D001157ll / • ADMINISTT2ATIVE ORDER, CITY OF SAINT PATJL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORAER NO: '�J�� i �J DATE: "°� � r r 1 Whereas, engineering staff for the Department of Public Works required an accessibiliry test at the tunnel being constructed on Kellogg Boulevazd at the Civic Center, and; Whereas, the Dakota County Technical College provided an eighteen wheele@ vehicle to navigate the roadway and tunnei, and; Whereas, the Department of Public Works believes this test was beneficial to both parties and that it is in our best interest to further promote goodwill between these agencies by reimbursing the Dakota County Technical Coilege student acriviry fund for fuel usage, and; Now, tUerefare, be it reso]ved that the Department of Public Works has authorization to pay the sum of two hundred dotlazs to Dakota County Technical College for assisting us in testing roadway accessibiliry. • APPROVED AS TO FORM ,��� ��L„P� 2-2e -��1 Assistant City Attorney . DaYe Departm t Head y �7y� � '�C�A57V1�. .Q�WV� � Admmistranve Assistant to Mayor �bS-053� Pubtic works CdNTAGT P�RSON $ PHONE Iarry Lueth 266-6683 # OF SIGNATUflE PAGES 2/10l97 ASSIGN GREEN SHEET � r � 5 � o.34531 wm re �EPARTMENfWRECTOR � Clil'COUNCR O CITV ATTORNEY � GN CLERK � BUDGET �IRECTOR 6 F!N & MGT. SE � MAYOF(OR ASSISTMIT) � � � (C[1P ALi. LACATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) ❑2 �OCIATE� Q3 DEPAR7MENT Rfl AutEiorizauon to reimburse Dakota County Technical Collene for their participarion in a roadway accessibility test SEiX1MMENDA770NS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CNIL SERVIGE COMMf5S10N ___ C18 COMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ __ DISTAICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS NMICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE'� PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MtJST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOlY1NG QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfitm ever woMced under a contraa for ihis departrnent? YES NO 2. Has ihis pefsoNfirm ever been a ciry empbyee? YES NO 3. Does ihis persoNFirm possess a sltill not nortnally possessed by am/ curteni ciry employee? YES NO Expiain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attacfi to green sheM INRiATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, NMEN, WHERE, WFiYj: A roadway accessibiliry test was raquirad during construction of the Kellogg Blvd tunnel at the Civic Center and Dakota County Technical Cotlege provided suitable vehicles for testing purposes. The Department of Public Works seeks to contrib�te toward the fuel cosu incurred during this test. AOVANTAGES If AGPROVEO: tesi was beneficial to both pazties and future goodwill between these agencies will be promoted. ���������� �EB 2 � 1991 � �� �� �� � � �� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None �ECEIVED FEB 2 619�7 �;ITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � County Technical Coilege will not receive any monetary compensation for their testing services that the Depariment of Public tequ'ued and greafly benefited from. $ ����� COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONEj YES No FUNDING SOURCE PW Fn�ineeripg Fnnd �1C'fIVfTY NUMBER ZQS-121S0-0S35 FINANGAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) LY�