256311 f O�I6INAL TO CITY CLERK �(� ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�E NC�� NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Roger M. COTYWBy COMMISSIONE ATF WI�RF'AS, T'he final co�ts for the Grading and Paving of Ruth St. from Hudson Road to Minnehaha Ave., Canptroller's Contract L-7217 have been determined and WHEREAB, Upon final allocation of funds f'ran which the above improvement was to be paid, it was found that the am�unt origin,ally set up for 3t� financing i� iasuffieierrt to meet the final costs and that an additional amouut of $23,327.62 wi11 be reqe�ired, therefore be it, R�3t�LVED, T'hat the amount of $23,327.62 be applied frcxn the Publie Works Pro�ect C4ntingency Fund to finance the additional cost of �he above 3mprovement. P-0475 �pRM ..�,�.�. �,t r ratio ,. �ounJC��-�, �'/� NOV 101971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ;" Yeas Nays Butler N OV 1 1 197� �Car�e�r-�-�-YV��•-�-� PPr 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco Against Mr. President, McCarty NOV 131971 PUBYI�SHE:D - - �� �.,GT�,�.�,� 255�1� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO � OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—rGENERAL FORM �a,, _._s.�AMMI�5510NE� �� �� � �ATa 11�� �Mt t11�►�. �e t{'�11� �iti! f�"�d11K �11� l�t�►111� YI!' 11�1t /�• 11ro� 1�M+�ea �i to 1lia�1NL�► An., C�ra�3�e'• C�t L-T�'3.T haw 1M� d�d�il�d at�L ii��i�� Vpe� ti�al �lAa d llni�s tyrart t�3�11 tlwl � 3�r�aatwr� wo '�o #� psi�, 11� � lblrld ll�s# 'O�ae a�li oariii�l]� s� � ldar its lf�asit� L i�i� �o ti1Ni �1 l31�1 Msta ae� tM►t �a a�di�i�otMi +�o� o� ���3gT•i! trl31 1» �eKtl,�r�t, � w it� �Q�1, '!M►� ti� 1ro�st� e�!' �l3s�?•it 1� y�t.i�l tle� tLt rili+� M�a ho��e# �3�� !'�t 10 !'sa�� � N�tiii�al �es� o!' 'q�t +�be�r� it�u�ra�. �M►TS NOV 10197� COUNCII�EN Adopted by the Council 18- Yeas Naya Butler .C�.�ao�r--�a�-�-�z•--� App�o� NOV 1 1 �97� 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� Tedeaco A8'��t Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��