256318 i f1((''�� ^ 09tIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK ��j1��#J CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��t•' C'D . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT� COMMISSIONE ATF � WHEREAS� The City of Saint Paul ha.s entered into a Grant Agreement between the City and the Governor' s Cotrunission on Crime Prevention and Control for the implementation of the Saint Paul O.I.C. Drug Program, said Grant Agreement for a term expiring August 31, 1971; and WHEREAS, The said Crime Commission has indicated tha.t it will extend this program to November 30, 1971, and further, provide $8,414.00 as an addition to the Grant; now, therefore be it RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Amendment to the above-referenced Agreement, and the Ma.yor, City Clerk, and Comptroller are hereby authorized to execute the Contract Amendment on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of the Contract Amendment being on file in the Office of the City Clerk. � FORM � fl� st. r t tio Cou I N OV 10 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler N OV 1 1 1���� Car�aer�-��.-.�-�-�-,�.� pro 19� Le�ine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � ) � yor �L�Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED NOV 131971 � . : �. : . ,�� a� . �c.��'� C 0 NT RAC T ANIE NDNiE NT WI�REAS, the State of T�iinnesota and the City of Saint Paul did on the 5th day of November, 1970 enter into a gra.nt agreemen� for the ir�plementation of the Saint Paul OIC Drug Program--State Grant No. 1�+-0�+-2�-07-029(70)• � Wf�REAS, it is the mutual desire of the State of 2�linnesota and the City of Saint Pau1 to amend this contract in ttiro respects: the � expiration clate of the grant shall be extended to November 30, 1971; the grant award shall be increased by $8,�+1�+ to a total of $59�992� and the grantee contribution shall be increased by $3,382 to a total Of ��FO,57�, The expense classification for the additional grant is sh�wn on the attached monthly budget, the grant being for two months. The sum total of this ektension sha.Ll be the total fina,ncial commitment of the respective parties hereto,�.nder this agreement. FO AP_PROVED; APPROVED: . Corpora n Cou sef Commissioner of Administration GREiN7.�E: By By yor Date i y er Approved as to form and execution omptro er this day of , 19 STATE OF I�'�NN'ESOTA by and tt�rough the GOVERiVOR'S C0�'f�IISSION ON A�ORNEY GENERAL ��'� P�%j�I�10IV AND C01dTROL ST.�,TE OF MLT�TZESOTA �Y By Title TitZe Date .� - . ' ' i . � � � i I r-i I 1) �hat aIl tine sileets be s�.;bmi.tted v:eekly ta the uo�%e.rnor':: i;rime , Co�.��ission. �hat the time s:�eets for the month of Cctooer. be submitted by IdoveMCer lU� a.long with the f'irs� week Of No�rembex' tim� sheets. 2� That a r�onthly activity repor.t of the i:xecutive Director� I'rot�-ram Coordir,at�r� Directur of lnciustrial Relations and Supportive aervice�s I�irector for the nonth of October be subraitted by PTOVe:nber 10� and tne activity reports ior t�ie first 2 weeics of November be subt�.i,ttea by i�ovemoer 17� and tk�e la.st t�vo weeks , � of ��ovem��r be sub.::i±�ea bS� �ece�ber 8� 1`371. 3) a report of the daily nu.uber of inethauone receivers be subnitted to the Goverror�ti Grime Commission. That this report �or the � month �f October be subm.itted by Plove�ber 10� alang rvith t'rie � first v�eek af ilocer�ber report. , _, � 4) railure to comply with these conditions will result in i;ermii�tion of the grant. `� k; `! , t: F �i � '� � , � � a r � � .i i � '� � � i � I t d t • � cv.-nv, �n T ' Go f-�..o� s �:i.::,u �or:;���ys�ion ' Gran� ;;i 4-0�-2u^-G7-029 (70) Montnl,y Bud�e� � Item Federal Shar� R''on-Federal S?�a-_^� Executive Director 208.33 Program Coordina�or 166.67 �irzc�or, Industrial �Relations 166.67 Supioortive S�-rvices Director 166.67 Training Director 166.67 _ Cotznselors ��� 833.33 Two .�ides Q 5,400 each 900.00 : Ty?�ists 400�00 lotal Persor��el 1 ,733.33 'E ,275.Gi . Fringe @ 10/ 173.33 127050 � Fixed Costs : � Telephone _ � 50,C?0 Gas, Zigh�s, ��Tater & Coal 2�-0 e 40 Total Fixed Costs � � 2g0.00 Co�sultant and Contract Services: Nurse � 7,610 � 634.17 Pnysician � � 1 ,666.00 - Zegal Services 384.00 24 hrs. � :�'i 6.00 per hour Clinical Psycl:ologist (Ph.D) 57�.pp 36 nrs. Q �'I 6.00 per ho,ar Accounta.nt auditor 112,50 15 h?'s. � �7.50 per hour �sychologis t 15¢.00 22 �ir�. � �7.00 per hour �syc�l�a�-rist a.62 50 2� ��rs. � w'i 8.00 per hour � To�cal �o:�sultant P� Cor.tract Services 2,317.00 i ,089.00 lotal Fed�ral Ec Non-Federal Sr.ares 45206.83 3,381 .5� 1ot,�.1 2 (two) montns reques� for �8P413.66 (Budget for one month - r�- quest for October and Nove�:'aer, 1971) . . � , , • .. .. 1..J �l • a hl�b/ �a..�`V�.� V 1�i 1 1 :�j..!V .�'a 1 �i t�.I��� Y i.�..Jt n 4J d�J l�irr �V 1` C..�r.J l� .f� ....I.a\. ' • 435 CAf:ftOLL AY MACKU8ih S?'. PAUL, MINhGSOTA �5103 TELEPHOI+�C: 612•227-8571 ����; tt -�.^� . '��'3�" i°,.'�w+1 HEL?ING PEOPLE TO HELP THEMSELVE3 :n.�"'�.�� �„^V ry 91'. �:A�i 17 . . . 4a.:V.�TJ.-J�L 4i L::v e, c�i��.�-. I:v CJ ' rJi� l:Y� ✓.:� 4 . ��:�;:v.:.,�c�, :��. G';�u0�.I.C. L�uosa�7i�o ��coc:o� '.�'..v�.::: 0� ✓::QC�iOPS . . . � . . . � '^\_/'�\°�,� ✓! :/��1`\ . � October 14, 1971 ' � :�- : ��• �; � �' ;� r` '` �/g J�``�,;` .:,: ,•�\� . r'w.: �C.� ,..,�,'�V' �i�,'1 � ; ._� �'�;� -=—i a �— ; , �:, � � ��� � �:w i n . ��1� ��� . . ..�:i�'� �v uls.i� liY'�W . � � . � ��,� .. : � . . L.�cc�a��.�re Li�ector `.y%� -�_ =��� . . �,,..; .���� � Governor' s Co��ssion on Crime �=' Preven-tion and Control S�ate of i�innesota St. Paul, Minnesota Dear I�:r. Crew: The St. Paul �pportuni-cies Industrialization �enter is as?{- �rg for iunds to continue or� tiheir �ran�c, 3E 14-G¢-20-07-029 (?0) fro� Oc-�o'p�r 1 st through �ecember 'i s�, 1971. These -�ao �a�t'_zs reqLtest are vitally necessary b�cause we have approxi��.tely s��;,y- four (64} peonle receivin��service daily and to discon;,inue ���is ::�rvi.ce u��.-�.il otner funds are available wauld defeat ane year8 s �ei.abilitation work. TrFe v�ould appreciate your giving zhis your deepest cor�szde:a- �io�.. , Sincerely\yo�rs, �; �o ,^�.__%r..�.�•�.���::���=,-. �� Rev. L�Ialter Jo�zes E�;ecutive Direc�;or ilv :Zr'i ��,�,�,��.� 25��1� ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�UNCIL NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-6ENERAL FORM PRESEtiTED/Y COMMISSIONEQ ^AT� WI�REAS, The City of Saint Paul has entered into a Grant A,gre�ment b�tween the City and the Governor's Cotrmission on Crim�e Preventiou and Control for the implementation of the Saint Paul O.I.C. Drug Program, said Grant Agree�rent for a term expiring Au,gust 31, 1971; and WHEREAS. The said Crime Commission has in�dicated that it will extend this progrem to November 30, 1971, and further, psrovide $8�414.00 aa an addition to the Grant; now, therefore be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Peul does hertby approve the Amer�dment to the above-refere�ced Agreement, and the Mayor� City Clerk, and Comptroller are hereby authorized to exe�ute the Contract Amer�dment on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of the Contract Amenciment being on file ia the Office of the City Clerlc. NaN 101971 CpiTNCII,MEN Adopted by the CounM� 19�. Y� Na� a ov 1 i �s�a Buta� � Approve� 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� A nninat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� L