256339 ORIGtNAL TO :ITY CLBRK � �' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '����3�� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H� NO. � w � C�O NCIL RESO TIO —GENERAL FORM �� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVEB, That Highland InA, Inc. , be aad hereby is granted a permi.t to install and operate a new gasolise filling statimn on property located on the sonthea�t corner of Old Hudson Road and T�ltiite Bear Avenne, mc�re particalarly described as follow�: That portion of the t�est 1/2 of the Soathwest 1/4 of Section 35, Towaship 29, xange 22 described aa follows: Commencing at the point of the inter- section of the East Right of T�Tay Liae of T�hit� Bear Avenue and South Right of way Liae of Old Hroadaon 8oad; thence � southerly along the �ast Right of �e1ay ` Line of �hite Bear Ave�ue a distanee of 18� feet, �re or less; thenc� east- erlp a dista�ce of Zlt� feet, more or less, parallel to �Tortl3 Rig�t of wa� Lir�e of � Iaterat�te 94 to � poiat; thence at right o angles aortherly s distance of 185 feet, more or less, to the Sonth Right of Way > .� Li�e af Old Hudson Boadi theace westerl� a \ � aloag the Soath Right of Way Line of �ld � o Hndson Road a distance of 193 feet, more � or leas to the point of beginningt , N � o ¢ ' � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty � i •�INAL TO CITY CL6RK �v���3`-',� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�uNCi� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Z all in aceordance with plans dated Received October 6, 1971; sabject to the co�adition that said applicant-perxittee, and its s�tecessors aAd assigas, sball xake d�ae compliance with all applicable provisions of munieipal ordiaaaces, state statt�tes and r�les aAd regulations of p�blie anthorities having cognizance. NOV 12 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler N OV 12 197� f!ar��„ �_f"�ZC,c, 1� 19_ Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka �� ayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty . PUBLISH�:D N OV 2 0 197� � � � . CITY PL�►NNING BOARD OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 N. R. HEIDEN,Ph D.Director +� �-� �`��e��� October 20, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Highland Inn, Inc. , for a permit to install and operate a new gasoline filling station on property located on the southeast corner of Old Hudson Road and White Bear Avenue and further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the October 7, 1971, Board of Zoning public hearing at which time the staff noted the zoning history of the site, stated that revised plans meet design standards and described the site and area conditions. Mr. Paul Johnson, attorney for Highland Inn, Inc. , noted that the property was recently rezoned for the proposed Texaco filling station. Showing an aerial photograph of the area, he said the old motel occupying the site is dilapidated and the ��stern half of it will be removed for the filling station. He said he felt the proposal will be a credit to the neighborhood. Mr. Todd Jeffrey Lefko appeared in opposition to the proposal, speaking on behalf of the St. Paul Beautiful Committee. He suggested that the City place a six-month moratorium on the building of additional service stations. During this time, the City could come to an agreement with the oil companies to limit the overall number of service stations and place esthetic controls upon them. He said the arrangement could follow the line of the law adopted by Detroit, Michigan, or that stations could be licensed in the same way liquor licenses are issued now. Mr. Johnson rebutted that it would be unfair to put a ban on approval of pending plans while a new law is contemplated. In considering this matter, the Board noted how much of the existing motel would be removed and the number of abandoned Texaco stations in St. Pau1. It was argued that the Board is not prepared to hold up permits while an organization studies the problem. It was also argued that voting for the suggested six-month ban was not a function of the Zoning Board, that the property is zoned "Commercial," and that there is an apparent need for the proposed use. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to reco�nend approval of the permit. The motion was secondedand carried by a vote of 5 to 0. - Very tr yours, ""�.,., t , . �, ';�> ; ��s , . , ,.. _ _ . ,•;, �, P . MA I T"A j�} �<y �,r� Secretary, Board of Zoning � � � PLR/br O Z. F. 7229 � ,, , : ' . � . City of SaYnt Paul, Minnesota - APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERI�IT (Please print or type) TO THE �iD1�DRABLE MAYOR. AND CITY COUNCIL y6 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Applicatioa is hereby made to install aad operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islaads and pumps :� ��S�� {,�d S �p p�,�, yvl �O S No. of tanks and capacity: � --�a v� k s �a� � �a� �� � �0 0 ��L . � � PARKING LOT for (�ustome ) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parkin� lot � �-- , To be used in connection with:__ Se � �1 � C e. S`�'Ll��t4 V� � MISCEIJ,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tatioa, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *r,ocation , Northast corn�r I 9k and hl�i t• i�r Avenu S t. 'au 1 Legal Descriptioa : Lot ae ti� �d , glock �y ��tydaa3�ion , .�i��t � Applicant's Name : Hi�hland Inn, I�c. (To tnstai i a Tsxaco Servtcs Statlon to bs cawned by Texaco, Inc. ). xome or Of f ice Address: 1 870 O i d Hudson Road, S t. 'au 1 . M i nnesota 55119 Phone Number : ]'35'Z3�� �7 . �y 7���7� COf'p �t ary date Address :1�70 01 d Hudson Itoad. S t. Pau 1 , M1 nntsota 55119 Pboae xo.:735•2330 lphen completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of the preliminarq lay-out pians of tHe proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Safnt Paul, Minaesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. corner of l�ain St. aad First St. 2. South side of Maia St. between First and 3econd St. ,, ZC�NING FILE � �..� �. _ �.. . ;��F ,, _, e ; ._ . 1 ' � + • � • . ._.�. .�l., �1�.1 . a.:.�..1.�.%..w r.! i'ia''v �OT'�:�0:'1 4.`.' 'C.;.�; r:'.:::;i: .;.�G Oi �i:�cG' SOlii.i:'1(?Sii �,.��� G�' Q,� 1-�f �1 fl ,.+�`'..= �`�L ..-�,�.�..,�. .7 r � ,.�-.,o• • 1 � e� 1+ . . •. �.,c��c:. �5, �o�,,.�..y., ��, :,�..;,� G Gvo�l':i.JCG a.� +o'..:.c��.� : . CV��iili����'..1.�7� c. .. �..'�: .�C�J.�i...v V..� v.:L wilv�i.�:t:�11�!_�i. oi �hL �usL i:'�u':.� o;� '��;ay �:..�.^ c�. ��1;z�;;e ��a:� AVC::U� ai,�. SOi;t�� �'.;:.i, G:i` ';���J :..,_�:ic O�� OiG „uc;son r�o�:�c, ; �.:c:.ca s;;��;;`_-.c:.�wy a;.�n� �he �.��:, 1 1Vi�lr Oa. Y�ICp 17 �..a..�i�C: Vi^ t�r..... _ _ .JGili 11VC.iNC: GL Q1.�`� ►�,i�:iCL O�' 1C�17 :.�'�:t;:;� .'.',v�':: v�:." .�i.G-'.i$ � Vii�;C'iCl; Ga.`;'l.� . er:�y a ci�.si,ar,cu o� '��.� �'c:>�� r-.o-r�: or ies::� . par�Zllel �o NorL'r. :;��:�:�;; �." �r7a;� ��re o: .�.:�;,�:i^- s�a;,e 9�� '- � :l- . �, �;-;�� .. . ,: -- f-- �o �. �o� .„, �;,.... �,�c i�.�;�.� ar��;,�.�� nort«e-rly a das�.u�:,:��� ��' ��J i��:•�; r�or� o��� icss, to tne Sou;;:: ;�-y��:.�� o:.' ,•l=;y �.�ne o� Oic L c 7'l � y�n.,. ,�- ^ ��-•� t. n r 1.1'� S�i.'��t�.. (]uUJl�rl 11�GQ j ��ll.�llil: Z�'.�:J vlil 1.� Cw.A.�l�v a\. t i a_ n �,r '. r .. - � �r, ' ,- ���.;;h� o:. ��:y a:�::: o� �`..� r.��.c;�or. ;oad a ci�.s���r.c� "� t_ rr „-,� " -��c A .n 1' s1 _, r- Of I.9,� PG'6'v� i,10.. � v.. ..c,..�.., '�O �Y�ic: p0:�..� Ol Dr.E,...7'.— n�.:�;. Coun�y o� �.,:;s�y, S�cat� o� N4i..r�esova. � ZONING F ILE = BOARll OF 7.ONING REPORT AND AC'CION October 7, 1971 ":.at Map +r42 -• �,. _ . _._�_._.�....___ � Actin�; under Lc��islative Co<ie ChaptE�r 60 thru 64 pesaed Auguat 22, 1922, ss amendtd tc� Janwry 27� '1971. �22y`� �� i 7170 1 . �`t'': tc.'Atd'f`�, �, iC �: Highland Inn, Inc. (Texaco) 1690 �� CLf: �_�IFICATi�.� , � Amendr��snt � App�l X� Permit t-1 �ther 3� ?'�1'r )S� : Install and operate a new gasoline filling station 4, L'�C; �I!�N c Southeast corner of Old Hudson Road and White Bear Avenue � . 1;F� ; DESCRIP , i�:d ; See file G� P21, ;^JT 'l.!�Ni�1 , , Commercial %' . PUT• i�1,dT T� ;`. :ning Cud� �.haptera 60 S�ctions .OS !�arapraph. f 3 , ;�T�A : INVESiI ;r�TION � �E?ORTs Date3 Septembtr 27, 1971 :�yt ATB A. HIS'1'ORY: In 1947 a permit was granted for the development of a motel on this site and adjoining property to the east. Thio property wes rezoned to Co�nercial on August 14, 1971. B. ARFA ZONING: The other three corners of the intersection of White Bear Avenue and qld Hudson Road are preaentiv Zoned Commerc3,a1. A Commercial District exists at Ilazel and Old Hudson Road, an<1 south of the freeway "C" and "C-1" Residence Districts exist east and northeatir of this site. The remaining land is zoned "A" Residence. C. DESI:GN STANDARDS: The submitted plan meets interior deaign standards for filling stations. The siae and location of the proposa� drivewaya is not acceptable to the Traffic Engineer. Reviaed plans have been zeceLved.. which comply with the Traific Engineer's suggestions. � D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 202. 11 feet along White Bear Avenue and 193.87 feet along Old Hudson Koad reaultin� in an area of approximately �9,180 square feet. E. TRt1FFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer in hia review of the plan recommends driveways with a width of 26 feet located 30 feet from the intersection. He recommends the applicant secure a}�proval and peraiits froo the Stete Highway Depr+rtment. F. SITE CONDITIONS: This site is developed with the we�tern half of a cozy, com- fortable an�l tidy motel with larKc� evergreen treea and other landscape items. The land slopes slightly downward to the east. It is generall.y three feet below the grade of White Bear Avenue but doea not drop as rapidly from White Bear as does Old Hudson Road; therefore, it is about three feet above the grade of Old Hudson Road at the east property line. G. AREA CONDITIONS: Gas stations exist at the other three corners of this intersection. This site is bounded on the aouth by the west-bound off-ramp of I-94; on the east by the continuance of the existing motel. Northeast ocroas Old Hudson Road are aingle-family residences and an apartn�ent building. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend X� Approval Q Denial Council Letter Dated: •-- Mowci by ; McPertlin Yeas Nays 10-20-71 X Amea - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Maietta Cqchrane Hearing: X McPartlin Secretary's remarks: X Maietta 10-7-71 Manaur Council Action: X Benshoof X Dooley D�te: Prifrel r • . � y . MINUTBS OF T� PiJB�LIC HEABSDTG BEFO&� TAE BOA&D OF ZONZNG ON THUBSDAY, OCTOBSR 7, 1971 at 2:00 p,m. PBS38D1�: Messrs. Ames, B�ns�toof, Dooley, McPa�r�lin a�ed Mais��a of the Board; Mr. 8oset�er, B. Reitter a�d I�, Rantoxowicz of the staff. AIGIi�AND INDTg INC, C1LXA,COl,: An application far s permi� to install and opersCe s new gasoline filling ssation oa pr,opertq IocaCed o� ehe southeast coracer of Old Iiudson Road aad Tdt�ite Bear Aveaue. Mr. RosetCer suummari.zed the staff report, a �art of �kCe file, by r�otiqg tl7a� the su►bject propex�y is goued Commercial. I� 1947 a pezynit was gransec� for e�e developm�nt of a motel oa this site a�aS adjoinirag property to the eas�. Tfiis property was reZOn,�ecl to Comaaerc3.s1 osa Au�ust 14, i97i. ��e sul�n�.t�ed plan mee�s interior design sta�dards for fiLli�g stations. The size aad locatioa of the propased driveweys w�re a,ot accepi:able �o t&�e Traffic Bugitteer but revised pl8ns have �en rec�ived which camply wiCb his re�oaune�clations, �his siee is developed with the wester� h�lf of a �cozy, comfort�►ble and �idy motel with large evergreea tg�ees a�d other laa�dscape i�ems. The l.aad slopes slighCly dowaward to the �as�. It is genezaZly three £eeC below the gsade of White Beas Aveaue. Gas sCatians exist at the o�her �hree corcrers of Chis i�nte*- section. Thie sifie is bociad�d on �he sou�h by �:he westc-bouml off-ramp o£ Y-94; ots the east by the ��ntiatisace of th� exis�ing motel. North�ast scxoss Old Hudsons 8oad aae si�,gle-family residences sud aa apaxtmen� buildiag. t�[�. B�Ssietta aoted tha� in parsgxa�b "13" o£ the s�sff �eport is atated tt��e a�ea of the site as beiag I8,480 square feet. He said it should be raore like 28,48U squsre fe�t. Mr. 8os�tt+er said it wonld tse �chAa�ed �fore the reporC is sent �o �h� Counrcil. 8epreseutfng the appii�atioa was M�t. Paui Johuson�, a�x attoxstey for Highlatu2 Lau, Inc. �Ie said during th� months of 3uae, 3uly a�d Augus� the property was rezoned to Cammercial and some thorough coASideratia� wss given tos�e maetex. H� showed $a aerfal photograph of the sa.te aract su�rrourtdiag area eo Che Boazd, R� said ocCUpyiQg the propexty is the oldest motel ia the City of Saiat Paul; Lhe motel is over 24 years old. The mo�el �.s dilapidated eac� ob�olete, Mac. �ahusoa said. Ttie westesly 28 vaite a£ the mo�el will be re- moved fram �he property. Za his opinio�x, the �exaco plan snd the inLended laa�dsc�pitAg o� the site will actually be a ctedi� g� the tteighborhood. Mr. Ames ask�d Mx. Jahasoa if ehe remain.ing units would Ue eora dawn. Mr. Johason repli�d the zemaining fuxits will be upds�ed and 3�'mproved. He said it wi11 be more ecoaomically f�asible to have the 20 uaits zemaiQin� than the 56 that are there now. Opon anoth�r question fram 1�4n. Ames, Mx�. �ohszsou stsCed that the oaly por�ion of tbe pxoperty tha� �ex�co is purchasing is thai. po�tion under diecu,ssion �tadap e Speaking imm oppositioa to t he application was Mr. T�sdd 3effray Zefko, who aat�d he is a fe3:Iaa� meunber of tt�e Plaaning Board a�d is ape�king taday as chaix�maa of Ste Pa�al, Beautiful. He Stat.ed his opposition is aot ,just a questi4�n af this service ste��ioa. He said a halt shoe►ld be called to the type of appreach give�t to aearvica statioces withia the City of St. Pau2. Mr. 7.efko .� _ . SIGHId�ND INNi ZNTCo fT�) {coatinued) Octdber 7, 1971 ssid Mr. Johnsan i.s iIIq,lying �hat because +�he s�a�crouudiag area is so builC up with se�vice statious that Chis becames a good a�ea for an additional �i:ation. He natad Mr. Johasoa alao stated that th� forn�r Lakea and Piues Motel is very old and Che �exaco statio� is the bes� possible u.se for �his pi��e of property. Mr. Lefko said hc3 i�s talking about thia Board rej�ctiag this proposal sad com3.ag up Lo a �econa�ads�ion calli�g for e six-moath baa ou the buildiug of a�.y add3.tiotta]. service s�aeiona w3thie the City of Sais�t Paul. He ssid there is an ovezsupply o£ service statiozts ia tl�e C9.9:y sud �hey a�e not plauned accordiag �o economia logic but sa�� to corapanies seeking gsowth to fi.ght ccm�petitioa, evea aompetition agaiase �heir own braad nsme s�a�ions. 8e cieed ara exas�Ie ia Detxoit where A atudy diselosed tha� 35°�6 of rhe service station►a iffi t1:�t Ci�y wsffit aut of busia�ss every y�ar. The compaay would sti11 add aew s�etions becaus� they �re seekiag tax bresks. i�h�a �hhese s�ations close, they usualZy ssmaiee sa eye sores, s�rv3.ng as a s�oYa�e ground for du�ap trucks aud us�d cars, tu said. They are a blight upoa �l�e whol� area. Mr. Lefko said he is pzaposia,g ti�e follawiag steps: 1} a tempasary b�n oa crr:a�iota of aew stations. He said p�ople tell us there is an �dditios�.,al need but they do not t�ve an e+coaomic bgse snd �o rela�ion as ta whet.her tht�y are scrviag the need across �he whole City; 2) the possibili�y of sg�e�mer� daring the e ix-manth period bp th+e City to 2imi� the overal2 numbsrs of servi�e ststions and p1aCe some assth�ti� can�rols oa them; 3) propose t�o additional programe: a) ik cauld fol�.ow t�he liaes of the D�tsoit pattern. Mr. I.e£ko r�ad the law as atated i.a Detroit°s paoposal, b) a Chaage i� the co�cept of lice�asicxg aad gradiag o�t �he ba�is of aeed �o� ��e asea, with the ov��all amosuz� of stetions being limited. He aoted �he liceusiag of liqa�or es�ab- lishmeats is like that �eawr. This type•� s�s�em may be a poesibility to avoid overbuiidi�g. Ms. Johnsoa said this oppositian comes as a surp�is� to him, es ttier� was no oppositiora fxam �he n,eighbors. Sve�raa�e was given due notice, he saido fle sugg�sted it would be hi$hiy un£air to put a ban on statioas which currea�tly co�ply with existiug requi�asatcs khen �o wait for sfx mo:eths wntil so�e new typ+e of cottslderaLioa is given �'os futur� tequirenne�ts. Ms. Johztson suggeated ehat �his pax�i,culax Btation, i£ it does meet with the basic re- quirements, b� approved. Mr. Be�.shoof a$lc�d Mr. Johnsoa how maaq abaadoaed services statioas Teacaao has in St. Paal. Mt. Johasan not�d the�ce was a �rap��ae�tative present f�com Teaeco whc� �ould snewer that queseion. The 7Cex�co zep3reseatative said there f s oae �bandaned sCation la�cat�d on Lazpe�teur �nd McRnight. He said tihe statioas is not entirely abandoned bu� it is not opened. Ttaey are considering at the preseat t3m� to dispose of this sir.�tion thxough sale to anythir�g bue a peLrole�m operation. Mar. Lefl:o ssid this is� o� of th� po�sts fa t�alkixag sb�ut Texaco aa�d abou� the overall gas sCsticaa iadnst�y. He said n ua�ee 1�raud �tatiou ca�es in and it is said "okaya Iet �hie oae through; i� ��1i�a wittz existing laws.'" Mr. L�fko said Che laws are �troag and they nted �o be changed. We must say, "stop; we are c�ot going �o allow this." J[� the se�vic� statioa builds or� �h� � � . �G'��1� ��• �'.►`�so ��'�� �COn��?213E�� QCL'O�f2T 7� �.971 coxaes of. Old H�adsoa �QSd axtd White Bear Avenue ara�d it faiis, it wili upset �he ecoaami� baset� S�. Paui and will have prohibiter2 oth�r icype of gYawth f or this coaner. Hr. I�cPsrt2in said �he Board is siot prepa�ed to hold up grenti.r�g oiI station permits w�ile soa� o�gaaization he never h�ss�d of b��ore st�dies �h� siguatioa. �Ix. �i�as�l.ir� said he sees no re�sou why Texaco should no� have a permit For thi� sts�ion. Mte Maiet�a s8id that ivas�ch as vot�rag ior the six-mo��h bau is rso� a functi.oa of �he Zonix�g Boaad, the proper�y is.zoaert Co�e�cial 'b�c�ause �his �oasd kn�w that a gas sts�ion w�s p�oposed fo� �he site, a�ad the appareat �easom the s�xvice statioa is p�aposing ta go i� theze musC be becauss �here is s ueed. He f�el�s t.ne pe�rmit slaor�Zd t�� graated. He said a g�s sta�:iasa is bs�$uLif�l �.o mauy p�opl�. It was moved by Mr. McPa�ttin aad secoe�ded by Pria�. Maietta to se�amm�md app�oval ofc the permit. �hs� motion cassi�d by a 5-0 vote. Submit�ed byo App�oved bys Patul L. R.os�tter Robe�t L. Ames , � . ► , - t , • . City of Saint Paul, l�innesota � s APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � (Please print or type) � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN�CIL qo tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �� ^ � ` Application is hereb made to ���kX�t'Xi�A�vtfOXX�x�pdC�3��g y install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : _ � , � �Q � d S � Aca vn(J S No. of tanks and capacity:� 3 -j�c�y� k � � qC h }q K �c �DO� GAL, � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) �— (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot � �- To be used in connection witl�: Se y- U ,'C e $"�q -� � � v� � MISCELLANEOUS: J e r V . C e S r a "� � a� (indicate type such as Drive-in Kef reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location Northeast corner j g4 and � &��x���c���x�xbicicbcic�x�t�� W h i t e B ea r Av e n u e, S t. P a u 1 , g ��ta���d s�ock Rar�sey Countydad ti n Le al Description : Lot S ee exhi it Applicant's Name : Highland Inn, [nc. (To install a Texaco Service Station to be owned by Texaco, lnc. ) . Home or Office Address: 1$70 O1 d Hudson Road, St. Pau 1 , M i nnesota 551 19 Phone Number � 735 -2330 H �P 'N C. gy 7/1 /71 ignat re (date) Corporate ec etary Acldress : 1870 Ol d Hudson Road, St. Paul , Mi nnesota 551 19 pbone xo.:735-2330 1Nhen completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of tbe preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. • �� ` , . � . �.- � . � , � � EXFTI}3T'� n�n � ' 7�ha� portion oi the VJ�st 3./2 of the Sou�h3•»sL- 1/�E o£ Sec�ion 35, aos•mship 29, Ran�e 22 descr�bed As follows : , Comrnenc:Ln� at the poin't of the inter:�ecL-�on of the East Ri�h� of t�Jay Line of �Ihi�e ��ar Avet�ue and South H�.�ht of ��ay Line of Old Hudson Road; Lhence southerly alon� the E�st P►i�h�E of Way I�in� of ti�h:Lte �3�ar Avenue a dis- tance of 180 fee�, n�ore o•r le�s; th�nce eas�- . erly a clistance oi' 210 feet, more or less, � parallel to Nortih Hight oi Y�ay Line of' Inter- sta�e 9� to a point; thpn�:E aS: ri�h� an�;les � northerly a dis�ance of 1�5 feet, more or • � les�, to the South Ri�ht of I,tay Line of Old Hudson Road; thenec svesterly alon� the South R��ht o£ 1�lay line oF Old Hud�on Road a distance of 193 feeL-, more or le�s to the poi.nt of be�i.n- n�.n�. County of Ramsey, St;a�e af rlir,nesota. City Clerk ' � . � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HNANCE ns c.w� �w. ss�os October 15, 1971 , File X1108, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Aall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on October 28, 1971 on the applicetion of the Highland znn, Inc. (Texaco) for a permit to install and operate a new gasoline filling etatian on the property described ae follows: That portion of the �dest 1/2 0£ the 8outh- weat I/4 of 3ection 35, Township 29, Range 22 described as follaws: Co�en�ing at the point of interaection of the East right-of-way line of White Bear Avenue and South right-of-way of OId Hudson Road; thence Sautherly along the East right-of-way line of White Bear Aveceue a distance of 180 feet, more or less; thence Easterly a distance of 210 feet, more or less, para11e1 to North right-of-way line of Interstate 94 to a point; thence at right anglea Northerly a diatance of 185 feet, more ar less, to the SouCh right-of-way line of Oid Hudson Road; thence Westerly alon� the South right-of-way line of p1d Hudson Boad a dfstance of 193 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. County of Ramaey, State of Minnesota. The property is Lvcated on the Southeast corner of Old Hudeon Itoad and White Bear Avenue. For turther information, contact the PZanning Board, Room 1010 Comtatrce $nilding, ar telephone 223-4151. To camply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged witb informing you of this public hearing. If you have aay questions, it is recemmended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pzo and con, knawn to the City Council. 1tOSALIE L. BUTL$tt Coamnissioner of Finance � a T, L.- � OIL DISPLAY CABINET '� i `'�.J i --_--_._-- ...._. � O -�i�� ��cauce eox � .i 3 i ; , � O � � Flll BOX � . �---- --`_�.__...__........__.....,__... . � • � �� NONE IMPACT CMECK VALVE � j � � i 2 /i ' - • VENT CAP / � i� ? � �� � AIR GO��(1,PR6850R -s�-_-N.P. 1 � - ...-. .-.....-. --. -.-.... . . .`.. '' NON•ROTATING AUTO LIiT i � ..._--_____.-`-... , � � ROLL•ON TYP! i NON•ROTATING AUTO LIRT � �� � FRAME CONTACT TYP6 . J ( � REGISTERED REBT RM. 316N �-�-- . ON FLOODLIGMT POLE . � � RE�ISTERED REST RM. lIGN �` � � �—� ANO SPECIAL POLE , I � £ ; �i� � WATER HOSE BIBB -�"-'- I� � , FIR6 EXTINGUISMERS ��.. -..l�f O 51ZE--- -- ------ --' . �. �J i .^ � � � �..- � . � , � ,.,y�J -// // TYpg6NG6 OR OUARD RAIL -_ � �,�„�� � 3,� 'J �r � ` . �. _.._ �, �'-- "' � . � ��_�_�_�_�_ FILL LINES FROM FILL BOXtf � TO TANKS � �� . . ____. ._ . �7F �" �� �, �------- VENT IINEd PROM TANKf f � _ __ GASOLINE LINES FROM , � .,/ - TANKS TO DISPENSCR9 • \ � - � WATER LINE • � �� ' � 8EWAGE Q DRAINAGE LINEs �� ; T TELEPHONE LINE � _.._._..-----._ . . . �' . . � x ZG�.�1 _-_ ELECTRIC LIGHT ANO POWER � ���,,,,,,_ � COMPRES3ED AIR LINES .� � _..�.... i ' � � 12.0 - EXISTING ELEVATIONS : �_� j (� 12.5 FINAL REqUIRED ELEYAT10Ni ' ;- -----.----- ':' f �_�—� REFERENCE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS , � SPEC. OR LAST REV. T I T L E .� � _ . j DWG. NO. 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