256400 ORIGINA6'YO CITY CLBRK ���4��� • - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCI RESO�.I�TION GENERA R PRESENTED BY { ../' COMMISSIONE `°'� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, tha.t Sena.te File No. 133, Extra Session, being Chapter 39, La.ws of Minnesota for 1971, approved November 11, 1971, entitled: "An Act relating to the city of Saint Paul; authorizing the condemnation of easements pursuant to its home rule city cha.rter," a certified copy of which is filed herewith, sha.11 be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; and be it RESOLVED FURTHER! Tha.t the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, sha.11 forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate, in form prescribed by the �ttorney General, stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder, and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. M FORM APPROVED: � ��. '�p�st. Corparatian Co sei �ti'V i � ��A COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �', 19�� Butler � r�z L ti�� A •ovecL_ 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty NOV 2+ 0 �97� PUBL1�tiN:ll _._____— � _ .. � - a���b � CEP,TIFICATE OF APPROYAL OP SPECIAL LA1� E�Y �OYERN I�ti 800Y (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021} STATE OF P1iINNF'SOTA County of Ri�MSEY � . TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF 1JIINNESOT�: PLEAyE TAi',E NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the Ci .v of Sa�nt P�nl � � (name oi governmental unitl DOES HEREE� CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laivs, �� Chapter —�_ requiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit tefore it becorr�s effective, the �ty_ Council tdesignate govern�' ,.�bodc) at a meetir� 3uly held on the 16th day of _ November, . , 19�, by resolutio:� Couricil File 256400 did approve said Laws, 1�81 Chapter 39 1If other ihan resolution, speciiy) by a majority vote of all of the members thereof . (Ayes 7 ; No�s � ; Absent or not voting ) and the following additional steps, . � . if any, required by statute or charter were taken: Resolution published in the St. Paul Legal Ledger, official newspaper of the City _of Saint Paul on November 20, 1971. A cop� of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate b� reference. Signed: ._...__._ SEAL � City Clerk (Olfic;al designation of olficer) (This forrn prescribed by the a�torney General 3nd furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Pdir,nesota Statutes 645. 021} `If extraordinary majority is required by the s�ecial law insert fraction or,¢erctnt- age here. ' � �TATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF STATE . �r�Fo . ��r��� � 1971 G�;�. � Se�r<<;�y of State "�' ������� � ORICINAL TO CITY CL6RK • w _ . _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCi RESOLUTION GENERA R PRESENTED BY � V�+ , ( '�j�,l�iL.� COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Senate File No. 133, Extra Session, being Chapter 39, Laws of Minnesota for 1971, approved November 11., 1971, entitled: � � "An Act relating to the city of Saint Paul; authorizing the condemnation of easements pursua.nt to its home rule city charter," a certif?e�l co�y of wY�.?ch is filed herewith; srall be and s�id Act hereby is in all things approved; and be it RESOLVED FURTHERt Tha.t the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate, in form prescribed by _th�.ttorney General, stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder, and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. r . FORM APPROVED: . - F K o.�.�w�--U..V _� � �l� ' � As�paration Co nset � ��� � � �?�+�# COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— � Yeas Nays �, ..� �,:;;j s. Butler �� y � �. i •�3pri �`' r�� : ..._F � A ove 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith � ' Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco - ASauist STATE OF MINNE50TA bEPARTMENT OF STAT� Mr. President, McCarty . F�L E D � �,,���, � � »7� � � `�� +�'•� of State °�'� , Secre.Ur� _-_ .. .. . . .. _. ii��;� , • r ��s . � ,�, a� , � �. , � � �� . - _ _-- _ _ _-_ __ -- ---- -- —. n �__ }-���, -� � �°_ _ � -- , ;- - . � � ��.,-� � . .; � . - i. `,. � ; . . .����� �. ..�_.� '�.�. , �:. � .•7 � � i:� ' � �+ �.aa�;�3r'8�i "�' ,�W� • �,e.r�, � .: � � � M .._ .... ,. 2.. �AS}+wrY -, � .. �i �t�',y .��I ' �— i.^.. . ...:' . • � I i . . ,,�r-.. ;..s..' ` ' ,� �' � ��� ��.. ( � � �,�� ���. �;' =� �� �'� � ? ,�:, ,�, � .a .. �..,M�y�" .w:�r,�....,�x , � , � E�t�� �� i ��� w - �•` �'' . , '„ � •, q��s-s.��� . ,;y4.t � (FTllll Ut: �`��-:���r- ��. . �a�,I � c �� � J�` �pRD1 � � ��: � � .: � � *�� . �� � � . i�q.I � `� — .: ` �_,� P�a. s. � ' � '� 2�y`�� 'p�^S'Z 1 i � �, . -- t s� �� — ..�1� �"r,�i�":� j , it— •�\ .I �1 �` (, -- — , l � �., � �, s � ...�3a; j � � �, , _� �� "a:'.�I� , 1 �.6 5� . �<r ��/�- � .��% ��. C �� . 1 � � %` I�� -r� k l�� ��� �y.� 14I r���� ��•����' � � � � � �.� ��,- . F 1 s <..��.��.., �.- �i� � � -.., .i� ' �1� - _ �'' -- — ,���?'-' =r ��� �: \�� _ r. / �.�`` ` ��' '� \ _' • � "� l, Arl en i. Erdahf, Secretary of �State of the State of �,�;>; ^� , � �t:� I Mi nnesot o, do hereby 'cert i f y that l have com�ared the annexed �''� ' �,�� � coQy with reco.rd of the originol - Acts - �"� ' �� S F No 1 Extra Session bein Cha ter 39 .`�� � �n my off :ce of . . . 33 , � P , _ / �,,a: �,�,1 ; i La.w� of Minnesota for 1971, approved November ll, 1g71 as filed ra}\ � in this office November 11, 1971 - - - - I-�� � ( `�T ~ � -1 _ �. ; :. I,w.�, �. 4. '',:1 , ° �. , �� � t , _ �, �, . � � �� � �. � = , , : � _� I -.��, �_�� � �.� � _ � . ` ♦ ' . �•:� � �, - � � � �\� �I j.,�� / � i ��„ and that said co�y fs a true vnd correct transcri�t of said ��•\� � �� , ,<l ; v - Aets - ` I ` ��-� *, :� l 'r and of the whole thereof fi ' � ". ��:;; 1 C � ; �� i I �+�„�,�;'��a ,..�, �'� Q � fAi TfSTiMONY WHtRfOr l �ave hereunta set my �� 1 ( .• ,�{�1`;,�`'�.`s"t';;'' '� �" �+c�`�.. ��� • '�� � "``� ''1�"' `�< ��, hand and af f ixed the Greot Seal of the � ` i �.( ,�� h .�� �: � ,. �� ° � i ; ��,� ti ,. �,��� : � , �� j ��'� �:� �� State, at the Cayf tol in St. Paul, this '� ��� � '�� �t. � � �� ; � � {�'; � � ���h *day of No emb��A. D.,� 1971 � �, �.��I �3/�t`� ,r �J � - �. '� � .-�-�A_.�� ,� , . � �� �, �:. -� � �,,-�.� �, , `;/�?� °` ,�'�, �'.�` �._/tC � I ����.�I ',,� ; � �"� Secretary of State � '' - �k,,,;�� 6 '` , .� ! �p :;�.. (�� , �d,� �s- �3a � �:+�,c�r" t�"��. a.� .'°�'��`+�a �*+��.:-'� ,.�r -�' ��I` „�'�"^"�'`•,�`.�' aye�{'?i"' �x'S��'°�"*'sf'��aF�xi,,„"�"� °'�",p�'a y+�+4'�ar`�A`°F,..id."'s ,�T'"i.°C'o°i(vcN,"�`,''Ma :a . ;,Y. ,?� .�k.'� t s-b:'�S'�"ya. �^..::. ;+c�1,f,�r ..:8.-=Y`'�Z:er���i.i.+'ti'�.eo?'"'c'r..r.�.�,J�".c�s31�!3���t•s++�,�..c' 4 '�'.�:..'4'Y�7"'''��`S 4.j�..:P°f•,,.kr.r;:.<j�:s.ijy�*st'y�aG.•..a.,��""E. . ..,......._..,..,...-.�.......�..,,.,, _. _. .._. .,...��......,�.., .�,...._.:.._ . ... . .........." '„.._ _._ .._ ..__.,.. ... .,..,_......,.._. .,_.. .. . . ._. ., . . . _..:,. . .....> . .. .. .f�q T,F'q",�. �� � r ' , •� r!;• . � . *e* �' '" � ' S. .F. No. 133 � EXTRA SESSION � � � CH�1P'I'�It No. ��L � � � � � 1 • � 2 �olating to the c� ty o4 S�� nt Pauls 3 euthor4zing the condemnat ♦ on of ' 4 . easements purauent to 1es home rute city � S ' charter. � . � � � 6 BE I7 ENACTED 8Y TNE .I.EGISLATURE OF THE 3?ATE OF MINNESOTAs • "` ' . 7 3ection i . � � Notr+ithstanding the provis� ons o9 Minnesota � ' 8 Statut.es� Chap.t�r 1i7� as anended by Lawa 197i, Chapter 595� . 9 the city of Sai�t Peul , when exerciaing its r� 9ht of eminent � � � � 10 domaln� may condemn end acqu� r� �esements foi► alopesr cuts, 11 f111s and the r�9ht to remove loteral support in connection 12 with fmproving alleys and st�eets pursuant to tho � ' • . 13 condemnation' Procedures contained 1n i �a home rul � c{ ey ' � 14 charter. 15 Sec. 2, This act sha11 become �effective only e9ter ita 16 epproval by a ma)o�ity ot the governin9 body o9 the ctty ot . � i7' Saint Paul and upon comAlience with the p�ovislons ot !8 M{nnesota Statutes•� Sectlon 645.021• ' � . : � � . . • � , . , �,H . . • � � . � . , �. �.. . ' , . . .� , � �''� � ~ � � � EXTRA SESSION � . , . , : � �� ' udy G. Perpi - � . � Presid of the Senate . � . � . . . . �" "�n,, �/�� J �'!�'! ��► �� � Aub y W. Dirlam . Speaker of the �House of Rj resentatives . � Passed the Senate this 28th day of October . ��. � in the year of Our Lord� one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one . . .�. � . . . , . � Geo �e G. Goodwin � Secretary of the Senate. , Passed the House of Representatives this29th day of bctober in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one. - . . ` . . � � � Edward A. Burdick � * Chief Clerk•, House of Representatives . . APProved I.d.'w4'''.���d/ /� , ].971 ' ' . . , � � � � ��/� - �� � � � . � Wendell R. Anderson . � _ ' Governor of the 'State of Minnesota. � /� . Filed / 1971 � � � . • � � ���2� �� � Arlen �. Erdahl , Secretary of State . � , 2 � � .