256323 ' F.�����` ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK C��� � . - CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO - ,; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States thru the Federal Highway Administration has requested the establishment of a new Federal Aid Urban System; and WHEREAS, the initiation of such system shall be a cooperative . effort of the appropriate local officials and State Highway Depart- ments; and WHEREAS, technical representatives of local and state t�anspor- tation offices have jointly agreed upon an initial system of routes to recomrnend for designation in the new Federal Aid Urban System. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of St. Paul requests the Commissioner of Highways to recomrnend to the Federal Highway Administrator the selection of roads and streets hereinafter descrlibed (page 2) , located within the boundaries of the City of St. Paul , as an initial and partial request for designation as part of the Federal Aid Urban System. ,EORM P R VED Asst. o atio Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeae Naye Butler �b�ldtd4l�t Conway Approve� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka Tedesco Againat Mr. President, McCarty �� 2�s��z�� ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK • , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - 2 - COMMISSIONER �ATF F.A.U. No. Description 5015 On Pennsylvania Ave. from its Jct with FAf 35E to Rice St. (TH 49) , beginning again at the Jct of Rice St. with Lafond Ave. , thence on Lafond Ave. to Como Ave. thence on Como Ave. to E. Como Lk. � Drive thence on E. Como Lake Drive to Lexington Ave. thence on Lexington Ave. to the North Municipal Limits. 5016 On Como Ave. from its Jct with FAP 47 (TH 280) to Horton Ave. thence on Horton Ave. to W. Como Lk. Dr. thence on W. Como Lk. Dr. to Maryland Ave. (CSAH 31) thence on Maryland Ave. to FAU 5022 (White Bear Ave.) 5017 On Edgecumbe Rd. from its Jct with FAP 24 (West 7th St.) to St. Paul Ave. thence on St. Paul Ave. to Cleveland Ave. (CSAH 46) thence on Cleveland Ave. to FAP 3 (University Ave.) , beginning again at the junction of FAP 3 with Raymond Ave. (CSAH 46) thence on Raymond Ave,. to Cleveland Ave. (CSAH 46) thence on Cleveland Ave. to the North Municipal Limits. 5018 On Shepard Rd. (CSAH 37 East 2.0 mi . only) from its Jct with FAP 24 (W. 7th St.) to Warner Rd. (CSAH 36) thence on Warner Rd. to FAP 3 (TH 61) . 5019 On Short Line Rd. from its Jct with FAI 35E to Selby Ave. thence on Selby Ave. to FAP 31 (Snelling Ave.) 5020 On Lower Afton Rd. (CSAH 3g) from its Jct with _ FAP 3 (TH 61') to the East Municipal Limits. 5022 On White Bear Ave. (CSAH 65) from its Jct with FA1 g4 to Larpenteur Ave. (CSAH 30) thence on Larpenteur Ave. to the East Municipal Limits. Hpy 1 1 197'! COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler N OV 1 1 197� ����� Conway Ap ve 19� Levine � Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka p, A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty N OV 13197� PUBLISHED � 25s��� DWLICAT6 TO MM'RR - • ,�, CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO ,. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTIONsGENERAL FORM PRfi56NTED iY COMIdI5410NFR ^A� I�HEftEAS, the Con9ns: of tha Uni tsd Stat�s thru th� Federsl H19hw�y Adwinistratic►n has r�uestad ths estabiisha�ant of a n�+ Fede�a 1 A i d Urba� Sy�1t�n; ae�d Yt1ERfAS, the i n t t iat t on of such systen� sha 11 be s cooperat i v� sffort of the approp�tats lowl officlals a�d Stats M19hw�y ��pa�t- aie�ts; snd WMEREAS, t�chnicai r�prassntatives of locat and ststs tr•anspor- tatlon offius hav� �olatly agrasd upon an initial systaa of �outea to r�cownend for designation ta the new Federai Aid Urban SysteM. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOIVED� that ths City Couacii of the City of St. Paut requests the Cou�nisslone� of Nighways to recda�+e�d to th� fede�al Highway Administrator the selection of roida and streets harair+�ftsr described (paga 2) , locat�d within the boundartea of the City of St. Paul, as an inittal and partiai requsst fo� designatlon as part of the Fsderal Aid Urban Srstam. COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Cotmci� 18.— Yeaa Nays Butler �R Com�sy App�vA'� 19_. Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka �� ��►iIIBt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� � ' o�.,�,T��,� N� N�5S32`� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� � • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ~ COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ��esa�r�er _ � _ COMMISSIONE� DA� F.A.U. lio. Descr 1 pt i ort 5015 An P�emsylvania Ave. fro� its J�t with FAI 35E to Rice St. (TH 49) , baglnning a�ain at tl►� Jct of RTc� St. with Lafand,Ava., thsnca on I.efond Ava. Lo Caia Av�. thsnce oh Caao Ave. to E. Cw�o Lk. Drive th�nc� on E. CoNw lake Qrtw to Lsxin9ton Ave. thancs on Lexington Ave. to the North Munictpal Ltmits. 5016 On Caeo Avo. fra� i ts Jct wl th FA!' 4� (TH 28�) to Morton Ave. thence on Norto� Ave. to Y. Caq lk. Dr. thenc� on M. Capo Lk. Dr. to Nirytaeul Aw. (CSAN 31) the�e on Msryland Av�. to FAU §022 (Mhft� d�sr Ave.). 5017 On Ed�cua�bs Rd. fro�n i ts Jct wi th FAP 2+� (Msst 7th St.) to St. Paul Ave. th�nc.� o� St. Paul Avs. to Clev�land Avs. (CSAH 46� thence on Clev�land Av�. to FAP 3 (University Ave.) . bsgianing again at tt� Junation of FAP 3 wtth Rs�oe�d Ave. (CSAH 46) thence on Rayawnd Ave. to Cieveland Ave. (CSAH 46) thence o� Cleveland Ave. to the North N�aicipai Limtts. 5018 0� Shepard Rd. (CSAN 37 East 2.0 mi. onty) f�aa� tts Jct.r+ith FAP 24 (W. �th St.) to Marnar Rd. (CSAH 36) th�nce on hiarn�� Rd. to FAP 3 (TH 61). 5019 0� Short Line Rd. fro� its Jct wtth FA1 3�E to Selb Ava. the�ce o� Selby Ave. to FAP ;1 (SnaltTng Avn.� 5020 On Lowe� Afton Rd. (CSAH 39) from its Jct with FAP 3 (TH 61) to the East Munictpal 4t�nit�. 5022 On Mhtte Bear Ave. (CSAH 65) fro� its Jct with FAi 94 to La�penteur Ave. (CSAH 30) thance on 1 1 �9T� Larp��teur Ave. to the East Municipal Lin�tts. N�V - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mc+� 19— Yeas Naya Bu�� N OV 1 1 1971 �� Canway APPmv� 19� �°�'e �n Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Tedeaco � A8'��t Mr. Preaident, McCarty �