256354 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK � F� No��54 . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6T Victor J. Tedesco � November 16, 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the attached plans and specifications for the Site Work at Merriam Park Play Area located. at Wild.er 5treet and 5t. Anthony Avenue have been prepared by the City Architect under the d.irection of the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and. Public Buildings; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said plans and specifications, being satisfactory to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, are hereby approved. and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to ad.vertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. Job #71-94. `�l. � � V1 ` ���� Nov i s ��� COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays NOV 1`7 19T� Butler �sarr F��-�-.� App 19— Levine n Fanor Meredith Sprafka � � Tedeaco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty NOV a 0 �97� PU$Ll$H�v------_ � � � 255354 ourucnn ro naNt� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c."`�oMM1�5S10NC�t Victor J. Tedesco o�� Nove�mber 16. 19T1 WHEREAS, the sttached plans and spacificstions for the Site Work st Merriam Park Plsy Area locsted at Wilder Street sad St. Anthony Avenue hsve been prepsred by the City Architect under the direction of th� Commis�ioner of Psrks� Recr�stion aad Public Buildings; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� that ssid plana and specifications, being �atisfactory to the Depsrtment of Psrks, Recreation and Puhlic Building�, ar� hereby approved snd the Purchasing Agent is hereby sutborized to sdvertfse for bid� thereon in the msnner provided in snd by the Chsrter. Job #?1-94. _ K N OV �16 1971 COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Co>>nc� 19� Yeaa Nays NOV 17 �91'� Butler � Appro�l 19— ��e T*+ Favor Meredith Spra�fka �� Tedesco AS'�at Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� Nav. 16, 1971 Mr. J�hn F;�ider Directc�r �f Pers4�ne1 Civi1 Serv�.ca P,ureau �Jear :>�.r: The City Vouncil tpday �ave FYrst Re�ciin� �o °�he fo11aw3n� 2 ordinanc�s w�iich w�.11 come up for �'h�.rd �e�.d9.�� or Navs 2�+th� 1971; �5�3S5s amending #�3250, C. �, Rules, ��r insertin� in Gr. 27 of Sec. & under Manuml as�cl A�i,nt��ncarice Graup the ti�1e '�Heavy Equipment �ervicem�n"; 2�35�, ��a�� #7607, sPsc��i�at�.o�8, b�- inserti.ng in ita proper al.phabetical order the title �nd specifica- tiqn$ far Heavy Equ3pment Servicer�ank Very truly yours, City �lerk �