256434 �Z�b��3�� conaoil Fite xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunde�nedhe�e��000eeethemal�ingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8aint Psul,vis.: Condemning and taking a 30 foot permanent storm water sewer easement within the Conway Height Recreation Center property on, over, across and '. through that part of the NE�, SE�, Sec. 35 - T2gN - R22W, the centerline ,' of said easement being 15 feet northwesterly of and parallel to the nrothwesterly lines of lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Add. No. 1 and exter�ding from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Te�ra�e Add. No. l . Also a 20 foot temporary construction easement on a strip of land through s�id Sec. 35 northwesterly of and adJoining the above described permanent easement, said temporary easement to terminate on January 1 , 1973, or upon completion and approvat of said sewer. This easement being necessary for the construction of the Pederson-Third Relief Sewer System (5-1434) . t aaaia�ai�aat�cai�a vtWJ`i1t. WHER,EAS, A writtea propoeal for the making of the following improvement,via.: Co�demning and taking a 30 foot permanent storm water sewer easement ;a��� within the Conway Height Recr�ati�n Cer�ter property on, over, across and through that part af the h2E�;, SE�, Sec. 35 - T29N - R22W, the centerline � of said easement heing 15 feet northt��esterly of and parallel to the no��hw�sterly iines of lots t ard 16, Blocfc 4, Sun R�y Terrace Add. Na. 1 and extending from Wilson �venue to the YJ85t lin� of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun � Ray Te rrace Add. No. 1 . � Also a 20 f�ot temporary construction easem�nt on a strip of land through said Sec. 35 northv�esterly of ar�d ad�oinin� the above described permanent easement, said temparary easerr�nt to terminate on January 1 , 1973, or upon cor�pleti�an and a;oproval of said sewer. This easement being necessary for the construction af the Psderson-Third Relief Sewer System � (5-1434) . - - - - - -- - ---r-.....W_.... - . 4. To stnte whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for on Y,he petitio�of three�r more ownere. b. To report upon all of 4�he goregoing mattere to the �mmieeioner o#Fiaanoe. Adopted by the Counail..._.............N�V � 8 ���7� Y�ss �.�-�-�'�- �. • 1971 Counc i lman �°-.��.-C�az.-�-�-¢-� N QV 1 8 �g�#s}r �PPtoved.................. ....................................-- �Rd Y`'�7 ������ Meredit� _ D-°«cc-c-a�n, r - Tedesco ......... .... . .........--- - --�-�---�--» �'`F Mr. Presid�nt n"���� F-�-"-� Maqor. _ �OOD 9-69 � 1 NOV 8 0197� �� �, PUBLL�ti�l�,�---