256310 � 25���1�� OR161NAL TO CITY CLEFiK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUT —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY R r M C WS pTF COMMISSIONE �iHEREAS, Additions and Deductio�s which might pro�re to be necessary in the Improvement described as construction of concrete curb and gutter on BEACON STRF�ET fros Shields Avernie to U�iversity Avenue and Type 6 curb on East SIXTH STREET frvm Winthrop Street to McKnight Rosd, Comptroller's Contract L-7425, Citq Projects 71-C-0502 & 71-C-0507, Pederson Bros. Cement Contractors, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specificstions, and � WF�REAS, It has bee� fouad necessarq to make the following Deductions � �DEDtJCTIONS Adjust�ent in lump sum price. The folloWing lu�p sum adjustment Was made because of non-uniform fiaishi�g. � � Net Adjustment = $596.85 c°' O ='• � This se�ount to b� pro-rated and credited to the assess�ent oa� m E. Siuth St. from Winthrop to McKnight (71-C-0507). °c ADDITIONS ; Remove concrete drivewaq 42 sq. yd. Q� $2.00 $ 84.00 — kemove Concrete sidewalk 23 sq. yd. @ 1.00 23.00 Const. 6" conc. driv�way 42 sq. yd. ! 9.00 378.OU Remove existing side inlet 10.00 > � CoASt. side inlet (Plate #2013) 60.00 ,J � Total Additions � 555.00 �.f. ,1 _ _ `i, , .' This amount to be pro-rated and assessed against the beaefited ":�' property on Beacon St. fro� Shields to Universitq (71-C-0502). TaTAL NET DEDUCTION � $ 41.85 aAd G1HExEAS, The total deduction is $41.85, and the Co�uissioner ot Yublic Works has agreed `+i.th the Cc�ntractor that the amc�unt of $41.85 is the correct sum to be deducted from said contract, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoiag additions and deduction� made in accorda�ce with the Specif ications in the sum of $41.85, said amount to be dedncted from the lump sum coasideration named in the contract, kno�n as Comptroller's Contract L-7425. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� N�� 1 � 197119— Yeas Nays �9�� �' Butler ��V 1 1 � � �u prove 19.� Levine Favor � Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED aov 13 �st� �� 25s31c� ���������� CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�EUNCn NO � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR6piTED{Y Rp�t�M+- •�r ^Arc COMMISSIONER i188AEl1S� Addttions �1 Dadncti�os�s Mhich sigbt prow to b� n�rctr�ary in tlr Lprov�t�t d�scrii�d u con+stsuctiro� o! e�a�t.� autb and su�t�r on D�A�t70N bTR166T fs�o� Sbi�rlds Av�� to UAivrrsity Awmu� a�d Tpp� 6 aas�b oA Eaat 82XTH ST1t8�T !� NiaGh�►p Sts+a�t to 1la�aigbt Road, Coaptrolla�is Co�tract L-74Z�, Cit�r Pro,�ats 7�•C•OSOQ 6 71-C•OS07. B�d�rso� Brss. C�ant Cvmt�ractoYS, �., Co�+ttacttar� lM►w l�q psb�id�d for iA the 8p�ci#iQations. and N86REAS, It lya b�� taut�d n��tsaas�► to walct th� tollov3ws Dtd�at3+oa� DS�lCTION8 Ad�tat�Nat !n lt��p w�a prit�. 1"6� foilov�na lw� wiw ad�al�nt w�t rd� b�aa�uN o! �t-twitot't� fioithiaa. INt Adjuttis�t �+ �Sl6.�S This �ount �o b� psb•satrad aa�d crtdit�d tc tba aaa�ssrat on E. 8isth St. �s+c� W�.uths�op �'0 1�eRn�abt (71�C-OS07). AD�ITI�?NS its�t►w aonat�t� dri�raswy 63 sq. yd. 0 $2.00 � 84.00 R�aww Cores�t.� •id�ralk 23 aq. yd. • 1.00 Z3.00 Cotlat• 6" e�a• d!!Yr'IMtY 4e2 iQ. yd• ! 9.Q0 $?8.Q0 lt�r�w �sistftsa •id+� i�tl�t 10.00 Const. sid� in��t tPlal� #�013) 60.00 � Total Additlwtts r 3'�5.00 �__ This a�ouat tA 1» pr�*rat�d �1 asa�ss+�d aaait�st th+� bsnifit�d ps+a�xty on �u�on St. ltro� Shi�lds t,o Uriimtssity t71•C•OS02). Tt7rAI. IiST D�JCTTON � � 41.�S � iaQ8REA8, T1� to�a►1 �eductl�on is $41.dS, �ne! tl� Cosri�siaa�tc of Bublia Narks hs�s agra�d nith tl�t Contractor tl�at ths aicwat o� 1�41.8� ia th� aas�nct au� Co b� �duct�d fr�+a said aants�aat* thrs�fare bt it xE80LqED. Tt�at tht Cft� ot 8C. F,wl tbrons4 its Cily Counail app�w� tlN fos�e�ains edd3ttrona and d�duatiQns � in ac�aordanw vitL tba �p�eifioations ia t1r wui of $41.85, said �ount E� b� d�daat�d !� thir lu� w�s �n�id�rs�ton �d in th� c�untraat. knoMn aa Co�►troil�r's Co�tract L-74�S. COUNCIL�IEN Adopted by the Co»nci] N OV 1 O 197�18� Yeas I�Tays But,�er NOV 11 i911 � Appmva� 19—. Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� Ag�ain8t Tedesco Mr. President, MeCarty . ��