256327 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qrE WHEREAS, The City Council approved the plans and special provisions for the improvement of T.H. #35E between W. Seventh St. and Duke St., identified as S.P. 6280-25 (35E a 390) on May 25, 1971, Council File No. 254219, and: WHEREAS, Subsequent to the approval of these plans, it was determined desirable to lower the grade of the main line between W. Seventh St. a�d Tuscarora Ave. and to revise slope character- istics, and; WHEREAS� A neighborhood meeti�g was held on October 13, 197) to view these studies of the revised construction a�d their effect upon the neighborhood, therefore, be it; RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul does concur in the pro- posed construction for noise abatement. ,�ORM A P ED,' Asst. o atio Counsel - NOV 11 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler NOV 11 1971 �l�to�. ��L c�-e�-C � e 19— Levine in Favor Meredith Sprafka �� r Tedesco --�8'��at Mr. President, McCarty� PUBLISIiED N OV 13 197�# �� o�.�.�,�,��.� 25532'� � CITY OF ST. PAt1L ���� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSION� DA*� , WH�REAS. Thm City Council approvmd the plans and special provisions for the i�nprov�en� 04` f.H. #35E betw«n �t. Sev�enth �t. and Duk� SE., idu�tifi�d as S.P. 6280-25 (�5E • 39pj on ll�y 25. 1971, Counctl file No. 254Z19, and: WHEREAi� Subsaquent to the approval of thes� plans, it vns dsteraiin�d desirable to lar�r !he 9rade of the ra�in itn• b�t� M. Sw�nth St. and Tusurora Avs. a�d to revise siopa character- istics, endt - MMEREAt, A nelghborhood a�ating was hsld on Octob�r 13� 1971 to view these studtes of th� rwi�d co�struction and thstr effect upon tb� neighborhood� th�refo�s. be it; RESOLYEO. That the City of St. Paui does concur in the pro- posed construction for naise abat�nt. P10V 11 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co,m�t lg_ Yeaa Nays Bu��r N OV 1 1 197f � �-,-,.�c, Appro� 18.— �°�e Favor Meredith Sprafka �� �Against Tedeaco .� Mr. Preaident, McCarty� ��