256333 OR161NAL TO CI Y CLERK � , ' '� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� N�, �`5�`�`�� " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONE 1 AT� WHEREASr The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Resolution C. F. 256138, approved October 26, 1971, authorized Application to the State of Minnesota Governor�s Commi.ssion on Crime Preven- tion and Control for the Retreat Project� a community adjustment center for adult ma.les in Saint Paul; and WHEREAS� The said Governor's Crime Commission has approved the City`s Application; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED! Tha.t the Mayor, City Clerk and Comptroller be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute Grant Agreement be- tween the City and the Governor�s Commission on Crime Prevention and` Control for the said project, said Grant Agreement awarding the City the sum of $158,162.00 and contemplating the expenditure of local funds (Model Cities funds) in the amount of $5/+�484.00. , FORM � � � , Q ra o Co set NOV1i191! COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler �p� 1 1 197� � ��_._,� _ _ A ` _ 19— Levine n Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty N OV 13197� �UBL�.ti�i�:ll ,� � ' �� . ` s:�s�... �. GaVERNQR`S COi�{MISSTOt�I Or� CRIMC PREVEN7TON RND CONTROL ���C.�'�r�� GRANT AGRfEMEfd7, TITLE I, SEC. 3U4 OMNI�US CRIh1E COi�TROI_ AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1968 Public Law 90-351 Public La��r 9Q-644 Thi s �:GFtEEMEtdT, made thi s day of , 19 , by anu between the State of Minnesota acting by and througr� the Governor' s • Corr�nission on Crin�e Prevention and Control , hereinafter called the Gr•antor, and Ci�y c�f ,�t. ��aul , hereinafter called the Grantee, pursuant to the authority granted by Title I, Sec. 304, Omnibus Crin�e Contr�l and Sa�'e Streets Act of 1958, Public Laws 90-351 and 90-644, h�ereinafiter called �;he Act, and Executive Order ho. 3, May 27, 1971 , State of Mir�;�esota; �nd � WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act the Grantor has been allocated funds by 1;he United Stai:es Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for use �in 4he State of Ninnesota for the purposes set forth ir the Act; and � V��HEP,EAS, the Grantee has made application to the Grantor for a portion af such a7location for the purposes cantained in, and thc� manner described in, urante�' s ",'��plicatien for Grant," a copy of which is ai;tachtd hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", and the terms of which shall govern and cor�trol this grant �xcept as ethet°4•r�se specifically pravid�d herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consider°ation of and in reliance upon the mutual covenants and agreements contained i�erein, the parties hereto do covenant and agree, each far themselves and their respective successors and assigns, as follows : The Grantee shall perform and accomplish such purp�ses an� activities as are specified herein and in Exhibit "A", attached 'nereto: , , , The Grantor sha�l grant to the Grantee the total sum of ' Gn� hundred fifty-ei�ht thousand, cn.e hundred sixty�t��io ---- D011dt^S ,., � �� 158,16�.00 ) , and tf�e Grantee shall expend from other sources the tOtdl Sum Of Fifty-four th:::usar�d, fcur hundred ei�hty-four -- Do111►"S ($ 54=484•00_____) , which sum shall be the total financial commitment of the respective parties hereto under this agreement, and which shall be distributed and expended in conformance vrith the policies , rules and regu- , lations of the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control ; The Grantee shall expend funds granted under this agreement only for the purposes and activities specified herein and in Exhibit "A" and only according to the approved plan and budget contained in Exhibit "A" ; The Grantee shall be bound by all the terms and conditions contained in the "Applicant's Agreement" of the "Application for Grant," 'i attached hereto as Exhibit "A�", except as otherwise specifically provided I herein; � � i FURTHER, the parties hereto do specifically agree that the follow- � � ing covenants and conditions shall bind the parties hereto: � 1 . Grantee shall abide by and comply with the Special Limitations , and Special Conditions contained in the current Statement of Grant Award applicable to Grantee a copy of which is attached . hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "6" , the terms and conditions of which shall take precedence over and control the terms and conditions of Exhibit "A", attached hereto, , "Application for Grant. ° 2. When required by the laws of the State of P1innesota, Grantee shall attach hereto, prior to submission, certified copies of resolutions, or other authority, by the appropriate governing body or bodies as shall legally authorize the execution of this . agreement on behalf of the grantee. `2w , . 4�� � � 4 IN WII�NESS WI�EREOF, the Grantor has caused this agreement to be duly executed on its behalf and its seal to be hereuntc fixed and the Grantee has caused the same to be duly executed on its behalf this day of , 19 � .FQRM ,�F''�r� �VED :j ' �.��{ Asst., o ` �`".�° APPROVED: r � �ratiot Counsel ,I Commissioner of Administration GRANTEE: � ��� By 8y I i Mayor i Date -- �' i City Clerk ! City Comptro er �� Title � Approved as to form and execution , STATt OF f�INNESOTA by and through this day of s the GOVERhOR'S COh1i��ISS:Ofd OP� 19 CRIM�E PREVEPvTION AND COP�lTROL . By Title � Date ATTGRNEY GENERAL � STATE OF MINNESOTA APPROVED by Council Resolution C• �• # � Dated By Title -3- \.���n:-a._e::_.wc'aeaa.a�zr+..wwx.>r _r..:..:n�n��, a...r:..M.raw�.svr.�w.-ia-.ast.+.aaa.:..r..� :-_ar.--r . :'_;.w�� �,-'i.a:.'-aa�a . -'.��-r.r:e .i.su � t..i-.c�v v�asi..... .a..awrw�BUiR.� . ^ �`11 .. � Y~47L,119 � � �1 f ��; f /', f~ � ��. 44 CiQ�T:.Ri�i��.c�> �r�i.ei4_.�...,.�.J?� O�, r.�?I1�fL = .,. �_ .� .' '.. .._ i [- -- .ti;,LVI�'iVil���i\ !a.i�k:) l.Uti']'r��L _----_ i _..--�-'v�—. _T ^ st_._�.._..__.�_.�_._�..�F ,— `�� `.' 1't Zl��f�1J TV.iV 1V U�1LJ.�1� E �� y -- — — -- . fi�}�liC3�.I011 1S }li'.i('�'ij' IrinG�i: fvi :.t £-8T'a l a.iGES ��( ^.;.?�(.Y).l$T�liZ —_� tAie Ornnibus Cxime :.'ontzel and �afe 5t�.e;.ts A�� — — oi 1968 (P.L. 9��3:i1) ixi the a.r.ount and tor fr:e-�ur- j�f'j' �"T'CEr��El' ' {Lea��e I3ian�c) poses indicated. __i ___.r._—., 1. Ti�le of Pro�ect: �e Retreat -- A Com�nunity Adjustment Center for Adult Ma.les in S�t. Paul 2. Ty��e oi Application: ` � � Ori,s,*inal i° I Reti�ision � Con?inuatio�i of�ran�1�'0. 3. Project Duratio�: 4. Tc;al F'ederal Support Sought: 12 Months $316,32�+ 5. Req�:est for First Year: $158,162 _, _. _ _ _ ._ - 6. Appiicant: � 7. Project Director: (Na�ne,ad��ir�ss and telephone) (Name,title,address and telephone) City of Saint Paul (Model Cities) Frank Johnson City Ha11 and Court House Froject Director St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 532 Ashland Avenue 223-4012 st. Paui, Minnesota 5510�+ 8. Financial Oliicer: 9. Ofiicial Authorized to Sign Application: (Name,title,address and tel�phone) (Name,titI�,address and telephone) Clemens Schleck Mayor Charles P. MeCarty Comptroller 3�+7 City Hal.l 109 City Ha11 St. Paul, Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 223-�+323 10. Type of Age.r.cy or Institution: 11. Type of Governmental Unit: � Public 1J Private Nonprofit � State � City L,� County ❑ Other 12. Other Federal Support: 13. Other Federal Submissions: Model Cities - Saint Paul $54,481+ ... ..:. .�.�_ct_. •w ._ �.i��.a. ,... .. . ...... - �..,. (rT \ 1 — ? l �•:1�t.� t . :•'.l.l',{� t '. i . . .. . . . . �" . . . . � .�.. .. . i� �.,..".,'. .-_'.�. i .:� .... .'. .. . . �.._.:..� .` . , .._ '. ' .. . ' ' � . . . . . . ., ..`i.: ., � . �Y1:t'l:�Z' .x�}'rt� �1(f "� ic �i..� n,_. :.,�. . �.,,.�. . ' .., . . ,1_ ` :; ? tt' �'?'rr. -,:.,. ��U32i7.71L1cZ�IQ'"i Sil' OT{". � . ._ _ :c ,=i� � __ .._ . E _ ,_.._ ,_. . _S . .i:;2:." G� nr:.;tii��! ��'=.Ilt� _.o�. ...��� 3. ��iOiQ!:t�.fi.iidi;Ii.-�Ti.. �.L'C(IC1�n tllz 1 •11�i1? YL2 Il: 1 �:?1.� � C: '�5:2 iiii: U ��_"lIL� l�":... �_.s.;:'_i; C;�i;.ta': �Jt i}:� tatal projec*. as �T%,�ki.�YG. {n%•'g'�i.�JO�t. �''. �„i�,� ';.!]C TI':'': r!�-,.�) UI $. month as a b�ginning�iate. ` 4. Total Federal Support Sougi;i;: Enter the total amount �f Fe;'seral funds requ�s;eu ir.. .:or,ciuct. t�le praject tor the period shown und�r;t�;r� ',;. 5. Request for First Year: Coinplete only if project duratian (Item 3) exceeds o.ie yea,•. Enter the total amount ot funds re��sester� to conduct the pzoject ;or +,i:e izrst year. 6. Apglicant: Enter the of�'icial name, add:�E'J'S� anci telephone ziumber of the applicant ageucy or instit�tion and the departinent or other prisnary unit that v��ill a:�minister the project. 7. Project Director: This is the individual who will have direct responsih:lity for the proiect. He should be a person whc cornbines substantial knowledge and experience in the project area with proven ability in administration and supervision oi personnel. He will be eapec�ed to devote a major portion of his tirne to the project. 8. FinancialO:�icer: 'This is the person wizo will bc responsible for fiscal matters relating to the project and in charge of accUUnting, management of funds, verification of expenditures, and grant financial reports (normally sorneone other than the project director). „ 9. Ofiicial Authorized to Sign Applications: This is the individual authorized to enter into binding commitments on behalf of the apnlicant agency or institution, or governmental unit in- volved. He �rill be someone other than, and normally an ofi'icial superior to,the project director. 10. Type of Agency or Institution: , Indicate whether the applicant is a public organization (State, local, or other government unit) or private non-profit organization. 11. Type of Governmental Unit: ' Indicate whether the applicant is a state, city, county or other govern- mental unit. 12. Other Federal Support: The applicant should indicate the federal program source when other Federal funds will be available for financing of components of the project. This should be interpreted broadly and include notice of any related activities supported by other Federal programs. 13. Other Federal Submissions: Tndicate other Federal agencies or programs to which this application or a related program has been submitted or offered for discussion. Indicate � status thereof. f � , . . , • r ; , , STAT'� ClF !�4I':�,T:du,OTA GOVERP�C)c°t'S CO?blli;SSIC2;d aN Cf�tI�1E �PP�I��TION FOR G�tANr ` YR�VEN�'IC)N ,Al'�i? C�UI1''�'T.30L, � Page 2 ---- --._..�p..,....__.,., 14. Budget Summary foi°Tot�1 T'mject: R�id�et Cate�;aries (Fe�leral I'unds p:�',�) � 1st �'�,�- 2nd Ye�r IIeyc�nd 2 _ � � Tctals Pei•SOnnel �53 �4-72 �53 ��"72 ('unsultant.�;,,rviccs `� � _ 24,000 24 ,000 i � Tr:�v��l r� , .�__�_�___._____. ._ �____ 6,�a 60 � 6,460 � � ` t I':ryui�m�n4 I i _ 22 214 22 214� � ' _. �_ __t t Construction "-`s t � --� nth� i (Supp�ies,tc�lei�hone,rental,rtc} � � -- — --�. __�. ____ _-----______� ___ ____ ___._<._._>�,0l6 5� ,016 T��tal i'edrr:�l Funds itequc:tc��t � �5g,152 $1�j8�16 � � ,� >16��?�^; -- - -- _- __ _ �_�..._____ ` T<�tal Grantee Contribution r ��� _ � 54 ,484 554 ,484 � � S 108,QC8 3 15. Explanation of Grantee Contribution: V"`� � � S [ SEE BUDGE�?' NARRATIVE � E t 4 � ; � ' ; . t , i J6. Ex�lanatiai ofPudget: ' � E � SEE BUDGET NARR�ITIVE ' E � � ' . � . I' R 7 �� . "�....'+ i.�...�......�.,w,�..�....r�ra.�! �� . r � 5T/�.'I'E (?F !viINItiGSOTA APPI.,ICATION FOIR GRANT � GO�N�'iR'S COI:1.';9.J:�E�in^? ON CKIi'V!E � PREVENTION �1ND f'UNTROL Pagc 3 ' 17. Applicant's Agreement: The undersi�;ned repre�::nts, on behalf af lktc applicant, that: � (a) Any grant a�vardeci pursuant to this applicatior� shall be subject to and will be adminisfered in conformity �ti•ith couciitions a;�plicable te !hc� ri�,cal Administratiun o� Grants under ParC I3, `' Title I, of P.L. 90-352, General Conditions APplicab;e to Administr�tion of Grants under Part � B, Title I of P.I,. �y0-351 and o�.�-�^r pc:licies, rtxics and re�*u!,itions �ssued by the Dcparhnenf, � of Justice or thc Governor's Cotnr��i��io:^ e�n Cricrie I'revention arad Control for the administra- tion of grant �r�+}ects under the Omnibus Cri�ne Contr<jl and Safe Sh•ce4s Aci af i��r8. (b) Any funds a�var�1���3 pursuant to this npplicatinn v4i11 be expended on�y for t;�e purposes and ;I activities covered by the applicant's ar>proved plan and budget. � (c) Any funcls av�arded pursnant to this 8���2C7t1G12 will be uscd to �upg?ement attd nat to sup- y pl;int tocal ;�nds oiher•.vise aW�:�itak�Ie fo, Iaw enfcz•crment psograms and, to the exfent prac� � tiral, will be used to increase such func3.4. (d) The applic�nt will have avaiia�,le arsd evill exFend from nau-federal sources, as needed, ade- quate resnurces tu defray that nortion o£ fhe taial costs as set forth in thi5 appl;cation as , "Grantee Contribut:on" end as approved by thc Cornrnission. (e) The Applicant will comply with and will insure compliance by its contractors with 'I'itle Vz of the Civil Riglits Act of 1964 (�.L. E$-3�2) and aii re�uirements imposed by or pursuant to regulations of the D�partm:�nt c�f 3ustice issued pursuant to that title, to the end that no per- son �hall, on the �rounds of race, color, or natinnal origin, ht excluded irom participation in, he d��nied the brnefits of, o� bc other�*rise �u'c�jectc�d io discrimination t�nder any prograi;� or aetivity for which the Applicant receives Federa! financial assistance; and gives further assur- ance that it will promptly take any meast2res necessar}� to ef�ectuate this coinmitment. (f) T}ie Applicant will assume�he func3ing of imprc,veinents funded under the Act after a reasoti- abl� period o£ Federal assistaizce. (g) Any grant awarded purtsuant to this agplication may be terrr�inated in whole or in part by the Guvernor's Commission on Cri�xie Pre�•cntion and Controt or its �esignee at any tiine. (h} This application consists of the foilowing in adc�ition to this form: ' Detail Project Iiudget For �irst Year Project Plan ar.d Supporting Data 18. Date: 20. ' ature�f Authorized Official: 19. Total Pages in ApplicAtion: ,�'�"��, � . , x � STATE 4F` R'iIICN��?'T,A, qpPLICATION 1�'OFt GRANT' s GOVERh'OI3,'S CO?�d'�'��ISSION ON CRIIVIE ' PRF.VF.I�1T!ON ANI) CONTc�OL Pagc 4 Aetail Project F?ud�et �oz I"irst Year: BUDGF:I' ITEM Federal State!Local Pro�F•�` Share Shax'e Toial A. Personnel: �V oJo of �nnual Positio�t 7Ci:nc �al:�cg� SEE' BUDGE� I�TAFs.��,�TIVE �53 �4`]2 �38,000 ��1 ,4^_. B. Consul!ant Scrvices� (Iast) � a�24,000 � S24 ,G`;� • C. Travcl: (Itcmi•r.e) g 6,460 � �S 6,�c� D. F:quipment: (Iternize) � 22,214 $ $ 22,%_ - E. Construction: (Itcrnixe) $ � $ k`. Othcr: (Itemizc} � 52,016 g 16,484 g 68,L: : G. Total Federal Funds Requc�ted $ 158,162 H. Total Grdntee Contribiition (Pa�e 2, Item 14) S 54 484 PROJECT TO'rAIS � 212,�' f �' .. J ____ _ -- ILL�wac"f�fp , STA'TE OF 11�iIY�INFSOTA - APPLICAT70N FOR GRANT ' GO�L'FtNOR'S CORrtIaqI�SION ON C���IE PREV�rITION AIdD C41VT�fiC1L, Pege 5 Pro}cc! F'lan and Supperting Data: ' S�+E A�liTACI��LD _ �, I � ' ' j w � I � ., � ! I � � . d 1 � ' CITY UF STo PAUL CO��MUNITY ADJUSTMENT CENTER Bud�et Narrative LFAA GRAN'I'EE SUPFORT CONTRIBUTION TOTAL A� Personnel Pr�ject Director 14,000/12 raoo � 6,000 � 8,000 i;�_P?k Steno 7,500/12 moo 3,50U 4,000 Co��?~;znit;y* Resotirce Coordirat.or 3,000 �,Q00 12,G00 yr��/12 mo� S��nior Co��nselor 12,C00,�12 t�o< 3,080 7,000 Ccur.selc� = (3) 7,200/10 moo 8,000 10,000 Cour;��elcr ?�I (2) 7,80G/9 moo 11,700 C�ol: b,�;C^�/y moo 4,875 C�ol_ Aic; (pa��t-tirne) 2,437 3�25'�/9 r�o o _.___�_�. ..__. �42,592 w�,s,000 �80,592 . Frin�e Ben�zits �,10,880 �10,880 TCTALS �53,472 �38,coo �91,472 � LEAA GRANTEE � , SUPPORT CONTRIBUTION TOTAL � Do Equipment (conte) i F�zrni shin�s ' ��'S �9) C�30 270 Toti•els & Washcloths (200) @�2e00 400 Dining Room Sets (4) @�300 1,200 ' Dishes, glasses, pots, pans 600 M�.scellaneous Kitchen equipo 100 � Couches (3) C�200 600 ' Chairs (10) @°�100 1,Q00 Tables (4) Ca?�60 240 Lamps (10) @�20 200 , Dishwashers (2) (�f�239 478 Stoves (2) @�274 548 � Refrigerator/Freezer (2) C374 748 Automatic 'dasher (2) C�284 568 � Dryer (2) Cd';�204 408 Toasters (3) C�;,2o 78 Irons (5) @,�25 125 Mixer (1) G�45 45 Vacuum Cleaner (2) @�$140 280 Radio (5) CSr50 25p --�^ TV Set (2) @`�35� 700 I Ches�; Freezer (1) @`�349 3�+9 Fire Extinguishers (5) ��75 375 Pho:�o�raph (z) C.�u150 300 Perculator (1) @�50 50 Miscellaneous Items 1,000 , - i �22,214 �$22,214 E> ' ;� i Fe Cur�iculum Development I Developr�ent and purchase of ��, Tra_ning curriculume 500 �' Ofr�_ce Supplies & Expenses 1,200 Suppl'_es & Other Operating Expenses (continued). ' Facility Rental, Renovation & Remodling 18,516 a16,484 Facility Utilities � j00/moe x 10 3,000 � Janitorial Suppli�s & Expenses �5o/mo. X l0 500 Telephone & Telegraph $100/moa x 10 1,500 Posta�e 500 � Training Supplies & Expenses Workbooks, pencils, pens, pads, and training guides 300 LEAA GRAN'I'EE '. SUPPORT COrITRIBUTION TOTAL �o Professional Services Accountin� � 5,000 ' Education Specialist Psycholist 8,500 Staff Trainin� Management Specialist 10,500 �24,000 �24,UOo Co Travel Project Staff - 6 staff x 25 t:�ie day �; 240 da,ys C� 010/r�i o 3,600 Parking �500/moo Staff 6/ 3o x 12 moo 360 � 6,460 � ,4F,o Da �quipment Recreation Equiprneiit - pool table, p�.nb pon�; table, . spor�Ls equipment 2,�� Office Equipment Stenorette 2� Typewriter . 2� Desk (5) $� Chair (5) 4� Bo�kcase (j) 120 Bulletin Board (2) 48 Table Cabinet (4) � 47$ Chair (4) 160 Fta.r:l:;.sr.ings Four Drawer Chests (25) �75 1,875 Beds .(25) �:84 2+100 Ch��irs (15) �530 8� Nattress Pads (25) @$10 280 Re�� Sheets (100) @�64 �� Pillorrs (25) @�6 15� Bl•�nkets (50) @$10 500 Pillow Cases (50) @�1 50 be� Spreads (25) C��10 25� Clothe� Hamper.s (6) @�20 �-20 , LEAA GRANTEE � SUPPORT CONTRIBUTION 1^OTAL ^o Curriculum Development (conte ) � C1ien-L- Tuition & Loan Ftiind 2,500 Client Medical Care . 2,000 C1ien'�. Bo�_rd w2/daex25x9/moe 14,000 Clieni; Incidentals 2,500 Insurance, fire, thief, liability 5,000 TOTALS 52,016 16,484 68,500 c��?nr� ToTaLS �158,162 $54,484 �212,646 --�;� / FORW�?D This proposal submitted by the City o:f Ste Pau.l �through the Model Cities office, is for a family based Corrimunity ;�dj�astment Center fer parolees who have been repeat offenders� Its aim is to identify, redirect, and combine the ener�ies, talents, skills, and resources �•�ithin the clients, their families and the Aiodel Cities cor�munity to structure a positive living environment that urill preti-ent or deter criminal as U�ell as other asocial behavior. Parolees frequently need the support of a �roup to make an adequate transition frcm prison to civilian lifeo The facility proposed here would provide i:�le security of a place for them to stay and the staff ���ould provide the perjcnal, family, vocational and psychological counseling to facilitate the trar_sitior_ from the highly struc�ured, regalated life of the institution to the more free flot,�ing patterns of far�ily lifee In order to have a stz.ff cor_versar_t tiaith the reentry problems encountered by parol�es, it is essenti�l that tre projeci; be manned, �.ti�herever possible, by ex-convicts� A variety of o';her therapeutic programs dealin� arith alcoholism, drug addiction, etco have pro��ed the value of such an like on like approache Altriough the program is desi�ned primarily to serve i�odel ?Veighborhood resident�, it would be open to other Sto Paul r.esidents as space pea�mittede It is a �lodel I�Iei�hborhood and a total Ste Paul projecto The facility Hrill be adequate to wor�c �,�ith t��enty-five clients� The CAC-AM will 'ae responsible for detex•ming the acceptability of prospective clients, their progr.ess and readiness to lea.ve the centere It is intended that staff inembers of the Retreat, working �rith parole officers, and other correctional institution staff have access to correctional institutzons in order to start affecting a parolee' s or client's adjustment prior to releasee A Citizen's Advisory Board taill be tha policy making body for the Retreat Housee ihis Board will be composed of ten representatives fror� the Model Neigh- borhood,' three concerned citizens and two frem the Department of Corr.ectionse This group will meet monthly to handle polic,y matters of the organization� Another �:ind of group, and Inmate Advisory Board, �rrill be established within correctional institutionse The project aiill be evaluated jointly by Model Cities and the Department of Corrections. ' � TABLE OF CONTENTS �.action Pa e —- IGOALS00000saveoeooa000a0000voe000saoe00000000a0000voe ooa000e 1 IIIMPACT AIdD RESULTSa, 000000000ev00000evooes000000eooeesoeesoeoa 4 III I�THODS AND TII�IETABLEooaooeoa0000v0000a °e000s000a000e0000 eoo 5 A> Project Execution� > 000 � ooeooso�00000e000000000esov000eeoo � 1> Resources Available to Clients and Their Famil.iesoaoavoo � eova00000000000eooe000000000ee>aooao 7 2e Prograr� Phasesooeesoesoovaoososovo �a000 °ooe0000000vo :$ ao Referral0000a0000ao oaoov00000e� 000e000v0000000 $ b, Orientation (P1.Gse 1)oao < . 00000� 0000e000000000 �� :� , co Orientation (F'r�ase 2)ea00000e � as000000 � 000ae � 000 9 do Parole Plannir.ge00000000000voeao ooe000000a0000 10 ee Goal Achievementeso: o�o> oeva00000000000000e ��o� 1Q � fe Separatione000000se0000voeovea ° oo �000 °e0000e0000 10 Bo Methods.00000a0000evooao ° oovo� 00000e° 000aoese000vov0000a> 11 le Staff Ro1e in Self—Determinationov0000v00000000°ooeo 11 2e Counselingoa000000000000 °0000ae000voe0000eevo>0000ee 12 3e Family Involvement in Center Activitiese000evoo <ovoe l�j 4, Communi�y Involvement in Center Activities0000vo°000 1� 5e Center Involvement in Comr�unity Activitiese000e000vo 14 Ca Timeta�l�00000sooe000'e0000aoee>veo °000voe °00000 <o°esoo°oe 1$ IVEVALUATION000000v000>0000e..00e °eevooeevooe0000>ooavooe<o>oovao 1;9 Ao , Client Centered Data000000eooe°aeev000ee°eveoaeeooveo° ooe ]:9 B, Program Centered Data00000eepov0000voa000 >o<e>ev00000e°oa 19 VR�SOURCESoa0000000000000000a000>ov00000eoe..sooes000> 000eevo >ae 20 Ao Staffaoova000s0000evoevooveevevovooeoo>evaaoo> e.000eoo°oe 20 vi ' ' TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) , " _:t�_on Page ?_� Organizationoepeea00000a000voa0000so >� aoevoseoav000e 2p 2e Trainin�000 ° oosevoosoee > osoo �ooev000vevo°eovoov000ee . 21 ao Operational000000000v0000000000vooev0000eoeoeeo 2X be :inter�nersonal Skillsoe 0000evoovoevevavos000ee 22 --�—��± � SECTION I GOAIS The terin, Family-Based Community Adjustment Center �'or adult Males (CAC-AM) , has beEn chosen to designate a planned cot:�-- , m,�nity Adjustment facility, .l.arge enough to house 25 adu�t r�?�:.�F to ' i be established in the Sto Paui Model Cities Neibhbor�oode � i It has as its antecedents both the pre-release guidance center -a_r�c the hal�''�`a5� house co��.cepts. It differs chiefly in the spectru,.i of t::�eatrent services availab:!_e and the intensity of the p:ograra.. �. parpose of the Center is to provide a site for much neede�� f�exible c��r.;munity programin� for the Department of Correction clientso (1J `L�e Center Vrould provide pre-release guidance to adult males in need o.� assistance in ��ror.king our an acceptable parole plan� It wou:Ld a .- i lo4r these men to ease into normal community life by giving them sux - I�i p�rt and the opportunity to find jobs, make housing arranger�ent; w�i-k out finanrial arrangement, etco (2) A second area is pre�renti�e � r�turn. The Center could be used in lieu of jail or vio:iatior. k�ne�; cl_�_ent need is �ore that of close support and guidance than reinc:u-� ceration„ (3) The Com.:�unity Adjustment Center would provide cor. munity social services for parolees� Such services as maritaJ_ cuur_� seling, psychological counseling, legal aid and emplcymen�, assistai�ce are examplese (�}) The Center would facilitate "family-based" trcat- me:it, i�ee , of the whole individual and his surroundings. Justifications for the Community Adjustments Center are: (1) Transition: The transition from the regimented inst�tu-� 1 ' � tional life to the freedom o£ the community is a drastic � \ break for many parolees. Nationwide statistics indicate that the greatest proportion of r�ew offenses committed by parolees occur r,ith the firet 90 days after release from prison. Much of this is due to the pressures the individual must imr��ediately face in securing employment and housing, often arranging for family support and pay- ment of debts, and the psychological adjustment to accept- ing r�sponsibility for makins simple decision5 which the prison regime has, for sor�e time, r�ade for him. There is need for a transitional phase fron� total incarceration to total freedor�� in which selected inraates assumo respon- � sibility for self-direction, with supportive guidance and control. Prisons and other correotional institutions have , attempted to eradicate maladaptiv e behavior. But socially I approved behavior has yet to be reality tested. Present institutional programs approximate neither community ' I stress nor responsibilities. A transitional step dur- ' � ing which tb.P �1�..�-�'- �radually assums responsibility for self-direction but is buttressed by professional , guidan6e and control seems a logical step in furthering the dual responsibility of community protection and re- habilitation. (2) Preventive Return: Too often parolees must be returned to the carrectioiz�.l instituti,on because there is no place else to put them. A ste�, 3��;wPen regvlar parole and re return to the institution is needed where the client can be controlled, counseled, and disci.p�ined but wher� '�P ' 2 can also continue ta maintain tr,e good aspects of his � , ' parole adjustment, suah as employment. Here control and assistance may be given on a preventive basis rather than waitin,� until a new offense has been committed against the community. (3) Community Resources3 A better system of getting the correctional client to the potential comrcnnity services is needed. Legal aid, employment service, marital counseling, psychological assistance, and financial counseling are, to name a few, resources which existing agencies have to offer. These services could be con- centrated at a Community Adjust�ent Center by the agen- cies involved and Ue focused on the parclee at the time he needs them most. (4) Family�Based Treatmentt Often times the individual's surroundings� family included� are ignored rendering trea�ment of the individual per se ineffective� The program will involve the family and others as appro- priate in planned change to facilitate the clients gra- dual return to an improved er.vironment, from that which prompted his incarceration, � 3 SECTION 11 • Ih�ACT 1',ND RESULTS Success�'ul implemer_tation of t�.e Community Adjustment Center and t�e progra�s tne�e y ��:till .•�st��c in individual and social developr�ent of �',�_e clie�Z�cs , ;��eca_ficall.�r5 +,:lis c.evelopment will include: 10 For the first tii::e in their lives clients may have the chance to experience a healthy, positive livin� enviroment that wi11 include: a� y�roosure to and, uitimately, involvement in acceptable int�rpersonal relationshipse be Identification of interpersonal behaviors that oppose as taell as maintain such a wide variety of relationshi�s a�., `male and fem�le, husband and wife, father and son, mother and son, brother and sister, student and teacher, superior d,�c� subordinate., and employer and employeee ce Assu^�ption of ne�� rolese d. Developmen� of interpersonal and cognitive skills to enable occur-rence of educational and/or employment adjustmente 2o Families of clients will become a resource for the clients and fihe communitye Family involvement in CAC-AM activities will build interest and pride in self-accomplishr.ient and will resu].�c in the follo��aing benefitse ao Family members will learn to improve their interaction Fiith clients, socia� service a�encies, and la�•1 enforcement officialse 4 � be The home enviroment of the clients u�ill become more supportive of client developmente co Family members will learn to use the community resources available to tha�o do Family member:� ti-ill learn to prevent other members fro� re�uirin� the services of the CAC-AMo :�a Poli^e wi7.l be i'reed to �pend more of their time in crime preventio.z ac�;ivitieso 4. The courts could have an additional option for clients who woizl�?. benefit fror� C�C--Ai�I participationo As planned; 25 clients at any �iven tor�,e and �;heir families u�ill benefit from this optiono 5o P?or_-professional residents of the Twin Cities area servin� as staff inembers �aill have an understandin� of tr�e problems facing the clients and their familieso These staff inembers can acquire the tooZs and learn the technic�ues useful in dealing tiaith these problerriso 6o Public school students in the Twin Cities area could receive assistance from clients and staff inembers, who u�ill serve as positive role models and tutorse 7, The comm:znity in �eneral will improve as a result of projects initiated and directed by clients and staff of the centero EssentiaJ_ and crucial features of this CA.C-��I will be programe :peci�ic progr.a.m areas �re to be outlined and geared to the inaividuai needs of the clients and his family, the general needs of �Y:e re^ident group, and the CAC-AP�I organization as a wholee Pro�ram areas will be delineated and developed in relation to specific problem areas and, also, needs of the client group< 5 • SECTION III i�;�;THOD� ANll TIt�TABi�E f�., �kOJECm :��CUTIUrd I Ff_ective i� ler::�rit�.�io� a_�d o eration of C.n ro rar� dE���r.: ' � T� Y P � . + I c:� ap�rox��,iate methods and accurate esti::�ates of. timing, This section ". . { a ��?��ludes a description of zhe prop�se�. me';hods to be used and a time- i i ��:�1�� �or i'_ze act.ivities� ; `::?les� �c:�e recipients of a service contr?b�,te t�or�ethin�; i:i re-- t�:�n, that service will be vie��ued as a handout., Therefore, p�-•i;ici- � ,; r ����_a-r_ in the de�.�alopmer.� of the Community Adjustmer_t Center and �_�s � . �.��?ns, .�nc; op�r��ion by :�oth t�.e clients a.nd. their families Gnd the j i c.o:^mu-r,ity ar� e;�cenzial, C_lients �•�ill be encouraged to set tb.�ir o�a�i I �o,z_ s, aevelo�n -c'Z;;yr ot�rn �;rO�r3T1S� and CGritr'?�JULE to the ope�ai;ion � c.f i;he center i� atrery T:ra,�., Tize center r�ust :,� vie�:red b5� cl�eilts and +i � �� abex•s of tY:e su:^rou��di.r.� cer.���^���~:�ty a.s �; rro�?m und f_acility ior F'� th::�.r �:sz, y ;' �. The Fa-�il�•--E�,��ed Co-n�un_�_-�y xdjus�ment Center P;�o�raza for Aduit i. N r?es wi?_J. rely he�..vi7.y �n co.,i:nan:t�r su�;port,. `_'hi� support r.nzst �e ! c::-.�ned by the ��_^.C-•A:•7 si;�ff .a>:d �ther a;�r_�ies tirork_ir_� with them� A �_c:�� i rog-ram s��ch as thi� may meet �aith oppositioi. and even cpai. � ; i.��ti:,_i�:.5� uni:il ;.t earn� this support, � �'rioi� to the ir:p�e-:en�;ation of the ce�tPr, �he CAC-•AM staff • � �:ri.11 meet r�ith t'r.e cor_nnuni+.y leaders at all levels, representatives � :� J_a:�r enforce�en-c abencies, reprc:sentatzves o�' resident �oupsa �( i 6 � ' ard representatives and families of prospective clients to formulate , � workable pro�ram� These representatives, having been afforded the opnortunity to involve themselves in the plar.r.ir.� and even to some extent in implemen�in� the CAC-A�7, then will be corr,mitted to succes�- fui aperation of the centers and will ,be less inclir�ed to detra.ct ��•om their effectivenesse Althougn these meetin�s will requ.ire r:a;�.y iniorr�7a]_ fo11o�.,�-ui� cor.itacts and meetings. Issues to be discussed :��. t.h� m�:.e�9-n�;G will include: 5election of site; facil�.ty; expecta- t'_.;�i ci t}:e covrts; cl�er�ts; c�ient fanilies; coi_L�unity l�aders; ard .i_��=x?Ers o�' lo��ler groups in the operation of the center; results and ��.�;�'��,;,�ons anticipated; and the type of assistance each group can -,�r� -,i6��, ��`nis i�Y'OC@SSy not limited to the initiation of the pro�r�.m, �;ill �.c ,�cntiiraoa� t� r.��.intain community support� 1.,. FFSOUF�ES A.V.".IZ�FiI�� TO CLIENTS aND THCIR FEIP�IILIFS �ecre�tion and avocational equipment at the Cor.;mur.ity Adjustment Cei�te� ws�1 be �rovidEd� Although some a=aocat�_ona� o"fer�_ng� may dif-- fe�= accorc.in� to staff ir�t�rest, �uch thi�zg�. as hobb�T and crafts tLi�:;s 2nd �.rt supp�_ie,� will be made ava�_lab]_e to al1 clients.. Iitdi�;idua.l�_�ed and programed instructior_�.l materials in reauin�, r,a�:':i; a.id langu.��� arts will be maintain;Y.g for clients �rho choosz to �.: •�u�� e���cat�.ona�_ remediat�.on as part of thei.r• developr�ent� Sn addi- �;;i �n. cor.ip-r�hen�ive libra-ries contair.ir�g a variety of reading materials ap-;�_�cable to far��.7_S r�embers and clients interest will be maintained, On ent��� into the C_AC-AM, a client without other income will re:eive a c.lothing allotment, and during his stay at the center will -re•:eive a nonthly livin� allowance- witY! which he will be responsible � f�r r�urchasin� toile+ries; dr•y cleanin� service, and small perscnal iter�s. If a client i� work_r�� or is receiving a stipend from a man- po��er trai_ning program in which he pa,.rticipates, he will receive no monthl;� 1i�ing allowance� First aid s�rvices ��ill be a.�ailable at the center; however, medi;,al a_zd dental se_�vicss presumably will be provided by state and '.1tv� u�jG�T1CI.C�Se , �i s^�all loan fund will be r�aintained for clients having i.^.�medi- �:��: er�er�cncy zieec?s„ Raoi:� a.r�d board will be provided to each client seven days per �aeekA C:i-�.er�ts :-.�ill "ae respo�lsible for �^c:intaining �lie center facilitJ a_�c� will take turns assisting with pre�arin� rr,eals, In the orientation (phase 2) , clients ar.d staff inem'�ers wi1.l e;c��lore strengths and r,eaknesses of the clients a.nd formulate �n in- ` di�ridual development„ Here the client will �egin to d�velop his i�len•- tii;y in a broader conte3:t, the communityo , � 2o PROuRAN PHASES � � M To avoid p�rpetuating the passive-dependent response to a �otal : in;,titutional regime, sever.al departures from the latter would be ir_- r'.i:��e�' in program planning and group living, The follo4=ing program ' ar-.a5 �r.all be considered essential, but not necessariiy all inclu- si -n "or present purposese a., �e�'erral---Placement is generated by tY:e inmate himseli, or throu�h placenent by the Department of Cor�ections, or t.�re-:;;:-� �lacer��ni by -�he court� Ir. consult�ti�n :li:Y. th� i�stitution social worker the inmate r�ay ini+ia�.e his re- qt�est or be placed at CAC-A?� upon parole� 7.n any case th� . r l ', , , prospective client wiil be intervie•�ed by one of the CAC- � � _ AAZ staff wi�h tr.e case��rorker. "Acceptance" will be co:n- � 1 � r.nznicated to the cl.ier.t, caseti�ro-rker, �.r.d tre Der.a,•.:i:�en:, � i oi Cor�ections., i � lJw Grientation (Ph�:se 1)--�The fir.st orienta-tion pe.„icd k:�.l�_ { . i be conducted a�c the ins±:_�i�.tion witn �Lz� a_nr:a-c� e�_Lhe� ir�- a�vidu�i�_y c�r, nossible, wit'r. a �_�oup of inm:.�ea.. S:,r�� Jery �cr_eral cons�dcrations are discussed at th�s poir..-t 4Jhich rr�y irclude c::ncoura�ing the inr�ate to �e�e.l_�p so�e f init:ial ps_ole rla?��s of ris own such as em�lo�rmer_t pla�is, re��.d��rce �f±F--:• . -7_ea�e �i.;;. �iost plannin� at t�is stage will be of a very �e.leral na�ure and clier�ts V��=�.� �e in- �cr�ed of �esources available a:�d aualific�.tions neceti- ---- �� e ,:a:c-T to take advanta�� of them.. Tc a much le���t e�:�;ent. � iA.c';.vic4aal plans may be formulated� The C,^.C•-�'.`i rerr.asen- ��.ts.ve w;l, lilrely consul� with the insti i L_'�io� c�c,e�!c��'?.-• ' �:r has �-;,-clor�� in c.rcatmer_� p]_a�nir.�;.. i���;_s or-_�.�;,ut�c,:i � r-�ase sha]_l not li'�el.y amount t� �acrc ;;i:.�.::,� o-:� c��t�c� �,ritl, �. i , �,-;_±hez the ��rlate �r �he casetn�eri.er- Tr. �..ac�;�,��.1 t� �}��' ;' '- nmut�s .i�. 1 rcce��rF• �. �ele^_> ;'��te anc? o=;,her ` �ore�oinU, ,.h� :� `' ? � } per±i::ent inrcrr���'_o�, e. �, ; tr;,nspo�tat;.on t;o the C=�C--AiI, etc� I c.. �iri_eircation �Fha::e2)_... Zh;s r=1as� ��kes plac� at t.'1:; cen;;e�., � � Th:.; s���?l l�e a :�or,:pLlsor,y orie�ta�ion pe.riod 1?.sti��� p�.r- ; h�,p.� :.cv.-�al a�y�' ai:d it =s v�ry itnpor'can+ to �_ct :-:La� t;z:.� will ti� i;�ze l��t clo�^"�;� ��ruc±ured pro�r�r� t'.:� i�ln:-�t� �.-�'_l� unuer�oa .�� the end of the seve�•al day period the clien�: �:���:� , i b� �onsulting orith the CAC-AN� casevrc�rker to formt�lat�: p�an� E s�ecia'ic to his needs� As an after thought, it is sug�est:;d � � � th�.t p�rhu�s tri�. period ^�ay no� ne�d t� )ast; r�ore than one; or. two �•:eel_s, a�te� wr.ich ar.other phase will intor- !�aily �e�in, d, Paro?e PJ_a:ir:�.n��-Ir. virtua.11y alI the progrz.m �reas the senior cot�r.s�lor �oer.t �,ril]_ function as the prin:e coo-^- d�.nat'N_b resaurce persor_ anc� aocial �-�orker. :�iis act�� vi�cies -.ail_i inclua� the co�r;�;_�ating of autsi.c�e 'r•esoL.rc�s .._� �eha�f o�' tre r. �s-�_dent� ::ls�; vi�. certain sl�.per�risory =;ci�viti�s, the scr.ior co�.ir��elor �aiil fL�ncticn {;o �ive �ir•�• ri�1r�Y'i t0 G l.Y'_G'_" 1.1?'.� fi�clfi 1?"i ?�T'O�1'2.T;1J..^_� for t'.=1@ C L1@�"'� ���'-�-�-�: __Y- _ _-Si . .,i=(:°. 2rl�t Or =1�;':i-•4�C'.�''�1T1� ti101�I S Cf 2T�(;ra-i X'a�<; � a�c�_ ���r�c�keiirs� � e�. Goa�_ :lchiever�ent--TVO exac� tir.:e estim�te c�.zi h: g�.ver to I!, ----�'> ', the att��nr_ier..� oF �oals sir�ce it �:i11 difi�� i.id=vi�ua-�7y r�ith each clier.t� As c�ients grow �n t�.air ab_1�_;;y -co cope wit}.i lire and suoce5sfu7_7.y as�u:�e grea�cer _e��c�_1s�_-- �, b�_1ity, their tir:�2 ar�d ener�r will bz spent r:cre in act�-- vitie� tY.a� ��rill help them acl:~_eve t�ieir �ersor�al goals� A ?�.r;-.r portion of the tir�e :�iJ_]_ be �pent in ec?ucata.on��. I i activi�ies a�d bu�ld�n� a �osi��ive relai;.�.on�hip witn j I � school ���'�ici�.7.s ?�y tho�e cl�_ents,choosin, addit�_onal I e��:���.t:_on, An a,p~��r��l�.tP, vocatior�21 tl a.inir.� progr^m I �•:i]__. be s�lected by tho^z c�.ier.ts ��ho nce�: to ei�her up-• j � -^�;�c o.r to obtain �kills_. I _ - - I , �, .,: . u@1)�:it,t�lCli' : c?21t3 ��It:O cT`G' .. .''_l. 02: +.1E?1i `.J.°,��, t.OLJci�'C:i d'i..•. t�ir.i�:;� �,'i�:�.r p�-r.s^na�_ �oals �.�;_11 re re'.ri±T'J�.:ced i��.l.o � - I '.;he co�a�:r�unity� Scr�e will 1•eturn to ;_�.,:':�.ly i'G.:S].t�E:?1CPS; �, othea�� ca_�ll establ_sr re��_�enoes oF t�e=_r ��?n,. t'?.t�.�v f;r ��.�-�gi_,:.(l�i� ;;t'}:'t.,;•....;,�.r _. .";1 ±'1^ C�?P_'��t'. C1.1'?I'.';� PiJ_��. �.? P�'1.. , � , cour��ed to rnain+ain personal contact with thc staif a�d other clientse Continued client and fa�iiy participation in coru�ur.ity projects will sustain desirable client-s,:aif relat=_oi�ships. B e N�;mgGDS P�ie�hods to be used in attair_ing program p�cals F�il1 ir.clu�e ��:vera]. te�.hniques to bring a�out COi1t12'UOUS i.F�s%t�.ve ch�.n�e in tt�e c'_ients wit.7 trie ir.vo��;etnen� cf f�r.,:7.�-, con;,�nun-ty; «nd ceiiter� fir',.v`_�or-,- �,�c;ups �.�.so !�,�_1). a.,�sist _.r_ thi; effort,. l, S'_n_1FF �'OI:E I?� S��I:T-DE1�:�r��i�Nli`^T_0?`: Tre obvious necessit�7 of self-detern;�_nation in the p-rocess of a�a�_ge is rel.atea to r�otiv�.tion., Unless p,ogram clients re:�lize that t;':�� raus� c?-�ange, chan�e will i;ot occur; and, u.nless the,y understand il�af �he,y can ch�u�e, c��ange w1.11 not occur.. Cnange must de Jelop .;�c,r.�. ��it'��_.�o �ha��,e r:�as� �e v�:iun�ar�� and receive support fror.l ot;lET'S if it is ��o q@ pCY'Ii1aT'_2ri�. The staff of the CAC-AN will pro- � � :i_';, tha� support, ard 1�11.L1 fa.ciii�a+..e chaiige ?�;� a1lot�ring the cli-- ' enLu freedorl to er,periment s�rith s��cn new behaviors as p�anning, de-- c�sicn raaki.g, and fa_il_�_n�; �tithou+, cor._comitailt devastatin� conse•- rlucr�.ces� T:.� c� ients �aill ?�e a7_lo,��ed to d�rect ar.d pGr�ticipat� in their o•.,rz develol mer.l� �a;af� mem'aers :•!ill reinforce posi�,iz�e ?�:;nav:.or �.nd �nnf-ront nemative baha�ior. con.tinuullv pla.cing thc respo.r..sibility .f..�r �ze developr�ent of ne��� nlans und behav�_crs cn the clients. , Fu_nd.�.r?����_�ta7. to �_�tG:�.ni;z� progran �oaJ_� is the o.ie over--rid�.n� a"���r�,�tio:� �.�d �'�;_•���nd .:�v�e'� d�.rcc���� ^;,aff behavior; •:.�.ients Mus� ',e a��_to�;,-e�. t� �=r�:ct +,he�r � �n ;i Jc� tiai�h �.s few ir:►posed 1ir�itations ll , , _ as`possible� One non-negotiable restricticn to be placed on tr,e cli- ents will be to refrain from enga�ing in criminal behavior while as- si�ned to the center. Violation of this rule �a;ll .result in a return to the courts for disposition. Sta.ff r�emb�r.� aiZd other grouj�s will prc�;�ide information to the clients �.bout exterri�i expecta.tio:�s and 1_mitationso The staff inem- Y�ers tai7_l ir_forr�� the cliei�ts of cer•t�in pntent.i�1_ rr�l�l om.r that. r?r�y ae encour_tered such as inter�erscraal cor.flicts arising fro� living �.� -tl_� C��G-l�l�i a�d expectats.ons of resideiics ir.;r�ediately surrou..din� �he CA!'•�-I`_i�i� the police, and tre courts. But, given the limitations, de•:elopr.�ent of ruZes and regulations, mechar,isms or systems to solve pr.oblems; r�iett�ods of r�eetin� expectations, and ways {;o mair,tain a � .n,..� .-.�f....-- � l ...�.,-iinrn -.�F�.moul,l�..r.� �n��� h� �.Aft; 'f0 t}iE,' Cl1(.'I1tS• Sor�e of the plans and approaclies to cope with the ne�,� living- learni.ng situation naturall.y wi71 not Y�e f�a�irlP an�. „n��,�rt.cdly will f:i:.le But such failure will be turned into a positive lear:.�ing experi-- en:,e. The clients nust be allo�aed to make mistakes in exercising their r.. . , io x:ad�free�or� and responsibility. The r.ecessary cond_tions for ch��nge will exist once clients learn that their oti�n solutions do n.o; always v�crk, and they are forced to re-exar�ine their ap�roach anc� r,�formulate their plans, The staff r�er�bers will not ir�pose their r�ethods on clients, but r�.trier ;aili support clients in the. decision making process, ex- �e.�i:�� c�1�, t�at clients have personal. resourceG on which th�3 car. dr=��.,� to arrive �.t realistic, pragr;iatic solutionse The starf' �r�11. b� present to furnish inforn�ation, identify problems, and clax�ify ex- �ectations.. 2� COUATSELING 12 , , The residential living-learnin� Cora,�unity Adjustment Center ' will be a small 25 man center that will facilitate the develop�ent ' of intensive relationships between client and staff. The size of a pragrar.� is important in bringing about permanent change and a 25 . client group is considered manageable. Establishment of client sel�-identity, too, is important in the change process. Although self-ider_tity can be established in larger group sett�n�s, the risk alienation from the �roup and loss of opportunity to coratri- bute are increased. In a small, closely-kriit group seeting inter- action is concentrated and inter�sive. Counseling will be performed in small groups and in one-to- . one setti:zgs� Tl^.e focus of attentior. will be or. the needs, probler�s, and goals of the clients. Bath formal and informal one-to-one coun- seiin� will be available at all hours of the day and night. In ad- dition, the develo�r�ent of group counseling programs will provide cli- ents with the opportunity of judging their behavior in terms of the expectations of inter-group lifee Counseling will not be restricted to particular times or places, but will occur when it benefits the clients most, / Another important coMponent of implementing permanent change in client behavior is the degree of support received from the family. Thus, family involver�ent in counseling will be stressed. 3. FE�MILY INVOLVEM�„NT IN CENTER ACTIVITIES Prograr� philosophy dictates that changes must occur in family- client interaction. The family, whatever its cor�position, is an ex- ternal force ir�pinging on the life of the client. Family involve- �►ent will include parent-wife-client-counselor sessions in which goals and achievement will be investigagede Counselor-parent-wife sessions 13 . �r:ill ir.�1.��d� pl.c•n=�:'-� of �.�?:«t rarer.ts or �•rife da^ do to support the � 'cJ:ien���; a��a H�hat l�art parcnt-Vrife-client inter.action has had ir. con- tr�butin� t� the cu.rrent probler�s. In orie sense the family becomes as much a -;lient of the prograr: as do the clien�ts« `?'h� de��^F: of cet:lr�ranit�- involver�cnt is another, prev�ously- ir�.er.-c�.:�ned �orce thai; HJi]_1 greatly ir_fluence the success o.f the CaC-Aiin ( rr��;;v:ji;�TZ�T I^JVOLVEI�NT Ii�t CENTEt� ACTIVITTFS 7'r� Cr_C-�1�; �,�i11 be locat�d a.t a.n casily accessible sith �r,�ithin �h. S�, ��ul !`fcd���. ?Jez�:1br.rhoo� a.r�aa ihc effective establishr:.er�t of �. �;:.�:,��:"'.��: C-'-=� Or�_� tal�e place ai�er the r::sidents imr�ediately surround- i-, --.. . :'�:��.�.��•�,- i:�.<v�n b�en �irectl� -;:��o�.v�d =.n t�'�e selection of thc �1. : ar.c. the deveJ_�p.��ent of the center. Comr�unity involver�ent will b:; an on�,;o�_i:g act��_.ti,y, bu� i�� is most critical during the two or --_;�, th:°ee �:���11tn stz�st-up periocl� Cooperation will be ensured by k�epin� t���� r::,�i.c'ents inror�ed of C�_C•-A�i �.ctivity and involvement in community �.r_�;;°ams� Pesident represe��tatives will be encouraged to r�eet re�ru- :;a:^ly ��ith clien�s and cei,ter staff. These meetin�s wi11 result in t�?� coej�era�icn necessa_ry to support the clier�t change process� The CaC-.�i�1 will b� o�en to �isit� .^,y coa:�r�unity r�er�bers at any L�-,e- Pio specific visitir�g hoL.rs �rti�l �e imposed unless the clients d.�.ermine othery�iseo Comr�urity acti�ities th�t can be accomraodated ;_n �ch.e fac�1�.-y �liJ_l be �er;:,itted ar_d encoura�ed., Assistance to cli- er�t,s fs•o:_: :�e:�ic=r.ts u��ll b� tio�=ci ted not onl,� to develop -�he clients 1�,:�" ,^l�O t0 C?P_••(,�C� t;1C' '_"l;�=f�..:;?1'tS. �� cFrT�rF� -_rrvoT�,TL:�:aT ID1 CONS:UTd�TY �r,TZVyTZEs �''_ie c:�.ietit:s o.f the CAC-r,M wi'1 be encouraged to e�aluate the ty.�ec o�' ����:%,�c�,.:is or -�ri�jec�s in ��n�c?�� �,�iey could participate to im- 1� � prove the community. This clie�t effcr{; wi�.l ir.:r�rove nol onlv the com- . , " � � ; r.,unity but al�o ��ill providc the clier_ts with raea.zin�ful Y:elp�_ng ex- � periences� Again, formulating �ossible �,lterr!a�ive soluti�ns to pro- bler�s and ther:l testing these soluti��s ti�ri�.l h�-1p �'�.c;_lita.te client change and will reinforce the necessary problem �o7_ving skiJ.i� essen- tial. to adjustr�ente ' Clients will be encouraLec� ':� ir_?luerc� tl-.c�r. p�ers pos�.tively outside the C�'�C-APf„ Focu.sinc ori tha r.ee:3_ to chan�;c thcir peer� ti:ho r�ight be en�;a�;in� in a soci�� bchavior can ha�e a ve��� posit�ve �i:;- pact on the clients' o,��n "lives and alse help prever.t pr�-r�_.ci;�ation in ille�;al activity. `lr otl.er F�or1s, 2_ell,ing o� �.s�isti��� :�o�aor_c else results in helping oneself, An extremely successful approach used in r.�ar.,y cor.;nur�i�ies has ��en the tutorial pro�;ram. Briefly, clients oaho crocse cculd becor,te part time tutors cf neighborhood or public scheol childrer. who �.re falling behind their peers in educut'onal ach�.ever�er�t� Tnis tv�e of prograr� has worked wall t•�hen the clier_t-:tuto-r is oi;ren the res�on- siUility of teaching a child ��nc� is younger than heG Ez<�n though his tutorial skills might be und�veloped, he orten fee)s pressure to learn more that. his student to r�aintair_ his :tatuso The rnsu7_t is si�;n�- ficant tutorial growtr� and develepment., � The CAC-ANi staff will e�tablish sucY: a pro�r�:r. �'or clients whc choose such a plan by �aorkin� c�_osely �rith �L_blic school officials, PTI1 groups, and teachers. Each staff iner�ber will select a caseloa�? fol� �ahich re �ai.11 b^ responsible, Or�e of the responsibiZities •�rill be th� c'.:vcl���mF:�t cf pro�ram activities for this caselo�:do He �lso wiJ_l e-r�coura�� his clients to develop prograr� activities., tilthough s�ecifice pro- �5 grar�s ��ill be lE,'ft Up tC t^B 171�'�..lZ'1C�ua� Stc�i= ?:iC'i�qC;:."S c':*i:l C__7_:;::Z:S �?:%I' 'developmer�t, the felloV:in� are suggestien; icr clicrt activi.t;;=.. l. Participate in acader.iic rc;m�di�.tior� 2. Participate in voca�ional truin�_r_g 3. Participate in para-professioii�.l �ruin;.n;; ir: tl��se relatt' social service fieldse a. Teacher aide. b. Counselor aida., � c. Recr.•catio.: �ydt�� do Corr�mui.ity reiatior�s �i�eo . .--�.�'�:9 e. Street ;�orker aic�. fo Parole and proCaticr. aide� i6 4, � Develop and publish for local distribu�ion a cominunity newspaper that will function as a: ae Rur�or controlo b, Job ma,rket o co Display for educational and cent<�r rzewso 5o Participate as tutor for juveni.les in local hi�h schoolse 6e Organize and ir�plement a Senior Citi�en's or�ar.izaticn for community and• cen-ter involvemer.to 7, Develcp a community volunteer progr�e 8o Develop year-round recreational programso 9, Establish a Ho�~�e and School r",ssociationo " l0o Develop and implement a consumer education progra.� for the er.tire community; llo Provide minor home repairs for nei�h�horhood resider.tso 12e �stat�lish a fa:nily comr�unity councile 13e Develop and implement an extermination progr�m in the nei�hborhoodso � 14o Implement a breakfa:st program for needy, p�:e-scr:col childreno 15e Develop and operatc a day-care ce�zter and surnr��er d.az cam� for neighborhood childr�.no 16e Establish and epera.te a com::�ur.ity �irst aid centero 17e Develop and implement a drug edi�.caticn prograr� for center and nei�hborhood youtho 18o Develop client hobby activitieso lQo Develop and implement a course for residents and , neighborhood youth in marriagee 1� C o TIMETABLE • To ensure community commitment to the CAC-AM pragram, the staff, clients, and community advisory groups �aill be included ir, the development of the centere The following is the tir�etable for the establish�ent of the CAC-AM prograrno COrdT��CT SIGNED k'�eks 1 - 12 Staff inemb�rs hir�d �o= 1'c,e c�nt�r sites select��d Initia.l meetings witn commurity leadcrs, r.esiclents, priso:� r�t^.i f, Department oi Corrections officials, and client representat_iYS� availablee For.;i i�i;ion of tr.aining and center development pla.ns Coordinations of �11 �vail�ble resou.rc�s rned to �ssist with client ' adjustment � Program Advisory Board selected Inside Advisory Board selected Client center site selecte:d Staff training begun t�quipr.ient purc;;asea Rehabiliti�ion materials purchased Client sc'reening process be�u.n '.Jr e'� 7.' Input of first clients to ccnter begiris _ 15; _ � � S�CTIOTd ZV ; � L�ALUATION '^he Ste Pa.u.l Tlodel Cities rroGram will monitor and e:-aluate the CAC - AI�1 �long v,�ith th� Department of Correctionse Ari information system �:aill 'r.e d�s- igned and impl�n.t�d and i1�i11 act as the mechanism for the eval�aation processa Th� projects vrill bc ev^lu�tea on tn� basis of �lanned versus actual acheive- ;nent in terms of objectives, Ao CLTENT CET?TERED DATA A great dc�zl of inform�tion ab�u� e�ch client will be ar�ecdotalo To assist ir. g�thering this infoz•mation, each staff inember �oill provide Hreekly r�po,�ts specif��ing thc goals of zre clients ancl tr.e type of activity engaged in to acco;npLs� t'_nese goalse ine pro�rar� philosphy will stress beha.vioral and psychological changes over timce Pre-tcsi;s and post-tests of attitudinal and behavioral indices �ai�1 be �dministerede Attempts ,�rill be madc to evaluate thc effect of the Community Adjustmen� Center on the client�s social adjustmento Individual case histories will be provided on each clie:�te � Bo PROGRA:�i CENT�RED DATA A �reat d�al of benef�_cia� informa�ion can be g<-�thered about the �ailling- �.zess, kind, arid quality of cooperation provided by various agencies and org��n- i��tions in th� statc �i' I�Sinnesotae `�`�:is information will be halpful to the Dcr.�rt^�er± of •?�_;;`ic•. ,,_ _ ^,-id� �� ��si�.:,lishing ne�v projects in other areas .:,a , .~��c,Tin� 1�i�_� i4inr_^s�t� r^_�,�ecti_on�.l progr^.-�e F�c�ors that should be consid- ered are the kinds of servic��s offcrcd l�y each �gency in the community, the extent to which these servicas are used in the 'PU�in Cities area, the problems �elated to solicitin� services, and the assessed v�lue of these services to clients. Forecasting areas in ��rnicn se„vices ^,r� lzc:cing or ?_n need of bol- �terir��; should be relatively c;asy using this informationo Y 1Q + � Program imp�.ct o� th� corimunity will be ass^ssed in terms cf co��unity i�nvol��ement. Irztervie��s �nd structured qucstionnaires wi11 be us�d to gather �his kind of onform�tione All data rel;ted to the pro�ra�: wiL b�� �ath�rcci, analyzed, synthesized, _�nd disse;�inated to appropriatc ag;::ncie� by a trained, professional research �nalyst under a ft111 disC?'etln?��r�: ;,rai�t fL�nded b;� Lrl,l:o 5�:,-'IO?.r �; R�S�U RCES Resources zvr,ilable for the proposed Family-BAsed Conmunity Adjustment �en±�::r �or Hdu1t :i;l�s ���iii l�c: u�i��;-�d i�__ t�^.� T��rin. Cities �reao Ao STAFF i�ost of the staff iner�bers proposed in this program �.�ill bF� selected from ar�a resid�nts� S-t�ff activity tiaill include selection and trainin� of prospcctive membcrse Criteri<� for seiec�ior� Vaill incluc:;; cor�pilation of information on person�1 bzck�rowid, experience, motiv�tion, degree of commitr�ent, the ability to relate and to accept ne�,� r;:sponsibilities �nd �.nYietiese Staff training will focus on �nter•person:�l skills, job fu�.ctions, anc� c��reer dev�lopmente lo ORGAiJI7�ATI0Pl A total of 11 staff inembers will operate the Community adjustmeni ::cr��;:r ��ro�ramo The structure will include a Project Director who will be responsi_- �ale for the total administrative and operational functionse He wi11 hzve the ;�rvices of• a full time secretary-typist who will also be available to others :_�z ihe prograra when nexessary. Staff �.nd resident_ staff will oper�te the facilitY `�eing res�onsible for the physical structure �id, also, its operationo E1J_so, u � o*nmu.�it,y regourc� �r�orker will be involved assisting line staff and clients - 20 - , � �P�A�!17_AT I nn' Fl_(1��� CNARl� City �f St. Paui (""odc;l ('iti�s) Projecfi s � /=dvisorv Roard ` ���rat i n� Pc�enc�� ; Proj�ct �irector �.�, -- , � Cler� Steno Senior Couns�lor C'.�mmuni±y !?esource � Cook Coc�rcl i r,ator 1 Counselor Counselor � � C'ook-F,id� il II ���rt-time) ('.ounselor Couns^lor Couns�;lor I i i �•r�.-cl�• com�nu:��_ty cant^cts (empley;nent, tr:inin�, etce ) �^.nd in stnff, tr^.�nin�� ��ua7_i�:ications ��'cr -che st�ff should includ� �ons�::et^�,blc: �roup/hurn�zn rel��tion�- Th:;� ;L-aff s'_nould iI1C�LICJ.:; prir.�:,r�ily rn�n �::no havc ��t o�:: ti,�e cV��ricnc,:d in��rccr��l:�o:� <�nd the process r,f rehaoilitation an� r.ein'ce�;ration ir.�.o �Lhe com- :l��l?71't;�'� iiley S�10111.i� II^VL SOII:C:. ��Y'CU� cxr.�ri�nce, ilOW@V��� tY11S �S'7�C"i; il_�.1.1 bC: ;;.^.i~::1,�.si_zed in st.;if tr<:.inir.� lollo�-rinb se�ect�ono =r� �.ridition to tha support �±�._fi', �� pro��c± �c���i�,:^S- +.e�m ce:�sistinb oc °�;r__,��m�:.� cp:;ci<:tlists, psycholo�ists, socic�_�,gis�s, .� �:syc'.ii��trist, �nd crim- �l') f r1�__t'''f ,^-, !�lt'10 4J111 otridc �;�1:;1Y' �Y.bC'Y't1SC.' t0 'i.Y?:? �Y'O�;Y'�:I11 St:1'i� ??'`:,�,r t��? E'P_?_ p., ,;��C:C'_, ', ',?'. _ lI,?G !;�_;::inou� �?zter_sive st�xff tr�ir:ing !,ill assure successful operation of t��:: ---�> Co;�,��::�i;.-� �`�C;ustment Center ar.d eon'ci��.:�1 promotion anc� upgr�din6 of ;:�e st���� �i=e �ra.'.r ii?� ;:�_l� inc].udc; specific jor trair_in6 �s well as eareer t.r��.inin�� -�.� C7��e^.:'�io7�^"1--••OnE:rution�l trai�in� oi i;ae stUff u��.11 iiiclude +he fol?.o���ine �.r��a�� Cc.zc,eptual F��tnel�ro.rk: Ba�kTraLnd �.nc? ?^is��orV of resident'�al ccn�er.�; component conc�pts and t�iei_r aprlic.�i:_o�:o Or���.�_.ization�l Structure: �o�::s o�' s':^ff m::r�n��rs; definitions, �i:�:itatior�s, :�.r_�, res�ensibilities i_.i hor:.zon��l �-�rict.i��==_��� T'. !1C+.^:'._'il��-..I^_^.::1U21_ c'.TiC: _�1uC1� i'. t�N�Ji1::11".1 i -_�'�.'� _ i<_ i�.Y;zY:.^.:!c11 illaTl:t�Cr:1GI1± O•- :..i•: .^.i;:1i:C:T' c�.'.Y:a y�I.'7-[�'.,'l`l."':.� �".:..'C-11T11.C�1'.�:�� C�" C:C1I:liI11.`i�;Y'��10_"Lo r%��L1;'lUri�':� _=t':;;:�11Y'C�:S+ 1]"?1r'.1'^.[�G'-1C1 t'.2.`�:"��1-017a�11pSj t11C• �JI'OC�:SS Of communicy �::r:�t��.t:.c� az.c� o_��.niz.�t�on< Di.,c:z'itr�ir!.�to:!';j Pr�_ctic�s: "':1c: proce�s �r�d cont.�nt of inter�roLtp hos�;i1�_tj*5 ;,�cb�cr�, �'' :^r_-so"lvir_� cor.�ront�:tions ^.nd Co?:f.li�:�F.s in thc centcre Uvre«ur,-�<cics ��nd _I�is��i.E.u�cicnal Chnn�_�.: An anal,ysis of the cr��nizK�t-i on�1. ��_ ._ . � problems of the center as they relate to the practices of established organizations. Pro,ject Evaluation: Familiarization with the data gathering process for the center. b. Interpersonal Skills-- Interpersonal skills training of the staff will include the following areas. Goals and Values in Workinq with Difficult Youth: An exploration of the value differences between the clients and staff . Problems of Hard Core Youth: An analysis of the probtiems experienced by clients and their relationship to institutional constraints. Methods of Workinq with Clients and Their Families : Counseling methods of discipline, building trust, communication, handling conflict, leading group discussions, and maintaining relationships. T-Grou� Effect on Group For�s and Interpersonal Relationships : Exploration of the individual in the group. STA'�E OF MINNE�OTA County of Ramsey� es. CITY OF SAINT PAUL . I� ___ Harry_ E. .Marshall ..._.,..City Clerk ---•................................................ of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File Nn ..2561�8 ,. .. . as �dopted by the City Council........Oct...26z............................19.7?:.......... and approved by the Mayor------•----•--0ct..-26?•-------------•--•---..._....19-�---------- with the ori�inal thereof on Sle in my office. ....--•------------------------------•-----•-----•-•----------•----•----------------------.....----•----••----.......--•---........_..-- •---...-•-•------------•.................................................•------...---._....--•--------•--••-----...._......----•-----•- ----_���� --------------------------•---•--._....---....-----•......_.._..........-------•--------..................._......_...------..._........ ...............................................................................................................................•----._.� .....................•--......------._,._..----•------•-----..._........-------•-•-......._..._-----....--•---..........__._.._.--•--•-- .........•--------------------•------------•------------....._........-•-•-•---........._....---•--•-•--.........-•------•-----•-------- ....----........................................................................................................•.........._.._...._... -------------------------------•--•--•-•---••--------.._..__........----.....-----------......----------...........------------•-----.. � .................................................................•-----------._..._....---•--•----.....---•-•--._....._...---•-•--•----- I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy af � eaid original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.. this...._..__26th,---•--.._...day of-----.,_�� .�.........................•--. .......A. . 19.71...... � : , � ` _ C_ O - M•'-�-. .... .. .�k.... ......-•-- ---..... .ty� et �, �� ���.,��..� � � QUADRUPLICATfi TO DEPARTMEN7' [ , u�:,�-1,�{r'�� ��i N , ,, GITY OF S�'. P�i�IL FC1lENCIL NO. :�:y�-__�a�� , .` .,> 1 � �� ' C3F�lCG C)F THC CITY CLERK � ','� ���-� �.;`�' C4�UI�Ci' RESOLUTlOt�--�Et�ERAL FORM '� J '`c MM SS�IONER. Mayor Charles P, MCCarty , ��rF I i � � � �i�„s�I.Vi':`, �ti,_��t ���f' l.f,�'.z*:c^i1 C�� ���.k� 4d.��j �,J� �,t.�.��.tl�` r��ul I dces 4�trc:'�y ar,^r.r.v�� �;�,�la.ct3��or� fc>r� �E�'Gi.!�;' �','GJ^C1, �� cc�r^:�u:�it�f ; c"tC!ill`i�;'.::'1� C'�'P.'tf.^ '��`T' :'C�li�.t I1tl�.a:`; ,I.T� C�a,I''•''� `�iitt�. � at51c� .c,"�,?��C�'t�.P^21 i '. . a . .. . _ . t . ` �+� �" i:{ , .'�.� .'.'� (... E'�':C!.�!1 (;+� .�C;i . l�. �,Y 4 1 i. . t+e;i! �.'.�''.•2�- ..��fc'. ±'f' �:':. _ �c`��_ C¢ , ':1'lI:C_:-iC•t.tT� ,[:Vt`L"1��C;�t.•3 C,�C`i:?"?.i..^lQll C7`: �'�••J.\ : ",.-.'I� ..Z:�nP �r`,-? C'q!;t'7-•C�. ��51(� ...o �� 'c .�i':,....': �'._� !'j.i�� , '�'�' f't �"i.i'E' t'`.r3\'C`Z' C� �'!�n ����`V Of ccA:tT1'� }�$U�. I � ..'r] ?..'�'.'� �v C:T.�tl.`.^��,1_ �� h`r�. � ♦s�..f�'�'� ��� rt��) ?'k�`'f.,','..��.�.. t.�l" �t:..�C�� [��%����.v..��..��.1:�:1 I r-'�,r ..�•.� C' ,. .! . ''�; . ', �- �} , , _ _.1�%?'.� 1'�-; ;Ltti:r;211:;. '...�' C1'.'.- , . , . ^r � ;� '� � [ .�_.: .`� :. `;. :: .,. , .. ,''fl?.,t 'r���' �j;'.,''-:, ��t� � L.. } .-.!.'';t�:a:i" �� .. � . « . .. . _ } . .... .. . i �...a:'� .._ �. .. e � . I � I �i I � I � i � i ; I i i . i' ��� �,g ���� l COUNCILM�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' But�er O CT 2 6 197� � �r�an L°��Z 4 �--� = Approved 19— ', Levine n Favor � �s� Charles P. McCarty Meredith — Sprafka 0 Mayor , A gainat Tedesco ' Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��R�� . � � B'�. �_ . ,. � J STATE OF MINNESOTA GOV�RNOR'5 COMMISSION ON CRIME STATEMENT OF GRANT AWARD PREVENTIOIv' AND CONTROL Pursuant to authority of the Onmibus Crime Control Grant Number 14_�7—�0-07-077 (71� and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the Commission has appro��ed tl�e grant indicated. Date Grant Approved � � ��-31-7_� ihe i�etreat - C_::�r�unit� xc.jus�t;:lent Cent�r. fox• Ac?u1� TitleofProject: riales in St. Paul , Grantee Agency or Institution Project Director (Name,address and telephone) (Namc,title,address and telephone) �' Cit;� cf St. Yau]_ (r�odel Cities} Jcse�h I!. Pilai;e, :�r,ecutive Directo ' Ccurt H�use 16� �;�.r';?� J..l� S�,•���4,.; St. rau1, I:inne:�;,�a �51J2 a�. i'aul, ..innes: ta �51.04 227-87z6 ' Grant Period: Financial OfTicer E 12 t;lonths (Name,title,address and telephone) � Total Length CleiAeris Scheleck From 11.—�"-7�" Corn troll.c:r � Through Z�-���- � City ofnSt. Paul Court House St. Paul, I•ITd 5j102 Payment P:ocedure: Detail Budget for A�vard Amount Quarterly Personnel �53,472.00 � Consultant Services 21-F 000.00 ` Future Support: prlulti—Year �ravel 6�4�60.00 i Equipment 22�21�-F.00 � SpecialLi�nitations: ' ��is�x�4�n'f� Othez' >2.�O.1�.Q0 � Refer to Attached list cf Total Award , e � ! � Special Conditions 54,484.00 � � Grantee Contribution i Special Conditions f T.ze Gra.�t.er -•ra.11 not rei:aburse the �rantec for an�� P��nses, or � f_'racti�ns tr�ereof, i.:���r^F=d �Fc�J_l�?•Ti::� iss,a�nrr: o£ th� St�,tement of Grant � Award :anless ��c� ,znt-�1_ tre Gr;nt ��ree:�ert (nursuant to T�tle T, Sec. �301� � ()mnibu. Cr�mn Con.tro�_ and vuf:? Streets t�ct oC 1968, nlzbli� La.t•r 90-351) � has be�n dul�T ap-�ro:,�d anc� si�i.ed b;;* or .for the appr�priate representatives � of the State of �iir_n�sota, n�mely tre Commissioi:er of ^rlministration, the ` kttorney Gener�l, tre State Plann�n.g !��erc; and tr� �tate "�ud�tor. � I Statement Date and Nwnber Signatur rized Official �.il_� /, ( � � � . . ' ' .�� • • Final Check Lis� ' f111 applicati�ns should be rechecked to guar- fw�ds for certain purposes as follo�vs: � antce that the following major requirements have —Constructior. Costs been satisfied: —Persannel Compensation —Allo�vable Gosts ! l. The budget statement should indicate the 3. A willingness should be shown by the state � amount of federal funds being requested in or local governmental unit to assume the I the application, state or local support to be costs of projects after a reasonable period ' provided, and the applicable percentage used of federal assistance. � to compute the federal-local contributions. �}, procedures should be described to provide 2. Evidence snould be shown of conipliance with against use of Federal funds to supplant State statutory restrictions on the use of Federal or local funds. . � RE�'I���' A1�D A«A�1D FRO�:EI)IURES � 111,pl;cation Processinn Notice of grant awards for projects will be regu- , larly provided to other federal grant and assistance ; Applications received by� the Cusninission will be agencies �vhose authorit�� affects some se�ment of prompt�y acknowledged to assure tne a�plicant that the Act. These projects may include pro�ams of its proposal is in haiid. �t this poiiit, a preliminary the Department of I�ealih, �ducation and ��elfare check for completeness (completion of all pages of and the Office of rconoi��ic Opportunity. �'�'hen pro- form, due execution, inclusion of project plans and ject proposals conteinplate efforts that appear to other attachments) ��ill be made and the applicant , fall directl�� within the scope of other programs, the � will be contacted if any oinissions appear. Tllere- Governor's Commission may refer applicants to � after, substantive revie�v by professional staff will such agencies as more appropriate sources of � be undertaken l�ased on the order in tvhich appli- support. � cations are received. In the course of such review, questions may be raised requiring clari�ication or �rant A«�ai�el the furnishing oi additional infor�nation. Authority to rnake grants is vested only in the Copies of each application �vill be forwarded to Commission and no prior evaluation, review or con- the respective Regional Ad��isory Councils for their sultat.ion on proposed projects may be taken as comments and consideration. Also, references to indicative of ultiinate disposition until the Com- other federal assistance sources, where appropriate, lnission has t.aken fii�al aetion. Staff recommenda- E � may be made by the Commisison at this point. tions are advisory only and it may be that projects t � deemed meritorious upon individual review may, in � Project Evaliiation light of total grant funds available, duplicate efforts ; in certain project areas, and the need for a balanced � It is essential that projects be capable of yielding program may require the withholding or deferral � sound and reliable data as to their success, meaning of grant support. and results. Critcria for the Commission to evaluate The a Iicant will be notified of the a the merits of an application might include, but not pp „ pproval of necessarily be Iir.�ited to: its grant in the Stateinent of Grant A��vard . This ' is the official document evidencing the grant award ` —Compliance with key sections of the grant ap- and includes details such as the approved amount, i plications, such as their relation to priority duration of the period of support, anticipated � programs indicated in the State plan, grantee share, and any special grant conditions. 1 —Adequate local financial participation and Where the Statement contains a recommendation for su ort be ond the eriod indicated, it should be ' eventual assumption of cost. Pp Y P j understood that this will depend on Congressional —Probability that the grant w'ill achieve its appropriations, efiicient use of grant funds, satis- objective. factory progress in achieving project objectives, —Adequate fiscal control over the grant. and submission and review of an application for —Demonstration that federa] funds are not being continuing support. The statement is the basic ref- used to supplant state or local funds. erence docu�nent in the audit of project expendi- tures at the close of the grant period and the project --Coordinati��n of c�f�orts with �Ih��r loc.a] juris- directt�r ai�d finaiicial ofiicer should be familiar with � dictior.s �uxi federal grant programs. t}�e st<<tus of funds i•efiectcd on this form. i � r I I , � � ' In addition to �he Gsneral Conditions and Conditlon� Applicable to Fj.�c�1 .� Adm�nistration ta rr�hich thi� �;r�.ut is sub�jee�t' it �.� al�o conditioued upon , . and sub�ect to compli�nce with tkie Pollowir�; npecial condi'tionss 1� Pra�ect duration will be twe�ve (12) months be�innir� November 1, 1971 throu�h �cto�er 31, '1g72. 2) Grr�ntee will be requireci to file quaxter7.y Pro�ress a.nd Financial. Heports vr.Lth tYie Giant� Administrator of the C.`rime Commission by the 20th day fo11oK*ii� the per3.oa of the requixed report. Failure to comply with these repoxting rules and regulations of the Crime Corr.�.ission F�ill result in breach o� contracto 3� The amount of the �'Ederal Gra.nt A;v�z-rd is up to 5158,162.00. Feder�.l funcis ���i11 be uistribu�ed on a qu�r�i:erl�r p��y basis as a�reed upon by the Cr�.r��e CoramissiozY a�d G�rantee. � 4� Z.ine budget itensy wit� the except�.on of pexsonnel� m�y b� changed 107 vrithout prior approv�.l o� the Crime Comrv.�.ssion but the Conmi.s- sion musi: be notified by •i�he Grantee of the ii;em change�. BudbPt ��.ne iten char�es �.n excess o� 1� must have prior approv�ll . of th.e Cr3.�e Co�nission. 5} Grantee Rrill be required to notify the Crime Car.am3.ssion-��,chan�es �.n Px�oject Director� Fir�ncial Officer or Autr.orized O�fici�.l and suUmit vj.tas on �y replacements subject to Cr�.me Com�ission approval. 6} The Crime Com.mis�ion auditor v,ri1,1 car.duct an audit o� the grant at a�y ti.me �Ye deems necessary both durir� the projects operation or after project completion. Full cooperation of the grantee os subgrantee �vith the auditor is mandatory. 7� Applicant is put on notics that the a�ard is far twelve (12) months only: 8� Approval o� the grant budget and the cost estimate shall n.ot relieve the gxantee �rom seeking t� secure ma.ximum savix�,os on ' professional sex�ices through use of competitive biddin; and other matches in accordance with State and local laws� regula- tions� and practices. 9) Project llirectcr, as listed in Exhibit A, must be chan�ed to reflect the individual �aho will have direct responsibility for the pro ject and �•�h� wi11 �ive a• major p�-rtien of his tir:ie to the project. In 'additicn this project director must have full approyal of the Citizens Advisory 3card. 10) Client loan funds r�ust be contracted throu�h a legal document by the parties making and receiving the 1oan. Any defaults in re- imbursement of clier�t loan funds by the client must be repayable by the sub-Frantee. 11) Time sheets on staff, depictin� hours worked, si�ned by the project directar r�ust be maintained by the sub-�rantee. � 12) Accurate reccrds ^n actual Federal �funds exbended for client in- cidentals r�ust be naint«ined by the sub-�rantee. . • • �pec�al Conditions �'a�e 2 . . 13) Pric�r to expenditures of funds for remodelin�, assurance must be made by the sub-�rantee, in writa_ng, that c�nstruction items are not included in the remoaeling process. , o�."�,n,�.�,� � 25fi3�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL c�uNa� � OFFICE QF THE CITI( CLERK F`� N� COUNCiI RESOLUTI0I�-GENERAL FORM ���.� COtrIMISSION� �Ax �IM�:�;"� �#� +�, � '� !�' � ��� �► ��� ��'►. �'r- '���r: ��'�"� ��� �� ���`�:-i�,.�11MM�M'�'#�I� II��C�+� , q � ��, o�;�����► �a�'+� ���� �+� +�� �� : �` �d ��i3�, � �I► �� ��,���:s��+�►'��'�, � � ��.�:�+I!�`fit:_:#�a�►�ur� �4:�►t��;�1�1�#. , r . � , , ti��� ��^'M��t.�'�"',�'��r�r''u �� ��ur�w�r �wa�i'��r�?i� , '� �'������� �, �is�r�r��r, �r �� , . ��►�: � 1c�t ��► �� "' r��t �L �w�e��3aer iw� �t a�s f�j� +�1�a�wi a� +�� t�► �� �� /ii�'� � #�t� � �� am�i �► 4��''� ��'� �t � ���� . � � �, � � � ��� � �� ��� ��� � 1�'�' � 1�e � ��,�.110 +�i +�+�w���i �r �a�#�a � � �' �� I�i�` �I�� �It � iII��NM� �1�`' �'��,►�r � NOV 11 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�� 19— Y� xa� N OV 11 1911 � But�� � � -�rlse�. �.t�-.�c� � Appro� 18.— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith �� Sp'� – � Against Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� t