256326 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ' �hC�c�s
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertainirig
to the following listed properties and as shown by the
official minutes of said Board of Appeals dated October 27, 1971,
a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and
made a part hereof by reference:
Case �io. Property Appellant
27-71-H 761 Sylvan St. Mrs . Arlene Dixon Holmen
73-71-H 656 Wadena Ave. Sam J. Ferraro
78-71-B 1400 Jackson St. Ralph Nadeau
79-71-B 251 Hi11 St. Lawrence J. McGuinn
83-71-B 1666 Sims St. The Lentsch Co. , Inc.
` by,,
�'- Herbert T. Lentsch
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N OV 1 1 197�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
sut�er N OV 1 1 197�
�� ���,�t ved 19�
Levine � Favor
Sprafka J Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
NOV 131971 r�J=�� ���'�+DVED
, 10/27/71
. •
Meeting No. 61
. ����
� Wednesday, October 27, 1971
Room 214, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1: 30 p.m.
Members present: Donald Wozniak , Chairman
Arthur Tieso
Raymond Grove
Norma Sommerdorf
James Voigt
Members absent: Mitchell Y.amin
Estyr Peake
Agencies present: Bureau of Health - Frank Staffenson
Bureau of Public Buildings - Jerry Kern
gRp, - Ken Gauthier
Phalen Area N.I .P. - Jack Mell
O�hers present: Thomas Anderson, Mrs . Arlene Dixon, Sam Ferraro,
Ralph Nadeau, Lawrence McGuinn, Herbert Lentsch
The minutes of the October 13, 1971 meeting were approved as
mai 1ed.
21-71-H 761 Sylvan St. Mrs. Arlene Dixon Holmen
P RIOR HEARING: Apri l 2 8, 19 71.
SUBJECT : Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate dated April 9 ,
1971 from the Bureau 'of Health to Mrs . Robert Dixon, 411 Western.
APPEARANCES: Mrs . Arlene Dixon.
PROCEEDINGS : Mrs. Dixon stated that since April, 1971 the following
improvements have been completed:
. rewiring at a cost of $750
. cement the basement at a cost of $450
, . rebuild the basement stairway
. replace the rear porch
. repair the windows and holes in the walls
. the plumbers are presently installing a new sink
. - 1 -
• 10/27/71
Meeting No. 61
Y ' '
Her son is presently living in the home.
ACTION: Motion by Grove to grant a six month extension of time
within which to comply with the St. Paul Housing Code. Further
moved that the Condemnation be revoked.
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
73-71-H 656 Wadena Avenue Sam J. Ferraro
SUBJECT : Notice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate dated October 12 ,
1971 from the Bureau of Health to Sam Ferraro, 844 Payne Avenue.
APP�ARANCES : Sam J. Ferraro
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Ferraro purchased the property in September,
1970 under contract for deed from G & K Laundry. There is no
sewer connection to the building but the cesspool is functioning
pro�erly. There are four dwelling units in the building. The
twolsecond floor units share a bathroom on the second floor. The
two��, first floor units each have 1/2 bathrooms . Mr. Ferraro in-
tends to tear the building down and convert it into a warehouse.
He has completed many improvements on the building. Presently
five adults live in the building. He said he will either convert
the building to a duplex or demolish the structure by May, 1972 .
ACTZON: Motion by Voigt to grant an extension of time to May l,
1972 to comply with the St. Paul Housing Code. Further moved
that the condemnation be revoked.
Seconded by Wozniak.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
78-71-B 1400 Jackson St. Ralph Nadeau
SUBJECT: Request to construct a 9 ,936 square foot warehouse in
variance of Section 4.06 of the St. Paul Legis lative Code which
limits the square footage to 5,000 square feet.
_ 2 _
, 10/27/71
Meeting No. 61
• �
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Nadeau presented a drawing of the proposed ware-
house as it is intended to be cons tructed. The building is
relatively isolated from adjoining structures . Mr. Kern explained
the purpose of the existing code requirement.
ACTION : Motion by Grove to waive Section 4.06 Table ll of the St.
Paul Legislative Code which limits square footage area of one story
buildings to 5,000 square feet. Such waiver is granted to permit
construction of a 9 ,936 square feet building as proposed.
Secpnded by Wozniak.
THE VOTE: Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes :
non�. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
79-71-B 251 Hi11 St. Lawrence J. McGuinn
SUB�7ECT: Request to waive Section 33.04 (2) of the St. Paul Legis-
lative Code which requires a minimum rear yard clearance of 25
APPEARANCES : Lawrence J. McGuinn.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. McGuinn would like to add a 16 ' addition on to
thelpresent building, but he does not have necessary back yard
clearance. He does have a lot of side yard. Also there are no
homes across Hill Street from 251 as that is a bluff and tracks .
He stated that Hill Street is one-half block long and only goes
to 251 Hi11 Street. Mr. McGuinn submitted a drawing of tMe pro-
posed addition.
ACTrON: Motion by Voigt to waive Section 33.04 (2) of the St. Paul
Legislative Code which reguires a minimum rear yard clearance of
25 feet. Such waiver is granted to permit a 16 foot addition to
the rear of the present dwelling as proposed in the drawing as sub-
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
83-71-B 1666 Sims St. The Lentseh Co. , Inc.
Herbert T. Lentsch
_ 3 _
� 10/27/71
Meeting No. 61
SUB�fiECT: Request to waive Section 33.04-3b of the St . Paul Legis-
lat�.ve Code which requires a minimum side yard clearance of 4
feet between the building and the property line. -
APP�ARANCES : Herbert T. Lentsch
PRO�EEDINGS : Mr. Lentsch explained that the cement contractor
pou$�ed the foundation so as to be 4 feet from the side yard on
thelnorth west corner and only 3.2 feet on the south west corner.
He �ubmitted a plot of survey showing the situation of the founda-
tion. His only alternative now would be to tear the structure
dow� and start over again.
ACT$ON: Motion by Tieso to waive Section 33.04-3b of the St. Paul
Legfislative Code which requires a minimum side yard clearance of
4 f�et. Such waiver is granted to permit the south west corner
of the foundation and structure to be 3.2 feet from the side yard
Sec�nded by Voigt.
THE' VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes:
non�. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
�- -
68-,71-P 414 Sherburne Ave. James N. Whittier
' Thomas Dale N.D.P.
PRIOR HEARING: October 13, 1971.
SUBJECT: HRA inspection reports of April 28, 1971 and August 4,
197!1 setting forth Housing and Building Code deficiencies at
414 Sherburne Avenue.
APPEARANCES : Ken Gauthier.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Gauthier distributed a list of code deficiencies
for which they are seeking a variance. Mr. Whittier is 67 years
old. His wife is 64 years old. He is disabled and they are living
on social security. If no action is taken by the board, the pro-
perty will be put on a hardship acquisition list.
ACTION : Motion by Wozniak to waive those code deficiencies as re-
guested in the report submitted to the board with the exception
of tuckpointing the open areas of the foundation on the exterior.
Such waiver is granted for as long as Mr. Whittier and/or his wife
live in the home and until such time as the property be sold or
any other right, title or interest be transferred.
- 4 -
• 10/27/71
_ _ Meeting No. 61
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
67-71-P 604 Case Avenue Mr. Joseph Knoll
Phalen Area N.I .P.
The matter was continued to the next regular meeting of the board
to permit Mr. Mell to obtain further information.
70-71-P 685 Jenks Avenue Belva Barry
Phalen Area N.I.P.
Continued to next regular meeting of the board to obtain Mr.
Kamin's report.
74-71-P 1041 East Edgerton St. Miss Ester Ohs
Phalen Area N.I.P. �
SYNOPSIS : The applicant is the owner-occupant of a duplex at
1041 E. Edgerton Street in Saint Paul.
Miss Ohs is eighty (80) years old. She is in good health but feels
that the repairing of the deficiencies on her home would be on
her mind too much. She has made some repairs on the apartment
that she rents.
ACTION: Motion by Sommerdorf to waive the filing fee. Further
moved to w.aive the requirements of the St. Paul Housing and
Building Codes for as long as Miss Ohs resides in said property
and until such time as the property be sold or any other right,
title or interest be transferred.
Seconded by Voigt.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
_ 5 _
• 10/27/71
. ,
Meeting No. 61
The following cases were dismissed due to insufficient information
as to code deficiencies or hardship:
75-71-P 417 East Jessamine Ave.
76-71-P 716 East Jessamine Ave.
77-71-P 720 Jenks Ave.
80-71-P 1027 DeSoto St.
Meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
�' � -�
Thomas W. Anderson
Recording Secretary
- 6 -
o,��.�,�.��,� 255326
.��o e,r
RESOLVED, That the Council hareby ratifie� and approv�es
the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Raview for
the Housing, Buildinq and Fire Prevention CoBes partaininq
to the follo�ing li�ated properties and ae shawn by the
offieial minutes of aaid Board of Appeala dated Octo�ber 27, 1971,
a aopy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is at�achad hereto and
mad� a part h�reof by reference:
Case No. Property Appellant
27-71-H 761 Sylvan 3t. Mrs. Arlene Dixon Holmen
73-71-H 656 Wadena Ave. Sam J. Ferraro
78-71-B 1400 Jackson St. Ralph NaSeau
79-71-B 251 Hill St. Lawrenae J. McGuinn
83-71-8 1666 Sims St. The Lentsch Co. , Inc,
Serbert T. L�atach
NOV 1 � 19T�
COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—.
Yeas Nays
Butler N OV 1 1 1971
�, �w Approved. 19—_
��e Favor
Sprafka � ��
A ouinnt
Mr. Preaident, McCarty