256336 pR.OtN�L TO�CITY CLERK �� ' �5�336 . • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� NO - '` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK HLE �' ��!"'..� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��.� PRESENTED BY �"-�= � COMMISSIONE � � ATF WHEREAS , Charte Section 203.2 provides for budget revisions, within . the adopted budget; d WHEREAS , 1971 salary rates , including nigh=t differential and overtime for the Bureau of police and overtime for the Bureau of Fire Protection, were not adopted by the City Council until after the adoption of the 1971 budget; and WI�RF�AS , It is the determination of the Council to provide for the salary adjustments; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the following Chart�r Funds and Activities be increased or decreased as shown: Following appropriations be increa�e�; ' Activity • Charter and � Fund Obiect Title Amount General Government Offices and Acco��ts ' 2.00 Mayor:�s OffJice 0020-100 Administra�tion � 3,133.00 , 0021-100 Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunity 629.00 3,762.00 2.03 Civil & Human Rights Comm. , . 0027-100 Civil & Hum�n Rights Comm. 3,506.00 4.00 ' City Clerk 0040-100 Records 2,970.00 4.01 � Registration 1 , 0045-100 Registration 2,580.00 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty �� : � � � � �5�3�6 2 Activity Charter and Fund Object Title Amount 5.00 Comm. of Finance 0050-100 Comm. of Finance 7,573.00 0051-100 Parking Meter Service 183.00 0052-100 Parking Meter Monitors 3,092.00 10,848.00 13.01 Civil Service 0610-100 Civil Service 10,266.00 0611-100 Safety Program 1,103.00 0612-100 Orientation Program 1,166.00 12,535.00 14.00 Municipal Court 0630-100 Municipal Court 40,142.00 15.00 Purchasing Agent 0650-100 Purchasing Agent 2,793.00 35.00 General Fund 0951-100 Debt Service 348.00 0969-100 Federal Fund Accounting 605.00 0998-400 Salary & Contigent Reserve 2,409.00 3,362.00 82,498.00 Following appropriations be decreased: 2.01 City Planning 0022-100 City Planning 41,441.00 0024-100 Capital Long Range Planning 1,942.00 43,383.00 13.00 Comptroller 0600-100 Comptroller 25,529.00 16.00 Council Investigation & RAsearch 0670-100 Council Investigation & Research 3,004.00 35.00 General Fund 0969-100 Federal Programs Admin. 10,582.00 82,498.00 . � . , . , . . . . - �J���� 3 Activity Charter and Fund Object Title Amount Following appropriations be increased: Public Safety 6.00 Comm. of Public Safety 0100-100 Administration 6,945.00 0101-100 Building Maintenance 6,669.00 13,614.00 6.01 Police 0110-100 Administration 22,924.00 0111-100 License Division 7,821.00 0112-100 Uniformed Division 144,853.00 0112-100 Uniformed Division - Overtime 110,000.00 0113-100 Detective Division 207,143.00 0114-100 Services Division 91,935.00 584,676.00 6.02 Fire 0140-100 Administration 25,313.00 0141-100 Fire Prevention 5,728.00 0142-100 Fire Fighting 496,500.00 Fire Fighting-Overtime 20,000.00 0143-100 Station Maintenance 5,642.00 0146-100 Fire Plans & Training 5,039.00 0148-100 Fire Communications 18,284.00 576,506.00 6.04 Health 0180-100 Administration 4,774.00 0181-100 Vital Statistics 9,228.00 0187-100 Health Laboratory 2,771.00 0188-100 Dog License Enforcement 6,983.00 0189-100 Housing Inspection 325.00 24,081.00 1,198,877.00 . • ' . � � ' ' ������ 4 Activity Charter and Fund Object Title Amount Following appropriations be decreased: 6.04 Health 0182-100 Promotion of Health Schools 23,044.00 0183-100 Food Regulation 3,655.00 0184-100 Medical & Inspectional 14,162.00 0185-100 Tuberculosis 15,220.00 56,081.00 35.00 General Fund 0998-400 Salary and Contingent Reserve 1,142,796.00 1,198,877.00 Following appropriations be increased: Public Works 7.00 Comm. of Public Works ,,,,�0200-100 Administration 1,300.00 0203-100 Traffic Control & Parking Meter Service 7,000.00 0204-100 Signal Maintenance 22,900.00 0210-100 Engineers - Administration 1,000.00 0211-100 Office Engineers 9,300.00 0212-100 Survey Unit 4,900.00 0214-100 Sewer Design 300.00 0215-100 Loca1 Improvement 4,800.00 51,500.00 7.01 Street Maintenance & Repair 0220-100 Paved Street Repair 7,300.00 0221-100 Graded Street Repair 45,000.00 52,300.00 � .. - • �J���� 5 Activity Charter and Fund Object Title Amount 7.03 Street & Sewer Cleaning 0250-100 Administration 3,900.00 0251-100 Cleaning Graded Streets 8,900.00 0252-100 Cleaning Paved Streets 12,000.00 0253-100 Refuse Removal 9,000.00 0254-100 Snow Plowing 40,000.00 0254-200 " " 15,000.00 0254-300 " " 1,000.00 0255-100 Snow Removal 15,000.00 0255-200 " " 10,000.00 0256-100 Icy Street Control 45,000.00 0256-300 " " " 34,000.00 0270-100 Weed Cutting 1,200.00 195,000.00 298,800.00 Following appropriations be decreased: 35 General Fund 0998-400 Salary & Contingent Reserve 298,800.00 Following appropriations be increased: Libraries and Civic Buildings 9.01 Public Library 0410-100 Library Service 49,290.00 0411-100 Building Maintenance 14,773.00 64,063.00 Following appropriations to be decreased: 9.00 Comm. of Libraries & Civic Buildings 0400-100 Administration 2,133.00 35.00 General Fund 0998-400 Salary & Contingent Reserve 61,930.00 64,063.00 . , ' - . � ������ 6 Activity Charter and Fund Object Title Amount Following appropriations be increased: Public Utilities 11.00 Comm. of Public Utilities 0500-100 Administration 1,946.00 0520-100 Investigations 578.00 0530-100 Utility Bldg. Maintenance 534.00 3,058.00 11.01 Public Lighting 0540-100 Administration 3,067.00 6,125.00 Following appropriations be decreased: 35.00 General Fund 0998-400 Salary and Contingent Reserve 6,125.00 Following appropriations be increased: Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings 18.01 parks and Recreation 0710-100 Administration 604.00 0713-100 Conservatory 7,427.00 0714-100 Como Zoo 8,674.00 0715-100 Heating Zoo & Conservatory 2,552.00 0718-100 Recreation Centers 133.00 0719-100 Athletics and Sports 5,964.00 0721-100 Custodial & Maintenance 7,111.00 0730-100 Park & Recreati�n Ground Maintenance 37,171.00 0731-100 Park & Recreation Building Maintenance 13,738:00 0732-100 Park & Recreation Vehicle Maintenance 8,880.00 92,254.00 � T • � .�i - � �a���:e:� � a�t���ty Charter and Fund Object Title Amount 18.02 Public Buildings 0750-100 Administration 2,564.00 0752-100 Design & Engineering 13,905.00 16,469.00 108,723.00 Following appropriations be decreased: 18.00 Comm. of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings 0700-100 Administration 5,529.00 18.01 Parks and Recreation 0720-100 Special Activities 1,819.00 0723-100 Watchmen 3,025.00 4,844.00 18.02 Public Buildings 0751-100 Building Inspection 2,230.00 0753-100 Plan Examination 6,579.00 8,809.00 35.00 General Fund 0998-400 Salary and Contingent Reserve 89 ,541.00 108,723.00 w ORIa�N7[L TO fITY CLtRK � ����_{� � , ��• � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NCi� N� � c� ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 8 FINALLY RESOLVED, That this resolution shall not be adopted by the City Council until after a public hearing has been held, for which five (5) days public notice shall have been given once in the official newspaper of the City, and the approval of the City Comptroller is endorsed on this resolution. Approved: Approved: sy � �a� �Corporation Couns 1 City Comptroller W�.,- NOV 12 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler roved N 0V 1 � 19� 19— Car.�ae� �°�--.-z:.-��--�c.- Levine n Favor Meredith � Sprafka , ayor Tedesco Against Mr. Preaident, McCarty Nov a o t97� PUBLISHED — O � � '� � � � . r � r� � U ir � f- / ! �, NOTICE OF PtTBLIC HEARING ON REVISIONS IN TFiE SAINT PAUL CITY BUDGET FOR 1971. PUBLIC NOTIC;E is hereby given that pursuant to Saint Paul City Charter, Section 203.2� the Saint Paul City Council will hold a public hearing on the 12th day of November, 1971, at 10:00 A.M.� in the Council Chambers in the City Hall and Court House Building� Saint Pau1� Minnesota, for the purpose of considerin� revisions within the adopted budget for 1971. Dated November 4� 1971. HARRY E. MARSHALL� �ity Clerk. (November 6, 1971) � G+�p' ' p � >> M ��;f»., � i� ;,� .r� �y i. ':� ` � u� .� 'i :� � p. 11 � ;Y t�; Yoi" i� ` '" �ler£3p'7f. Sa�RR1Y�. . �,d a< �t�N".tCity.Cier� *, • smk. :�«s. ,:'f^"►X��F'� "i�j�;r�r..�. . __. _ �.u. . , o��,�,T�,��,� - cmr oF sT. Pau� ���� 25s33s � �,� N4 ' OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--6ENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIONER �A� �Af, qwtstfr ��atl� 203.3 �srvi�iq ieu �t erri�3�. �ttYia � th� �tleptN lwdpt; �urd • M�, 1971 ��l�t� r�t�u� in+�'�rdio� ��! 1i!l�ra�tia2 sa� er�ttr !� tM �ns� ei loli�� asd o�wsti�r le�r tba �ts'ww o! !"lr� �t�s��a� wes� ast tda►�t� b�r tl�t $ity Q�aail wtil att�r � �ro��ieet �rt th� �ly1 ►�1�t; +u� f�#, It is tLt l�t�astiea ot thi Ca�cil t• �rsavidi !�r tlat ralar�► a�,�tatrata; �wr. th�rster�. M !t �OI.RIi, '�M►t t1N folla�ri� Qwt=t+nt lw�da aal �'ttlr�tiss 1� ia�s�d oz dies�a�A � shwa: � . *s11MrMia� s�e�sia�ioaa i� inas�aards �ativtt�r . l�aYt�t �ted -�.M�.,. ,��.. � �� 0l6�!'�1 �!!'�O!!l� ��#�Q�i �� �EaANtti 3•� lM�dl'�� �1!li�t! 0020�1Ot! �stsrtfoa . 3,19a:.EiA 0021•IOG �Mit�r's Co�ail oa �'e�tth 0�tiatit� ,�,,,�i,�9,0� :�.a1,�.s�s.� 2•Q� Ci� 1 i �e 1�hta �. • � s?r:^:'-z�:� 00l�•100 C��il i 'Du�sO li�ts Ca■s. ,�;,�0�6..0� �.00 Cit� Cluq�tk 0040-100 i��aNa t�7t1„� 4.01 �is�ratiaa � 0043�ItlA �ts�tiea � �,�5� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�c;� 19— Yeas Naya Butler � Carlson Ap�ro� 19_ Le°u�e Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka �� � . . ro0'A�fllit Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��� . ' �5����� 2 Activitq Chazter and �, b ect . tle Amount. 5.00 Comm. of Fiaance� 0050-104 Comm. f�$ F�[1itLC8 7,573.00 0051-100 :.} Parking l�ter Service 183.00 0052-100 P�trki�ng Metar Monitors '3.E�32.00 10.848.OQ 13.01 Civil Ssrvic� �610-100 Civil �ervice l0,Zb6.40 0611-100 3afety Program 1,103.00 0612-100 Orientet4+�n Progran 166.00 12iS35.�0 14.00 Municipsl Caurt 0630-100 l�mici�sal Cauzt 40L142.Qt? 15.00 8urchws�.ag Agsnt Ob50-100 Purchsaing ,ASeat 2.793,00 35.00 General Fund 0951-100 Debt Seswtce 348.00 �969•100 Fedsral lhsnd Accounting 605.00 0998•400 Sslnry & Contigent Raserve 2.__�_4�.40 3,362.00 82�498,00 !'ollowing appropriaEtons be d�cre�tetd: 2.01 Citq P2anniag 0022-100 City llenning 41t441.Q0 OQ24•100 Gapftal Long Rtnge planning 1,942.04 43.383.00 13.00 Comptrol�er Q608-100 C+om�troll�er 25,S�„ 29.QO 16.00 Council Inv�stigation & �e�earch 0670-100 Council Investigatian b Research 3�OQ4.00 35.00 Ganeral Pund 0959»100 Pederal t�ograms Admin. 10,,,�,582.00 8z.498.00 , , F�fJ��i9� 3 Activitq Chartes ead Fund b ect i� tle Acnau�nt Pollawing aPproprittion� be increaaed. Public Safaty 6.80 Gomrn� of Aiblic Saf�tq 0100•100 Adatinistrsti+�a 6,945.Q0 0101•104 Building Msintenance 6.669s0U 13,614.Ob � 6.U1 Poliee 0110-100 Admf.nist�ation 22�924«fl0 U111«1QQ License Diviel,on 7,82�;�Q 0112-100 Uniformed �ivia�ion I44,8�3.00 0112-100 tTniform�d Tiivision �» E3v�rtime 110,Q4t3.t�0 fl113-1Q0 Detsctiva Divtsi� 247,143.OQ OIi4-100 Ssrvices Division 91,935�00 584.b76.4Q 6.02 Fire OI40-100 Adminiatrstion 25,313.Q0 0141-1n0 Fire Pr�►venticra 5,728.00 0142-i00 Fire Fighti�ag 498,5QO.Q0 Fire lighting-0vastime 20,04fl.00 d143-100 �tation: "l3sinte�u�nce 5,642,40 8146•104 Fire Pi�na & Training 5,p9'�.00 8148-100 aire Gomn�nications 18,284,� �76.5fl6.f?� 6.O4 . , . : Hsalth a18t1-14f1 Admi�nistxa►tion 4,774.OQ azsi-10+p Vi�a1 3tatistia� 9,228.00 0187-100 Health �baratory 2,7�1.a0 Q188�1�0 flog Liconst Bnfar���nt 6,983.00 fl189•104 Sousing Inapectlon 325,Op 24.QS�..OQ 1.X98.877.�0 � �.������ 4 Activity Gharter and ,�,n,d b ect tia Amtasgt Fo1lo�ing appropzlstiaiaa be de�r�esed: 6.04 Iieslth 0182-I00 P�'o�c►tion of Hea1Ch Schoola 23,tX+4,40 0183-100 B�ood R,�gulation 3.b5S.00 0�$�+-100 Mediatl & Inspectionx�. 14,�b2.00 U185•18Q Tuberculo�ie 1,5�220 00 56�,081.00 35.00 Ceneral �►und 0998-wt�0 9alary and Cot►tingent ta�erve �,��42,796.40 1,�,198,877.00 R�Ilowing approprf.atfons b� incret�e�da Pt�b11c Worke 7.Qt? Cowm. of Pub�.ic �Toxks a200-10Q Admiaistratiou 1,30�.OQ 0203�10p 'Traf�tc Cc�czt�co� b F►+�rking Mater Sarvice 7,t14t�.Oft 0204-3Q0 3ignsl Matintenetace 22��fm.00 0210»1t10 Engine4rs • Adminietr�ticn 1,000.(3a 02�1•i00 Of�ice Bngfneers 9,300�00 4212•1� 3t�rvey Untt 4,900.OQ Q214�IQ0 Serwer besign 3t?O.Ot? 021�-100 Loc�l Tmprarveba�ttt 4,8QO.Q0 ,�1.540,40 7.01 SLreet M�tiateeur�e & �epair 0220•1fl0 pavad Stre�et Ae�pe►ir T,3fl0.00 Q221»1Q0 Gradad Street �epair 45�Q#I0.4?0 52.300.�0 ������� S Activity Gharter and �.,,� b ect �,le n� ��,03 3 tr�et b S ewar Cie�xni�g � OZS0-100 Admiaistretit�n 3,90U�00 0251-�OQ Cleaning Graded 3trseta 8,90Q.00 02S2-lOfl Clesai:ng Pave�t Strsets 12,400�01? Q253•100 Refuse Remaval 9,tm0�00 0254•100 3now Plaw9.ng 4p,QpQ.UO 0254-2tf0 '� " �.5,Q00.00 U254-300 r' n 1,Q��00 0255•lt}0 Snc�w �emcrvsl 15,04fl.00 0255��!QO " �' IO,OOO.t30 0256•18fl Icy 8treet Ccntrol 4S,OOQ.OQ _ 4256-30fl n �' n 3�t,Ot�O.t� 027Q-1Q0 Weed Cu�ting 1.2{10.pQ 19S.Q4U.04 2„�8.8U0.#�0 1►ollaai.ng appropriations be decrsased: �5 Qec�exsl Fund 0998-400 Salarp & Gontingen� 8eserve 298.8Q0.00 Followl�ng app�cpri.stians be incressed: Libze�ries and Civic Buildi�tgs 9.fl1 i�ublic Lihrar3► 4410-Za0 Library 3e�vic� 49,250.00 0431-104 Bu�.ldi�g Mr�iateasncu i4,?73.Q0 64,063�.00_ l�ollawin,g apprapristioas to be dscre�asd: 9.U4 Cca�m. of I.ihr�trte� & Civie Buildiags 044Q-104 Adm�nistration 2�,13,� 35.tNj General Fund 0998»400 3alazy � Co�ttngent Aeserve 61,93Q.t�t3 64.pb3.00 ` 1 ' � �5�c�c�� 6 Activ3,ty Cha�teEx� and Fund b ect tl A�nt Following appropr�aCions be incressed; �ublic Utilities 12.00 �+�n. of Fublic Utiliti�ts OSt�0-I0�f Admini�tratioa 1,9�i6,4f1 OS20•lOt? �nvest�g�ttione 578.E�K7 053U�I0{? t3tility 3lldg. M�aiatmnance 334 t'�? 3„4��$�1}4 �.1.01 Pub'�ia L�ghting OS40-lOQ AdminiatsaCion 3,�067.0� 6.125.d0 �Collowing appropri.ations be dacreased: 35,OD General Fund fl998�400 Salmry a�d Ct��ix��n� Ressrv� 6,125,Op Pollawing appropriatic�ns be increaaed: Parks and �tecraaticm amd p�ublic Buildings 18.U1 �etrks sc�d Recreatton 0710-100 ABRninistratie�c► 6t?�{QO 0�13-100 Gan�exvatory 7,427,00 Q714•IOfJ Ct�po �o0 8�&T4.f3t? 0715»IOQ A�tt�ng Z�o & C.onsarvatory 2�552.�a 0718•1,00 ��cr�watiaa Centers 133,t1t} 4714•14U Athleaties snd 3ports 5�,96�i.00 0721-1�U C4+stodirtl � Msiatenance 7i1�,1,►40 0730-I00 $ark & �ecr�►tion Grou�B Me�.nte�na�ace 37,171:04 0731•104 :' :l�itzk 6� R�z�aCion Bu►f.lding M�tintenar�ce 13,738�OtJ . 0732-100 Tark � Aec�e�+ati.�n @►ehicie Ma inten#tnee 8,880.Ofl 92�,254� ' � �5�e`���fi � ����.v�t� Chartar and _�„ Ob �ct it�:a Aa�unt 18.Q2 Aiblic Suild�gs 0730-10Q Admini$traticm 2,5E�.�Q Q752•],� Dea�.gn b ffingi�aering 13.905,OQ 16,469,QQ, 208.723.OQ �alla�wing appaopriations be dscress+��: 18.Ofl Ca�am. o:� �'erks aad �ecreatlon aad Hubli�c Bu�,ldlan�gs 0700-100 A�minietration 5.5�9.E30 18.fl1 Parks aad �aacraeticm► G72d-100 3peciai �lctiviti�� I,819.00 0723-100 Wate'hma�n �,025,,,�,.� , 4�,8�►.S3Q i8.a2 lublic �.iildings 0751•100 Etsildic�g xnspsctian 2,230.Q0 0753-140 Plan Pac+�mi,rut�tm b,S,�9.00 w 8.8t?9,,:Qt? 3S.OQ Gsne�:Z Fund 099�-�40C► Salarq and Gonti�gent �te�e�^+re 89.54I.OQ 108,�,723.tt4 ���^�"�rB�*� , • 'ov�uu►rs ro nnw�e ^ � ` �V-:1°�.�C�' � � cmr oF �r. PAUL ��u�,a� No , � oFr�cE oF naE cmr c��K COUNCIL RESOLUTI4N—GENERAL FORM n�gr�r�.r COMMISSIONEI� ^ATF a nw►w�i w�* �►c cas. �r..o�u�� sa.�i a� e� .a�s.a �► �a,e d�tr C,eua+eil m�til �tttt i p�tilis h�rs� t�rs 't�a hild, laar �i�h �l�M► f S� �+s }ublia e�asias s�ut�l b+�rs bMn. �iwin oaee ia tlt� al��tl awa�a� st t1w� �7►'. aod th� +�Irseral, ,p�!` t�t �it� f�o�tsall�t ts re�desisd oee this s!ae#�rtioa►. , �►�rov�t: a}�erwd: �► 1����. Cear�cat#,�o� �oaaa�i Ctt�r �o�►t iaac. ` ; NOV 12197i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotm�� 19 Yeaa Nays But�er A � N OV 12 1971 �,��� ppro 18_ Levine . � Favor Meredith ��' Spr� � _ � A�OA;11At Tedesco . Mr. Preaident, McCarty �e