256438 OR161NA1}TO CITY CL6RK ^�V 4�� CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENC�� NO. r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, Pursu nt to Section 203.3 of the City Charter, The Comptroller has reported to the City Council that there are presently funds available in the General Revenue Fund Balance - Dedicated Health and Welfare Program, and WHEREAS, The Council finds that it is necessary to provide an additional appropriation for expenses being incurred in activity account number 0900, Health and Welfare, therefore, be it RESOLVED That the appropriation in the 1971 Budget for Health and Welfare in Charter Fund 25, Employee Benefits, is hereby increased as follows: General Government Accounts Appropriation Charter Fund 25 - Employee Benefits 0900 Health and Welfare 431 Health and Welfare Premiums $12,000.00 Total Additional $12,000.00 and be it FURTHER RESCILVED, That the item in the 1971 Schedule of Fund Balances Applied - Schedule D for Health and Welfare be increased in the amount of $12,000.00, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the 1971 Revenue Summary, Fund Balance - Dedicated - Schedule D be increased by $12,000.00, and be it FINALLY RES(ILVED, That this resolution shall not be adopted by the Council until after a public hearing has been held, and for which five (5) days public notice shall be given once in the official newspaper of the City, � and the approval of the City Comptroller is endorsed on this resolution. Approved: Approved: ..,�,. 'c�$_—�" � 0 n.L_ A�w i G�a �Gorporation Couns�l City Comptr er COUNCi�.11�N Adopted by the coun�i P10V 19 197�9_ Yeas Naya ' Butler NQV 1� 19�-� Ap � 19— y� u�� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ,� � Mayor Tedesco ASainat r� Mr. President, McCarty P�eu�Ee NOV �9197� ,'� ��9 �� � ��1��� �`_ . �'�' , .I , ' ,aP��.14�I I� �"���Q C .j� ��I �.., �'.' �'�t` �����, I��K..�� I l ; � ' 'i ` �� ��, �, t,�. �,; � c��=� �� DU�LICATL TO PRIN7=It 25�43� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNdc ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�a�r�er COMIr115510NE1! �ATE J W��E118, Pur�wat to S�ction 203.3 of ths City Charter, The Camptroller ha� raported to the City Council that there ar: presently funda availabla in the G�neral �evecwe Fuad Balsnce - Dedicated Health and Welfare Program, and WlREAB, The Council finda that it is saceaaarq to provide an additioaal appropriation for expeaoea being incnrred in activity accouat aumber 0900, l�ealth aad Welfare� therefore, be it �SQ.VBD That the appropriation in t'he 197i Budget for Bealth and Welfart in Cbsrtsr Fund 25, Bmploqee Dene�fita, i� hareby increasad as folloMas General Governmant Accounts • Appropriatioa � Chart�r Fuad 2� - Bmploy�ee Benstits 0900 Health sad WeZfara 431 8ealth aad Welfsre Premiuma $12.00Q.00 Total Additionsl $12,0OO.OQ and be it FORTAER �ESQ.VSD, That the item ia the 1971 Schadule of Fuad Balances Applied - Schedule D for �Iaalth and i�Ielfare be increased in the amouat of $12,000.00, and be it FURT�R RBS�V$D� Thst tha 19?2 �eveaue Su�mary, Buad Balaac.e - Dedicat4d - 8chedule D be increeaed by $1Z,000.00, aad be it FINALLY RSB�,VSD, That this ri�salution •hall not be adopted by the Co�tncil until after a public haarir�g haa be�n he�ld, and for Which five (5) duys public aotice .hall be given oace in tha official newspaper of the City, aad the approval of the City Coasptroller is eador�ed on Chia reaolution. Approveds Approvedz �' / Corporation Counsel Gitq Comptr ler COUNCILMEN Adop�ed by the Co�m � 1�40V 191971s— Y� But�� Na� HOV 19197'� � Approv� 19— T '�°'�' Tn Favor Meredith ` Sprafka �� �r Tedeaco A S��t Mr. President, McCarty ��