � 4 .. . , RULES AND Fi.EGLJI�ATIO'V'S RELATING TO PEST ��TERMINATION IN THE HAZINCx AND MOVING OF STRUCTURES ' Sect�on I. RODENT AND OTHER V�RMIN EXTER�IINATION. A licensed Pest Control Company shall effectively cause the extermination. of rodents and other vermin on the included premises before a structure car. be razed or moved. The methods to be used for the extermination shall be as foliows, and sllall be approveci b3T and under the direction of the Saint Paul Bureau of Health. The Pest Contiol Company has the ortion ot using either a multiple-close (cuinulative) or single-dose poison as specified. A. Miiltiple-llose Poisons (Cumulative) l . Rodenticide. The Pest Coritrol Company shall be responsible for tne proper an� safe use as provided ' ' herein o� the rodenticide in accordance �aith manufacturer ' s directions and in accordance with � federal and state laws , ci.ty ordinances and regulations. 2. Locati_on of Bait Statioris. For each structure, the ,minimum number of bai.t statiol7s for each 3,000 square feet of floor area, or part thereof, at each level shall be as follows: 3 in each basement or sub-basement, 2 on each first floor, 1 on each second, third or higher floor, and 1 in each garage or out structure or as determined by the City of . , Saint Paul , Bureau of Health. Bait stations shall ' be so established throughout each structure as to insure a high percentage of kill . 3. Type oi' Bait Stat:i_ons. A minimum of one-half pourld of bait shall be placed at each bait station when . a hydroxycoumarin bait is used. Bait shall be placed under covered bait stations secured to the structure or weighted when used in sheds or shelters on the site. Bait placed within the structure usually will not require additional safeguards, but the Pest Control Company must use all reasonable pre- cautions in each structure. j�'here possible , the Pest Control Operator shall toenail , bar or lock entrance doors to these properties to minimize the danger to children. 4. Time of �aitin�. ��hen a hydroxycoumarin bait is used it shall be placed in each building at least two (2) weeks prior to the time that the building • - is to be razed or moved. All baiting stations shall be checked and replenished with bait, if ne�essary, throughout the baiting period. 5. Bait Pick t?p. All bait shall be picked up and removed prior to the razing or moving of the ' building(s) and disposed of in a manner which shall eliminate harards to humans or animals. Any additional precautionar,y measures requested by the City of Saint Paul , Bureau of Health shall be complied with. 6. Rat Pick Ups. The Pest Control Company shall pick � up all dead rats at the end of the first week and�or at the end of the baiting perioc� and prior to cominencement of razing or moving operations. All . dead rats shall be disposed of by the Pest Control Company by deep burial in an approved area or in an app.roved incinerator. B. Single-Dose Poisons 1. Rat Poison. The Pest Contr. ol Company shall use only those single-dose poisons approved by the�,��t Paul _ Bureau of Health. THE USE OF 1080 IS EXYRESSLY PROHIBITED. The Pes1� Control Company shall be resporisiUle for the proper and safe use of the rat poison in accordance with the manufacl;urer � s directions and in accordance with federal and state laws, city ordinances and regulations. 2. Location of Bait Stations. The Pest Control Company - shall place, single-dose poisons in the building according to the manufacturer' s recommendations and as required by tlie Health Officer. There shall be at least 3 bait stations for each 3,000 square feet of floor area, or part thereof, in each �asement or sub- , basement, 2 bait stations on each first floor, 1 bait station in each garage or out structure or as determined by the Health Officer. The Pest Control Cc�mpany shall use sufficient rat poison to obtain , a ma�imum percentage of kill . 3. Type of Bait Stations. The Pest Control Company shall follow the manufacturer ' s recommendations on type and placing of bait stations. 4. Time of Baitin�. The bait shall be placed in each building at least three (3) days prior to the time that the building is to be razed or moved. Periodic checks may be made as requred by the Saint Paul Bureau of Health. 2 . . � 5. Bait Pick L'p. Upon approval by the Health Officer, 1;lie Pest Control Co�pany wi11 not be required to pick up or remove those baits which are considered non-harmfu� to other animals and humans. � � 6. Rat Pick iJp. The Pest Control Company shall pick up all dead rats at the end of the first week and�or at the end of the baiting period and prior to commence- ment of razing or moving operations. All dead rats shall be disposed of by the Pest Control Company . by deep l�arial in �,n approved area or in an approved inciner•ator. SectiQn II . INSECTIDICES. k'hen there is evidence that insects exist in a structure which is to be razed or moved, the structure must be treated with an approved insecticide. The Pest Control Compan5- shall �e responsible for. the proper and safe use of the insecticide in accordance with the manufacturer' s directions and in accordance with federal and state laws , local ordinances and . regulations . The Pest Control Company shall use a sufficienl; quantity and adequate distribution of the insecticide to obtain a maximim percentage of. kill . Pest Control Companies may not use any insecticide listed on the State "Restri_cted Use Pesticide List. " Section III. FUMIGATION. When fumigation is to be used to exterminate pests , the Pest Control Company or operator shall also comply with Section 360.09 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code. Section IV. INSPECTION. The Saint Paul Bureau of. Health shall be notified in writing by the'Pest Control Company of each property being treated, and the commencement date of baiting. Such notice must be received by i;he Bureau of Health 24 hours before actual work is started. The Health Officer of the City of Saint Paul , or his authorized representative, shall have access to each structure being b�.ited during the baiting peri.od. Section V. FORMS. A licensed Pest Control Company, engaged to exterminate pests from a structure to be razed or moved, shall submit, in duplicate, tYie information requested on the forms provided b,y the Health Officer. A. INFORMATION REQUESTED l . Property owner ' s name and address. Address of structure Ueing treated for the extermination of pests. 2. The date Pest Control Company was notified to begin treatment of the structure and premises. 3. ---�ate -i�ui]:ding is to-be--razed or moved. . 4. Inclusive date structure �aas treated for pests. 3 ., • . . , , . 5. Specific area(s) inside and outside of structure ' where pesticide was appl.ied. . 6. Pest to be exterminated from the structure and premises. 7. Percentage(•s) of chief toxicant(s) used in the exter— mi.nation of the pest(s) . 8. Amount of pesticide applied per unit area or space. 9. Method of disposal o� poisoned pests. 10. The date all remaining pesticide was removed from the structure and premises . 11 . Type of equipment used. • , • 12. Precautions taken to prevent poisoning of humans and proteeted animals. . 13. _ The date of notice to the Health Of�icer of completion � of extermination program and request for inspection for compliance. Section VI . ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE. Upon completion of the Health Officer' s inspect;ion, a certificate of compliance may be issued for the razing or moving of a structure. • 4 /� • � // I st � 2nd � >� � Laid over to �� /-� 3rd and app. ___Adopted Yeas Nays eas Nays Butler utler Carlson � �\�ka+- �-�'�"`t` ����4�� Levine evine Meredith �eredith Sprafka � �prafka Tedesco �edesco ` Mr. President McCariy r. President McCarty O