256368 0111i1NAL�CITY CL[RK � a�ti' (��� • , . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' ,' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� IN THE MATTER OF 682 East Orange Ave. , described as Lot 5 , Block 3, Stone and Morton's Addition WHEREAS, It is the findings of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Pre- vention Codes that there exists in the Phalen Area Neighbor- hood Improvement Program project area (Census Tracts 9 & 10) a number of structures possessing Housing and Building Code ' violations for which there are no financial means either through project loans or grants or through per�onal finances of the owners to correct said violations; and WHEREAS, It is further the findings of thi5 board that the residents of said structures are frequently elderly owner- occupants who often are physically impaired and/or who have health problems; and WHEREAS, It is the determination of this bo�'�rd that to impose compliance with the Housing and Bui�ding Codes of the �City of St. Paul with respect to these structures would cause ' practical difficulty or undue hardship to the occupants of `�s said structures; and � � WHEREAS, The above findings of this board apply to the f -�� " aforementioned property; now therefore be it �� , `�4 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves '=:�-,' ,; the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for � the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting of September 22, 1971, waiving the requirements of the St. Paul � Housing and Building Codes with respect to the structure -- owned by Hilda Norman and located at 682 East Orange Ave. , for as long as Hilda Norman owns and resides in said structure; and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine T„ Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � ORIGINAL� CITY CLlRK �����" . . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa f�°'� �' _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONER DATF FURTHER RESOLVED, That said waiver be granted until such time as the property is sold or any other right, title or interest be transferred at which time said waiver be nullified; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Register of Deeds. Nov � � �s7f COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Ap NOV 1? �9�� 19— �- F�.�.�-�..-�. Levine �_In Favor Meredith Sprafka , � r A gainst ' Tedeaco � Mr. President, McCarty Nov a o_�9�-� �'USLISHEDi _ � Nov. 22� 1g71 � Mr, Robert T. Gibbons Register of Deeds Gburt Houae . � Dear Sir: ' ---�� Attached hereto for Piling in your office are the PolZowing rESOlutions of the City Council �dopted i1ov. 16� 7.971� and approved by the P�ayor on Nov, i7, 197�.; Council Fi.I� 256362 C�uncil File 2563b6 . � Council File 256363 �ouncil �'i1e 2563Ei7 � . Council k'ile 256364 Council File 2563b8 , Council File 25b3b5 Council File 25b36g � Council File 256370 . Very truly yours� . City Qerk � , \ � �� �� DUTLIWT6 TO MlIMRR ... � •'���s� _ � CITY OF S7. PAUL cFO�ENCa ND ; .� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF IN THE MATTER OF 682 East Orange Ave. , d�scribed ae Lot 5, Block 3, Stone and Morton's Addition ' WHEREAS, It is the findinqs of the 3aint Pa�l Board of Appeals and Revie�v for the Housing, Building and Fire Pre- vention Codea that there exiats in the Phalen Area Neighbor- hood Improvement Program project area (Ceneus� Trgets 9 & 10) a number of structuree posaeasinq Housing and Building Code violations for which th�re are no financial means� either throuqh ,project loans or qrants or through perllonial finances of the awners to correct said violationst and WHEREAS, It is further the findinqs of this board that � the reaid�nts of said structures are frequQntly elderly awner- oacupanta who often are physicaily impaired and/o� who have health problemsf and ' WHBREAS, It i�a the determination of this bor�d that to impose compliance with the Housing and Huilding Codes of the City of St. Paul with respect to these structures would cau�e practical difficulty or undue hardahip to the ocoiupanta of said structures; and WHEREA3, The above findinqs of this board apply to the afo=ementioned property; naw therefore be it RHSOLVBD, Th�t the Council hereby ratiffes aad approves the action of the 3aint Paul Board of Appeala and Review for the Housinq, Building and Fire P=evention Code� at ita meetinq of Sa�tember 22, 1971, waiving the requirements o� the St. Paul Houaing and �uilding Codes with respect to the structure awned by Hilda Norman and located at 682 East Orarige Ave. , for � as lonq as H�1da Norman owns and reaides in said $tructure; and b� it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conn��� 19_ Yeaa Naya Butler Caxlaon APPro�►ecl �9� ��e Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka �y� A cminst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� o�.�,���,� 5s3S� _ " � CITY OF ST. PAUL �ENCi� NO �. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBSENTED�T COMMISSIONER DATF FURTHER RESOLVED, That said waiver be qrarit�d until auch ti�e as the property is sold or any other riqht, title or int�rest be transferred at which time said waiver be nullified= and be it FINALLY R�SOLVED, That the City Clerk ie he�eby authorized and directe8 to tranamit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Reqister of Deede. Np� 18 ��Y� COUNCII,MEN ' Adopted by the Council 19_ Y� xa� NOV 1 � 19T1 Bu�a� �. L°�s�-cs-. APA��Ari 19_ Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka v ��� Acninat .--- Tedesco - - - -. _ ._ Mr. President, McCarty �� � . ., • t � • � STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey ee. � CITY OF 3AINT PAUL � � Harry E. Maxshall, _.,_,,,,.City Clerk � I.......................................•---•--•---------....................................... � of the City oi Saint Paul, Minnesota do herebq certify that I have compared the attached copq oi Council Flle No.......��',368 as adopted by the Ci Council...__.......November 16, 71 tY ............................19................ � November 17� 19 71 — and approved by the Ma or................... t,._ -..- .._. .._........ .. � ; with tbe orlginal thereof on 81e fa a�y oHice. � c.n N ----•-•------------------••---••-•-----•-•---•-••-----..__....._.._........_........_.__.............._._................_............-- � � ..--•---•........................................•--•--•-•------...._..--•--------....----• ---........_._...........--•-....__.... N � � •---------•---•--^°------°-----°..................•--•-----.......-°°•--. ---------•^^ -......._..............._...._ .... ..............................................•--••-----•-----•-•----..........._.................---......._..........._......_......._ � � ...._....•-------•-----...---°-•-•••----.....--°••-•---••-----°-•.............^--•--.._.._.._.........---•.........._......--°..... W � ..._...."""""'-""""'•"'-•"'....."'-'-""-'••"""......................""'•""""'........"""'••"'-•"".._.-..... d � "..._..""•"•"..."""..................."'•--""......'•""'••"'-•"".._....""'..._...._..............................._... .V_ .� /� , � . ."'-'�'•'•""'-•'•"••"""""'--'......""""""..............""-......."'..."""'•"""..._...................._._....., �.�l O O � "...._._.."""-""-"'--•-••'-°-'--•-'._....'----•""..............."-•........_...."'._......."-•"....................--�-•- ...............'-""'--""'._._.......__...................""••""-•""-"'.._...._.............................._..........._.... I further certlfy that said copy ie a true and correct copy ot said or�inal and the whole thereof. , «�I'fNESS my hand aad the seal of the Citq ot Saint Paul, Minn.. ��i� ��a .....day of...November,........... ...... .A. D. '71. �� � �.. .. �___i>�j�l. ..... ��' ...... �� �_./............................. _ ' � City Clerk. : �� -.}; ,, ^ pJJ Q h � � !; i l 3 ; , U u �. ..�. '. _ i i�_ J r , , 4 � OR►fi1NA:�YO CITY CL6RK � NO �6�/���`��� , CITY OF ST. �AUL FOENCIL , � ;�.E� ' I � OFFICt OF THE CITY CLERK ; UNCiL RESOLUT(ON-GENERAL FORM " i - � PRESENTED BY � ! � CAMMISSIONER �ATF .�- � IN THF MATTER OF � � � 682 East Orange Ave. , described as � � . Lot 5, Block 3, Stone and Morton's � Addition � ; � � C''J C�t WHEREAS , It is the iindings� of the Saint Paul Board of o App�als and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Pre- � vention Codes that there exists in the Phalen Area Neighbor- • nood Improvement Program project area'� (Census Tracts 9 & 10) . � a number of strur.tur_es nossess?ng Hoi.ising and BL?ildin� Cc�d� ' violations for which there are no finarcial means either through project loans or grants or through personal finances - of the owners to correct said violations; and . WHEREAS , It is further the findings of this board that j the residents of said structures are frequently elderly owner- � occupants who often are physically impaired and/or who have � health problems; and WHEREAS, It is the determination of this board that to '� impose compliance with the Housing and Bui�ding Codes of the ', '��`�`\City of St. Paul with respect to these structures would cause ' � practical difficulty or undue hardship to the occupants of , � said structures; and \�� � �1 i ::: . � ' WHEREAS, The above findings of this board apply to the �:.`�-�, `\ aforementioned propert�; now therefore be it � � ^'\��� I��. \;� , RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves : ��;- the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for � ;; the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting ��'' of September 22 , 197Z, w�iving �he rQ3u�rer��r.ts of the �t. P��1 -' �` Housing and Building Codes with respect to the structure owned b Hilda Norman and located at 682 East Oran e Ave. for Y g . as long as Hilda Norman owns and resides in said structure; and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Butler ' Carlson " .Approve� 19� Levine Tn Favor 'i Meredith � ' IvImyor Sprafka Tedesco Against • Mr. President, McCarty �, ` �� i , . � � � �..y$�B`�'b`� '� OR(GIN/.i.'TO CITY CLERK • � S���/f� {�1 CITY UF S7. PAU�. couNCi� NO �' i � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � ' .1 � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF � - � FURTHER RESOLVED, That said waiver be granted until such time as the property is sold or any other right, title or interest be transferred at which time said waiver be nullified; andbe it � � � � FINALLY RES�LVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized � �` and directed to transmi•t a copy of this Xesolution to the ►� Ramsey County Register of Deeds. w � � � i � .. : • _ . . � � . . j � C`'J C'�! o � 0 m • � � � NUV �l � t 971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er Npy 1? '19?1 �axlsa�- C°�-�-z__� t r AP ov 19� Levine �n Favor � Meredith ` _ r-c� Sprafka � , .. , . �`� _Againat '� ---- Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty 0 197� � N�V Z . 1�tJ�LI�H�D —