256317 ORIGINAI.TO CITY CL6RK ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��EN�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pTF RESOLVED, That the Counc il of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of said City in the par value amount of �5,600,000 for the purposes contemplated by Chapter 881, Laws of Minnesota for i963, Regular Session, as amended by Chapter 499, Laws of Mir�nesota for i967, Regular �ession, and Chapter 321, Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Regular Session; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said bonds shall bear date the first day of the month in which they are sold; that such bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issuance, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than 30 years; and the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall, by its subsequent resolution, fix the denomination and form of said bonds, the dates of matur- ity thereof, and the details and date of the sale of the same ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to initiate preparation of the appropriate documents looking toward sale of such bonds . FO M APPROVED �,� Asst. Corporation Caunse) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co,��l N OV 1 0 1971 19— Yeas Nays NOV 11 �971 Butler f; .rlann ��L,.. Approv 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka t� Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty PvBr�s�D NOV 131971 � . �� \ ou�ucwa To�e�rrts�e 25��1� � CITY OF ST. PAUL co„Ma� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FL° N� ;� COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PR�HiTEO K . COMIAISSIONE� DA� AIRSOLVLD� That th� Couno il oi tho CSitq o! S aist P�l h�reby ag�ori:er the ia�nana�s �►nd �al• oi S��rsl obll.�ation bond• oi •aid City ia �h� psr v�lu� aom�t oi �3�640�000 ior the pnrpo��• ooate�pist�d by �lu�pter 8ii, Lar� o! Mi�rota ior 1963, 8o�ular se��lon, a� aai�aded by Chapter k99 LaM• � o! Minns�ota tor 1967, Aesnlar 8�r�ioaf aad C�e��et �iti� L�• o! Min�u�ota ior 19?i, R�;ular S���lon; b� it FOATHEB H,��SOLVED� Tbat •sid bond• ��all bau�r dat� th� ilr�t daq vi the �onth in �hiob �hsy ar� •old; thst rue� bond• shail be in the ior� o� •srial bond�, a postioa ot �hioh �bali be payabls esoh year aits� i��usave� bn� aon� oi ssid bon�d• �hall rga ior a loa��r p�riod �hsg 30 �+rars= +�ad tl�e Co�o il ot 1�Le City o! saint Paul �ball, by 1t� subr�qnsnt r�aoiation, !iz the deno�instioa and tor�r o! •aid bonAsr tbe dat�� ot utnr- ity ther�o�, sn�d the d�tail� �a�d dat� oi the •�1� :oi th� sa��; snd b� it FUKTIIBx �90L1�D� Thst the prop�r City oltio�r� are hsrsby snthorised and direot�d to initiat� p��paratiom oi the appropriats doou��nt• loo�in� toNard aale oi woh bonds. NOV 101971 COUNCII��N Adopted by tha Co���� 19— Yeaa Naye Bu��' N OV 11 1971 ���,, Appmv� 18— Levine Tn Favor � Meredith Sprafka � �'Y°r Aoo,►;nat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty i � �9 I