03-28Council File # � r � g Green Sheet # �OC7 O � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �o Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinhnents and 2 reappoinhnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Neighborhood Sales 3 Tax Revitalization Program (Neighborhood STAR Board). 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 APPOINTMENTS Christine Anderson - Representing Wazd 7- term expires January 1, 2006 Kerry Antrim - Representing Wazd 5- term expires January 1, 2004 Randy Asunma - Representing Ward 7- term expires January 1, 2005 Deborah Gelbach - Representing Wazd 4- term expires January 1, 2007 Ray Hess - Representing Ward 6- term expires January 1, 2004 Eric Hyland - Representing Ward 1- terxn expires January 1, 2005 John Barry Margot - Representing Ward 3- term expires January 1, 2007 Maurice Nins, Jr. - Representing Ward 5- term expires January 1, 2006 Kazen Skwira - Representing Ward 2- term expires January 1, 2006 Alicia'�1- Representing Ward 6- term expires January 1, 2006 z�e�a�- 17 REAPPOINTMENTS 18 Dr. Bruce Corrie - Representing Ward 5- term expires January 1, 2007 19 Jose Santos - Representing Ward 2- term expires January 1, 2007 20 Donna Strusinski - Representing Ward 2- term expires January 1, 2007 21 Ellen Watters - Representing Ward 4- term expires January 1, 2007 Date �i;�0�3 Counci Secretasy Mayor's Office Kurt Schultz fi-6590 , 1-8-2003 NUYB�!-0R ROUTING ORDEit TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET 03 -3� No 200037 ��.��� ���- Q �,,.,.�. ❑ �„� _ �RlRtifJ6l.fERVICFtOYt ❑AI�Ilq11LiF0.wuCTC ❑ WYOR(ORII!&siM!!) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approving the appointment of Chiistine Anderson, Reiry Antrim, Randy Asunma, Deborah Gelbach Ray Hess, Eric Ayland, John Barry Margot, Maurice Nins Sr., Karen Skwira, and Alice Zapita t the Neighborhood Sales �ax Revitalization Program,(Neigbarfiood STA$'.Board). Approving the reappointment of Dr. Bruce Corrie, Jose Santos, Donna Strusinski, and Ellen Watters to the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization Program (Neighborhood STAR Board). PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION I(>Li�l� F�s this persoMfi�m erer wo�lced under a conVactforthis depertmeM? YES NO Has thie PereoMfirm ever been a dlY emWuYee4 � YES NO ' Does thie peisonlfirm possees a sldll not nortnallypoasesaed by airy curteM city empbyee? YES NO Is Mia perso��m a targeted vendon , � VES NO �lain all yes answers on separate sheet a�M atqch to 0� sheet � ,.. � . r,. .:PC , ;� � it.' TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDOETEO (CIRCLE ON� ACiMTY NUMBER INFORMATION (EXPWN) VES NO 0 3 -a.� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy G Ke[ly. Mayor 390 Ciry Hall I S West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paut, MN 55102 To: Saint Paul City Councilxnembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lanhy Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Date: �� January 8, 2003 Telephone: 651-266-8510 Facsimi[e: 651-266-85I3 Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization Program Mayor Kelly has recommended the appoinhnent of Christine Anderson, Kerry Antrim, Randy Asunma, Deborah Gelbach, Ray Hess, Eric Hyland, John Barry Margot, Maurice Nins Jr., Karen Skwira, Alica Zapita to the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization Program (Neighborhood STAR Board). The terms of Ms. Antrim and Mr. Hess shall expire January 1, 2004. The terxns of Mr. Aswuna and Mr. Hyland shall expire 7anuary l, 2005. The terms of Ms. Anderson, Mr. Nins, Ms. Skwira, and Ms. Zapita shall expire 7anuary 1, 2006. The terms of Ms. Gelbach, and Mr. Margot shall expire January 1, 2007. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Dr. Bruce Corrie, 7ose Santos, Donna Strusinski, and Ellen Watters to the Neighborhood Sales Taac Revitalization Program (Neighborhood STAR Board). The terms of these individuals shall expire January 1, 2007 Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these indaviduals as well as the applications for the new appointments. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any question regarding the appointments and reappointments. Attachments cc. Bob Haimner � �"ii�a 1555 b�;LO b511742135 ._.–�.1 cQpM PHONc �M?. DIST TWO COUNCIL PAGE 01 No�. 31 z�0z a5:�3aro �2 O 3 -�� ApQI[cation for Committee, BoaCd, or Commission Please return [o Mark EaQebresson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall i S West Kellogg Btvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Faz:651-266-8513 The Mian��osn Oov<romea� Dae� Pt�::ie<� Ac: (Mfanawn 9ututca CLayut 1]) go�crnc oSa Clry'e �ae of tD• ictermatiee coa*einad Ia chia �pplicatioe. leme of IRa iuCorm�[ioo �ouSCt ia �III. eDD�����ioa ia yr;v�ca daia und.. �Ac 1oa. T6� r<QUe.ud informatloo W i11 6< u�¢d by t6n �py4�ppaQ �¢t2imily Iu CaTty otl fAt Clry'Y offSUtl epymn�rytai *>�DOef�sitlaic•. Yoc�r�aet �eq�irsd �o psovid.►ay �atarantiou. HoWSra, feilnre ro•n�w�r thc �pp�ios�ian qpe�t�oa� mq aoN tD� nypeiaainQ �Ltboriry [o rcjc<t your �DDileat�op. tG< major�tr o[itsmt ron��i*eE !n tEia apyliuNea are ►ub4o, iaoivala� n�mc, �ad�N�, e¢p(oym�ni, akttb, v�in�np ted c:perl�eo�� ead ara tbetafo» �v�il�bl� to �oyoe• re9vs�eiot it. 7'p� rem�iainy i[•m. on i4e epylicsoion lorm aa ela�rifiea •� privua Tb� Drlvua Cu� �s �valeDlc ooly ce you •ad eo eiAar ps�woa io tSa Ciey vpo, beesuae o! WOik e��ignmlYq. rt4o11�bly r<Qnir� �cee�c IO the inio�m�tioo NBdIE E AN D E xomeaddrese 208 MAR6ARET STRE�� S P_q_uti�Mrl•55�j9 .e...i '_'_T""_' u.K up Telephones [ 5/ � 731 • 5N/� �S ����� H.uetrcl���.C ae am ------ tiLr /T�27.� .1/' 7 '02� . E-meil addrass Plnnning Diatricc Counci! Preferred malling addres9 City Councit Ward� ^!-� .5�9 Oecupation �R03ECT COOkA/NATOk v Piace of emptoyment D15TR)CT 2�'OMFf UNiT Z/ ('�� _ Hmployment address _ /9 �l /�ER W�nl1 �� gT. PALI -NN • 6 5//9 Committee(s) applied For 5'j'"/�R .Q�AR,� W�at skills/trafaiag or experienoe do you possees for the committoe(s) for w6ich you seek appointment? . ` • � � � � � • : • . . � � • •. '. . . • ' _ � • ' i � . . • •. � .. .� � � .� �. • � a 1 � I� /i � yage t of2 rvat(Y�L�J PA6E 02 Vov. 31 29�2 d5:92fi�M Pl 0 3 -2� � Peraonal Refecencca Name Addre liiS7 TWO COUNCIL °'�IONE �p. : Telepdones���- `� � 4 _ l}3g� ll�a�� I�ahO� Art� CeAs� tOm� rork o[her Namc �f;-N l3t�s 7 Address �` FLor��e C��.y�� {� Telephones �G(o — �6 p Pitqe loclada Aiu CeCq Lome r »y NBIDG Address Tetepboaet P�cN� 4aluC� Are• CoOe� Dom• wo�k Reasons for your inceres� in this parcieular committee ��� c, R <,-Z � �_------ l�o�.s��►�E. � 1 � s S _.� Have you had ptovioue contnct witL the commitiee for wl�ich �rou are making applicstion? If so, wben, and under what circumstaeces? . No Io en sttempt to anauze that committee repreaeatatioc rofleots ths makeup of aur community, please check she box applicable to you, Tdiy laformation ia stricc{,y voiuntary. � Whita {Cauepsiau) � I{iapanio �Black (Africau-Ameritao) � Asian or Paclfic Islander (�'Americea Tndfan orAlsskan &�kimo r��. �Mate Female� Dateofblrt6 3'/ -�_ r Dit�bled: � Yos No � IF special aocommodaclons are needed, please specify /�/ � FYow did you hear ebout this oycningl ��p�,,� ��c.� p�otlEES pagt 2 of 2 � ,. Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall L S West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN SS IO2 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 ihc Mi¢nceote Govnrnmcnt Dat¢ Prscciccs Act (Mmnesota Stacmcs Chaptcr 13) govarns tfie City's usc of the infarmetion con[aincd in this application. Some of che informa[ion sought ia this apptication is privata data undcc thc Act. Thc raquestcd informxcion mit! be used by thc sppointing authority to carry out �hc City's off�cial appoiutmeac rttponsibilitics. You ace not rcquired �o providc any infoYmA��oa. HowcY�cr, failuro �o ancwcr �hc epplicauon qncs[iona mpy cauc<thc appoincing authocity �o reject your npplica[ion.7hc majority oiittma coutaincd �n [His spplication nre public, inct�ding name, addrsss, cmpfoyment, ski5ls, tteining and experiencc, and are theceEOr� availsble to anyons rcqucating it. iho rcmnining itcros on �Fe application form are claeaificd ae ptirflte. The privam data is ¢vai7able oniy to you and co othar porsons in ehe City who oYwor� eseignmcnta, roasonably requ�re aeoess to che information. Namc xQ�/!�!� �• rrn�M Home address Telephones ��' Pk�se iaeiud� Ano�"ndo. _ E-mail address �� Planning Diserict Council Preferred msiling address Occupation � 5 (/r Pisce of emgloyment � Employment addrass Committee(s) applied � T .� Ci[y Covncil Ward _�j trJ 63 -3 P 3 page 1 of2 What skills/training or experience do you possess for cho committee(s) for which you scck appointment? ,� _ PersonblReterences Name Addre Telephones �5"�--�'�(�_ �k� �ICaes leclodc Area Codes homc work orF« ~ 13 9IhC Addre Telephones ��. �y�- ��S Pleaee indade Aro� Codea home work otper Name J/ ��yJGn ��.�//Yl � Address _ �� [,/Qli� �,Q� • �(l.L� �/� "��Gl Telephones ��/� 'f � �- ��� Vioaec Ipctede Arc� Codea 6ome work othar Reasons for your interest in this particular committee S / Heve you had previous contact with thc committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? � j� � � .� In an atte�pt to ensµC� tha( Fqmmittee representation reftects the makeup of our community, please eheck the box appiicable to you. This 'tnformation is stricsly voluntary. �hite (Caucasiap} � Hispanic � Blaek (Afrlcan-American) � Asian or Pacific lslant{G2 � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Datp of birth �Q j Disebled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify ��/f How did you hear about this openingl page 2 of 2 o3-ar E9 39Cd WI?�1NC 66T9S9LLLS9 90�Zi Z00Z/99/ZL i7ov Gc uc iu:o�p � � LHIhtLkHL N1LL 651�z48529 Application for Committee, Soard, or Commission Please return to Lucille 7ohnson Citizen Service Office, Room 170 City Hall 15 West Kello-gg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8690 Fax:651-266-8689 p.2 63ag - Yhe lvfinnesota Gover¢meatDaca Practiccs Act (Minuesota Siatutcs C6apter 13) govcrns tbe City's usc of the infocma[ioa contained in t6is application. Somc of thc informatioa sought in [bis appiica[ion is private data uadcr thc Act. The tcquestcd iaEormatioa will be used by t6e appointing authority ta carry out the Ci[y's official appointmeat responsi6ilities. You are nat required to provide any infoxmatioa. Howevet, failure [o aaswtt the application queSCiuns may eause tLe appointing authority to reject your app}icatio¢. The majority of items coutaioed in this applicatioo are publ:c, includiag name, addtess, eciploymenc, skills, training aad experience, and are therofore availahle to enyone requu[ing it. T6c remainiag items oa [he applicatioa form are elassified as pri�ate. The p:ivat< da[a is available oa:y to you and to other persocs ia the City who, because of work nssignmcets, rensonably requiro aecess to t6e iuformation. Name /�' ;F�SVnm Home address � ,��� � %�,> > � �.�5 � /tr.V f7 � � .5 � �vl J � �� � , ,S�`, Telephones �S/- 77/•��GI ��S/�:����/-�4Su �� J e/ -3'5�;.��� Pluse indude Areo Coda homc . work fax E-mail address �� �? i�C Lai.�� Cor,-. Planning District Council I� City Council Ward�_ /�J � Preferred mailing address % 3`� ���J,rryi�i /`jj�� S/. //r}���� /�Jl� 5 S/��, Occugation Place of em Employment address 1�+S �� S fP�2il! J�dc' /�/, SUr /� �/ �_- Committee(s) applied for ����.��� �/�1� _ /�Of}J�'/�. , What skills/tiaining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? , p �h7S/Srdp 3�/7� s• fc - !lu r: S�, ��� NOin�c /�:�U��oOm�s�rl � � nn� i�;r � ��R�t�!��2A, o�nE� .bo�ran ly.�m!'✓P�i �.�!-.��j/� f�Jv'f� /�•;sln , . - . unrc� i - page 1 of2 . .,..,..� .... .�.,�n� n.�� oaicG�o�c.ti p.3 Personal References Name /���l1 �.�.'�✓,7I'E�Q ' A d dr e s s_ f��� /,�/f/lC�t!-�/ s%. 1}c � ��� (},� Telephon ' �� 5 /- 7 � ��- �//��/ . PEease inclvde A Codee 6qme � wock - ot6er 1`ame Ot.X'i f' c1�1 v �E>P S Address ' �:.__ �. /_ / +- c; ,"�� ,�17 � s Ty S ',S'/ l/�� �L� .SS I'elephones Cn�� -��� - % /� 3 Please tn<1udeAtea Codes home . work c,�hP. Name Addre Telephones (p S �� ,�,� � � �� 7 (� Piease inelude Area Codea bome work ot6er Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? ftJ U f In an attempt to ensure that committee representation refIects the makeup of our community, please check the box appiicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Black (African-Amezican) � Asian or Pacific Islander. � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 03 -a8' � �Male Female � Date of6irth Disabled: ❑ Yes . No �._, If special accommodations are needed, piease specify How did you hear about this opening? a page 2 of 2 � Reasons for your9nterest in this particular committee � siizo%��S �o�nm��P.r/ � . n . . i , uii�oiud h1Ji� ls:o7 rA.� bol b41 168ti GELBACH YLUS GELBACH r.� �. ' �s Application for Committee, Baard, or Commission a�'ad" Please return to Mark Engebretsoa Mayor's Office, Room 390 City I i 5 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paui, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266- The Minnesota Covernmcnt Data Practices Act 85 � 3 informatian conteined in this application. Some of tbe informatio sougbt in this applica4oa�is priyate data under t6e (Minnesota Statutes CLapter 73) goveins the Ci[y's use of the Act. The requested infarmatio witt be nsed by the appoin[iag e¢thoricy to carr � responsibi2ities. Y are not requircd to provide any information. Aowever, failure io answez the appticaeioa questions mey cause the appoiating auchority to reject your applicacion. She �a�or�� Y ovt the City's official appointment pubiic, inclnding rame, address, em 7u l y of i[e requesting it. TLe remaining items on the application form are classified as privat�eSTbe pr data is nvailable only to ymant, skills, training and experience, and are therefore avai]able to anyone you and to ot6er pezsons in the City whp, 6ecause of wozk assignments, reasonably �equire access to tbe infarmation. Name /la(. A r r, . �. r,-. Home address Telephones PteaseiqcladeArea� E-mail address -� �"�Y /� � Planning District Council _�✓�/ City Council Ward�_ Preferred mailing address �c� .. _ , � Occupatian `nr PIace of employment � Employment address � Committee(s),applied for z�p S . Wfiat skills/trainin or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for wbi�b you seek appointment? � 'r�� , A� ' �"� 1� � r � page I of 2 , ��CU �9 GL�'t pf � I� � CC.. 8 i'1'icc..L( �<tt S/ vLtq_7 Clwj j p ! ( �l / / �w�-C.f./J �Q�(�/ � � G-G�C �'t.0 !/� `�_""^-^.c+-il JQ� � � 4Ye e e # s ��n�v,1.}G Sc�Ps�9d--�� �.�� rnn o�i o41 lhbh VhLbAVn ri�� �n1.riAVri �UU3 .� .sonalReferences Name �'/ � _ Address Telephones `�''?�P� Pleasefpclude Area Codea Name f�i „ Address Telephones�_ Please include Area Codes Name l,,:. ..� � �5 �-C h�e /�"p� � �e �K�l'��.3... p'�work �-�SL_ �g Address Telephones t,.S�—a Please iaclude�Area Codes 93 - "'0"' work work Reasons for your interest in this particular committee 63 -a8- /` /` S � ' o` °_""'�" c= other �f�nd�rseF C'�r�� --����� 'fi9,r �"� �� �J� /o�� o � �.'r., � s�� t'/,�r �IS Cr� �, � .�c . �O�C /Ti �1 C /`� ot6er Have y� p evl�cu� ��� Wi h� o m t"�ea for whi�'h If so, when, and under what circumstances? �ST�R (�p c - � re making appiicati°�'oRn°'.��'�, � �a-c°L�" In an attempt to ensure that committee represeatation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box app]icabie to you. This information is strictly yoluntary. �hite (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian ot Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Mate Female �1,/ Date of birth Disab�ed: ` � /�� � � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, p]ease specify � How did you hear about this opening? Q 6 � �!C� �-„ Gl q.L�L �� n ���,�� ��� �---- �}'-� `� 545h C sG ` J � . �"-. ru .�i �, L� O s-, r, �/,pS� �' �-t,�-t>- �-�v �c.e c-e m n-�a r��ea'r of 2�. ,� n�,�� s T J �' `� 4-t ct 4.L�.p-*.�.L` a�,A..e ��a.. �M y 4 e4 ..�. �. pS�R��k ��-.�C�s�_ 5 ��� c�P��sp.�� s�,�� ��,� �3— -,�8'30,.�ra c.c..ta�D -l�,e c�. —c�C��c . 12�5/2002 THU 18:4J FA3 �'/ � 002/003 o � -a� �FcF;v�Gr� Application for Co�nmittee, Sioard, or Comrnission�EG � 6 2002 Please return to Lucille Johnson Citizen Service Office, Ropm 1 i0 CityHzll Pi:AYOft CFrlf:_ 15 Wesc Keliagg Blvd., Saint Paul, tvlN SS 102 Phone:651-266-5690 Fax•651-266-8689 'fhe Minnc:ota Governmene Dsca Pracciees Ac: (Minnesota Stetutcs Cha?t:r 13) go�ern9 che C��y'S use of ihe iuCormaLiva euntained iu chi3 applitatioa. Some of the ieEormntioe sough[ia ebis appiies�iop i3 privste dataunder:hc Aca TLe r<quezt<d ieforma[ioo wiil be uscd by cSe appoin[fng aunhori�y �o <ury ou[ ahe Gty's official eppein�mrnc te5ponsibili�ies. You ace �o� [equited co pro�ide eny in£otm�tion. Howeveq failurc m snswer �hc appliescion quez�ions may cauze tnc sypoinoing auchoriry ta reje<t your nppli�ntioo. The majority of i�ems enntsined in chis eppliea[ion arc pebiie, including nsme, address, employmcnc, skills, i[ai¢ing and czpetieace, and sre ehereforc available [o anyone requesciog i;. The remaivind items oa lhe application form ere elasaifie6 ss privet.. The privnt< dua is available only r.o you and tp othet pet9ons in [he City who, besa�se ofwaiic noaignmcnts, rezsaaabfy rentiire access m ihe informuion. iVame �f��!'yj �, �e°Sl Home addzess /377 /7a �• �/�/� ?clephones �GS/� 7y1- �f/�S3 �GS/��GS 7�,x3 (LS/� ��s� y�0/ Ylert<IncludepresCodn Eeme Wori ez E-mail address r�S � Sha.�r.i'�' �re�!/ity,(;esr �— P!anning District Council TW� City Council Ward S/ Preferredmailingaddress /3T7 fj��.y�i���,Sli.ef��1,/y SS/CL�/2/s2 � e�re<< � ntY� i��« zip Occupation S�j��jit� �n- P1ace of employment ' Employment address `� Commi[cee(s) applied for What sleills/training or exparience do you possess for the committez(s) for which you scek appoin[inent? � G�+r�'��r/� d ��ie �4frt1 0� i��Clorr o�Th e .3� ��r ; je C,�na a Cr �� llA.a�, .Z"..�+s re�io,�r/ ea 7� �'���1.«�.�. ,.L ArCriors�y ser�'�� e�r /fcC l�dQ`e.doc� ✓en Sp ae� �,,,..r,�.�� �,nr e� f �e o.� 7h B S� :! d r�� ��u� l�d�v �.+rs+�/.�if�wrc�r'J." �� s ed/ SBd6�"J� GeCi`l 6q �C !!l� lP SC 1er'aslr f3atrr� �T �!/"PC/o�'S• �rav� Ghdq'a' dridas 8llTGS �'dC/d�� b.vs/X�J.f � s st' eye! fey�3' �S, .Z� �e d a � ii�qs �res�r /�ii�� ..__..=-�- � 9` .� S'/rPx'� rB?� �' o� S./.iyl �daa<S�l��s/���d page 1 of 2 i' � Guu2 1nU lb:43 tde Personal References Name �dYf �j�UdiUU� o� - a�- Address 3� �looY ^�i� �I� /Gf�6 Eerr�'��� {��v� �r st-�i..�/, �l.r ss/o6 Telephones �`s�� yy�' yQyG �bS �lr�- 5��� Plti9t ItltI AiCe COa05 homc � +vock o�her Name I�efer {�auc.� � Address .�Oe'Z7 C'3-�l�e`"f.�(_c!�/n!-�:,_� Sa,A.rt' PiK.�. � irt• .SS���9 1'elephones (( 77/% 70.�/ / Pl<as<include Area Codes homc work o[hcc Name !�f/`%S/lfle �j�17A7eJ� hd�Yt- Address �9..�..� �8r'�sS� /� r S7;�B�/. /liJ., -�.�f�� Tcicphones �(nS[? C9�' ���23 � C65r ��.� yy�9 � Pleasc (ncluae Area Codes hoac `� wo:k � o�hor Reasons for your interest in th'is p¢rticular commictee ��- j�- � a��7o�g�� -f d� aF' .Serdi�e f e.�c�-a� o�f o� .�.gf/J.t../. �r,�eN.� dis// ��ei.e..:� Have you had previous contaet with t]ie committee for which you ar� making flpplication? Tf so, when, and under what cireumstances? No � - - - In an atccmpt to ensure thac committee representation reflcc�s the makeup of our community, please check the box app[icable to you. This information is strictly voluncary. �White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �Malc Female � Date ofbir[h �t,ZG�/Q/� Disabled: � Yes No �.., If speciat accommodations 2re needed, please specify �a2c _ How did you hcas about chis opening? tv ,�- ,µo�h . paga 2 of 2 r'FOU MESSc6L1 & KzAMc� (THII)10 3.�02 16.06/ST.16:0:/�0.4360001[07 c 2 O 3 - a-P' Application far Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark EngebreYSOn Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall I S W est Kellogg Bivd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Pbone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 TLe Minnesota Government Data Practices Ac� (Minnesota Stetutes CLapter 13) governs thc Ci[y's usc ofi the i¢formetion containcd in this apylication. Some of the information sought in [his application is private data under the Att. Thc roquested informalioa will be used by the appoiating authority to carry out thc City't official appointment tesponsibifities. You are not requited to pro�ide any information. Howev<r, failure to answer the applicatiou queslious may eause tLe appointing a�thority to rejcct your applicalion. She majority of i[ems co¢tained in thit application arc public, including name, address, emp7oymeo[, skills, naining and experieuce, and are thetefore available lo anyone requestiag it. The remainiog items on tTe application form are classified as priva�e. The privale da[a is available only lo you and to ot6ei persons in the City who, because of work assignmenis, reasonably require atte;s to [he information. Name Cl2i C. T. I�YC.AN.� Homeaddress (�O� t�fJyTpN A� S!. If}NL ��/ SS/pZ s�reei eiry s[ue vp Telephones 6S! - 29� -/vqZ �r�-zz9- y�s� (�S/-2Zb'-�i�Ff7 Ptea.einAudeAruCotles home Wo�k fax E-mailaddress LtiTSF.vC�P�O(_. C�� Planning District Council S y r+� �v. �;_ l��vi✓EKSiT y City Council Ward___j__ Preferred maiting address (��l 17�Y��/ A✓E -ST �"gu�- /1'1N S"S/o 2 :««� <<� s�e�� :�➢ Occupation L.o�3�3YrS i Place of employment 1 L 5 Se..�Z.L1. ��'�2y1'+���, P� . Employmentxddress f�f,s(�N�Nen-5��/�}✓e W.Su�T� /4-0 .�T', Y�3u����SS/03 Committee(s)app]iedfor hJtrb+ut3o�2F�o� S/�� i�OA�-L� What skilis/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? (,c1 I� M Y PA-s T C. n PE�� cTi c-c A 5� A/J�t � tl, S; �t.T: i�.f" f� 5 St 5 i R u i � ��t S t"T/7 ��" F� NfF iv 4 �Jm in e i��� A�7 /.� ,4 �0 2M e� /v� E "M �3 E+2 U�' � C� I r p� G�c��v �Z.�r'�o� Du0 c *zT �V /'t�-U 4770nJ CvMM � t %�"'� � N h �t l��YrJ �?t OPPd2? c�-�ir'! i n i2 E✓ � e. i)N fJ �✓fT �-- u�r�� MFt N y ,�2-c_Zj �t �3 i S�'T� Sf"�, �NO �.c� c�tiT c_ /-} Fl��tr�Pk I R i� O�v 5. L�l�9 S�� �i 2s :/��l�io 1/*c ��ri� ✓c Cf-fR-�/cs-��S �� I�u6Lr� .su�5 �t7e3 Gs}ni/n��t i�v �faPc,c3 C� �3, �u- 2 a.,� � L ao �:c'�vc-y Ac,�.�e- o�' �' Ac�ov�v; ��3,�,� �N�T TPrx�PrVe 4�EMHNp 0� GoJt'2/UMe7J1, page I of2 .nAb::; n J 1 / , r . �onal References �" .,� A (�, ; a ;ame .f o tt / / �/ j AddreSS / `J-S /�fN� ✓t�-S! i�r.�i i�. �. �c .�....,.... .o �. ...... ...... ... . C53 _a.f A✓t t.c9. 5, . P�-,� �, rn�v ss• � 3 Telephones 6S! � �}SC., � 9SO�t 6Sf- ZZS'-4757 Plesse3nclude Atea Codes hOme work 0[heI Name Address n,.�,..� P�s �la�2-� s Telephones Yleaseinciude Area Codes home Name Address Telephones Please include Afes Codes home GS1-266- �S7 work work other other Reasons for your interest in this particular committcc Z�HA✓Lr �-� �EU �ro W02�cr� / N W�j(Ll) � S' iN Cr I q 4°F-. T H�t.� u�� u-rc� r�v ivc�o-ffQo2.rtcxr MB� -Sle�y,oY v<uY,�LCSs, Atit�J Wou�.� Uxr 7a r�c PA�-� u� CI�r3 � Cow�•�✓u�� ��e Sue�e35e'S e�, my Nr7Cs�t3�tt=kr A��� TH2du��i Si. r<J�fL. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? Al o In an attempt to easure tha[ committee represen[ation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American lndian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date of birth Z�z-6 �G 3 Disabled: �Yes No � lf special accommodations ate needed, please specify /�loti/�' How did you hear about this opening? C lTY W t i� S/ � page 2 of 2 ,, . � � , �, .� ,. i �.. vG ....�.., . . .. :.,., . � . o3-a� Eric 7. Hyland 601 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)291-1092 Lutsencuo(�aol.com EMPLOYMENT EKPERIENCE: Messerli and T{ramer, P.A. (1996-Present) Lobbvist � Assist corporate, professional association, and non-profit clients in development and execution of legislative strategies including, but not limited to: eazly assessment and pianning; strategic decision-making; regulaz face-to-face contact with key policymakers; public and constituent reIations; grassroots development and implementation: and, monitoring of political and legislative actions. � Regularly represent clients before legislators, legislative staff, legislative committees; state agency commissioners and staff; govemor's office staff; and, local units of govemment. � Draft legislation and amendments; prepaze committee hearing strategy and testimony; reseazch, track and monitor all iegislative action affecting clients intezests. � Regulazly make reports to client's legislative committee or executive committee; prepaze legislative reports; attend and make presentations before annual client conventions or seminazs; serve as pazielist to other associations on the legislative process. � Respoizsible for creation and administration of fiim's political action committee as well as political action committees of clients. (T �i:) IU. Si' J2 :6:07/ST. 16:0:/�� 43 60001 20 7 F � C�'3 -7 �` Senate Finance Committee AdministrativeAssistant (1989-1996) � Served as chief administrator to the Senate Finance Committee, and top political aide to Senator Gene Memam. � Assisted chairman in develogment and implementation of fegislative agenda and legislative strategy; acted as liaison to caucus leadership; researched issues of special legislative concem; draftzd amendments; represented chairman in meetings with legislators, executive branch officials, local officials, constituents, interest groups and lobbyists. � Assisted chairman and chief fiscaI analyst in preparation of state budget; maintained close communications with finance division chairs to ensure timely and orderly completion of budgeting process. � Supervised committee secretary and finance committee staff and interns; interviewed and hired finance committee legislative staff and interns. � Tracked legislation affecting state finances; designed and maintained computerized committee bill log; assisted chairman in setting finance committee priorities and agenda; responsible for requesting and tracking fiscal analysis on legislation affecting state finances. Senale Finance Commitlee LegislativeAssistant (1987-88) � Assisted administrative assistant in his duties. � Drafted letters and memos in response to written and verbal inquues. � Researched and responded to inquiries from legislators, legislative staff, and constituents. Senate Aericulture and Natural Resorerces Committee Commitlee Clerk (1986) � Assisted committee secretary with daily office duties. � Reseazched solutions for constituent probiems. <iAH3A / . ` � , ; %�THER EXPERIENCE� �', � � /' � � � � � � � EDUCATION: Member, Minnesota Govemment Relations Council (1996-Present). Co-Treasurer, Capitol Hill Ducks Unlimited Chapter (1993-Present). Toumament Staff, Minnesota State High School League State Debate Toumament (1993-Present). Member, Minnesota Debate Teachers Association (1985-Present). Member, Ciry of Coon Rapids Budget Evaluation Committee (1990- 1994). DFL Senate District Treasurer (1988-1990), Senate District Chairman (1990-1994). Campaign Manager, Gene Meniam for Senate (1990 and 1992). Co-Owner, Northern Policy Reseazch Group. , Edited and published high school debate resource book for national distribution (1985). B.A., Intemational Affairs, Lewis and Clazk College (Portland, Oregon), 1485 Coon Rapids High School, 1981 REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REO (TAU)]0.�1'C[ 16:07/ST 16�0������^c60001[G7 2 6 a� -a � � ;, ��Y a3 -a� Applica�ia;, ��� i u'i?�IiiZZ��i'G1Pti� Oi �oiirPcii55i�ii �;�L� �. Please return to Lucille Johnson � C:t:ze:� Service Office, P.00m 1'� City Hall 15 WeSi iieliG�g Blv�i., Saiflt raui, iviN 55; G2 Fnoae:65i-26fi-867� Fax:651-2'o6-S'o8y MAR 2 2 20C_ ::i ;�Y Ci��"r 'Ihe Minnesota Government DaEa Practicer Aet(Nfi¢mesataBtaFmes Ehxpter }'r}gavttas fhrEify's useo€thr in£ormation concained in this applicarion. Some of the information sought in this applicatiou is private data under the At_.The o ' ' `W�'et" _ '!"r�r _pr�e�e1?-^ iL4�viiSiuiiliic5• � 011 dtc HJi tcyu128u i0 j5[bVlu't S�I}' 1t1iJPOla' ri6WCVCT, t4 duS�vcY 3p�itC3tiJii cjilCSi/Jlls may cause ine appoiniiag autuorii�ioreleet ga¢raggii¢aiio¢. Thtmajnsi�p o€items eou[ainesi¢ t$cs apgiieaciucur- publiq including name, address, employntent, skitls, training and experience, and are therefore available to anyone <�Ji:nn: TV.G• rtyo a t'rar:nn F..Lm�a��rtaeeiTin�.i �rA.�e��,Tfi_ r �`dala : �a:lah�`Cn�.. [p � ........ _ •e.... �_ o...ormnm �ro__me n.. ��vat � VGll 22Id iu JtOtY pccS0�5 in ine i,iiy �yii0, oLGdUSt JT WUPk djSi��incniS, P�26Jrid`oij% P�yuirt eCCLSi i0 ihc I�ame v O�� 7 1 ' C1 (� C L� x� .�aaa:ess / b'� �' C�-7 �-I �r J I� y �Av< �f. ��l liJ1� ,�-sios� ia ly ,�/ ^�o / (I � .Z�Y C (Y ln S � "� �0 c�� � y7 �l' P}easeincludeAreaCodes l�ome work £ax i-uinii 8uui�SS Sl¢1Z11131gL1Si C��_G(�O�{�3���� L.ItyVVI1114r13YV[�1� �/ f�1V141IVLLLL1A11111�QLL�l�. /�/�.-��//�u / �"�'� / •/�{�ISS/,� Y /W � ntrccv �._. - �ciiy F- � � Stau zip _ ___ �ccupaiiau S� 1 -- -` c h o� � c- -- -- � _ _ n iflCC vi �Iii�iGj%IRCRt C�� / .� ('«"�'� ����/� - . Empioyment address =� �' b /�/ /�� {,v �. � y ���- �� i r h I-e: a SS/�2 �^c:,i u:ttee';` a ;:ed for � ��t2 �p c'�f� 4 1 YY Whai sxiiisitraining or experience do you possess ior che commiicee(sj ior wnicn you seeic uYYviiiiiTia°,ui� 1 �l 4 r c Fj c c J d+� f".. � C. �,�J � c rh.in i//�c r ,"-U l C }/<O �S v�—d Sf-ni (�eo�d T � `Y�<c:_il. O^�c�r�//� � c au�d�,�a�-�c f �� C 1-C3 /o c ai� c, ti�) J�z�� F7oc>i �l 1'c� i . - f - �f�:,�1-E ,.o�c� <<.fr � ,r d �v „-e/ . �.. .r u •..�r � s � w h� /.cv< rr�Y l�O�cYr `�S�;J'x7-�Jr= ictvC'C r9.>�GT�I � eGiC�J t'� n S t� � vcN //hc �(v 6.-j'J. l� 1� f-0 S<o f� 1 i bi�y r ` � �C 12J/� ��� � 0 vl hc.aJ 'h/i v�'�! /�: �Vc c�v,torY - ltbr/h� ��I �vccd� u pag� i of2 . ` i�ersonal i2eferences o� -a�- Mama � G m v c� �.J o_� (1r t a�u'ress /94c3 �r, � � �-o�J T�;�Y�� :�, �� � 1 — � l9 d-S �-13 Please inciude Area Codes home work other i: S:: C /' t'� O"'L m15 f�' l o S..$ nau:�,s 1�S (,�ooa i,a_, �, �a.�� T2.i'c}'�uvii2S � 5( �-- � 1�'� Q;/ � Ptease indude Area Codes home work other �:°m� �v�J � {�'l(grc� !� 1\x a3u:ess (fl 3 4 / 7�`/�_< IJ � o ,St- ,�, �( T2icyuviicS � S j —Y-( �/ _ Please inciude Area Codes home work ,1 � �= other \ 44j1t1Za1 1 V L y 1L1111114VJ. V J L 111 t��. FtCLLIV_��i� n � �cQL�111�1LLj�LeY d�� .e .�c>vt� U� Have you nad previous coniact wiih the commiiiee ior wnich you are making application? ii Su, w ic�i, aud uudei ci%1'iai circumstance5? .L G in an atiempi io ensure chai committee represeniaiion reiiects the makeup oi our community, lo..nu L.e..L 1�,.�. "i' 1.'lo T1.'n F il.. i.. 4..�... Yi�.ao�, Cu�.�a i�i5� vvn aYYaiCo�i�. TC� yOli. uie Iua0iu i 3iiGIl iS eiTiCuy �'G uIIiaiy. �'vvniie (Caucasian) � lY1SD3Il1C �YSf�CK �E1II1C8ri-LirilEIIC311} � Asiai� Ur �aciiia is}arrucr � r,maricaa irrdia�r ar k}askarr eskirrio �3 U +'V'cs �'Maie Fe,��aie'� Datz oi birth �1.. - S — ys i£speciai accommodations are needed, piease speciiy ffow did -yau hea: about t; :; oper,ir.s'• c.� �� v� _ C' Sc� v 1 C< ty N %3 O G � C� pagc 2 0€2 � PLEASE RETURN TO: LUCILLE JOHNSON CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD. SAIN I' PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 651-266-8690 FAX: 651-266-8689 / � 4� o� -zr ��� � *'�i�,r_ M,4R 5 ZCOZ Ct ��Y CLEF� Name: � l�-L�.�ii ° L � l�-/ 1 v�,5 t J�2 . Home Address: ��'13�'� f�✓��'9w✓�"� ✓���� - Street• c�ry: �, o�-. � z�p: 5 5( a 5 Telephone Number(s): (Include Area Codes) Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �� G�Si - c -c��z"I �(o5f-2TsLi-acCo3 City Council Ward• `�-t � p\. �'l r tn �'� z � The information included in this applicaflon is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. o � -a a� PERSONAL REFERENCES [Reminder to Include Telephone Area Codes] Name: �2�1.�c� CuY-G�� Address: � OC> L i l�-(/� �• Phone: fHomel loS(— Z tWork) �S�-2��- t3(�� Name: ��t�l�-v�� �c���(vt Address• _ � �� �• L...�� ��• Phone: (Home� Name: Address � C7 S Phone: �-2�`� - - 222- - S 2�'7 � (Work) �S �� 3l O -�7 L{ c7 C� Have yoa had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representafion reflects the makeup of our community, please check the Gne applicable to you. Tttis information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) � Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Date of Birth: � I-�i c� -�� Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: I-Tispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Male x Female Aow did you hear about this opening? Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: -�-� w� I✓\'f`�-4�� 1"°cd l+� O1/0./ pp1 01�29 FA3 �,!JO1 JAN-07-�03 1�=33 ST. PRUL MRYOR'S O�FIC'c 651 2E6 8513 P.02iO4 o3-�r Application for Committee, Board, or Commiss3on Please retnrn to Mark Engehretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 Ci[y Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-5533 Fax:651-266-3513 The Minneeou Gevernmeo� De�¢ Pceuiecs Aee (Mieneso�s Su«sn Cl.epma 13) ge.ems �!e C:ey� uva of ehe in:o:mazioo eoat¢ined in this uppl�ca:iuo. Sone of the infanna[ion aovsht ia �3is applfcar_on u privete data uadtr eb• Ael. SCe iequCiteJ �niovmatwn W ilt De naed Dy sic sDTOi=�iae au�havit7 �n car:i ovt �Fe Cic7`s official appwncment �espansiD��icieL You nee eo[ reQUired co yrov�de any iuFormriiou. Howaver, faifure xo ansv�er tfie application questioos may oeuee [Le appoia�iag au:hOtiCy ta Iej<ct rCUt epP7iCatinn. T3: msjoriiy of itcAl6 Go➢C6iDCd iD YSIS i➢➢liGdF19R 8fC yuBl�e. ineludingaame, sddress, empteymens, slelUe,xrs:nie6 and ezpe:ivaea, sadare t6eeeto<a avai:abieco anyaae requeseiag it. T.he «mainieg ieam• oe �CC sppliceaiw Form �ec cicscificd as ysi•ate. The➢':�rte daca �e avai7n91e only m yua and �o oiLerpereons �n a�c Ci[y.sn�. eecauac ef �o:k nari�am.a�s, r•asonaLiy requ;.� z�c�ec xo cee infarmasion. Name Home Tetaphoaes (ofi l� '�2�-f I� �u051 Co5 I ..�7:5' S��o � Piv.wiro+ode�r<aCeee. :om< Wo 7e'x E-mait address Planaistg District Council .� l�} CityCouncil Ward Prcfcrred mailing address _..__. , .._.. _.,. Occupazion � � � iN � �,�� >��, N � � Pluce of employmenc {� � S � �'�I (� Employmeat eddzess _ \� ('"� �( j i ��yu C_ �,.. `����_ (� j 3Vg7�p Committcc(s) applied for j�'A'� y� �v CT.(� �iN� What skills/trainiag or o�perieuco do you possess for che commitsee(s) for which you seek appointmcnc? - r3u ��r��s� -���i��S _�� L t� page 1 of2 ---- ---.----- ----- -°�- -� ----�. page 2 of 2 — 5" `.� R 5. t�Jo 12 T� u�1 E M �3 ��c' —� 5 Tfl '1�"� Co�.(NCit_ �1 .o FA% ,; ,��1?=33 , j . „ // ST. PRLN.. MAYOR'S OFFICE ' Persoaa] R¢Ycronces �Ol 651 266 8513 P.03/04 Q� ��( xe�� � � A ,�� � A � l/ �1 I_i-1 �� tiddxess I�n g � �n i r4 �� �:-1�1 _S d � �. �La(� l. 'S�� O I r Telcphoaes ( � ! � ,� -'�,5',�.5 Pleaae la<3adc Atan Ceac� hom< �+o•k otAar Name � F�? (a -l� t"' � l. 1� � T 1- Address "3 �, SS l 5 I_ �.�.. 1 U..i) (V � l. 3�G ��o Telsphones („�i 1(X�Cj - � (c0^`i ( •P��I i�2 L Ple.a� inelnd� Ar�� Codu Bome work orhec xam� MFlc2�- Nt��soTl Address (��rv�M�.cv��"t �`.' /�Q��N ( 7��i� — L�ISI . ��� Telephoaes G S! .,�:? t• C��'. P> Pleanefaela0c Arun Cod�a hnmc �ork o[hor Reasons for your interest in fhis pazticular committee t u� r1 5 �S� �(� �� t`C \� � D L�I� I 1,C� L7 �A � 7 �� N l-cU��77 � � l-" M � �h t'� Have you had prcvious eontacc wich the eommiLLee foz which you are makiag spplieation? lf so, when, and uadei what circums[anees? N r� In en etrempt to ensure chsr eommittee represeatation reflects [he makeup of our commnni[y, plaese check the box sppliceble to you. This iaformation is strictty voluntary. [�White (Caucasisa) � Hispanic �Bleck (African-Amcricaa) Q A�ian or PaciEic Islandcr � Amaricnn Irdiaa ar Alaskan E�kimo �Mulc Female� Dauofbir[h /f-r2lo•'q6 __ Aioabled: � Yes No (� If specia] aceommodetions arc aeedad, p2ease spcciiy How fl1d you heai abous �his opening7 page 2 of 2 ,. Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please retusn to Mark Engebzetson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paui, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 03 -�Y Thc Minncsota Oovttnmcnt Data Prac[ic<s Act (Minnesoca 9tamtes Chaptcr 13) goveru5 thc C�ry's use of the inFormation contained in tSis applicatioc. Some ot[he information sought in this appiie3cion is privatc dnta undtr the Act. The requczicd informatiou wi11 6e used by thc appoinciog authority �o carry ou� che Ciry's officinl sppointmca� respon9ibili[ice. You are ootrequiced [o providc acy informatioa. However, failurc to aaswcr tEe upplitation quea[iooa may eavse �he appointing au�hority to rcject your applica�ion. ihe majority o£ items con�sined in this applicatioa ere public, inciudiug name, address, employmenc, nYills, trainicg uud experienee, and are [hcrcfo[c evailable lo anyont requcsting it. The remaining itema on 2he applicatioa tolm a7e claseified as prirate. The priva[e d3La ix svailable only co you and to o[hcr pereons in the City wbo, becausc of wock assignments, re+5onably rcquirc acccss to thc information. Name �G/Ci/� �E,�ED� Home Telept Pieaze E-mail address Planning District Councit Prefcrred mailing address Occupation �� � Placc of employment __ �A��j .S/��' ��C/( ,��// Employment address Committee(s) applied II City Council Ward_� page i of2 What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointmen[? JRN-02-2003 18�48 ' �, Personal References Name � � f Address �„'� � ERSTSIDE NEIGH DEV CO 6517717739 P.02/02 O.� ��� Telephones (o_-�il — '�7�•'f��o�� � lo�� ���'���o� , (nSt- a�0-L/7�I� Plcasc :nclude Area Codes homc work other Namc Address /��Q� � Telephoncs r�eea� Name Addre Teleplaones � -r�"/_ ��/— Pleesc ia<lude Aten Codev homc work Gi Havc you had previous contact with the committee for which you arc making nppiication? If so, when, and under what cireumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects thc makeup of our community, please chcck the box applicabie to you. This information is strictly vofuntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Blaek (Afriean-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � Amcricaa lndian or Alaskan Eskimo Disabied: � Yes � Malc Female� ��, xa� Dace of birsh If special accommodations are needed, please specify `'��/ How did you hcar about this opening? page 2 of 2 TOTRL P.02 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee :�,/��-� �/i �0 .�]