256301 ' ����k�,`
Counoil B'ile No.....................,,...
T6eundereignedherebypropoeeethemsic�n ofthefollowi
g nBPublioimtprovement by t6e City ot i98int Psul�v�s.:. - --—
, _ _ _
Open, widen and extend BURNS AS�EN� and 3�BUR'BA�4 A�ENUS by coademning
and tak�rig fo� s�reet purposes all those psrts of Lat 26, Slk. -20, Scenic
Hi.11s 1Vo. 5; Lot 2, Blk. 1, C1app-Tl�omsse� Battle �reek West; and S�, SW�,
Sec. 3�-:2�Td-t'�?.�n', iyix� wiL'hi� an $C �oot w�de s�rig o� 3�..�d, �xc�r� that ,
part taken for Rut� Street, Bt:xns A;renue, Suburban Avenue and Whi e Bear
Avenue, the centerline of s�hicn is d.escribed as foLlows: Be;inni g at the
intersectian o� a point on the ea�t line of �+lW,,�-�, Sec. 2-T28N-R2 axzd a
line 10 Peet south of and parallel t� the north line of sa:.d Sec 2; t:�ence
westerly s.lanq said parallel line, a distance of g80.8 feet; th nce
nort2�westerly a1on� a tangential curve to the rioht hav_.ng �, ra�.ius of
300 feet and a central angle oP 50°, a distance of 261.80 feet•, thence
northwester7tiy tangent to said curve, a d3stance of 190.16 fert; thence
northwestpr]_y along a tangential curve to the left having a r�.d3.us of
300 feet and a central angle of 50°, a distance of 261.SQ feet; then�e
westerly alon� a line 350 feet north of and parallel to the south line of
said Se�. �5, a distance of approximately 1055 feet to the west Li.ne of' I
SW,�-�, Sec. 2-T28N-R22W. ,
� I
Also, ouen, widen and extend the iirtersection of BURN3 AVE1l�UE and j
SUBURBA��I �;VENUE by condemning and taking fbr street purposes tha-t part
of the S�, SWi, Sec. 35-T29N-R22Trl de5cri�ed as #'ollows: Co�aencin� a.t
the Pr�l corner of Lot �, �lk. 20, Scenic Hills, PTa. 5 (bsir_� on the south
line of Sv.burban Avenue); thence westerly a1on� a line 320 �eet nort:� �
of and pa.rallel to �he south line of Sec. 35-T29:Y-?322W, a +�istance of
200.00 feet to the point of �en�inning; tnence ��flecting 5Q°36'�+�" to
the lef"t, a distance of 66.57 fee-�; then�e deflecting 100°36'�4" to the
ri;ht; thence deflectin� to the Zeft along the already described
tangential curve for I3urns Avenue havin� a radius of 340 feet a.nd a
central an�l.e of 50°, a 3ist�..�ce of 7�+.60 feet; thence deflee�ing
142°3�+'20" to the right, a distance of gb.06 feet alon� a line 320
feet riorth of and parallel �o the south line_of Sec. 35-T2gN-:R22W
(beir� the South line of Sub�arban Aver.ue) to t'r_e point of beginnin�.
__w, -- _ -- - �
4�.so, �?:en, wi,den arzd extend tl�e in�cersec�ion of �'J�3S �iL�;t,'L'E �n�.
SUBURAAN A:'E�TJL by condemninp and takin� for street purposes th�.t psrt
of the S�, SW1, Sec. 35-T29iV-R22'M� described as fol.lows: Co�mencing at
the NW aorner of Lot 1, Blk. 20, Scenic H31?s, No. 5 (bein� on tne south
line of S�aburbP� Avenue); thence westerly along a line 32J feet nort:�
of anc'. p�,rrallel to the south line of Sec.. 35-T29�I-R22;•;, a distance of
200.00 ��zt to the point of beginning; t:�ence deflecting 50°36'���" to
the lei'�, a distance of 66.57 feet; thence �ef"lecting 100°36'44" to the
ri,ht; thence deflecZin� to tne left along the alreac�y described
tangential. curve for Burrls Avenue havino a radius of 3Z�0 feet and a
central a::�l�e of 50°, a dis�ance o� 7�..h0 feAt; ttzence defleeting
1�+2°34�'20" to �he ri?ht, a distance af 96.G6 feet alon� a Iine 320
fee� nor+h of and parallel �o Uhe south line of Sec. 35-T29N-R22W � ,�
_ (being t::e South line of Sub'a.rbs�: AZ*enue) to the point ef beginring.
�' ! _ . .i