256449 s � M O�'tf61Ni�L TO CITY CLBRK CII I OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �O. ��� +�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"� � C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The C ty Council ha.s accepted a certain Grant Agreement from the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Gontrol for the operation of a project entitled "The Retreat - A Con�nunity Adjustment Center for Adult Ma.les in St. Paul," and which Grant Agreement contemplated tha.t the City would act as a sponsor agency and enter into a third-party Contract with Community Retreat Corporation for the purpose of authorizing the said Corporation to operate the project in conformance with all of the terms and conditions specified by the Grant Agreement; and WHEREAS� The Saint Paul Model Cities Program, as approved by t�e United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, con�ains funds for the Retreat Project and contemplates an Operating Agreement between the City and Community Retreat Corporation; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does here- by approve Agreement between the City and Community Retreat Corpor- ation, said Agreement pertaining to the conduct of the Retreat Project by the Corporation in conformance with that certain Grant Agreement between the City and the Crime Commission, and the Mayor, City Clerk and Comptroller be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Model Neighborhood Planni'ng �ouncil and does hereby approve ,Operating Agreement between the City and Community Retreat Corpora- tion, said Agreement authorizing the Corporation to perform the activities and program identified as the Retreat Project, which 'Project is part of the Model Cities� First Action Year Program; and the Mayor, City Clerk and Comptroller are hereby authorized to execute said Operating Agreement on beha.lf of the City. FOR PP OVE . As t rpora n ounsel � N OV 19 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya �97� Butler NOV 19 pro � � 19— ��' ..d�n Favor � Meredith � Sprafka �2ayor .�Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty p�g�}SWEB `� '""� Nov a� �9�r �� Y , � r . °�`��'��,�� � � � �,����,�� ��. A G R E E M E N T � THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of , 1971, by and between the City of a�Paul, acting � t iroug�'its-'�INodel �eities vepartment, hereir�after referred to as "Model Citi�s Department"; and Community Retreat Corporation, a Minnesota �orporation, hereinafte?- referred to as "Agency"; - WITl`dESSETH: � - , . k'HEREAS, The Model Cities Department on the 23rd day o� April, 1971, reeeived a gr3nt under the TJni.ted States Department of Housing and Urban Deveto�ment Demonstration City and Metrogolitan . Development Act of 1966, Title I, said grant designated as Grant � No. ME--�2-003; and � � WHEREAS , Pursvant to said grant, Model Cities Department is undertaking certain activiti.es; �.nd �WHEREAS-, _ The Model. Cities Department desires to engage the Agency to render certain assistance in such undertaking pursuant to �and in compliance with the Grant No. I�IE-22-003; ! NOW, THEREFORE, THE MODEL CITIES DEPARI'MENT AND THE AGENCY DO � MUTUAI.LY AGREE AS FOLLOWS : A. Scope of Services;.. The Agency sha.11, within the Summ.it- f Uni.versity Model Neighborhood, in a satisfactory and proper manner, I as determiried by Model 'Gities Department and under the direction j , of the Model Cit:ies Department, perform those activities set forth � in the attached Part II and shall perform the activities within the timetable set; forth in Part II. , i B. F'undin�: (1) The Agency shall commence performance of � this contract on the lst day of November , 19 71 , and !, shall complete performance no later t n t e 30th day of June , 19 72 . (2) It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total amount to be paid by the Model Cities Departm�nt to the Agency under this Agreement exceed the sum of $ 54,484.00 for full and complete satisfactory p�rformance in accordance with the budget attached tc thi� Agreement in Part II, and in no event shall exceed the amount of Federal funds received by Model Cities Bepartment from the Department of Housing - and Urban Development (HUD) for this projec�: pursuant • 1. � � . . J , �_ - � � ± � 1 . � � , � � ! I � ' • 7 � to the i•�edel Cities Department' s Comprehensive F�_rst ; Year Action Plan as approved by HUD. � s (3) P'lexibi.l.it in Bud et; Agency shal:L ma.ke ' expenditures accor ing to t e ine ii:ems as set forth . ; in the attached Budget. A11 proposed amendments to the i Budget must be submitted to the Model Cities Department � for rev:iew. � , � a) Agency may amend the Budget line items without Mode1 Citi.es Department' s �aritten approval under the �ollowing circumsi�ances : • i) The revision of a line iL-em does not con- ± stiL-ute a substantial change in program .� objectivesf and � ' ii) The revision of a line item does not con- stitui:e a change of more than 10% of the line item or 5% of the total Budge�. f r b) Agency may amend the Budget as follotas only upon�le � prior written approval of the Model Cities Department` s � Director: � - ; , . i) The revision does not constitut� a substani:ial � • change in program objectives., and th� t-ransfer , � " of one line item to another line item does not � ` constitu.te a change of more than 15% o� the line item or 10% of the L-oL-al approved Budget. � �; ii) The revision of a line item consti_i�utes a ' change of more than 10% of the line item or ; more Lhan 5% of the total Budget. ; c) ' The following amendments require a Contract amendment and written approval of the Model NeighUorhood Planning Council and the Saint Paul City Council: i) � The proposed revision constitutes a suUstantial change in the program objectives, the scope of . services set forth in this Agreement and/or the work program; or � i.i) Any change which would cause the total amount , of the Buclget to be exceeded; or ' iii) The transfer .from one line itern to another line item would constitute a change of more than 15% • of the line item or more than 10% of the total Budget. ', . 2. 1 � � � ft , � � i ' � (iv) The changes in physical location of approved � project would restrict the participation of � ' Model Neighbarhood residents. (4) Subject to the receipt of funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, the . Model Cities Department shall ma.ke payment under this i Contract in the following manner: ' The Agency sh:all. present to Model Cities Department an itemizec� requisition for (monthly)(����) reim- bursement, in form approved by Model Cities Department and � t�ie City Comptroller. Requisitions shall set forth the + disposition of amounts spent during the preceding (month) � (�ax��a�j together with an estima.te of expenses to be in- ' curred during thP next succeeding (month)<��4�c) , with raierence to expense categories as set forth in the " attached Budget incorporated within Part �I . Mo�3el Cities Department will make payment to the Agency within 30 days i after receipt of the requisition, af�er having reviewed � and approved the requisition. Requisitions shall include t the following categories : + (a) Personnel (caages, fringe benefits) i (b) Consultants � (c) Space rental ' ; � (d) Travel i (e) Consumable� supplies i (f) Equipment-rental, lease � (g) Other costs . ' I � � (5) The Agency shall maintain verification for all ex- ! penditures including, but not limited to, time sheets, i invoices and receipts, and shall keep and retain such docvmentation for the period of time that is required to ma.intain its records hereunder. (6) No requisitions shall be filled if, at the time it ' is made, the Agency has more than 4% of the total Model Cities Department £unds allocated under this Agreement on deposit in its depository. C. Independent Contractor: For the purpose of this Agreement, the Agency sha11 be deemed to be an independent contractor, and not an employee of the City. Any and all employees of the Agency or � 3. �r , y . , � ' � i or other persons, while engaged in the performance of any wor'K or � services required by the Agency under this Agreement, shall not ? be considered employees of the City; and any and all claims that ` ma.y or might arise under the «orl;men' s Compensation AcL of . `` Minnesota on behalf of said employees or other persons while sa �' engaged, hospitalizatian insurance coverages, Social Security and pension payrnents and benefits, other employee obligai�ions and bene- fits, and any and all claims made by any �hird party as a conse- quence of any act or omission on the part ot th� Agency, the employees or other persons �ti7hile so engaged on any of the work or services to be rendered, shall in no raay be the obligation or � i responsibili.ty of the City. The Agenc�J shall pay as they become due a11 jusi� claims for work, tools , machinery, ski_11, mater�_al�, � insurance premiums9 equipment and suppl�es furnished, render�d or performed in the execution oi this Agreement. D. No Discrimination: The Agency sha11 be deemed a contr.aci:or i'or the app ication o - a provisions hereof and laws against un- lawful discrimina.tion on account of .race, creed, se�:9 age, or color hereunder. _ ; The Ag�ncy agrees in accordaizce tiTith Chapt�r 238, La.ws oi ��le ! State of Minnesota for 1941, that in the hirin� of catru-non or skilled � labor for the performance of any �,�orl: under i:his Contract or any i subcontract hereunder, no contractor, ma.terial supplier� or vender sha11,; by reason of race, creed or color, discriminate against any � person who is a citizen of the United Stai�es who is qua.lified and available to perform the wo�k to which such employment relai�es ; that no contractor, maLerial supplier or �Tendor under this Contract shall in any m�nner discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any person, or on being hired, prevent, or conb spire to prevent, any person from the performance o� wark under .this Coni;;ract on account of race, creed or color; and that this Contract may Ue cancelled or terminated by the City, and all money duP or to become du� hereunder shall be forfeited for a second or any suUsequent violation of the terms or conditions o� this Contract. This Contract is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Aet of 1964 (P. L. 88-352, approved July 2, 1964) anci the rules and regulations (24 CFR, Subtitle A, Part 1), issued by the Housing and Home Finance Agency pursuant thereto. E. Indemni�i.cation: It is further agreed that the Agency sh�.11_ de -en an save t e City of Saint Paul harmless from any claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising oui: of any negligent act or oui: of any negligent omission on the part oi the - Agency, its agents, servan�s, or employees in the performance of or with relation to any of the work or services provided to Ue per- formed or furnished by the Agency under the terms of this Agreement. 4. l ' y , , . t . . ; F. Resident Em lo�Ttr�ent and Trainin Re uirements : Section ' 103(a) of tie Uemonstrdtion ities an rlet-ropo itan llevelopment � Act of 1966� requires that a comprehensive city demonstration pro- gram provide "%; -'� %'� maximum oppor_tunities for employing residents of the. area in a1J_ phases of the program and enlarged oppartunities � for ti7ork anci training" and that it "%, -', %� ma�Ce marlced pro�ress in reducing -'� -'� -� underemployment and enforced idleness %� %, %�." , In the performance of this Agreement, the Agency shall co:nply I wa_Lh aIl requir�ments of HUD per_taini_nb to its genexal policy on employmeni� and trainin� of T�lodel i�eighborhood resid�nts in all jobs genera�ed by this Agreement and the submission requirements , � for the imp�ementation of this policyy as set forth in HUD Handboolc MC 37.60. 1, i�ode? Cities Employment. and Training Requirements (CDA , Lei:ter No. Il) . Agency shaJ_1 include these provisions dealing with Residen� Employment in all of its operaL-ing subcontracts . Agency agrees to comply with �he Employment and Training goals set forL-h in the Saint Pau1 Model Cities Res7_dent Employm�' and Training Plan, as set forth in Part II hereof. ���ithin 30 days after the e�:ecution of this Agreement, Agency sha11 submii�-3'or approval an employment plan together with sp�cific employment und training goals for the implementation of this policy. In the execution o� such plan the Agency must demonstrate m�.rlced probress toward specific goals in each succeeding phase of the program. , Al1 positions generated by this project and Agre�ment and a11 positions becoming vacant shall be filled by Agency by Model Neighborhood residents . All such positions of employment sha11 be listed with the I�lodel Neighborhood EmploSTment Center. Only re- ferrals from the Model Neighborhood �mployment Center shall be . accepted for employment by the Agency. Agency shall not malce any e�:ception to these provisions unless the Agency is granted a waiver by the Model Cities Speciai Review Board. It the Agency desires such waiver, it shall make written request thereior to the N1ode1 Cities Special , Review Board and sha11 sei� forth i�he fo�.lowing information. • 1. Reasons for the need to deviate from the resa.dent employment requirement. 2. Recommendation and alternatives as to how such positions should be filled. Upon entering ix�to this Agreement, Agency shall submit, in • writing, a listing of available jobs with a job description and 5. �T 1 ` � \ saZary range f_or each position. Each job description sha11 contain a definii�ion of the position, examples of duties and minimum qua.l- ifications for the position. Job descriptions are subject to review aizd approval of the Model Cities llepartment. Within thirty (30) days a�ter execution o� this Agreement, Agency sha11 develop far review and approval a specific program to upgrade elig�_b1e, potenL-ial and inter.ested emp7_oyees in each para- professional job classification. This u�grading shall be designed to lead to greater respoi7si.bility or full professionZl sLatus , and those employees so upgraded shall be re�ained in professional leval . posii:ions as such posii�ions Uecome available through staf� turn� over, expansion or new program development. The i:raining procedures tai11 b� designed to remove identified impedim�nts to hiring and upgrading of disadvantaged Model Neighborhood residents a�id pravide Lhem �•.ii�1z occupat�_or.:l mobilitST �hrough senior_it}�; �_izi�era�ency transfer agreements, civil service sLatus, union membcrshi_P or othex prerequisites to such mobility, AgencST shall sho��a ho�v it p�.ans to remove or ease significant meri� system impediment.s to the employment of disadvantaged Model Neighborhood residents in such related jobs . Agency shall designate a si:aff inember as Traininb and Develop-• ment Officer to be responsiUle for developmen� of_ i:r�.ining programs and employabilit�� de�-elopment plans for all employees . Ar� Employ- aliility Development Plan in �ariting shall be developed w,_th each employee using bellaviorally defined objectives . Within thi�ty (30) days after execution of this Agreement, Agency shall submit to the Model Cii�ies Department gxievance procedures to be followed by the Agency and available to its employees. G. Terms and Conditions : Agency sha11 be subject to and sha11 comp y ���it a terms and conditions as sei� forth in the attached Part IT. � Agency shall include similar terms and cond�tions in a11 of its contracts with other agencies in the performance of this Agreement. . . H. Su lementary Conditions : This Agreemeni: incorporates the "Mode ities A mzn�stration Supplementary Conditions for Contracts with Operating Agencies and ConLrac�ors", HUD-7050 (2-G9) which is part of the attached Part II . When the term "City" is used therein, it shall mean "Model Cities Department". The Supplementary General Conditions shall be incor_porated in all con- tract.s between Agency and its contractors. . 6. : � , , � I . Administrative Labor Stand�rds : This Agreement incorpor� ates the M,o e ities A minlstration Labor Standards Provision" ' - HUD-7051 (2-69) , which is part of the attached Part II . Where �� the term "City" is used therein, it shall mean "Model Cities k Department"; and tiThere the term "Contraci:or" appears therein, it E, shall mean "Agency" . These T�.bor Standards shall be incorporated . ; in a11 contracts between the Agency and its contractors . , . J. Records Reports and Informa�ion: The Agency shall be responsib� -o� r-tTze malnt�enancc o recar s and accounts, i.ncluding property, personnel and financial records adequate to assure a proper accounting for a11 project funds, Federal and/or non- � Federal. These records wi11 be ma.de available for audit to repre- sentatives of the Model C�ties Department, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Co:nptroller :en- eral of_ the Unite� States or any authorized repr.esentai�ives �f any or a11 of these aoencies, and will be retain�d for three }Tears after the expiration of this Contract unless w-ritte� permissio:� is given for �heir destruction by Model Cities D�partmznt and the ; Secretary of the United States D�partme�zt of Housing and Urban �a Dzvelopm�nt.___ . � Agency shall furnish such statem�nts, records, reports and � informatlan as is called for in the Model Cities Departm�nt data repor�ing package, which is incorporated herein by reference and m�de a part hereof, and s�a.ch other forms as mt�.y from tim�� to ti_m� be require� of the Agency by the Department of Housing and Urban t� D�velopment and/or Mo�el Cities Department. ;; K. The Agency shall �provide information to the Mo�3el Cities ` Department for purposes of evaluation and conti�zuaus planning ° pursuanr to a monthly reporting system. This reporting system shall include: ' a � Output Measure Report (monthly) b Output Measure Report Narrative Report (monthly) c Agency Statement (monthly) d Participant Beneficiaries Report (monthly) e Project Work Program (monthly) f Budget and Output Measure Forecasts (monthly) . g Narrative P.eport (monthly) L. Work Program: Within one month following the execution of this Agreement, tT1e Agency shall submit to the Model Cities Department, for its approval, a Work Program setting forth how the ' Agency wi11 implement the scope of services as set forth in this : Agreement, and including the following: (a) Job Description for each staff position , 7. � , ' '� ' • � b Timetable for hiring staff c Detailed description of the tasks to be undertaken d Methods by which the successful completion of these tasks will be achieved (e) Timetab].e for such completion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have caused this Agreemerit to be executed the day and year first abqve written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Approvecyl�.s ;to Form: MODEL CITIES DEPARTMENT . � ;' ,i =, , . , , , , �,. � pecla s'sl�st-nt;, yor Corpora io� Counsel � irector Approved as to Form & Execution: ity er pecia ssistant Corporation Counsel � ity omptro er ` . ' , COMMUNITY RETREAT CORPORATION In the Presence of: By• . Its � Its APPROVED by Council Resolution � C.F. No. � Dated: 8. � ' � ' PART II-A � :�: _� � � Scope of Services A. Goa1: Identify, redirect and combine the energies, talents, skills and resotzrces within the clients, their families, and the Model Cities Com.munity to structure a positive living envi- ronment that will prever_t or deter criminal or other asocial behavior. B. Purpose and Objectives: 1. Provide pre-release guidance to adul.t males in need of working out an acceptible parole plano 2. Provide a home where the individual could gradually move from regimented instituti�nal iife to the free flowing style of or- dinary community life and family 1ife. 3. Provid.e the suppo-rt and personal interch-�nge of other parclees encountering simi�ar problems of adjustment. � 4. Provide the support of a comr�unity, sympathetic to the problems- of the parolee. 5. Provide personal psychological. counseling by competent profes- sianals. 6. Provide far.�ily counseling. �j. Provide er�ployment counseling. 8. Provide legal aid. 9. Provide minimal financial aid during the adjustment period. 10. Provide medical assistance. _-�;, 11. Provide clients the opportunity to serve the community in a - variet� of capacities. 12. Provide clients an opportunity to influence their peers outside the CAC-AP�. C. Oxieration: 1. The project wil]. operate �t 5�2 Ashland Ave. 2. It will be staffed by a staff of eleven (11): a. Project Direc�or b. Community Resource Coordil3ator c. Seni�r Counselor d. 3 - Counselor I e. 2 - Counselor II f. Clerls-steno ` g. Cook h. Cook aide 3. It wi11 serve a maximum of 25 �arolees a1: one time. 4. The avera�e period of adjustment will be six months. This length of time wi11 vary with the individual. Therefore, number served during the year will fluctuate depending on individu2l needs. 5. 7'he iacility will operate as a home, deemphasising institutional. restrictions. 6. The regimen for the facility will be established jointly by the residents and other staff. 7. Residents wiZl be responsible for t�e maintenance of the build- ing and property. 8. A Citizens Advisory Board, described later in the report, will be the principle policy making body for the project. .9. Referrals will be made by parole officers,- courts and parole � board. � � 10. Release, gr�duation will �e determined by staff. 11. The Project will utilize the services bf a management � specialist, psychologist, sociologist, and a crimino- logist and raay organize the team to train and continual- • ly develop the staff. D. Program 1. Clients �rlll be encouraged to set their ewn goals, develop their own prograns and contribute to the operations of the Center in every way. 2. CAC-AM staff will meet with community leaders, representa- tives of law eniorcement agencies, representatives of resi- d�ent groups and represeni;ati�es of clients tofformulate a basic �rogram. 3. An orientation (1-) will be conducted at the institution prior to release. This may be condu.cted inai�=iau�ly or with groups. i�urin� this orientation, a general plan will be es�ablisreci t'r.at oriil deal �rit'r. emplayment plans, resi- � dence after release, etc. � 4. 7hxring Orientation 1, clients will be informed of the resources available to them to help develop the plans mentioned in (3). 5. This phase of the orientation takes place at the Center and � will last several days. At the end of this period with the - assistance of the caseworker and other professional �taff, the client will have developed a plan specific to this needs. This initial plan will be adjusted as necessity dictates. 6. Parole planning will be the function of the Senior Counselor. He will coordinate outside resources for the benefit of the client. 7. As the client grows in his ability to cope with life and suc- cessfully assumes greater responsibility, his time and energy � will be spent r�ore in activities that will help him achieve his personal goals. This would mean that the client will spena more time in educational pursuits or vocational train- ing. 8. Clients �aho are well on their way to obtaining their personal goals taill be reintroduced into the community - return to their family residence or establish a residence of their own. Clients 4ii11 be encouraged to keep in personal contact with the Center even after release. E. Method 1. The client must realize that he can changeand that lasting change orginate with himself. To becone internalized and permanent, the person changir_g needs support. The staff and . � • I• • � � Scope of Services Page 3 other clients will provide that support and maintain an atmosphere in which cha.�ge is possible. 2. Staff will reenforce positive behavior and confront nega- tive behavior, always encourageing the clients to develop new plans and try new positive behaviors. 3. The clients r�ust direct his own live� with as few imposed limitations as possible. � 4. Staff will inform clients of the expectations and limita- . tions impased by various publics but allow clients ta de- � velop rules and regulations, mechanisms or systems to solve problems. The staff will not impose their solu- tions on clients but will support them ir. the decision ma'_,ir.� process, expectin� the cl.ients to use their re- sources in arriving at realistic solutions to their pro- blems. � 5. The low client to counse�or ratio will allow for the estab- lishment of deep interpersonal relationships between client and staff. 6. Counseling will be in small group sessions or on a one-to- one basis. Staff will be available to clients both day and night. 7• Family-client interaction is a necessary component of the program. Pare�t-wife-counselor sessions will include goal setting, planning what family members can do to support the client and determining family behaviors that contribute to current problems. 8. Members of the community will be encouraged to visit the ' Center to visit with the clients and clients will be encouraged to offer their talents and skills for community projects. Clients might become involved in neighborhood planning, re- creation, education, PTA, etc. . , � , . . � . ,',. Project Administration and Staffing A. Overall Project Administration Through the contract Pius X Coruoration shall be made directly responsible to the P�ll�TPC for the successful implementation of the Community Adjustment Center. B. Project Staff 1. Project Director - This person shall be selected by the Operating Agency Board of Directors, based on the recom- . mendations of the Project Advisory Board. The Project Director shall recruit and hire the staff of the Project. The Project Director shall make every effort to hire ex- offenders �or the Pro�ect staff positioris, but shall on- 1y cor.sider ti:ose ir.c:iividuals tia::o have aemonstrated, over a period of not less than one year, tne ability to adjust to community life. The Project Director shall be responsible for the implementation of the Project and shall be the person to whom all Project staf�a e�`' - directly and ultimately responsible. The Project Dir- ector .shall be responsible for: insuring the schedul- ing of all project services; implementation of train- ing program for counselors; screening, hiring, and ter- minatin� a11 project staff; development and maintenance of administrative structure necessary to deliver the service of CAC-AP�I; writing and submitting reports re- quired by Model Cities; enterpreting policy to the staff. 2. Community Resource Coordinator - This person is respon- sible for being fully informed on community services and smployment opportunities available to the clients of the CAC. He will arrange regular meetings with agen- cies serving the Model Neighborhood to make sure that his information is current. He will arrange for agency repr.esentatives to meet with the clients for information- al and trainin� sessions. He will be responsible for the � development of a Staff Training Program. He will make initial contact with �raspective employers and will be re- sponsible for follow-up contacts necessary to deal with client-employer problems. . 3. Senior Counselor, Counselor II, Counselor I - These mem- bers of the counseling staff will be responsible for all the counselin� at the Center. As indicated in the des- cription above, a variety of different counseling proce- dures will be available to the client - small group, one- to-one, vocational, marriage, etc. Some members of this staff would be available to the clients twenty-four hours t , y , � � Project Administration and Staffing page 2 a day. The majorit,y of the counseling would be defi- nitely scheduled but some members of this staff would be available for emer�ency work with the clients. These staff inembers are responsible to the Project Director. 4. Cook - 1^his person is responsible ior planning a balanced diet for the residents, purchasing the foods necessary, and prebaring this food. He or she will be assistec� by the clients iri serving the food. `I'�e cook will prepare a weekly menu that will be kept on file so that it may � be presented to appropriate state or city officials up- on requests. S- Coo'{'s �iae - This per�on kTil1 help the coo�c prepu�e a.ra serve fcoa to tne residents. He or she wi11 replace the cook on his or her free days. 6. Clerk-Stenographer - This person is responsible £nr=�= ing as a receptionist for the facility and for doing any typing, filing, or other general secretarial work neces- sary for the smooth functionin� of this facility. , , , ` Citizen's Advisory Board The Citizen's Advisory Board is composed of ten ( 10) representatives of the Mode) Neighborhood. . Three concerned Non-Model Neighborhood St. Paul residents and two appointees from the Department of Corrections will serve • as the Project Advisory Board. The Project Advisory Board shall have the responsibility for advising the Board of Directors relative to Project Operations and for developing recommended policies for review and possible implementation by the Soard of Directors. The Project Director shall have the complete administrative responsibility for the operat3on of the Project subject to the conditions of the Project Contract and the policies approved by the Board of Directors. ` . I GRGAh'7ZATT0*� F7,G� CEART � Citq of St. Paul (Model Citiea) �-o�ect Adviaor�r Board Operacting Agency � Pro�ect Director Clerk Steno Gomr�tunity Resource Senior Counselor Coordinator Cook Counselor Counselor Cook-Aid (Part-time) Counaelor Counseler Counselor � � .-- r` t� , I , .1ob tidle: Projoct f?3.rector 6a1e►xy t $14.0()O �►r y�at putia,a: Dirccta contor r�t�llitetfass prcgresn, and aenign,o3nt of c�iar�te. P'lm� ez�9 coordineste� �ro�r�cus for proaiding et4�.�c�ttane�l� r�cre�Cia:�. �r�d epira.tut�2 r�e�rvacca; r�up- �J �Qbfunl' �t�t�o �ad peychie.trlc tret�tc�nt; and meot-- ' fn� �t�ot• �oA.� of clleat� in c�ntorc+��� ait� tha ��iiciAa of th� �.8�u���rat cc�c�tor. I�.�reo t�aC isitolleg�.ence, ap- t itude n�d �.�tlz�� �����ci.ard t�ret� to ornl��o cliont'� euit- �bflitg sc,� �c�ca�Al�f.a�i�ao �r� a�r��rs�ox�d Ty �ppropri�te �t,e�.ff ger���. ��mi�va 'ca.r.;.� re�-tct a� cl.ionts ta rRco�- �s�� ec:�����c.d�1 ����i�o Cre.��ficar, r;�;�c�iir��ric trdatiaont� �r oth�s e�i�a�itie�n ae�ording tu h$o f�A�din�n. Dir�cts vc+rkwrn sn�d Sts �.latASa�aca of cliont'n rscorcie. Hold caal�renes�a with as�r �a�bore of ��ater e+tceff to coardi� aat• a1t pro�r�.ac�.i�4tia►e in ca�Aor�ity with cerc4er rou- . tia�a �i oth4c ro�oJf.�o�t�n4ra. ��.g�r�� a�d deliv�ra f�p�a�chea 40 }r�,�ata u�.:�rs�t�a31n� uf ccs�stex� �:�rtr���e� und chnr�zcteric�- t4c�s o: cliomt�. �uwlifio�►tiel��: Des�n�tratsel ubtlit8 to aap�rvise e�ad d�r�ct the pro�r�� de- sigzsad to taoil�.t�tq tl�,e r:-eatag o8 �eura2�ee into eociet�. � � daa�retre.t�d cap�aaity tc le�d aad wcrk aith people with a ptisop backgrer.�ade A clee�r ur���+retalndin�� gtiaiiied tl�rough exp�rionce� snd/or �duca!:oa of the dyr�cs of reh�bili- tat4oe. IL 1� Aigk�1� deaireabl• th�t tF�� poreoci hav� n F2'lOC�it �AG�Q1131t�r , } � ; � i . � � ; , .loh T) ti�±: l`tnt'k �1P..f1��1rAn11e� fhitios: QPr+r�rr�, a vAr9Afiv At c�f thA tof iowinq or simt tar clericai rSuties, u'i I izfn� knowiedn!+ o¢ sy�tc�ns or proceduro�; C'op1�5 �t.�`j � ccxrit+IlA; rncords i�n�i reDOr*s. Tabul�tos r�nd r,Z�� dntrs !n r�cord !�^�ks. C,ompute w�e�., t�xes, �remlums, comm:4,+1 ss lo��>� �nd rAy+rn�nt5. �P.rn�ft5 r�P�lP,r 5 tor mArchanci i�� �r 5erv�C�. �Ives, In��rmation to, �nd irtervi�w, custom�rs� c� atr+'nts, �,+nl�y�s. A�c! srslAS �RrSOn�A� . F�v�c�lve, cUUnt� nn�+ n��s nu t c��h. �'renrsrPS i s�u�s, and 5encis �ut r�cei�ts, Di IIS� nottcips, fnvnirnsp st�it�enis, an-1 Ch�cks. f'r�p�r�s , s tock � �YP,��7�'r'. �� �usts c�!n I a i nfir.. ��or�`*o� af f I cp mach� nes such aS typewrlt@rs. �rJntnq � c�Icul�ttnn ; and duplic�tinq m�chinos. �?o�ns �ni route�; i rcc�n+i rx7 r,r�i I , �nswc�rs �orras�ondsncA, �nci pre�r�r��, cw*cx�i n� n,r�l I . �nv *r�ke d i ctat i nn. a�v �rep�re ��vrol i , �A�1�J {cPRp hC`nkS. �AP9v fftlrrhASr SUi��) i�5. nuz�lifi�ntt�ns : At�it ; •v .c* • ,r�! ,95 W.�.". , fEmIllB��lty �rfth v�r{�us offl�� �+a�chines , a^�? +he nh! iitv ?o raiete tn t��rson� witr a prison back�round. It w�ulA hP �rs� re�et�le �or 'hi5 oerson to ��ve �ome skiil in shorthar�. At IAn,t ��� vg�r of �x��rienPP ns r. cl�rk steno aith siml (ar re- t�nns� �� litle,, w��utd �e� hiqhlv desir�abl�. Snlery: �7,5�;� ner ve�+r � t , , � • , . CC�F�1iJNI'f f R�:.SOiTF?C�. (•���2i+I.tA'PO:t . :,rsl�ry - ��;'�(�"1() . Ih�ti,er�; pr�mc�tPF clirnt .relfrare i.i t�'�e A�i,;urt�^e�nt Cent��r arad #:he community: initic�trK Rn�j maints�tn� lin5�r. bei�.Prn th� Cer.t�: �nd v�,lun.tary Aiid p�ihli� af.;Fncie�h t�� `�cilitnte +he rer:.'«;-:n� cf r-.prvic�� t�� pro�ute client ad;justme�rit. 1 Secur��±� F�ci�I r.drvi c�r. r3u�h �.r; he�1 ch, �Plfr��e, educati.on rrop,rr,ms far impi•ovinr'. client r�d'ue±a�Qnt.. �'.eferF �l:.r �tE with �roblems which cannc,t be re- Folve� hy th� Cer.ter to r�c��sunit} re::��urc���,. � CooperRfe^ with .�!hr� ,�r�hni r,�t:onc in 3evelo�>ment of understandin�r Rnd � icitei et�t +�ms�nE� v;,luntaz;� �1� � �ublic �,cn� i!�F part: �ip�t�n�; in �hort--rr+r.g� and � LonR-ra.nge �le�es f:�r c� .•n± a�liust4er.t into the c -�unzty. I hU�+ d�velo� v�•i ! t�n cooperativ� ���recmPntn wi `.h otlier a�enciRF to prov ic�e ; eervic�ees ne+�dec: t� f�arthe^r th� ��al.. .of the CPtites. ' • V�UQl,f fi '.'.Ht:!)nF: �7c0_Y.k;1'�-'�JT!: �C� t U��1" i"1.C)?l:"(C" �:00"C�1Y1F+Lion. Abili ty tQ �J�'iT}S with people *r• � v�ri<�u� :ti�er��i�R �o prcm��;.e �.��o�e .ati�::�. abilit;� to relate to �x-convictr.. ;��.�t ��,�ble tr �t he �iave :� pri::�n b�►ckar��im�3. , --��� � � : � , Job�Title: Senior Co�nsolar .�.�E�^�� �Z�'t1(K) �P ,f@&T Dutiee: CounKSla cliPnte an,d proridem ind:vidue�.t a�nd aroup educa- tlone�l a,�,d vocatior�l �uid�nce services; Collects, organ�zee � an+�l�a1a in�or�tion �.bout fndiciduals to re�cords, testa, inttr�viPerB, and proYesaion�l ea�rniceg to appz�aiso �:k�eir in- tara�st, ��;�1tt��e�, �b��.itic�� and por�on�lity ch.r�r�zctaris- ti-�a .*'c,• vo�,a4iar.�.l �nd ��.ucatio:7.�1 �lannin�. �;ompiles an� Btudiac� occu��tiQC�ml, •aduc�tional, end econoe�c i�foi•m�tion to. axd co�:�301.�;�� in ���:�n�; r.�.nd c�rayi�2� ota� v�cAtion�l an�a educ.etao� objcctivo�. }L�y �asi�t c].icnts iz� obtaining Her•- vicem ta tis� Mod�l hej�h�arhos,d g,,�ploywent Cerzter. Ar�sicst iaLda vicluals to �derstesnd �nd ov�rcom.e social �,.a�d amotioa�l Pr4��. �g�s i� reesQ�rc� �nd tollo�r-up acti.vities to �v�luaste eoun�s�liaa tochni��ue�. f�u�2iticatioe.�s: Z"horou�;h knaarlc�`-i�e �a� coun�clin�r tii�ory and prt�cti�e� g�ix�e�l tMou� education, e,x�G�,/or oxperienc�m Prover� cability to relnts to, and erork mith pereon� �ra,th � priaon b�ckground. Ab41it' to �up�rtriae nnd 8irect otlieg• eoun�elors. D��ton_ _ etr�ted abtlifl�y to trsln lom@r l�vel couneelore in the per- fer�nce ar the abo�e 4ac,lua, At le�et two years exparience �or;,:.ia� aw a cou�e�or with pec,plo with a prison bacicgrowad, � : , , , Job Tf.tles Cowc�eJ.or I - Sr,�.tery: t7�2CX` per ��r�r Dutiee: Und�r tkee directi,on of th� "�nior Counaelor� be rec�ponaible fc�r c�c�nge►3ing ia3i►idue.'a �►nd provid�.ng group educational nnd vncatipr.e�l �aida�ce aorvices ta c2ienta of �he ad�u�t- or.�.t c£ntor. Mqy e�dr,�iniater test� �nd interpret teat re- enil±.�s ta cli.ont�. Aesiat individur�l.� to un,dersta�d and overco�e 6ucial aad ectotioa�l �robl���s, Aa�iet in the col- lec�.ion-or��niu�t�oz� Aa�.J.yai�s of infor�ation about indivi- dua�l� tb.rou�,.� r�cor�s, tQaLa, intervie��, and profesaion�l , ae�rcr� LQ c�PN:aaa�� t�icis i�t.ox•��t, ��p�i2ude, r�o�.li�icr�o and �rsra�l:ity c�t-actcriaEic� �or �duc�ti�nnl a�d voca- � tian�l. g�L�as.�i:c��. ��ai�t i.s� compilix,g and �ctudyi.�a� occupa- tion�►1� •duc.r�tio� � aa�rd ecar�omic ia�fox�c�tion to aid caun- ne2eag i.a �htin�; ,e�d carrd ing ouk vo;,atla�al t�nd educatioa�]. ob��cti�o+�. �'i� eFOie�t clie�td in otatraini�� employn��nt. �orecr� directd;;� �;.-.:.=��sr the c���;vrvi�idca of t.he Counc�hlor iI. " Qurlifiewtiona: A eincaT•e i�sterest an kaalpin� other� through counseling and �uid.ancm. So� iusavl�dgs oi cowae�el�.ng and quidance g.as.ned ttu-ou�;h expsrionae. A proven ubili.ty to rel�te to - porROne vith a pria�n ba�ck�round. IL ie hiqhly deaireable th�st thls pare�n have a prisan t�ckgrour.d himselfe � . , . � Job Titls: Couneelor ZI , sai�� a7,�c►o �z yP�r Uutfo�: , Under tha �uperei�ion of the Seuior Counse2or, he i,� reapon- oible for gitiing directionn to Counrsel.or I. Counsele indi- viduz�le an� pro�idee �aup cducational and vocntional gui- �ace aer�icoe; As�iet Senior Coune�lor in collecting, or- gr�nising, and a�nly�ing in%or�ation about individuale through ro��rde�, taates� fntor�ie�ro, �nd p�rofeesional aourcea to eppraice tPolr ir�tes°c��t, �p�iti��3c' a�bilit?e�, und �er?-�or.�tity cha.��ctrriotico for t�oeatio.z�1 and educational plAnning. Co��iles eLrd studiers occupat�iaff.ul, �dUCatioi�$� nnd e�anocnic ' infor�atio�� �o �.ia couaaalea� in �sking �nd cs�rrying aut ♦ocmtiozuil �ri education�l ob�ectit�s. Directo Cot�n6olor I in hie► eftorte ta obtain pl�sc�¢+mnt se�rvicea �nd other cocg- munity servicca tor' ciiente. Q�1lticr�tions: lC.�mrlc���;o �z:� r��fl.l in cra�,n^�i ir��; theo.ry and prr�ctir,e. Pre� fes:�bl�y �aid ex-r�r:Pnce vill ht�v� bAc►n gained through educa- tion a.nc�/or e�cperienc�. The t�raplieant should ha�o the ability to relat� te oth�rs �rith � prison backgrvund. It would be highl.� deair�able that thie perROa have a prieon background him�eelf. � � I� A � - ---' _ _ _ _ —_ __ . . - --�---�•--= ' , i Jnb Tit4t�: Cc�k SAlery: ��,5�� �,Pr ve�r [�utios: Prn�are�s �+n�f cc�ks fr�+l !v styl e n+e�l s for c l lents and staff �f tre ���r�,r, ;�k fcx��f in nuanities accordin� ta menn, And nury+�pr of rA��ons 'o he �erved. MPy wash dishAS. RakPs brAnA anrl pv,stry t r_ut� �At, r�n� n I ans mAnu , t�-�k i nq a�iv�nta�e nf foc�d� ; n ��•�5�n �r�f 1�c�I aval I r,b i t i ty, Pr�,n�res m�a I s �in�! �1i -,tiA� ln a��r_nr�?r+z^o w'Ith �Ii�nt enci stt�ff �r�f�r�nce� , hAi Rn �1w11re! c>� �thn1C en6 Cu I ti�PA 1 pre��Pn��c�s. F�ay �fSS(St i n St�rv E n� M�r�I s. ��s^ons i b(e f�r OC!C�Pr'i nq supp I (�s and I��A�i n� rec���fs a��+ arco��nts. �'; ► I suoervise 1he activities of on� r,�,k-Air}�� r,hn wili n5S�5' in pce�arin� a11d servino meals. � t�uAliflr�tipns; l�! la��sf *,,,� YA1�r� RkpArlAn^e In cookin� for a sizeabie number o� ^�:�nln , �r�+�ArA'>�y �Ain�s�t in � n�n?�! instii-uti�n. �bllity t�, r���►r�► -� n�rc��ns kit� ��ico� hack�rour��i. UndArstandin� �f f��1 nr���rphres nf n^�rfh trc� different ethnfc �and cultural hackqround ---�.:.:a � . I � , -- —_�..._ ----- - -- _.. . . _-- --- -- -_ . �• � • , �. + ' '� � � .I�A TttIP' (�DfIK J�I�P. . Snl arv: t�,?5� n�r vear (c��rt-tinxs) [1��tie�: Assist cc�ok enRao•A in pr��arlr� f�od. for ci iPnts r�nd str,ff , w�+shns, ae�' �5, cu*s, rrx� {1fPn8rA5 vec�etahles rn�i fo��is. (;le�ns, cuts, ��c! nr i nAs re�►t, ncy� i±ry. r,nQ a��fooc!. �i�s fc.x��i 1 n it�r,s .�^'1 �-r��5, tlou� �n� hrtter t� �re��i thc�m. S�rvP �nd �1r�i � S�uR, end ��7ICA7. Wei�hs and �`1�?1rUrf?,r'.. �i��,i�nAt�i� (nc�rP�(�r �i�r��; r.r,n,� I�P!t��, , r�n� trny5 ±� �n-� frrxn w�rk st�tion, �tovQ; a^�1 '�f��r'' ;���t��. ;���re; f;;or1 in �fAS��n�iteri �rea, uti I izin� kr�alP�A o+ t�r,�Ar�'ure requir�^+�nts an�i foc>�i sp�i I�ne. C'leans �►'� �rCfA , e�ui�^�nt , rn�i �fton�i Is, S�'�1"(?t�'�t� �nci rAmc�v�s n�rh;���� a��f �t•�,� �I�ans �r hn�qg" n��nac�� c�n-�iners. �tstribut� su��, f ie�. u+�nsi � s, rn� nnr+�hlt� Ac;u ;nmen+, uslrx� h�nd truck. Rn.r�uirnr�entS � �� �A�S` one vPr.r exn�r►,�n�.� ��, kitchE�n �h�l�er, �rRferabiy n�ln�� i � � ^r�•a� Irs*� *u�tr,n, A�i I itv t� relAte tn �erson, with nrl ,�r� n�'::�((l�n ;^'� , i�n,'A�e.��nr! 1 �1^ !7f f!X� r,r��Pr��rP� C�f C1nnn �E' frr,m �I� • �P�?^! o+Fn{r a�{� f'tl� tUP'!! t:•�ck�rourdri. ---�—:r� � / . ' . � PART II-B BUDGET ' NOTEt These forms are intended to illustrate the format for the standard Model Cities Operating Agency Budget. Additional items appropriate to your project should be added to the Cost Category sheet. Inappropriate items should be deleted. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION BUDGET l. i'�i:i:'"i. �Jr' AGENCY THE RETREAT PROJECT _ _ 2. BUDGET , A. COST CATEGORY B. ESTIMATED COST FOt� YEAR OF PROGRAM (1) Personnel Salaries --�� � Employee Benefits 38,000 53,472 91 ,472 (2) Consultants and Contract Services 24,000 24,000 (3) Travel 6,460 6,460 (4) Space 16,484 23,516 40,000 � (5) Consumable Snpplies and Services 28,500 28 500 , (6) Rental, Lease, or Purchase of Equipment 22,214 22,214 (7) Other TOTAL 54,484 �58,�b2 Z12,646 C. Model Cities Supplemental Funds 54,484 D. Other � ., BUDGET LINE (1) Personnel Title of Position CITIES SUPPORT Sala A. Personnel Project Director 14,000/12 mo. � 8,000 � 6,000 14,000 ClerkSteno 7,500/12 mo. 4,000 3,5� 7,5� Community Resource Coordinator 12,000/'12 mo. 9,000 3,000 12,000 Senior Counselor 11,000/'11 mo. �,000 3,080 10,Q80 Counselor I (:i 7,200/10 r.?o. '�O,n00 ��,��� i$,C100 � , Co�..inselor II (2; �,t�GU/; :�o. 1 i ,7u� 11,700 Cook 6,5oo/g mo. 4,875 4,$?5 Cook Aid (part-time) 3,250/9 mo. 2,437 2,437 _ � / � 1 � , � � � Salaries - TOTAL !� ; � Em lo ee Benefits 10,880 10,880 i . � FICA ( 5.2� of the first 7,800 per person) ' Workmen comp. Insurance Other TOTAL SALARIES AND EM,PLOYEE BENEFITS 38,000 53�472 9�,472 � I t � t . a �, . BIIDGET LINE (2) CITIES LEAA Consultant and Contract Services MODEL SUPPORT TOTAL B. Professioaal Services �:.-_.c.�tyon �cial.zst " Staff Training P�anagement Specialist 10,500 10,500 . Accounting 5,000 5,�4 Psycholist 8,500 8�5� . ?4,000 24,000 TOTAL CONStTLTANT AND CONTRACT SERVICES $ 24,000 ' � r I BUDGET LINE (3) C. Travel Projc-ct Staff - 6 staff x 25 mi. � day x 240 days G� .10/mi. $ 3,600 3,600 Parking 5•00/mo. Staff 6/ 30 x 12 mo. 360 360 Ten (10) tz•ips C 250 2,500 2,500 6,460 6,460 TOTAL TRAVEL �C 6,460 f BUDGET LINE (4) P�IODEL ___ _ Space ____� � CITIES LOCAL , : � � � 1 � . � � _ �.,: B. Supplies & Otlier (lperating �xpenses Facility Rental, Renovation & Remodling $ 16,484 18,5�6 35,000 Facility Utilities $ 3oo/mo. x �0 3,0� 3,� �" Janatorial Supplies & Expenses � 50/mo. x 10 5� � #� Telephone & Telegraph � $ 100/mo. x 10 ��5� �+5� � _ , ,�,� Z'OTAL SPACE 16,484 23,5�6 40 000 � r t � � , f BIIDGET LINE (�) Consumable Su lies and Ser;rices E. Curriculum Development Development and purchase oA Training Curriculum $ 500 5� Office Supplies & Expenses 1,200 ��� Training Supplies & Expenses 5�0 504 Workbooks, pencils, pens, pads, and training guides 300 3� Client Tuition & Loan F�Znd 2,500 Z•5� Client P4edical Care 2,000 2+� Client Board � 2/day x 25 x 9 mo. '14,000 14,000 Client Incidentals , 2,500 2�5�� Insurance, fire, thief, liability 5,000 5��� TOTAI� CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES AND SERVICES $ 28,500 $ 28,500 I i i I i I , � Rental, Lease or Purchase of Equipment Equipment number of each price total cost Uffice Equipment � Stenorette $ 280 Typea�rit er 240 Desk 8 ' 880 Chair � 480 Bookcase 3 120 Bulletin Board 2 51 Table 48 Cabinet 4 478 Chair1 4 160 Recreation iYuiprr;ent Pool Table Ping Pong Table Sports Equipment __�2_,,�00 � Furnishings Four Drawer Chests 25 75.00 1,875 Beas 25 84.00 2,.�00 Chairs 15 30.00 840 Mai;tress Pads 28 10.0� 280 Bed Sheets 100 4.00 400 Pillows � 25 6.00 '150 Blankets 50 10.00 500 Bed Spreads 25 10.00 250 Pi11ow Cases 50 1.00 50 Clothes Hampers 6 20.00 120 , ,. BUDGET LINE (6) Rental Lease or Purchase of E ui ment number pr.ice total Cost List Individual iece of e ui ment of each Furnishings ��S 9 � 30•00 $ 270.00 Towels & l�lashcloths 200 2.00 400.00 Dining Room Sets 4 300.00 1 ,200.00 Dishes, �lasseU, pots, pa.r.s 600.00 :�iscellaneous Y:itcher� r�r..uipr�e*�?t ��r�_��� `:;c�l.,:.e,� , � - , ,`': 3 20�.:;� c0U.GU Chaires 10 10U.00 1,000.00 Tables 4 60.00 240.00 Lamps 10 20.00 ___�Q.00) Dishwashers 2 239�� 4��.00 Stoves 2 �74�� 54�.� Refrigerator/Freezer 2 37�.00 �48.00 Automatic Washer 2 284.00 568.00 Dryer 2 2.04.00 408.p0 Toasters 3 26.00 78.p0 Irons 5 25.00 125,00 , Mixer 1 45.00 45.00 � Vacuum Cleaner 2 140.00 2$0.00 ! Radio � � 50.00 250.00 � TV Set 2 350.00 7pp,pp ! Chest Freezer 1 349.00 3�+9•� � Fire Extin�uishers 5 ?5�pp 375��Q Phonograph 2 '150.00 300.00 Perculator � 5p�� 5��� j Miscellaneous Items 1,000.00 � f F Total RENTAL LEASE 08 PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT � � 22'2�4'00 : � � ' ' � � PART II-C �IMETABLE 1st week Project Director - hired Clerk Steno - hired Community Resource Coordinator hired Weeks 1-4 Renovation of site begun Equipment ordered �Ov.C.._.atlOi: Of ��� clvcll.^o.��.:: Y':SOU"C�'.`', '�('.C'Ci<`C� t0 n-uSu�S� �•ilt�"'_ C1 i t�nt ' adjustment begun. Initial meetings with community leaders, •residents, prison staff, and � Department of Corrections Officials begun. Formulation of accounting and record keeping procedures necessary to conduct project business. th week Senior Counselor hired � Weeks 5-8 Formulation of training and staff develo�ment plans Formulation of inethod to be used for clieilt progress and overall project evaluation. Rehabilitation and training materials purchased th week Three (3) Counselor 1's hired Weeks 9-12 Staff trainin� begun • Client screer�ing process begun 1 13th week .____� Two (2) CounseXor 1's promoted to Counselor 11 and/or two (2) Counselor 1's hired. Cook and cook aid hired Input of first client to center begins. Weeks 13-52 Continued project operation I I MODEL CITIES DEPARTMENT OPERATING AGREEMENT PART II - D TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Termination of Contract. (a) If the United States Department o ousing an r an Development should suspend or terminate its Grant Agreement for the Comprehensive City Demon- stration Program with the City of Saint Paul, this Agreement may be terminated by the Model Cities Department; or if, for any cause not the direct result of Model Cities Department actions, the Agency shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if the Agency sha.11 violate any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Agreement, the Model Cities Department sha.11 thereupon have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the Agency of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, except as ma.y be otherwise provided in Notice of Suspension or Termina.tion received by the Model Cities Department from HUD. The notice given to the Agency shall be provided at least thirty days prior to the effective date of such termination. In such event, all fin- ished or unfinished documents, data, studies and reports prepared by the Agency under this Agreement, shall at the option of the Model Cities Depa.rtment become its property, and the Agency shall be en- titled to receive just and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily completed on such documents. (b) Provided, however, tha.t if the Model Cities Department shall exercise its right herein given to terminate this Agreement for cause, it shall nonetheless reimburse the Agency for all amounts expended or indebtedness incurred in good faith in reliance on this Agreement so that the Agency sha.11 be able to complete its accrued and/or current commitments on account of this Agreement. But this provision shall not be construed to relieve the Agency of its lia- b�lith, if any, to the Model Cities Department for damages for eac of contract. (c) Either the Model Cities Department, with the consent of the Model Neighborhood Planning Council, or the Agency may termin- ate this A reement for any reason whatsoever upon the giving of thirty (30� days written notice. In such event, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies and reports prepared by the Agency under this Agreement, sha.11 at the option of the Model Cities Department become its property, and the Agency shall be entitled to receive compensation for work performed satisfactorily to the date of termina.tion of the Agreement only. (Terms and Conditions) 1. � � � (d) Notwithstanding the above, the Agency shall not be relieved of liability to the Model Cities Department for damages sustained by the Model Cities Department by virtue of any breach of this Agreement by the Agency, and Model Cities Department may withhold any payments to the Agency for the purpose of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the Model Cities Department from the Agency is determined. 3.. Chan es . The Model Cities Department may, from time to time, request c nges in the scope of the services of the Agency to be performed hereunder. Such changes, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the Model Cities Depa.rtment and the Agency, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this Agreement. The Agency may not deviate in any respect from the scope of services delineated without the written consent of the Model Cities Department. The Agency shall assist the Model Cities Department and the Policy Board in reviewing and revising these purposes and objectives in light of the experience from the activities of the project for the duration of this Agreement. Such assistance sha.11 include, but not be limited to, cooperating in the monitoring and evaluation activities of the Model Cities Department, participating in the continuing planning activities o� the Mode1 Cities Department and generally providing advice and counsel. The Agency and the Model Cities Depa.rtment may revise, amend, and/or add to the purposes and objectives by clarifying language and/or by quantifying any or all of the purposes and objectives. Any such revisions and amendments shall be in the form of amend- ments to this Agreement. 4. Personnel. (a) The Agency represents that it ha.s, or will secure at its own expense, all personnel required in perform- ing the services under this Agreement. Such personnel shall not be employees of or ha.ve any contractua.l relationship with the Model Cities Department. (b) All of the services required hereunder shall be per- formed by the Agency or under the supervision of the Agency, and all personnel engaged in the work sha.11 be fully qua.lified and shall be authorized or permitted to perform such services in accordance with applicable Federal, State and local laws . (Terms and Conditions) 2. � � 1 (c) None of the work or services covered by this Agreement sha.11 be subcontracted without the prior w�ritten a�proval of the Model Cities Department. Any work or services subcontracted here- under sh.a.11 be specified by written contract or agreement a�-�d shall be subject to each provision of this Agreement. 5. Anti-Kickback Rules . Salaries of architects, draftsmen, technical engineers, and technicians performing work under this Agreement shall be paid unconditiona.11y and not less often than once a month without deduction or rebate on any account exce�t only such payroll deductions as are mandatory by law or perTnitted by the applicable regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the "Anti-Kickback Act" of June 13, 1934 (48 Stat. 948; 62 Stat. 740; 63 Stat. 108; title 18 U.S .C. , section 874; and title 40 U.S .C. , section 276c) . The Agency shall comply with all applicable "Anti-Kickback" regulations and sha.11 insert appropriate provisions in all subcontracts covering work under this Agreement to insure compliance by subco�ntractors with such regulations, and shall be responsible for the submission o.f affi- davits required of subcontractors thereunder except as the Secretary of L�.bor may specifically provide for variations of or exemptions from the requirements thereof. 6. Pro_ject Coordination. The Agency, by its designee, shall participate w t t e o e ities Department in regular meetings for the purpose of coordina.ting efforts and continuing the planning of the program. The Agency shall establish liaison and coordina.te activities with programs of other agencies functioning in related field pro- viding service in the Model Neighborhood area. 7 . Citizen Partici ation. (a) The Operating Agency shall cooperate w—'it�t e o e ities Department in informing the appro- priate Model Cities Task Force of the activities of the Agency in carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. (b) Representatives of the Agency shall attend meetings of the appropriate Task Forces upon the request of the Model Cities Department. 8. Reduction of Services. In the event the Agency fails to fulfill t e erms an con itions of this Agreement in a satis- factory manner as determined by the Mo�3el Cities Depar�ment, the Model Cities Departme�nt reserves the right, as its sole option, (Terms and Conditions) 3. to reduce or diminish the services of the Agency and reduce the project budget in a manner which reflects such reduction or diminution. 9. Assi nabilit . The Agency shall not assign any interest in this Agreement an sha.11 not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or novation) without the prior written consent of the Model Cities Department thereto. 10. Subcontract and Other A reements. The Agency sha.11 not subcontract any portion o t e services to be provided hereunder without the prior written consent of the Model Cities Department. All consultants ' contracts shall be approved by the Model Cities Department prior to the execution of any Agreement thereto. Any purchase of real estate shall also receive prior approval of the Model Cities Department. The Agency further agrees tha.t prior to the execution of any contract or other legal instrument concerning the services to be provided hereunder, it will submit said con- tract to the Model Cities Department for its prior written approval. 11. Restrictions on Disbursements. No money under this Agreement shall be disbursed by the Agency to any contractor except pursuant to a written contract which incorporates all Supplemental General Conditions to this Contract and unless the Agency agrees to compliance with HUD requirements with regard to accounting and fiscal matters to the extent that they are applicable. 12. Failure of Interna.l S stems. The Agency further agrees that shoul its au it, reports, or internal system of control prove to be inadequate in the determina.tion of the Model Cities Depart- ment, the Model Cities Depa.rtment reserves the right to enter upon the Agency's premises and perform all acts necessary and relevant to the establishment of a proper system of internal fiscal control. The Model Cities Department shall have the right to place its per- sonnel� agents, or independent contractors upon the premises of the Agency and use Agency� s personnel to function in this area. The Model Cities Department agrees tha.t at such time when the system or systems conform to satisfactory practices, it will return jur- isdiction and control to the Agency. 13. Ope�atin Procedures . The Model Cities Department re- serves the rig t to prescri e uniform operating procedures for the Agency at such times when the Model Cities Department deems it necessary. 14. Model Cities Identification in Pro 'ect Activities . (a) All buildings, o ices an aci ities use y t e gency to fulfill (Terms and Conditions) 4, the obligations under this Agreement shall identify the City of Saint Paul Model Cities Department as a sponsor of the activity in a manner to be approved by the Model Cities Department. (b) All stationery, informa.tiona.l releases, pamphlets and brochures or other material prepared and/or distributed by the Agency shall identify the City of Saint Paul Model Cities Depart- ment and the U. S . Department of Housing and Urban Development as sponsors of the activity, in a ma.nner to be approved by the Model Cities Depa.rtment. 15. Dis lacement and Relocation. The Agency shall immedi- ately noti y t e o e ities epartment and its Relocation Officer if any of the Agency' s activities supported by the Model Cities Supplemental Funds or any other public funds will result in the displacement and/or relocation of families, individua.ls or � businesses within the Model Neighborhood. Such notification shall occur immediately upon knowledge that the activity will cause such displacement and/or relocation that the Model Cities Department and the relocation office can provide relocation assistance pay- ments . If relocation of displacees is infeasible, the Model Cities Department ma.y direct the termination of the activities causing further displacement. 16. Maintenance of Effort. It is agreed that any funds made available un er provisions o t is Agreement sha.11 be used to in- crease the total amount of services provided and the total amount of funds spent in the Model Neighborhood by the Agency. Under no circumstances shall funds being made available under this Agreement be used to pay for activities already being provided by the Agency in the Model Neighborhood. The Model Cities Department may request documentation concern- ing previous effort and expenditures by the Agency in the Model Neighborhood to enable the Model Cities Department to determine if the Agency is increasing its services and the spending of funds in the Model Neighborhood. 17. E ua.l Em lo ent 0 ortunit . During the performance of this Agreement, e gency agrees as ollows : (a) The Agency will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, age or na.tional origin. The Agency will take affirmative action to en- sure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, (Terms and Conditions) 5, , � age, or national origin. Such action sha.11 include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or ter- mina.tion; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selec- tion for training, including apprenticeship. The Agency agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and appli- cants for employment, notices to be provided by the Model Cities Depa.rtment setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimina.tion clause. (b) The Agency will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Agency, state tha.t all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, sex, age, color, or na.tional origin. (c) The Agency will cause the foregoing provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered by this Agreement so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor, provided that the foregoing provisions sha.11 not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 18. Discrimina.tion Because of Certain Labor Ma.tters. No person emp oye on t e wor covere y t is greement s 11 be discharged or in any way discriminated against because he ha.s filed any complaint or instituted or caused to be instituted any proceed- ing or ha.s testified or is about to testify in any proceeding under or relating to the labor standards applicable hereunder to his employer. 19. Com liance with Local La.ws. The Agency sha.11 comply with all app ca e aws, or inances, and codes of the state and local governments, and shall commit no trespass on any public or private property in performing any of the work embraced by this Agreement. 20• Interest of Members of Model Cities De rtment. No mem- ber of the governing o y o t e o e ities epartment, and no other officer, employee, or agent of the Model Cities Department, who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the carrying out of the project to which this Agreement pertains, shall ha.ve any persona.l interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement. 21. Interest of Other Local Public Officials. No member of the governing o y o t e oca ity in w ic t e project area is situated, and no other public official of such locality, who exercises any functions or responsibilities in the review or ap- proval of the carrying out of the project to which this Agreement (Terms and Conditions) 6. ; � r pertains, shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement. 22. Interest of Certain Federal Officials. No member of or Delegate to t e ongress o t e nite tates, and no Resident Commissioner, sha.11 be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit to arise herefrom. 23. Interest�of Ag�encY. The Agency covena.nts tha.t it pres- ently has no teres—t an3 sFiall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect in the above-described project area or any parcels therein or any other interest which would conflict in any ma.nner or degree with the performance of its services hereunder. The Agency further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement no person having any such interest shall be employed. 24. Findin s Confidential. All of the reports, information, data, etc. , prepare or assemTTed by the Agency under this Agree- ment are confidential, and the Agency agrees that they shall not be made available to any individua.l or organization without the prior written approval of the Model Cities Department. 25 . Purchase of Nonexpendable Property with Model Cities Funds . The agency shall maintain a record for each item of nonexpendable property acquired for the program. At the con- clusion of this project or activity all nonexpendable property acquired by the agency with Model Cities funds shall revert to the city. Nonexpendable property is property which will not be consumed or lose its identity by being incorporated into another item of property, which costs �100 or more per unit and is expected to have a useful life of one year or more . Grouping of l.ike items such as chairs with an aggregate cost in excess of �100 ahal_1 also be controlled and accounted for as nonexpendable �roF�erty even though the cost of a single item is less than 100. The record shall include (a) description of the item of property including model and serial number if applicable , (b) date of acquisition, (c ) the acquisition cost or assigned value to the program, and (d) the source of funds expended for the acquisition of property ( i . e . , agency funds or Model Cities �unds ) . It shall also include information as to whether the item of property was new or used at the time of acquisition. The ag�regate of the individual costs shown on the record cards stiall equal the balan�e in the subsidiary costs account for non- expendable property. The fiscal inventory shall be taken and reconciled with the record card annually. (Terms and Conditions) 7. � � Y U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT MODEL CITIES ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CONTRACTS WITH OPERATING AGENCIES AND CONTRACTORS* The following conditions take precedence over any conflicting conditions in the Contract: �EC. l. Restriction on Disbursements. -- No money under this Contract shall be disbursed by the Agency to ar�y contractor except pursuant to a written contract which incor,porates the applicable Supplementary General Conditions and unless the contractor is in compliance with HUD requirements with �egard to accounting and fiscal ma,tters, to the extent they are applicable� SEC. 100. Definitions. -- As used in this Contract: (A) Agency means an entity, whether public or private, which has the responsibility for administering a project or activity. (B) Area means the model neighborhood designated in the Fro�ra.m. (C) Contractor means an entity, other than an Agency (except as noted in the Labor Standards Provisions) that flzrnishes to the City or to an Agency services or supplies (other than standard commercial supplies, office space or printing services) . (ll) HUD means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or a person authorized to act on his behalf. (E) Pro�ra,m means the Comprehensive Demonstration Progra.m approved by HUD as the same may from time to time be a.mended. SEC. 101. Records. -- (A) Establishment and. Ma,intenance of Records. -- Records shall be main- tained in accordance with requirements prescribed by HUD or the City with respect to all ma.tters covered by this Contract. Except as otherwise author- ized by HUD, such records shall be maintained for a period of three years after receipt of the final payment under this Contract. (B) llocumentation of Costs. -- All costs shall be supported by properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers, or other official documentation evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. All checks, payrolls, invoices, contracts, vouchers, orders, or other accounting documents pertaining in whole or in part to this Contract shall be clearly identified and read.i�jr accessible. * The conditions must be incorporated in (1) City contracts with operatin� agencies, (2) City contracts with contractors, (3) Operatin� agency con- tracts with contractors. ** The bracketed material should be deleted in contracts with contractors. HUD-7050 i2—es� � ' , 2 SEC. 102. Reports and Information. -- At such times and in such forms as HUD or the City may require, there shall be flzrnished to HUD or the City such statements, records, reports, data and information, as HUD or the City may request pertaining to matters covered by this Contract. SEC. 103. Aud.its and Inspections. -- At anp� time during normal business hours and as often as the City, HUI) and�or the Comptroller General of the United States ma,y deem necessary, there shall be made available to the City, HUD and�or representatives of the Comptroller General for examination all of its records with respect to all matters covered by this Contract and will permit the City, HUD and�or representatives of the Comptroller General to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, conditions of emplayment and other data relatiag to all matters covered by this Contract. SEC. 10�. HUD Requirements. -- Unearned payments under this Contract may be suspended or terminated upon reflisal to accept ar�y ad.ditional cond.itions that may be imposed by HUD at ar�y time; or if the grant to the City under Title I of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act oi 1966 is sus- pended or terminated. SEC. 105. Conflict of Interest. -- (A) Interest of Members of City. -- No officer, employee, or agent of the City who exercises arr��yy ftinctions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the Program, or ar�y other person who exer- cises ar�y ftii.nctions or responsibilities in connection with the Program, shall have ar�y personal financial interest, direct or ind,irect, in this Contract; and the Agency shall take appropriate steps to assure compliance. (B) fThe Agency agrees that it will incorporat�e into every contract . required to be in writing the followi.ng provision] Intereat of Contractor and Emt�loyees. -- The Contractor covenants that no person who presently exercises ar�}r functions or responsibilities in connection with the Program, has ar.�y personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract. The Contractor flxrther covenants that he presently has no intereat and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, in the Model Neighborhood Area or ar�y parcels therein, which would conflict in ar�y manner or degree with the performa.nce of his services hereunder. Z'he Contract flarther covenants that in the performaxice of this Contract no person having ar�y conflicting interest shall be employed. Any interest on the part of the Contractor or his employees must be dis- closed to the Agency and, the City. Provided, however, that this paxagraph shall be interpreted in such a maxmer so as not to unreasonably impede the statutory requirement that maximum oppor- tunity be provided for employment of and paxticipation by reeidents of the axea. *� The bracketed material should be deleted in contracts with contractors. HU D-709012-e9) • � � 3 SLC. 106. Opportunities for Residents. -- In all work made possible by or resulting from this Contract, affirma.tive action will be taken to ensure that residents of the model neighborhood axea are given maximum oppor- tunities for training and employment and that business concerns located in or owned in substantial paxt by residents of the model• neighborhood are to the greatest extent feasible, awasded contracts. SEC. 107. Discrimination Prohibited. -- (A) In all hiring or employment made possible by or resulting from this Contract, there (1) will not be any discrimination against ar�y employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and (2) affirma.tive action will be taken to ensure that applicants axe employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion� sex, or national origin. This requirement shall apply to but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment a.d.vertising; lay-off or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, includ- ing apprenticeship. There shall be posted in conspicuous pla,ces available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by HUD setting forth the provisions of this clause. Al1 solicitations or advertisements for employees shall state that a11 qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. (B) No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be sub�ect to discrimina,tion under ar�y program or activity made possible by or resulting from this Contract. The Agency and each employer will comply with a11 requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of HUD effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 196�+. �C) The Agency hereby agrees that it will incorporate into ar�y contract for construction work, or modification thereof, as defined. in the regulations of the Secretary of Labor at 41 CFR Chapter 60, which is paid for in whole or in part with flznds obtained pursuant to this Contract, the equal opportunity clause which is a part of the labor standard provisions atta,ched hereto. The Agency flzrther agrees that it will be bound by the equal opportunity clause and other provisions of 41 CFR Chapter 60 with respect to its own employ- ment practices when it participates in federally assisted construction work: Provided, That if the Agency so paxtici�ating is a State or local �overnment, the above equal opportunity clause is not applicable to ar�y agency, instrumental- ity, or subdivision of such government which does not paxticipate in work on or under the contract. The Agency agrees that it will assist and cooperate actively with HU'D and the Secretary of Labor in obtaining the compliance of contractors and subcon- tractors with the equal opportunity clause and the rules, regulations, and rele- vant orders of the Secretary of Labor, that it will flzrnish HUD and the Secretary Muo-�osu�x-69) � � ! T of Labor such inforruation as they may require for the supervision of such complia.nce, and that it will otherwise �ssist HUD in. the discharge of its primary responsibility for securing compliance. The Agency �ther agrees that it will refrain from entering into ar�y contract or contract modification sub�ect to Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, with a contractor de�axred from, or who has not demon- strated eligibility for, Government contracts and federally assisted construc- tion contracts pursuant to the Executive Order. In addition, the Agency a�rees that if it fails or reflises to compl,y with these undertakings, the City may take ar�y or all of the following actions: Terminate or suspend in whole or in part this Contract; refrain from extending any further assistance to the Agency under the program with respect to which the failure or refusal occurred until satisfactory assurance of fliture compliance has been received from such Agency; and refer the case to the Depaxtment of Justice for appropri- ate legal proceedings. SEC. 108. Labor Standaxds. -- There shall be included in all construc- tion contracts, made possible by or resulting from this Contract, with private entities the applicable labor stand.ards provisions, if the work being carried on is not otherwise sub3ect to �rovision of Federal law imposing labor standards on federally assisted construction and in the case of residential pro�ects if the pro3ect is designed for the residential use of �ight or more families�- SEC. 109. Copyrights. -- If this Contract results in a book or other copyrightable material, the author is free to copyright the work, but HUD reservea a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocab�.e license to reproduce, . publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, all copyrighted ma,terial and all ma,terial whieh can be copyrighted. SEC. 110. Pa.tents. -- Ar�y discovery or invention arising out of or developed in the course of work aided by this Contract shall be promptly and flz11y reported to HUD for determination by HUD as to whether patent protection on such invention or discovery shall be sought and how the ri�hts in the in- vention or discovery, including rights under any patent issued thereon, shall be disposed of and administered, in order to protect the public interest. SEC. 111. Political Activity Prohibited. -- None of the fluids, ma.terials, property or services provided directly or indirectly under this Contract shall be used in the performance of this Contract for ax�r paxtisan political a.ctivity, or to flirther the election or defeat of at�y candidate for public office. SEC. 112. Lobbying Prohibited. -- None of the f`unds provided under this Contract shall be used for publicity or propaganda purposes designed to support or defeat legislation pending before the Congress. *� The bracketed material shall be deleted in contracts involving construc- tion, rehabilitation, alteration or repair work with private entities. The attached labor standards provisions shall be inserted in lieu of Sec- tions 107 a.nd 108. In contracts for such work with public entities, only sections 1 - 3 of the labor standard provisions should be included. HUD�70� (2�69) �U.S.GOVEqNMENT iqINTING OIFICE:1f6i O-7]5-0�2 1 � � U.S. DEPARTMENT OF NOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT MODEL CITIES ADMINISTRATION LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS 1. OPPORTUNITIES FOR RESIDENTS In a].l work made possible or resulting from this Contract, affirmative action will be taken to ensure that residents of the model neighborhood axea �.re given maximum opportunity for training and employment and that business concerns located in or owned in substa.ntial part by residents of the model neighborhood are to the greatest extent feasible, awaxded contracts. 2. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY A. During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: (1) The Contractor will not discriminate against ar�y employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Contract will take affirma.tive action to ensure that applica.nts are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regaxd to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. , Such action shall includ.e, but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in con- spicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided setting �orth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The Contractor will, in a.11 solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national. origin. (3) The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or workers' representatives of the Contractor's commitm�ents under this section, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The Contractor will comply with a11 provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 2�+, 1965, a.nd of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (5) The Contractor will furnish all informa.tion and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 2�+, 1965, and by rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, a.ud will permit access HUD-JOSI f2—eo) ' , , 2 to his books, records, and accounts by HUD and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regula- tions, and orders. (6) In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondis- crimination clauses of this Contract or with ar�y of the said rules, regu.la- tions, or orders, this Contract ma�r be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor ma.y be declaxed ineligible for flzrther Government contracts or federally assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 112�+6 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 112�+6 of September 2�+, 1965, or by rule, regula- tion or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. (7) The Contractor will include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding paragraph (1) and the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (7) above and paragraph B below in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 112�+6 of September 2�+, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Contractor • will take such action with respect to ar�y subcontract or purchase order as HUD ma.y direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanetions for noncompliance: Provided, however, That in the event a Contractor becomes in- volved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by HUD, the Contractor �nay request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. B. Non-Segregated Facilities. The Contractor certifies that he does not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at ar�y of his establishments, and that he does not pe_rmit his employees to perform their services at at�y location, under his control, where segregated facilities axe maintained. The Contractor covenants that he will not maintain or provide for his employees ar�y segregated facilities at ar�y of his establishments, and that he will not permit his eruployees to perform their services at ar�y location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. As used in this paragraph the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, restrooms and washrooms, restaurants and other eating areas, timeclocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, paxking lots, dsinkin� fountains, recreation or entertainment axeas, transportation, and housing facilities pro- vided for employees which are se�regated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. 3• SPECIAL USE OF TERM Notwithstanding Section 100 of the Grant Agreement and Section 100 of the Supplementary General Conditions, the term "Contractor" may include an'bperating Agenc�' as defined in the Grant Agreement and an"Agenc�'as defined in the Supplementary General Conditions. Huo_�osi �:-e�, � , . 3 4. DAVIS-BACON ACT (1) Minimum wa�es. (i) All mechanics and laborers employed or working upon the site of the work will be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on ar�y account (except such payroll deductions as are permitted by regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act (29 CFR Part 3)), the full axnounts due at time of payment computed at wage rates not less than those contained in the wage determination decision of the Secretary of Labor which is attached hereto and ma.de a part hereof, re�ardless of ar�y contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the Contractor and such laborers and mechanics; and the wage determination decision shall be posted by the Contractor at the site of the work .in a prominent place where it can be easily seen by the workers. For the purpose of this clause, contributions ma:de or costs reasonably antici- pated under section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act on behalf of laborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, subject to the provisions of 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(iv). Also for the purposes of this clause, regular contributions made or costs incurred for more than a week]�y period under plans, flznds, or pro�rams, but covering the particulas weekly period, are deemed to be constructively made or incurred during such week�y period.. (ii) The Contracting Officer shall require that ar�y class of laborers or mechanics which is not listed in the wage determina.tion and which is to be employed under the Contract, shall be classified or reclassified conformably to the wage determination, and a report of the action taken shall be sent by the Federal agency to the Secretary of Labor. In the event the interested parties cannot agree on the proper classification or reclassification of a particulax class of laborers and mechanics to be used, the question accor¢panied by the recommendation of the Contracting Officer sha11 be referred to the Secretary for final determination. (iii) The Contracting Officer shall require, whenever the minimum wage rate prescribed in the Contract for a class of laborers or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is not expressed as an hourly wage rate and the Contractor is obligated to pay a cash equivalent of such a fringe benefit, an hourly cash equivalent thereof to be established. In the event the interested parties cannot agree upon a cash equivalent of the fringe benefit, the question, accompanied by the recommendation of the Contracting Officer, shall be referred to the Secretary of Labor for determination. (iv) If the Contractor does not make payments to a trustee or other third person, he may consider as paxt of the wages of ar�y laborer or m�chanic the amount of any costs reasonab]y anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or program of a type expressly listed in the wage determina.tion decision of the Secretary of Labor which is a part of this Contract: Provided, however, the Secretary of Labor has found, upon the written request of the Contractor, that the applicable standasds of the Davis-Bacon Act have been met. The Secretary of Labor may require the Contractor to set aside in a separate account assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan or progra.m. Hucaosi iz-e9► � � ► ' ZF (2) Withholding. HUD may withhold or cause to be withheld f`rom the Contractor so much of the accrued payments or advances as may be considered necessaxy to pay laborers and mechanics employed by the Contractor or ar�y subcontractor on the work the flzll amount of wages required by the Contract. In the event of failure to pay arLy laborer or mechanic employed or working on the site of the work, HUD may, after written notice to the Contractor, take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of ar�y further payment, ad.vance, or guarantee of fluzds until such violations have ceased. (3) Payrolls and basic records. (i) Payrolls and basic records relating thereto will be ma.intained during the course of the work and preserved for a period of three years thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working at the site of the work. Such records will contain the name and ad.dxess of each such employee, his correct classification, rates of pay (including rates of contribu- tions or costs anticipated of the types described in section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act), daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductions made and actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretaxy of Labor has found under 29 CFR 5•5(a)(1)(iv) that the wages of ar�y laborer or mechanic include the a.mount of ar�y costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or pro�ram described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act, the Contractor shall maintain records which show that the commitment to provide such benefits is enforceable, that the plan or program is financiaLl,y responsible, and that the plan or program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics affected, and records which show the costs anticipated or the actua,l cost incurred in providing such benefits. (ii) The Contractor will submit week�y a copy of all payrolls to the City if the City is a party to the Contract, but if the City is not such a party the Contractor will submit the payrolls to the Agency for tra.nsmission to the City, for transmission to HUD. The copy shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the employer or his agent indicating that the payroll.s are correct and com- plete, that the wage rates contained therein are not less than those determined by the Secretary of Labor and that the classifications set forth for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work he performed. A submission of a "Week�y Statement of Compliance" which is required under this Contract and the Copeland regulations of the Secretary of Labor (29 CFR, Part 3) and the filin� with the initial payroll or ar�y subsequent payroll of a copy of ar�y findings by the Secretary of Labor under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(iv) shall satisf�r this requirement. The prime Contractor shall be responsible for the submission of copies of pay- rolls for all subcontractors. The Contractor will make the records required under the labor standards clauses of the Contract available for inspection by authorized representatives of HUD, the City �r the A�enc� and the Depaxtment of Labor, and will permit such representatives to interview employees during work- ing hours on the �ob. (�+) Apprentices. Apprentices will be permitted to work as such only when they are registered, individually, under a bona fide apprenticeship prog-ram registered with a State apprenticeship agency which is recognized by the Bureau HUD-70S1 �t—ae� Z . 4 5 of Apprenticeship anci Training, United "atates Depaxtment of Lanor; or, if no such recognized agency exists in a State, under a program registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of �,pprer:tices to �ourneymen in ar�y craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the Contractor as to his entire work force under the registered program. Ar�y employee listed on a payroll at a.n apprentice wage rate, k�ho is not registered as above, shall be paid the wage rate determined by the Secretary of Labor for the classifica- tion of work he actuall,y performea. The Contractor or subcontractor will be required to ftiirnish to the Contr�.cting Officer written evidenc� o.f the registration of his program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate ratios and wage rates, for the area of construction prior to using ar�y apprentices on the contract work. (5) Compliance with Copeland Regulations (29 CFR Part 3�. The Contractor shall comply wivh �he Cop�land Regulations 29 CFR Part 3) of the Secretaxy of Labor which are herein incorporated by reference. (6) Subcontracts. The Contractor will insert in ar�y subcontracts the clauses contained in 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1) through (5) and (7) and such other clauses as HUD may by appropriate instructions require, and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include �hese clauses in ar�y lower tier sub- contracts which they may enter into, together with a clause requiring this insertion in any further subcontracts tha� may in turn be ma,de. (7) Contract termination; debarment. A breach of clauses . (1) through (6) may be grounds for termination of the contract, and for debarment as pro- vided in 29 CFR 5.6. 5. CONTRACT WORK HOURS STANDARDS ACT (1) Overtime rec�uirements. PIo Cc�ntractor or subcontractor contracting for ar�y part of the coritract S�rork which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mecha..nics shall require or permit ar�y laborer or mechanic in ar�y workweek in which he is employed on such work to work in excess of eight hours in ar�y calendar day or in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receiv�s compensatian at a rate not less than one and one-half times his basi.c rate of' pay for al1 hours worked in excess of eight hours in ar.�y calendar day or in excess of forty hours in such workweek, as the case may be. (2) Violation• liabilit ior un ai�. w es• li uidated d es. In the event of ar�y violation of the clause set forth in subparagraph 1 , the Con- tractor and a.r�y subcontractor responsibJ_e therefor shall be liable to aa�y affected employee for his unpaid wages. In addit�on, such Contractor and sub- , contractor shall be liable to -the United States (in the case of work done under contre.ct for the District of' Columbia or a f�erritory, to such District HUD-,70S1 (2-a9) � � . . 6 or to such territory), for liquidated dama�es. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual labo.rer or mechanic emplayed in violation of the clause set forth in subparagraph (1) in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such employee was required or permitted to work in excess of eight hours or in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overti.me wages required by the clause set forth in sub- paragraph (1) . (3) Withholding for unpaid wa�es and liquidated damages. HUD may with- hold or cause to be withheld, f�om any moneys payable on account of work per- formed by the Contractor or subcontractor, such sums as may adzainistratively be determined to be necessary to satisf�r as.�y liabilities of such Contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated dama,ges as provided in the clause set forth in subpaxagraph (2) . (4) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall insert in ar�y subcontracts the clauses set forth in subpaxa�graphs (1), (2), and (3) of this paragraph and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in ar�y lower tier subcontracts which they may enter into, together with a clause requiring this insertion in ar�y further subcontracts that.may in turn be made. MUDa0S1 �:-64, �c,D.wa.�., o. c. 236133-P � � ! �°_' � � ° om om.o � ►� p m � � � N• �°s o � K °. �. � �i � � � � � �S � � � 1 n �.�i. � c+ ' � � c� fi � ��y O � � � � H � ch �C t�p! F7• � F"� �"� ��'! 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